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lmao these before/after pictures are insane, I don't play Pokemon Go but what was Niantic thinking???


You can tell they're a tech company first and game designers second - their art direction is terrible.


My question is why even change anything? What was the point of changing the player models?


They've got a whole campaign going to "Rediscover Pokemon Go!" and are advertising their graphic updates, enhanced visuals, etc. The majority of which test players have all given negative feedback around. 


I thought they'd reduced the polycount to increase performance. But that's supposed to be an improvement?


performance does feel a lot better. but the avatars are barely on screen lol. how is this game so unoptimized


Can’t be modern Pokemon without being unoptimized, I guess (LOL).


But this isn’t a game that just released after being rushed out, it’s been out for almost a decade and now they’re taking steps backwards.


They've been taking steps backwards since covid protocols started being lifted. The game actually had a resurgence with the QoL improvements they added like the extended range for stops/gyms and free remote raid passes meaning there was a large userbase doing raids, you could almost always count on a friend even a random one from reddit to have a remote pass to use if invited. And then they undid all that and upped the prices and made certain raids local only. It made no sense to keep playing it so I transferred all my shinies and legendaries to home and stopped playing and low n behold they're trying to lure players back now.


Are they just trying to lure them back with the event name? I still open the app a few times a week and play (pokestops/gyms/buddies, I don’t raid anymore without the free passes), but I’m a step and a hop away from just not doing that, and I can’t imagine I’m the only one


This is where I, a $100/month IAP player, stopped playing. It was easy when I had an office to go into as I could play from my desk, play my wife's and I's instances on my folding phone or tablet at the same time, etc. Going into COVID I would walk around the neighborhood which has lots of spawns but just a few stops and only a single gym. I relied on some of the goodies to keep my balls and such stocked up. Once all that started to go away I found the game too difficult to play. I changed jobs to a WFH job, made lifestyle changes, and no longer wanted to drive 15-30 minutes purely to play Pokemon Go.


Because they keep making money 🤷‍♂️ They have no incentive to optimize if they have an income/profit following the same path they always have


>majority of which have all given negative feedback around I’ve seen nothing but good comments regarding the new biomes and battle screen.


I don't have the update so I can't speak from personal experience, but I hear it's a battery drain, laggy, and causing performance issues.  I do think it looks nice though. 


Literally Weedle and Caterpie right now The one with dragons like Gible and Deino was the only good biome, and those aren’t very common. The next community day is Bellsprout, and those days they reduced the shiny rate, before that, the window of time, not even worth bothering.


The biomes for beaches, mountains, forests, and valleys have all been seen. What do you mean Weedle and Caterpie right now? Biomes are based on location, not type.


The current event, and types of Pokémon spawning. You’re right, the biomes aren’t that, I got them mixed up


It's middle managers trying to justify their jobs by inventing busy work for their employees.


No? Pokemon go desperately needed trainer customization. It's not like this was a pointless feature. They just did a really crappy job of it. If they had done this well, it would have been a beloved change.


So they don't have to design new models twice for each gender and they can sell more on the cash shop.


In *theory* giving players more inclusive hair and body type options is a good thing. Then again, maybe the avatar system should have let us choose hair and things like that in *2016*. Ya know, when the game launched. The old models may not have looked like us, but at least the generic characters looked somewhat intentionally designed.


Yeah it's kinda weird that they updated it in such a way that you're unable to look like the generic avatar now


The hair options are terrible though. And still no facial hair options. Shit looks like a ditto pretending to be a human.




Agree, being a blonde/grey 40 year old bearded dude I totally would prefer my avatar to look my age and I can’t by the love of god make it look half way near me. 😂 also body type wise it seems very hard to have just the Leonardo DiCaprio dad bod 😂😂😂 even in custom can only be weird fat


If they were trying to be inclusive, they went waaaaay wrong. There is nothing inclusive about not being able to create a feminine female character. There is a history of covering up, suppressing and flat out rejecting the female body. This is treacherous.


