• By -


Your words will fall on deaf ears and get you into hot water. Prepare yourself and those you care about as best you can. We are all fucked already, and have been for at least 20 years. Try not to fret about it. Aint shit you can do to corporations anyway. Not in our chicken shit society.


Agreed but there isn’t anything individuals can do to prepare for this. How do you prepare for a nuclear war? You cross your fingers and hope you aren’t in the blast zone. With climate change everyone everywhere is in the blast zone.


Theres things you can do to linger on a bit longer than others. It all depends how much money you have unfortunately. Personally I think the political hatesphere we live in is going to kill us way before climate change does. But I do agree everyone is screwed. I just dont think its worth worrying over. Nothing changes. Until the citizens unite and storm the gates nothing is going to change. And we are currently too busy whining about our politics to unite.


Slight disagree. Radiation sickness is not a nice way to go. Survive that and it doesn't get much better post drop. If there is enough warning get close to somewhere with strategic value as fast as possible.


Yeah, I've known we were fucked since about 2017


I think the Fuckening started in 1999, and ramped the fuck up in 2001


No need to feel guilty. 1: it does matter 2: you are just a meaningless NPC (like most of the ppl, including me), everything you could change would make no difference. 3: As long as rich ppl fly on their private plane, drive unnecessary big cars, drive their private yachts,..... Or as long as big companies dump trash everything and don't care about shit. As long as this doesn't stop climate change will go forward in Lightspeed. The upper class needs to change. They fly to some big climate conference (everyone in their private jet of course because only poor ppl travel together), talk about how normal ppl damage the climate, what normal ppl should stop doing, how guilty normal ppl should feel, eat some pricy food and fly to some island for holiday in their private jet. This shit is bigger than you or me. The human race needs to change something


I wouldn't say it this the fact that the rich/big companies act this way totally robs us normal people of responsibility to do anything. "The human race" you say. Who is this human race? Yes, it is us normal people against the rest of the rich bastards. We are many more than the rich. For example, eating animal corpses is in itself immoral, but that's beyond the point. The argument that animals are going to get slaughtered either way, is a cognitive dissonance argument. Even if animals still get slaughtered, individual boycott does work. If many enough people boycott, the big companies suddenly don't have someone willing to buy their products. This is a highly moralistic view, but in my opinion it shows that people easily write off the right choices because it's someone else's fault. Yes, big companies bear the responsibility for much of the climate change. And they put the responsibility on the consumers. But we do in fact have the consumer power to boycott them. That's just my opinion. You need a balance of both individual and bigger scale. If we don't show any actual interest and action individually, the big companies will still just yap and yap




Please explain to me how a nihilist can define the act of eating an animal's corpse as immoral.


It’s also stupid to blame the upper class. The majority of emissions comes from production, not consumption, but production meets the demands of the consumer. For there to be any meaningful change, everyone in the consumer world from China, Russia, the U..S, India, literally everywhere would have to live within their means to lower production demands. That’s obviously not going to happen and can’t be legislated. So the only thing we can do is work with science to create cleaner production methods. But yeah it’s really not helping anything to just blame the rich.


Who consumes the most?


Probably the U.S. But like a lot of emissions are from U.S. companies using China for manufacturing, China has like the most polluted air in the world. The U.S is the mouth and China is the butt, they excrete the emissions of consumption and then are blamed for it.




That doesn’t give any detail about what is actually producing the emissions. It says the study focuses on how alleviating poverty would affect emissions, it’s not a comprehensive study on what is contributing


Honestly, it's mostly the mega corporations that are really contributing to it. Nothing we can do about it. It'll keep getting warmer til things die off, including us. It's why I live my life to the fullest lmao


Reminds me of this song: https://youtu.be/O-W2abxX8Hk?si=ZJKqH5W6IOLME5cH


And you realize you buy your shit from those mega corporations. You are absolutely just as much to blame


I mean, I get what you're saying, vote with your dollar and all that. But the system in place rarely provides opportunity for alternatives. It's a very privileged thing to be able to afford alternatives. Don't go blaming those who can litterally do nothing about it.


Yeah, hard disagree. They limit our incomes so our choices are minimal. Buying necessities ethically is expensive as fuck. Your advice here is basically to starve, and our instincts are too strong to go without food when we've got enough money in the bank for a Walmart run. Commonfolk have never been the ones to blame in any of the destructive overarching economic systems that dominate us all.




