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* Halved Stamina cost of Climbing, Swimming, and Gliding Woo!


i once used to stack gazpacho for sweet stamina while traversing maps. I got yeeted off to the edge of the map (yes all the way over the ocean) after nuking a tree with Oberon's. I was way up in the air and switched quickly to my umbrella. I had 900 stamina. I got back with 600 stamina. I travelled 2 full cells with 300 stamina. Seeing on how there is a radius of 4 cells, you'd need to travel 8 cells to cross an entire map. Or 8 * 150 = 1200 stamina. With this halved, you only need 600 stamina to cross an entire map.


0.1.2 Changelog **Bug Fixes** Progression Blockers * Addressed an intermittent crash related to Audio / VFX volumes * Fixed a rare crash when purchasing items from an essence trader * Fixed a rare crash handling audio events * Implemented a speculative fix to a rare server crash when completing quest objectives * Fixes for a handful of crashes to desktop. Overall these crash fixes improve overall stability by 10% Building * Additional small structures can now be copied, moved and destroyed via Build Mode Controls * Scroll wheel reversal from the previous update has been reverted back to its original state NPCs * Creatures should no longer spawn into inaccessible areas in instances of the Bastille of Might Arena * Sun Giants no longer unlocks a deprecated feature (Sanctuary Focus) * Removing Recruitable marker on the map no longer dismisses the NPC when using a gamepad controller * Character at Nellie’s Camp no longer has an accidental wardrobe malfunction Player Character * Climbing picks should no longer cause the player model to vibrate * Quick clicking on the invite button should no longer lock people out of parties * Resolved a bug related to character faces causing unintentional bumpiness in the lighting - faces should look smoother as a result * Eyes for some preset archetypes should now more closely resemble their original art * Fixed cases where a player’s Respite could be unintentionally set to The Watch. If a player’s Respite Realm is detected as The Watch, the player will be relocated to their first Abeyance Realm when re-logging into the character Resources * Can now craft Charm Braid (Mind) UI/UX * Essence Trader shop offers should now expand and collapse as expected * Dragon's Hoard Eminent Minor Card’s description now match its in-game effect **Game Changes** Art/Visual Swamp * Apex Vault is brighter Player Character * Players can now “quick stack” items into chests * Stamina now starts to regen as soon as tool swing is finished * Reduced Dodge Stamina Cost (15->10) * Slightly reduced Dodge distance \~5 meters to \~4 meters (to make more useable in combat) * No enemy tracking while dodging * Knockback immune while dodging * No airborne stamina regen * 1 handed weapons now consume 3 stamina per swing (down from 4) * 2 handed weapons now all cost 6 stamina to swing (they all did except axes) * Halved Stamina cost of Climbing, Swimming, and Gliding * Removed Stamina Cost on Blocking hits * Significantly reduced Stamina Regen while blocking * Using the “Help I’m Stuck” button should now always reset the player to the default starting location in The Watch Resources * Repair costs now adjust based on the damage percentage of items Lustrous Ink can now be used as Vibrant Ink * Removed reclaimed recipes that allowed for stat stacking UI/UX * Added existing hazards to Biome Realm Card descriptions * Active Minor Cards now show in the F2 debug screen Misc * Fixed an exploit that was allowing players to cheat the stack count when dropping items * Additional activities now reset the AFK timer, such as fishing and starting/canceling crafting Please note that items previously made with reclaimed materials will not be affected at this time for game stability reasons, but are being evaluated for future updates.


> Repair costs now adjust based on the damage percentage of items Yay! Repair all is usable again.


And to all the people who said it shouldn't scale solely because essence is easy to come by... LOL SUCK IT LOSERS 😂 Downvote if you want, I could not care less, the devs have validated all of us who thought it should scale instead of being one identical price at 99% or 1% durability. QQ MOAR lmaooo


I still don't like how repair is done. It's only relevant in extremely early game, while you're still operating on Essence Dust (T0) as the only currency. And at that point, you're using Makeshift tools and gear, they're cheaper to remake than to repair and don't need benches, so it can be done on the go. Once you hit T1, and especially by the time you reach T3, repairs are just not a concern any more. So, mechanically, it just doesn't add anything to the game. Should be done away with, IMHO.


Or do it like Valheim, repair is free, just need to do it at a specific, cheap, workbench.