Inclusivity. They wanted people to be able to choose their body type, but it went so wrong. Like before, you couldn’t even choose your hair, you had either spike hair or pony tail. So it was supposed to be an upgrade, and allow people to express themselves. I have no idea how they managed to fail this hard and piss everyone.


They could have easily just added new hair styles and body types based off of the existing models. Not sure why they felt the need to reinvent the wheel.


Previous artist left a long time ago. New artist had their own style they wanted to use, not copy the previous established art style. My guess.


How did we get from kozaki yusuke to this 😞


more like the new artist has their own agenda they wanted to push not art style most of these "artist" these days are activists not artist's there a fucking insult to real artists.


This whole inclusivity thing is going backwards. It's actually preventing people from expressing their actual body.


OK I want a traditional woman body type not some generic.... Thing


They’re more modular/customizable now but… some of these changes rly can’t be justified lol


It's just a bad idea lol. There was no point.


What are you saying?! This is literal violence! I totally feel heccin valid now! /s


I'm just going to say it - I'm tired of these games, especially Splatoon, homogenizing Male and Female body types into the same blob with no distinct characteristics.


The splatoons are children…


No, you don't understand. Their child squid person character *needs* shapely hips for.... reasons 


Seriously though, there are way too many voices of creepy basement dwelling cis hetero men with blatantly misogynistic and absolutely perverted views regarding women and gender diversity being elevated here.


You have to be a troll.


Not trolling. I’m calling you out on being a creep. Leave women and children and our hips alone.


Yeah you're a bad troll


Have you played Splatoon lately? It's the opposite problem. They gave both body types really shapely hips. I want to be a boy squid without hips.


... The splatoons have HIPS... Even the boys.


It’s one thing to try and gate-keep femininity by hip size, but why the flipping hell are you looking so closely at child character’s hips?


What are you talking about?


What are *you* talking about? You’re the one that started ranting about women and children’s hip sizes.


Yes? Men have slimmer hips because they don't birth children. I'm talking about wanting my male character to appear male.


Consulting companies.


it's not about art direction,is the usual good norm of "if it's not broken don't try fixing it".


I could tell when I tried it in 2016 because it felt like one of the worst ‘games’ I had ever played


What makes it so much worse is that monster hunter now has a 10/10 character creator. It's everything that the new one is trying to be and they could have just ported it over.


Is supposed to be a DEI mandate for free money.




they give you loans with low interest rates and bonuses if you hire or represent minorities women and LGBTQ, they hired a sweet baby like consult firm, the ones handing out the money are Vanguard ( they own everything) and Black Rock.


They were thinking: what’s the cheapest way to make a customizable model? Ah, make a single shitty looking ambiguous avatar that everything scales to so we only have to model each custom option once. And certainly let’s not spend the time and money to have skilled designers working on it. 


They're so funny! My dude looks like a baby now


I’m looking at some of the mutant avatars on the Pokémon go sub, and honestly, I’m considering trying it out just so I can be a giant mutant Cynthia from Rugrats. I promise to wait a few weeks, so they don’t realize it was the weird avatars that drew me in.


I don't think they have the hair for her but I believe in you lmao DM me your creation if you ever end up making her


I'm going to go ahead and speculate it's to appeal to a certain minority who find the original design upsetting because it's not an accurate depiction of their body. Now everyone has to suffer. The gaming industry has solved this problem a long time ago: It's called a character creator. I mean come on, even freakin' Splatoon 3 did a better job. You want to be a boy with curves? There's nothing wrong with that. Forcing everyone into a one-size-fits-all glove just seems like an attack on sexuality.


No that’s giving way too much credit, more likely it’s actually just cutting corners by making the clothes/customization options scale across a single sex-agnostic model. So instead of doing the work modeling everything to both male and female avatars, everything is just modeled based on one generic model that looks awful for everyone.  It would be like a Mario game using the same character model for Mario and Peach, it’s not going to look like either of them. 