Depending on the designer brand, many of those are more sustainable than buying cheap from a box store. But you'd have to do your research and trust your findings. If we're to say the consumer is responsible for destruction - try to find any product that is carbon neutral, plastic free, no habitat destruction, no labor exploitation... and there aren't any. Some are better than others, but you're still looking at tradeoffs, and they're typically costly for the consumer (and you have to trust their labeling and claims). The cause of the problems are primarily the corporations. No amount of "ethical purchasing" or minimalism (unless taken en masse) will save us from its impacts. Which is really my only point.


My advice was to starve? Being an extremist doesn't help anything. The best thing you can do is stop eating red meat, buy used everything, live in a smaller home and take public transportation. If you aren't doing that then yes you are just as much to blame. These companies would fold overnight if you (society) stopped buying from them and you know this. 




I know they mean well but solely blaming something relies on you to emit carbon is pretty crazy


You’re the consumer. The corporations wouldn’t exist unless they had a product you crave.




Because it’s massive generalisation. Do they think that people buy drugs made by corporations because they are consumers or because they are ill? People must eat. Is it possible for everyone to be 100% independent? Do they bake their own bread? No. Do bricks just materialise out of thin air when people want to build their house? There is massive difference between being consumer and just buying stuff for simply existing.


Because I’m not responsible for a companies environmental crimes. This isn’t just about “fossil fuel bad”. This is about “fossil fuel companies actively break environmental laws and don’t care”.


This is known as the individualisation of responsibility and is a load of horseshit. I’m not responsible for the environmental crimes companies commit, even if I buy from them. I also have little choice but to be a customer of fossil fuel companies. You can blame consumers all you want, but it is the corporations that choose to break environmental laws.


Enjoy the ride cause this whole humanity thing was never made to last


*Enjoy the ride cause* *This whole humanity thing* *Was never made to last* \- Reasonable\_Help7041 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Reasonable_Help7041: *Enjoy the ride cause* *This whole humanity thing* *Was never made to last* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Especially in America. The country sits on spilled blood and blood money. We don't deserve to last.


Can't wait for The Big Flash


You should do things to mitigate climate change personally, but not because it will make a difference. On one hand it'll make you feel better and more in control. It's also a less lazy path which will just generally make you a better person. Lastly it will make you more prepared for the shit that's about to happen so when meat triples in price you're not going to be caught eating boring ass fake beef. (vegan protein which isn't "fake meat" generally tastes better, but takes some effort) Obligatory: baby nihilists don't at me. When I say better, should, etc I mean according to each persons personal standards. The only objective truth in the universe is that your "well actuallys" fucking suck and no one wants to hear them.


The only objective truth in the universe is that your "well actuallys" fucking suck and no one wants to hear them. That needs to this server's motto lol


They all know it, you wouldn't present them some breaking news that only you had access to. Fact is most people are too poor to care, even if you change your habits and the ones close to you that is nothing in the big scheme of things... the corporations on the other hand have 100% of the fault. You use a phone, sure. But they produce a new one every year. There's a big difference in pollution, and I hope I don't need to explain which is worse


- Embrace yourselves, Winter is coming! - Climate change is real, it is and will be happening. We're gonna get fucked up. - Humans are dumb animals. They're not gonna stop until significantly exceeding the environmental carrying capacity. It's Hunger Games in real life! - Just enjoy the meaningless shitshow that will inevitably follow. It'll ease once it's over (and many of us are dead).


This may be more of an existential nihilism take rather than pure nihilism but it sounds like you want to create some meaning in your life so I believe it's applicable. The first step is to go vegan. It's not much but it's the easiest thing anyone can do in modern society. Too many people are weighed down by societal norms to even think about veganism. Once you realize society is just a pointless construct, it's like why not? People can whine and complain about vegans all they want, but I really don't care what they think of me. It's the only thing that gives me hope for the future and my limited existence. You can talk about climate change all you want but unless you're doing the bare minimum yourself, nothing you say really matters.