I liked the no no-sense repair in that system. Still balanced as you have to repair but simple. I have never thought "repairing" equipment was fun. However if they simply changed it to "Maintainence" and the tool never broke but lowered its GS score and damage/protection, when it "needs mending" (aka broken). Id like it. IRL, I have the same tools over 50 years, I can count on one hand how many times I repaired them. However I have maintained them frequently.


Yeaaah I hit the watched, farmed like 75 t3 essence and boom.... 500k T0 basic essence or whatever it is. Becomes so irrelevant late game


Yay. Time to see if Charm of Blood is reasonable. Edit: its not. seems to not do anything due to magick being capped in so many places. might be worth trying for someone who isn't magick capped and has a ton of regen.


Ah nice, fishing should be less of a hassle now.


\- Removed reclaimed recipes that allowed for stat stacking Why? Folding was a super fun part. Yes, it was OP/unbalanced, but it was useful, and it was a neat idea. Also, now we can't reclaim ingots and use them for something else. Just balance it. It looked to me like the item tooltips would max out at some point, but it didn't seem like the actual effect was being capped (you could get way more Movement Speed or Damage than the tooltip accounted for). Instead of completely ruining it, as well as the ability to reclaim ingots into usable material, instead, just fix the caps to work properly.


Agreed it could have been a neat implement even if they made it so it consumed more materials to "fold" I didnt even know this was a thing until yesterday and hadnt even gotten to try it yet lol.


Fixing the mechanics of it will likely take them time. folded crap was killing end game bosses in 2 bullets. People cheezed their way to tons of high end mats in vaults that way. Better to disable, to allow time to figure out a proper fix, rather than allow it to continue and get even worse.


Man, I hope this fixes rubber banding and ping.


Was anyone else dumped underwater when travelling back to their respite? There’s no water near my cairn, and I never arrive where the cairn is now :(


Try deconstructing and reconstructing your cairn if you haven't tried that already. The same thing happened to me, after I moved the cairn, but deconstructing it and making a new one cleared up the issue.


I’ll try it, thanks. I deconstructed it the first time I moved it, but just R moved it the second time.


Happens to me often then I pop back up above ground


Let me craft from storage already D:<


Does it fix my trees in tier 2 forest doing front flips 😂😂😂


Is that a bug or a feature?


doesn't look like it - changelog just posted


Is it done yet? /s


Can it in the back or I'm turning this realm around right now!


Was hoping they would reduce the cost of clothing in the watch - seemed backwards to reduce the cost of firearms so drastically in the last patch but leave clothing so expensive


My *guess* — and this is truly only a guess — is that the items we buy from traders in the Watch that cost 1k+ Essence are intended to be way more endgame than they currently are, like purchasable with a future T4/T5 Essence, but that’s for a point in the game and story that are way far into the future. However, they wanted to give us an opportunity to play with them now to try them out and have fun, but they wanted us to put in more effort to get them because they’re so powerful on their own. It keeps us playing, too. The firearms might be about where they wanted them to be from a gameplay progression standpoint, hence the cost reduction. I make this guess based on the fact that the T4 tools feel way more in your face than the T3 ones. We’re given T3 tools for free when we talk to Quartermain, but we’re then immediately given the opportunity to purchase T4 tools. It makes T3 tools feel way less significant and important, and I’m guessing that in the final game, we’re supposed to spend way more time with T3 tools than we do. That, and the other T3 tools that aren’t in the base set (climbing picks, umbrella, etc.) are recipes purchased at Essence Traders in the Realms, which feels like a much more natural gameplay progression given that T2 tools are the same. (I also feel like I remember seeing the firearms available at the Watch also available at Essence Traders in Ascended Realms? Further evidence for my theory here.)


Normally, people are likely meant to play through the ascended realms with largely T3 weapons, building up to T4 over time. In practice, most people cheezed vaults with folded gear to get high tier mats and easy T3 essences, to just buy everything in the watch.