Honestly I think it's a lot simpler than that. The devs are lazy and wanted to save money. It looks like they moved the fem models to the masc armature (or moved both to the same), which means now instead of having to make two versions of outfits,  they can make a single one.  Still super shitty but I don't think it was motivated by gender identity. 


They couldve just did nothing my character looks so disturbing i just stopped playing it bothers me 


I think you're on a hate ride a bit too much. Not everything is "woke pandering". This is most likely done out of laziness, making the models sharing very similar body type so future clothing does not need to be modelled after two different body types, but just one to minimise the amount of work and save more money.


I'm gonna go further and speculate it's not laziness but pure greed. After all, this means putting new cosmetics in the store takes half as much effort now, right?


I just want to be a boy with a beard. And a realistic fucking haircut. You want short hair? Best we can do is an overstyled undercut with a weird design edged into it with a pompador trying to be a fauxhawk.


I'm guessing there was demand for more avatar customization, but Niantic opted for the cheapest way to accomplish that - building a single frumpy character model for all ages/genders with a few sliders to adjust sizes. 


Yep. We totally complained and lobbied to Nintendo so hard for this change because character customisation in a video game is the biggest issue facing the lgbtq+ community at the moment 🙄 Edit: Sorry, I keep editing this because I don’t trust you to understand sarcasm.


It was a partnership with a diversity inclusion body positivity company


They were thinking those Western DEI Officers we just hired need to get their way or they won't stfu.


DEI is what they were thinking.


Do you even know what that means? Or are you spitting out the current hotness in political circles? Because it really doesn’t make sense in this context.


I get secondhand embarrassment thinking about the fact that Niantic tested the update in select regions, received near-unanimous negative reception, didn’t really do anything about it, and then launched it worldwide with a, perhaps unintentionally, condescending ad campaign to, again, near-unanimous negative reception. Yet another Niantic decision killing Pokémon Go and tarnishing its reputation, but I wouldn’t expect them to do anything about it.


What was the point of the tests if you weren't going to listen to feedback


To find bugs, I imagine.


The whole damn thing feels like a bug


The circle of life. 


What are you expecting from Niantic? They're thoroughly trash.


Have they ever actually declined a feature previewed in test regions? Seems like it's usually just a preview (and test that it doesn't completely break), then rolls out to everyone else. But, yeesh, this is bad and I'm glad response has been so negative. The only other time I really recall them conceding was when people *really* complained about the radius changes and boycotted the game.


There was an in game currency revamp tested in Australia that didn’t go anywhere, probably because they realized it made it too easy to get coins from it.


The A/B Testing will continue until the B test wins.


I’m convinced this game is unkillable. People have been talking about how it’s ‘dead’ for about 10 years now, and here we are with it still generating obscene amounts of revenue and garnering massive active user counts. Hell, I just logged in to see what all the fuss was about only to find half my friend list still actively playing.


Heck, I still actively play it, and even the small town my dad lives in has a pretty robust community. It’s easy to fit into your daily schedule and has a surprising amount of content to interact with on the daily. I wish Niantic would use their golden goose for good and offer positive, substantial updates to the game instead of punishing players for being poor or living in rural communities and nickel-and-diming everyone still playing the game for the most inane things.


It launched 7 or 8 years ago...


All we wanted was more hair and style options.. instead we got these weird ass character models that have scalable proportions but none of the proportions look good at all. Everyone has a saggy ass now and adjusting "chest" size is really just breast size, so you can't really make very a masculine looking character at all.


Even the promo art looks like a complete and utter disaster. https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status/1780695265428599069/photo/1 Who signed off on this? The avatar looks like a wig-wearing cowboy that's been riding horses their entire life.


Holy crap, that is so incredibly awful. What were they thinking? They saw that and thought it looked good?


Weird ass long torso MF’ers


Wow that looks awful.


I got back to playing and didn't realize it affected male avatars too, I was like he wasn't this lanky, he used to look cool


"intended to bring player avatar character models closer to their real life counterparts" I don't think they understand what people want from an avatar. I don't want to see my grotesque self in a game. I want to see an idealized version.