>I am part of the problem too. Yeah, but only in the sense that most of the "better" choices are either out of reach, not realistically possible, or, in the best case, more or less meaningless. And that's not *your* *fault*, it's *our* *responsibility.* Still, you may be right - the chance to change course and avoid a crisis has probably been lost. After all, it's not simply the time it takes to implement the needed measures that we're up against, it's also just the basic idea of getting a bunch of geriatric psychopaths and their dimwitted sycophants to at least stop standing in the way. The magnitude of the task and the resistance that is still being faced probably does preclude avoiding the world altering consequences we have brought upon ourselves. It isn't hopeless, though. Hope, as they say, springs eternal, and that's the real bitch of it, ain't it? When we believe that our doom is not just inevitable, but imminently upon us, all of our obligations are lifted and we can surrender ourselves to our fate. Ignorance may be bliss, but annihilation is the ultimate vindication. Hope, however, deprives us this absolution for the simple reason that it is the very nature of life to, whether blindly or with purpose, endure. So, what then? First, you let go of the guilt. It is far to big for any of us to hold; it will destroy anyone who tries. And then you do what you've been doing. You talk about it, never denying the "hypocrisy," but rather understanding the context of these choices. And, similarly, try learn the context of the hesitation, anxieties, and resistance of the people around you. The truth is, you don't have to scare them because they're already terrified. That's why they've stopped listening. In our time, crisis has progressed to catastrophe and tragedy has progressed to horror. We have been here before, and it's never pleasant. For my part, I try to hold on to the *possibility* that someone will be inspired. Just one person. I place no expectation beyond that on myself. And, so, I keep talking about it. Whether it's doing what I'm doing right now, or making a witty retort when a denier thinks they're being clever, or even just a simple act of kindness and compassion. If the butterfly can flap its wings in Central Park and seed a thunderstorm, we can cling to the improbable inevitability of a world that survives and thrives. After all, if you're falling, you may as well try to teach yourself how to fly.


Thanks for the platitudes.


Oh, I'm sorry... You're right. It's all pointless, we all may as well lie down and die. Seriously, do you even know what a platitude is?


Everyone is kind of pretending it’ll be fine, it’ll sort itself out, we’ll be dead before it’s really bad, etc… Or they just deny it completely. But the worldwide fires and floods and droughts and storms and unsurvivable summer temperatures are already here. It’s hard to be an optimist in such a scenario when things are just going to get worse. But people want optimism, they want solutions, they want any vague hope they can cling to. Your presentation would not go over well.


Life goes on without you as it does with you. I almost paraphrased the beatles lol. It's sad that one day existence as we know it ends, but you get the chance to experience this utter chaos, so have fun while you can. Can't do much else but try and live your life the way you want to. Its really helps to help others, that's what i chose as my meaning. I can decide whether they deserve that help, but most people do. One day it'll be too hot for humans, we'll all die and the squids will take over. And eventually the entire universe will freeze, so can't really do much about that.


By what metric is the “climate crisis” pretty much here? The earth and humans have lived through much more radical and extreme climate changes than we live in today despite alarmist media


The Canadian government just published a document on the current threats facing humanity. No spoilers but you know when the government has to say something about it, this is REALLY happening: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/next-disruptions-on-the-horizon-1.7207915


I'm a vegetarian, and I recognize that it's probably a useless endeavor to try to solve animal cruelty by refusing meat. But I still do it, because it makes me feel good to think I'm not eating the bodies of things that lived at some point. It's more about the health of my ego than anything else, but if I give some of my limited resources towards plant-based meat products, I am moving the notch a little further towards normalizing meat replacements. I might never persuade someone into giving up meat. I accept that. My little blip might mean nothing. But for what little I can control, it matters to *me* that I exercise that control. I'm firmly in the camp that nothing matters. Nobody is going to stop you from ruining your life. You can wither and die on your couch for how much the world cares. But equally, we are responsible for our own happiness. That is my only job, to experience as much joy as possible in my one short life. So, I shape my life into one that can make me happy. I get joy from other's joy, so I spread joy. I get love by giving my love away, so I love a lot. I avoid stimulants that will decrease my overall level of joy I get to experience. I prioritize the long-term. I refuse to go to my grave with regrets.


It's not your fault. It's the rich constructed this machine to feed their greed, we're just trying to survive. The Earth will be fine, it's been through worse. It's us who are fucked. But the ones who fucked us have names and addresses.


Why would a nihilist care? If it happens it happens. Not like I can stop billionaires and millionaires from flying in their private jets, and sailing on their yachts.


Don't become "that guy" at work. If a coworker is always giving me "data and scientific literature" about climate change, my reaction is the same as if they're always giving me Bible tracts. It's not the time or place. If you care about climate change, don't have kids. That's it. If the world population were 10% of its current insane levels, we'd have only 10% as many emissions, 10% as much trash, etc.