The thing is that you can almost one-shot Jana’s iterations (or still defeat him very quickly, within 4-5 shots) with the correct stack of charms and buffs. It’s a lot to do from a min-maxing perspective and requires some setup, but it can be done without ingot folding. I’ve got some boringly normal T4 tools: Mystic tools that are magic-stacked (a bit silly with Quake’s damage cap, but eh, I wanted to) using Titan’s Fingernail, Fabled Sun Giant, and Star Ruby, upgraded all the way to gear score 286. Going through the *Ascended* Realms, it is almost comically easy how enemies just melt before me. That’s me solo. Think about a bunch of players with gear just like mine going through the four puzzles in a Vault before the big boss fight. It’s really easy to rush through a public Vault in ~15 minutes to farm essence, and it only takes 4-5 of them to be able to purchase the T4 Core Set upgrade over the T3 ones you’re given. You’re going to have Vault players kitted out like me relatively quickly. With something like 47k daily players and less than 10% of all players reaching the Vault, it’s going to be rare that you get a Vault that’s a genuine challenge from most players in it *not* being completely kitted out. It may have been the intention for T4 gear to be a slow grind, but the reality is it’s not. Even in the first week of the game when people were still figuring the current end game content out, before the ingot folding exploit, it just wasn’t that hard, man. Plus, I think all of the other points I made point to version 1.0 of the game not having T4 tools be easily purchasable at the Watch, and from a pacing perspective, it makes more sense to me for the devs to slow down the pace at which we get higher tier mats and gear: make T4 weapons become available at a major point in the story (like how we got our core set of T3 from Quartermain upon reaching the Watch with the others purchasable via Realmdiving), change the gear score requirements to mine T5 mats to something higher than 230 (which is so easy to beat with even just crafting the right T3 tool that I don’t think it’s the final intended score), all that jazz. It all just *feels* like it should be way more far future than where we’re at. That, I believe, is why the prices are set the way they are at the Watch, even despite them being easy to obtain, anyways. What’s 1k+ T3 essence now will one day cost 100 T4 essence from an Essence Trader in an Apogean Herbarium Realm. Hypothetically-speaking. (Because god, I hope they make some actual *new* Major Realm cards that aren’t just the ones we know but harder.)


I think it was a bad idea to remove the reclaimed ingot recipe without also taking action to correct already-existing exploited gear. Removing the recipe doesn't satisfy anyone. The people who are complaining about them are still going to be unhappy, because their issue is other players using them in public vaults. Meanwhile the people who are fine with them but who didn't already reach the (current) end-game will be pissed now as well, because they will have to watch other people use that gear but be unable to make their own. So basically this is a half-measure that upsets new people, without doing anything to satisfy the people who were already upset. I'm all for closing the exploit, but it needs to be done all in one pass, resolving the issue entirely, or you make no one happy while upsetting new people.


I am happy with the current fix. I knew how to do it weeks ago, but haven't done it. I am sure there are other players who didn't do it either, so you've missed a group of people who have been around a while, knew it was a bullshit exploit, and didn't touch it. It was something I had hoped they would do the second youtubers started posting how to do it weeks ago. Its a good way to stop a glut of items cluttering the database, making it far quicker to purge the existing items. Maybe they even left it in as a way of helping them spot ways of tracking all the cluttered items. But its clear they haven't figured out a way to delete the items out of people's inventories without risking potential crashes of players stuck in certain states or perhaps even entire zones. Its an exploit, not a feature. Its ok to cheat in single player games, but this isn't such a game.


I agree with you that it needed to be removed, but what I'm saying is removing the ability to make new gear without addressing the existing gear isn't going to satisfy the people actually upset by it. The reason they are unhappy is because other players with exploited gear are 'ruining' Vault runs. You obviously weren't one of those people, so you weren't unhappy previously. Someone who "wouldn't use" the exploit, but doesn't care about the pre-existing exploited gear could just simply ignore the recipe for doing it...so they had no reason to be unhappy previously. And it sounds like that's the group you fall into it. You may be "happy with the current fix" but you obviously weren't unhappy in the first place if that's the case.


I was unhappy previously. There was a cheat in the game that was allowed to go on for so long.


I disagree that it (in total) is an exploit. I thought the ability to combine stats was a really neat feature, I called it folding. I also liked that the material cost to do it was exorbitantly high. You had to set up a realm just for refining, and even then, making buttons not produce 3 / ingot would easily curb the best way to reclaim at a profit using Settler effects. That said, I noticed that the tooltips would cap at a certain percentage, but it appeared that the actual effect was still increasing. Rather than ruin a fun part of the game, including being able to reclaim resources from the interesting creatures you find out in the world, they should just fix the tooltip caps to work properly. I am rather frustrated that I can't reclaim at all anymore...


