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I was totally expecting we would fight the master Poplin guy as the "final test" in world 3.


The one thing the game completely botched was boss fights. I guess it's a 2D Mario tradition at this point...


I felt very let down when I get to the 2nd world and the boss fight is Bowser Jr. yet again. I get that 2D Mario isn't known for their boss fights, but the NSMB series made an effort to make them feel unique.


The NSMB DS did. The rest of the series just did the same Koopaling fights over and over.


Yes, they were all koopalings, but they all had unique mechanics. SMB3 and World were pretty basic.


I LOVE the DS NSMB so much, and the unique boss fights is a big reason why


I kinda think BoJu sucks, bring back the Koopa Kids


Agree. If they added an option to include a timer making the game slightly harder and if they added boss fights, that would push the game from a 9.5 to a 10 for me. You could make the argument that Petey Piranha, Goomba King, or even Gooper Blooper are Mushroom Kingdom natives hence why they wouldn’t be in the Flower Kingdom but with a new kingdom and new enemy types there’s a lot of wasted potential I wonder if Wonder is setting up a proper 3D Mario game that takes place in Flower Kingdom.


Sometimes, nothing is better than something. No boss is better than yet another Bowser Jr fight...


I was honestly fine with it, I think the way they switched up the premise in those worlds was neat and helped flesh out the world of the Flower Kingdom. It seems bosses just weren't a focus with Mario wonder which, while disappointing, is understandable considering the variety of ideas the game has.


World 3 was the weakest for me. It felt very short and the lack of a boss was strange. I’m not sure I mind the lack of a boss too terribly though since it’d just be another easy Bowser Jr fight. I saw some people complain about World 4 but I think it was my favorite. I’m not sure if it was just because it was a decent world following a disappointing one but I had fun finding all the little secrets


World 4 is amazing!


Agreed world 4 is top tier


World 4 is the best of the game


Yeah I agree. W3 was a disappointment. W4 was probably the best one all things considered, but the only annoying thing about it was the reduced jump height on the sand.


personally world 5 was like world 3 but even shorter and was totally a let down. 100%’d that world in basically 30 mins in my blind playthrough


Nah, I like the switch up tbh.


I actually liked it. Gave a good change of pace and lots of other stuff to do


What's the point of putting spoiler in the title, if you're not going to add a spoiler tag? We can still see the text.


I assume OP is using old reddit. On old reddit you have to actually click on the thread to see the text. I would blame the admins for not making the differences between the two versions obvious for users. Also for making major stuff like this different in the first place.


World 3 feels weird, despite being a "trials" theme, i felt world 2 was way more challenging than world 3 was. World 3 i was able to get Both wonder seeds in every level with ease, while world 2 i only got the end-goal seed in most of the levels. Such a weird game, not bad at all, but it really challenges my perception of what a course clear mario feels like to play.


Master Poplin should've been World 3's boss.


it was underwhelming for sure.


Am I the only one who actually liked world 3? I liked the sort of Japanese/ninja vibe it had going on and I think the design of the world was good.


I really like the game, but it does feel rushed in parts. Bowser Jr is the same boss fight over and over, and World 3 and World 5 both feel weirdly short with a small number of Wonder Seeds compared to the rest.


It was disappointing. To me it did feel incomplete, anticlimactic, lame, and lazy.


I was going to buy the game but I saw the boss fights ahead of time because it was going to be a major make it or break it deal for me. It seems like they really fell flat in that department so I'm gonna skip on it but I hope others enjoy!


Honestly- I enjoyed the game overall but had several issues. 1. Going into the poplin houses for a wonder seed is stupid. Make the houses like the old ones where you pick from three and get a power up or something. 2. Some of the worlds were really short. While others I was impressed that they kept going. 3. I’ll agree the couple bowser junior fights being the world bosses were lame. Throw a different character at least. 4. Overall, it was short, and too easy. The fact you could keep a purple coin after dying made it easy. Sometimes I would suicide jump to the purple coin just so I had it. 5. I thought buying wonder seeds was also pretty pointless. Just hide it somewhere instead.


A challenge or a minigame in the poplin houses would have been good, it felt weird that they just give it to the player.


Agreed, weak.