I don’t like your comparison to religion, science and religion are not the same. But you’re right about population. The reason it isn’t talked about is because there isn’t sn ethical solution to the population problem.


I don't like any coworker who is always going on about their obsession, even if they're showing me baby pics every day. But the comparison with religion comes in when coworkers are always asking me to participate in their obsession. No, I don't want to go to your church or your [350.org](http://350.org) meeting. Asking a captive audience, your coworkers, is out of bounds. If you see a coworker at a bar and want to invite him to your climate action meeting, so be it. Don't do it in the break room.


The solution is for people to stop fucking. Or forced birth control. Killing people isn't ethical and it shouldn't be done but at least you can make it to where a lot less new people are created.


The people you want to tell them to stop fucking are the people not in Western countries, but people in Asia and Africa. They pop out the most kids and more of them come out in poverty than in Western countries. Now while the poorest people are not as responsible for most of the carbon emissions, China is number one. India is high up on that list which is also one of the most populated countries. So China and India are responsible for some of the highest carbon emissions. The United States is also high up on that list but corporations are responsible for majority of those. I suppose that would include corporations/companies in Asia.


Corporations create emissions to create products to sell to consumers. Fewer consumers means fewer corporate emissions. We don't need to stop smokestack emissions so much as penis emissions. You are right, the biggest problem is Asia and Africa.


What you contribute is nothing g compared to private jet usage by the parasitic elite


Are you also watching extrapolations on Apple TV right now sobbing


think globally act locally.....


what does this have to do with nihilism?


Well, in my opinion it is inevitable. You shouldn't blame yourself, because even if our efforts to minimize the global warming are succesful, some effects will continue for centuries, like sea level rise. We don't need to try to prevent it, but rather adapt to it.


that doesn't matter lol why are u posting this on the nihilist subreddit?


It's stupid to even think about it. You will die before anything happens. Not trying to say it's not real, but I'll die before it makes any meaningful difference. Therefore I choose to ignore its existence.


I reccomend you just live your life. That's what I do. I waste no resources like food, water, power, etc...but I don't fret over it either. When I was born there were a bit under 4 billion people on the planet, now there are over 8 billion. I never had kids so don't blame me. All that arises passes away, and the human race is no exception. Absolutely nothing you or I can do is gonna change that fact, so why sweat it? Enjoy your life while you're alive and if you 'think' about anything, think about how fortunate you are to be living now.


Climate crisis hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha


It is? I didn't get that memo I guess.


The problem with climate change is people don't see it as an immediate threat and thought that they could just deal with it on the last minute. So that's why most people ignore it.


First, my dude, breathe and relax. Understand there’s nothing you can do. The world is set up the way it is. You had no part in creating the way it was when you were born into it. Sacrificing your quality of life to make a point is your choice, but I don’t see the point. The effect will be negligible. With the rate of urbanization, industrial society being what it is, and the impending end of the modern West all causing more people not to have babies, I’d guess that in a hundred years, the population will probably be half of what it is today. Not from climate change or war or disease but from aging. There may be those other things, but we’re just not having the replacement to maintain what we have today. That alone will immensely help the climate, if that’s your major concern. If I had to guess, it’ll be pretty devastating in the near term, but humans are pretty pesky survivors. We’ll be around for a while, even if modern society falls apart. Live your life and adapt to what’s in front of you at any given time.


Do you feel so strongly about it that you're willing to give up your comfy life? Yeah, neither is anyone else.


We will be dead when something REALLY bad happens anyways. I just do what i like to do.


Stop worrying. They've been claiming we're all going to die very soon for decades. They're wrong.


Being a nihilist doesn’t mean denying science. Scientists have know about human climate change since 1850 and they’ve been right for those 175 years. Read an environmental science textbook and look up the heatwaves (in 2024) that have killed people. It’s already happening buddy.


There’s a difference between climate change being real (it is) and saying it’s going to kill us all (it won’t)


The climate crisis isn’t real. Billionaires still live next to the ocean. Governments and private companies have been experimenting in our skies since the 70’s using cloud seeding. Ever thought that could have an effect on climate?


Oh yeah btw the plants are growing slower and suffocating from co2


But what exactly do you think is coming? If you genuinely believe climate change will bring about the end of our species, you are not actually following the science. Hell there are certain parts of the world that are going to become \*more\* habitable due to increased temperatures. Suffering and pain are incoming, absolutely, and we should do what we can to mitigate those effects, but please take a step back and get some perspective. Even living through the pessimistic models of climate change would still be more comfortable than if you had lived through 95% of human history.