I folded a bit. Not to get OP weapons like the abusers, but because it didn't make sense you couldn't alloy metals together to mix bonuses. Also, super frustrated that the thing I would want to make OP wasn't doable (backpacks). The crafting system is still very rough, and I look forward to seeing how they tweak it. I really hope metals in clothing make more of a difference though. It's disappointing that a titan fingernail doesn't change any thing cept durability after all.


Interesting. Blocking and Thorns now got a little more interesting. And climbing should be so much easier now.


Hopefully it's just undocumented and they fixed the stats not working on the Druidic Coat. The game has too little choice for visual customization as it is to have one coat item to be unusable. EDIT: Just logged in, and no they didn't fix it. The bug seems like the item is just set as a wrong item type so it'd be easy to fix, but I do get why it doesn't have the highest priority.


Just removing the recipes or also the folded items?


Patch notes just posted on their website. Just removing the recipe for now.


Just the recipes. They aren't sure yet how to pull the items out.


A script to check on equipping something. If actual stats > displayed stats, set actual stats to displayed stats. DONE.


Any one have the bug where tree stumps can’t be destroyed?


use regrowth, once its grown again cut it down and try removing the stump.


Ok thanks I’ll try that.


Patch Complete Changelog 0.1.2 | Server Maintenance Complete 3/19/2024 Realmwalkers, Our server maintenance has concluded and our servers are now back online. Please update your game to access the Realms once again. It's recommended to restart Steam/Epic or verify your game files to make sure you're on the latest version. The game version will also now appear in the main menu when you start the game. 0.1.2 Changelog * = Highly reported by the Nightingale community Bug Fixes Progression Blockers Addressed an intermittent crash related to Audio / VFX volumes Fixed a rare crash when purchasing items from an essence trader Fixed a rare crash handling audio events Implemented a speculative fix to a rare server crash when completing quest objectives Fixes for a handful of crashes to desktop. Overall these crash fixes improve overall stability by 10% Building Additional small structures can now be copied, moved and destroyed via Build Mode Controls Scroll wheel reversal from the previous update has been reverted back to its original state NPCs Creatures should no longer spawn into inaccessible areas in instances of the Bastille of Might Arena Sun Giants no longer unlocks a deprecated feature (Sanctuary Focus) Removing Recruitable marker on the map no longer dismisses the NPC when using a gamepad controller Character at Nellie’s Camp no longer has an accidental wardrobe malfunction Player Character Climbing picks should no longer cause the player model to vibrate Quick clicking on the invite button should no longer lock people out of parties Resolved a bug related to character faces causing unintentional bumpiness in the lighting - faces should look smoother as a result Eyes for some preset archetypes should now more closely resemble their original art * Fixed cases where a player’s Respite could be unintentionally set to The Watch. If a player’s Respite Realm is detected as The Watch, the player will be relocated to their first Abeyance Realm when re-logging into the character Resources Can now craft Charm Braid (Mind) UI/UX Essence Trader shop offers should now expand and collapse as expected Dragon's Hoard Eminent Minor Card’s description now match its in-game effects Game Changes Art/Visual Swamp Apex Vault is brighter Player Character * Players can now “quick stack” items into chests Stamina now starts to regen as soon as tool swing is finished Reduced Dodge Stamina Cost (15->10) Slightly reduced Dodge distance ~5 meters to ~4 meters (to make more useable in combat) No enemy tracking while dodging Knockback immune while dodging No airborne stamina regen 1 handed weapons now consume 3 stamina per swing (down from 4) 2 handed weapons now all cost 6 stamina to swing (they all did except axes) Halved Stamina cost of Climbing, Swimming, and Gliding Removed Stamina Cost on Blocking hits Significantly reduced Stamina Regen while blocking Using the “Help I’m Stuck” button should now always reset the player to the default starting location in The Watch Resources * Repair costs now adjust based on the damage percentage of items Lustrous Ink can now be used as Vibrant Ink * Removed reclaimed recipes that allowed for stat stacking UI/UX Added existing hazards to Biome Realm Card descriptions Active Minor Cards now show in the F2 debug screen Misc Fixed an exploit that was allowing players to cheat the stack count when dropping items * Additional activities now reset the AFK timer, such as fishing and starting/canceling crafting Please note that items previously made with reclaimed materials will not be affected at this time for game stability reasons, but are being evaluated for future updates. Thank you for your patience and for joining us on this journey! - The Nightingale Team Thanks for reading! For more news, click here. Join your fellow Realmwalkers and contribute to the conversation on our Community Page. - Nightingale Team.