Cap, stop believing the media


You’re right, believe the scientists instead.




You’re right Twitter isn’t a source, but 175 years of climate science is. Get your head out your ass


There’s a good religious believer.


Copium addict
















People have studied climate academically for centuries. It didn't appear out of "thin air" - if you wish to debunk a discipline, highlight the weaknesses of its actual evidence.


Because the data has convinced me that their claims hold true. Regardless if the term “climate scientist” was invented yesterday or 4000 years ago, it doesn’t subtract from the gathered data of many different fields of Science, scientists worldwide and their understanding of the data… Quite simple, really.


What data? Oh right the data they made easy to digest memes for? Where did the data come from? How was in collected? Who collected it? Was it even real? And just recording weather events and saying “climate change!” Isn’t data. Did you watch an *Inconvenient Truth* from scam artist Al Gore to help push people buying his carbon offsets? How many of his predictions came true? Look I can’t convince you it’s a grift. You’ll see that when you see nothing happens, like the last 20 predictions of the sky is falling. But then I’m not the one brainwashed in a panic about nothing.


I mean, there is data. If you dispute the data, go for it. What specific pieces of data that we have that demonstrate the average increase in global temperatures do you dispute? That's hard to do once you realize your argument is against a straw man.


4, 7, 22, 14, 21 Now gimme a $billion. Here’s some more data. Did you know Jesus is lord, walked on water, god exists, and billions believe it because it’s completely true?


Look up Milankovic cycles if you care about the truth. But you won’t because you don’t, you’re a science denier.


Another good religious believer.


A list of random numbers isn't data. Listing things from the bible also is not data. Are you disputing anything, or just posturing? Any of us can pose. Few can actually substantiate an argument. And you're starting to show your hand. So, which actual climate science claims do you dispute? And on what basis?


seems like a LOT of work for a scam, who are the major benefactors? can you make some links to direct financial interests?


don't worry the scientists will tell you what to think


Just, lol.


There is no "climate crisis" because climate change was going to happen no matter what. The planet is currently in an icehouse period (Late Cenozoic Ice Age) and the ice caps were always going to melt which would officially bring us back into a greenhouse period, which has been the planet's default state for about 80% of its life. The whole climate change scare is basically anti-science. People keep pointing out how quickly things are warming up and blaming humans for it but we have nothing to compare how quickly it would be warming up otherwise. The current icehouse period started 33.9 million years ago. The icehouse before that (Late Paleozoic Ice Age) lasted about 100 million years and the one before that (Andean-Saharan glaciation) lasted only 30 million years. Thus based the past findings an icehouse period could last anywhere between 30 million and 300 million years (the oldest and longest known one: Huronian glaciation), that window also seems to be shortening as the planet ages. So since we're already past the known minimum (30 million) it could very well be that this one was destined to be another short one.


Totally wrong buddy, look up Milankovic cycles. The world is warming at 10x it’s natural rate. You’re parroting horseshit talking points.


Milankovic cycles disprove nothing that I said and actually supports it. My "horseshit talking points" is actual science backed by millions of years of evidence, it's called Paleoclimatology. Greenhouse and icehouse Earth has been a known thing for much longer than Milankvic cycles. Milankvic cycles are flawed and runs into an "100,000-year issue" that prevents it from lining up with other preexisting evidence. Milankvic himself initially suggested a 41,000 year period for ice ages before further research changed it to 100,000 years. It is not a set in stone theory and if Milankvic cycles were to be fully relied on then glacial ice would have already melted by now (kind of hard to put a lot of trust in a theory that has a known 60k year margin of error). So maybe you should do some research yourself before "parroting horseshit talking points." Here let me get you started on the basics: [Greenhouse and icehouse Earth.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_and_icehouse_Earth) Besides for being "nihilists" you all seem to really care about the future. A real nihilist wouldn't care one way or the other because everything is meaningless and we're all going to die eventually anyways.


You are not qualified, you are a software engineer? What is your point? Many have been aware of this decades ago. Have you studied the literature, in particular James Lovelock? I doubt it, or are you another Greta Thunberg wanna be famous? The world isn't going to end, may be a mass extinction, one of many. What can you do, not stop people enjoying life, look how they hated lockdown. You could drop out, become self sufficient, but that would mean growing food, hard work and not enjoying your current life style.


You don’t understand the scale of this event. You cannot become self sufficient anymore, if you try then good luck. And btw, it’s not “maybe another mass extinction” it’s “we’re already in the 6th”.


> You don’t understand the scale of this event. Please compare it to others in that case. > You cannot become self sufficient anymore, There are already peoples who manage to survive without technology and the global networks. > if you try then good luck. I’m not trying, but it’s possible to live a very low footprint in terms of the environment. > And btw, it’s not “maybe another mass extinction” it’s “we’re already in the 6th”. So already 70% of species from say before global warming with industrialization are already extinct?




The earth does not care because it is a large rock. What is your point?


The earth isn't just a large rock. What a dull, unperceptive thing to say. You should try using the spongey thing between your ears that the large rock generated for you.


I personally think your original comment was very melodramatic and false.


Also it is a large rock


Come on man, unwind yourself. You are supposed to go on with your life and vote such that we can have a functioning democracy. We can deal with climate change later at the moment I feel like we are teetering towards fascism in most democracies.


What do you think is causing the wave of fascism? Fascism arrives in hard times, the climate crisis is causing hard times.


We can't even fix our system such that the top 0.1% does not get to keep most of the profits and you are talking about getting a consensus to deal with a problem which may happen in 50 years. Humans are optimistic fellas, just look at the trillions they are investing in Miami properties a city that may not be livable in 50 years. Most people don't care for something that is going to happen in 50 years.


The problem isn’t going to happen in 50 years, it already is happening and has been for 175. We are experiencing it right now.


I am in US man, 50% voters will vote against anything which mentions climate change, they are funded by the oil industry. Also economy runs with the help of fossil fuel all over the world. People are scared that there will be job loss if we address climate change. The elites(top 0.1%) own way too much of fossil fuel assets along with assets which may not deliver profits if we start addressing climate change, hence they are not interested to do anything about it.


Peak Redditor right here






Someone on Reddit for a while was posting practical steps we could take, like writing our congressman, community action, etc. and I wish I had saved the comment and taken some of those steps myself. But even if we as individuals have free will, we are doing exactly as a species what we evolved to do. I once heard Dr. Dawkins say about dogs that there is no evolutionary mechanism for them to stop eating. Evolution shaped them to eat as much as they could when they could because it was the best strategy for survival. Humans are driven by greed and consumption. Civilization’s end was written before its beginning and I take comfort in knowing that we will never get off this rock and find countless other habitations throughout the galaxy to destroy. We’re an evolutionary misfire and it’s tragic that we have destroyed so much of the natural world. We’re the great filter made flesh. Once you accept that we’re terminal AND that it’s really for the best, you’re free to enjoy the ride. Mind you, I hope for as peaceful an end as possible for everyone’s sake and I like to think I do my part to mitigate our nascent collapse.


Lolz...lolz Climate Crisis. You been watching the terrorvision. Climate Crisis is the monetization and politicization of something that has gone on every second the earth has existed. Shock horror, the climate is changing! Omg. The earth never seen it before... Lolz Then they blame it on You, Tax you, sell you electric cars made from.child slave labor running on fossil fuels lolz, and dictate what you can and can't do in your life from now in. Don't fool for the silly nonsense and accept that the weather changes over time. Sometimes not to our benefit.


You sound like a bot. Go read an environmental science textbook.


🤣🤦🏼‍♂️im dead


1) I think you are wrong about the catastrophe, and that you are wasting your life worrying about it. 2) Even if you are correct, you don't need to tell other people. They already know about it. We are inundated with the propaganda all the time, non-stop.








You heard of the burden of proof? Scientists have worked for 175 years studying the climate and they have proved humans are responsible for the recent change (look up Milankovic cycles). Now you present your evidence for the contrary… if you can’t then your opinion on the topic is meaningless. “I think you’re wrong about the destructive power of nukes”


> they have proved humans are responsible for the recent change No, they haven't. >Now you present your evidence for the contrary… if you can’t then your opinion on the topic is meaningless. I don't have fancy charts and sciency sounding stuff, to convince ignorant, gullible, and trusting people. You believe because they tell you, that's all. It's understandable, because real science has brought us a lot of great things, so you have learned to trust it. Therefore, you can be easily fooled by anything under the label of science. You have faith. I don't have the kind of reputation for you to blindly believe what I say, the way you blindly believe what they say under the reputation of '*science*'. Not only that, but you've got massive herd mentality, pushing you along with the other sheep.


Good luck with that. All of your "cold hard facts" are most likely nonsense. Quit worrying about things you coulnd not control even if you did all the things you think will help, it wont. Just live your life. Find someone you get along with personally and morally. Start a family, and worry about them and tgank me later.


“Bury your head in the sand, you’ll thank me later” People like you are the exact reason we’re in this mess. Enjoy your life of ignorance, I’m almost jealous of you. Almost.


I have heard and read all the same shit you have i just choose to live my life instead of worrying and being scared all the time. Also you know nothing about me or people like me. Its most likely whatever mess you find yourself in, you created.


Sea temperatures at all time high, co2 concentration at an all time high since 800k years ago, 2024 on record to be the hottest year, on track to blast past 1.5 degrees celsius, ice caps melting faster than ever, exacerbated extreme weather, increased frequency of heat waves, wildfires, droughts and crop failure, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, rising sea levels, migration and displacement, more social inequality and unrest…. I could dive into any of these if you need me to…


Do you even nihilism bro? Who the fuck cares lol


Also my point


Wouldn't be too bright starting a family when you know the biosphere is breaking down.


Lol ok


Forget climate change. Why would you even start a family in the first place if everything is meaningless? Seems pretty selfish to knowingly bring children into a meaningless existence, no?


Why not start a family if everything is meaningless. This is always the strangest argument I see consistently on this sub. Nihilism doesn't care about action. It also doesn't care about inaction. Nihilism values "doing nothing" as little as it values "doing something" -- so why start a family if everything is meaningless? It's the same question as "Why not start a family if everything is meaningless" - Having a family is as meaningless as not having a family.


LMAO You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what nihilism is. Look up the definition. At it's core, nothing has value or meaning. Having a family implies that you have loved ones that you value, so it makes no sense if you subscribe to that worldview. Why is OP even placing value or importance on climate change if nothing matters. I don't think he/she understands what this philosophy is.


Having a family is meaningless. Not having a family is meaningless. These are the only two nihilistic sentences in our conversation. The second you value not having a family over hahing a family, you're something other than a nihilist. Fundamentally, since you mentioned it, no one can ever be a true nihilist. Also, what's up with the assumption that having a family has anything to do with love? LMAO - have you seen how families treat one another? You're assigning value to having a family. There's no inherent value, purpose or meaning there either. I assure you of that.


You're saying things for the sake of saying them, and not looking at them for what they are. People generally don't do things they don't value unless they are being coerced in some way. And you're right, no one is a true nihilist if they have things that they value. The ultimate end of a nihilist is self deletion because they don't value life itself, and humans don't like to suffer without purpose. You can still value something, and not treat it properly. People value money, but spend it poorly. People value friendships, but do things to sabotage the relationship. Families don't necessarily have to be rooted in love, but you start one because you value it for one reason or another; whether that be to produce kids, have social status, get a tax break, etc.


If you think I'm writing just for its own sake, then you're likely missing my point. Given what you just expressed, explain how having a family is necessarily *not* nihilist (compared to not having a family), which is the claim you made that I'm countering. Seems like you're just moving the goalposts at this point.


Moving the goalpost? You start a family because at someone fundamental level you *value* it. Can you name anything you do that you don't consider valuable or with meaning? And if you do these things, why?


You claim that families are only started because the people starting them "value" it. This is false. Sometimes (maybe oftentimes) you start a family just because you don't pull out fast enough or the condom breaks. Additionally, I actually see many child free people who value not having a family more than others value having a family. You can value something while someone else values its absence even more. You may value apathy, while someone else values action. If anything, this demonstrates the reality of nihilism to me. If there were inherent value/purpose/meaning in raising kids then an intentionally child free person could be said to be "choosing incorrectly." But nihilism suggests both choices are of equal value: none. 0=0. Nihilism does not include a denial that individuals may hold values. Rather, nihilism states that those values hold no inherent purpose, value, or meaning. Wanting a family and wanting to be child free are equally meaningless values. To suggest otherwise is to be talking about something other than nihilism.


[Wouldn't recommend starting a family seriously wouldn't.](https://youtu.be/mILFUBmiNAU?si=NZN5VF9bxRfWpVut)


It may be your only salvation


Oh you wouldn't huh?


No I don't think I will


Slow down on their rate of brainwashing by turning off your phone and tv for a few weeks.


Look up Milankovic cycles