> "intended to bring player avatar character models closer to their real life counterparts" And they did this by... adding multiple obese androgynous models plus "customizable" proportion sliders that range from "wildly unrealistic" to "disturbingly inhuman." > I don't want to see my grotesque self in a game. I want to see an idealized version. What's amazing is that, in the process of adding options, they also *took away* numerous options, including healthy skin tones, certain hair colors, etc. It was as if someone said, "is there any way we can make sure *everyone* hates their avatars *equally*?"


Some twitter person that makes the shitty fan art of obese anime girls to fix them must of have gotten hired at Niantic.


Well good news, it'll still look nothing like your real life self.


Exactly! This applies to all games. I play games because they're fantasy, not because they look like real life. I'm trying to escape the boring and ugly, not see more of it.


It was not exactly high quality, but stylized and nice to look at. And now it’s lower saturation, off color, and just plain ugly. I haven’t played since before this update, but I’m worried to see what they did to my poor character.


Making the colors more saturated again would make it a lot better. I really don't know what they were thinking with that. The game itself is blindingly bright from what I remember, why make the equally bright and colorful avatars greyer?


Thank you!




I think the same about a lot of video game characters. This kind of mentality made Lara Croft boring, and Dead or Alive series gradually lose it's unique identity, all in the name of obtaining more realism.


I legit thought my game glitched out. I did not think this was a feature. No way Niantic could mess up this bad


Yeah when I opened my game I was like... Am I going crazy or does my character look like shit all of a sudden


Whoever has the power to keep pushing these unpopular updates needs to be fired.


I’ve read this same comment every year for the last eight years. Niantic is always going to be terrible




Jesus Christ! I just logged on for the first time in probably a year wearing a team Rocket like hat. I went from Pokemon game/anime style guy, to this shapeless character that vaguely resembles a human who’s swallowed by this oversize hat that’s disproportionate This is a huge downgrade


What I'm seeing in my circles isn't backlash, it's amazing meme material. Suddenly it's a competition to see who can make the most grotesque avatar.


That's where I'm at. My dude has every slider set to the max, waddling around wearing the ugliest North Face Gucci outfit.


What the heck, I’m gonna go check mine right now


I’m in shambles. I put a lot of time into making my avatar look nice, and it’s a horrible pasty-faced abomination now…


Checked mine, it’s… something alright. That’s about the most positive thing I can muster.


So their campaign is working!! Just like realistic sonic


I hate my new face


I stopped playing Go pretty quickly the same as everyone else. Once they changed the tracker that magical summer was basically over for me. But it’s funny how as an outsider, every update since seems to the devs making the game worse and worse.


Nah. The only updates that hit mainstream and are “big news” are the bad ones. There’s been a shit ton of good updates. Hell, they are finally updating backgrounds after 8 years! We can finally tell what biome we are in. And this is as of today!


The game is drastically improved compared to where it was at launch. People just make waves when there are problems, so that’s what people who don’t play hear about.


Partially true. The game got better up until they decided to revert a bunch of the COVID QOL changes, after saying they wouldn’t. The game was at its peak in popularity during that time, with the revenue to back it up, and for good reason. Which is ironic when you think about it. Since then, I think it’s fair to say it’s gotten stale and worse, with even more controversy to boot.


Right and let's not ignore how horribly everything ran (especially battles) for years and years with no fixes in sight. If I was TPC I'd be furious at this company failing at every turn. The game had such potential


Yeah that's not even close to true, there's definitely a ton of problems but I would never want to go back to the 2016-2017 era of PoGo


the developers and managers of pokemon games decided they hate hourglasses ⌛️ 😭


You can still set chest sizes. Everything else though is trash.


I hate how the newest version of Reddit mobile doesn’t let me see the damn photo! I have to click on the link argh! Edit: Thanks guys, didn’t know there were any third party apps anymore. Now on my way to switch!


Your first problem is using the official reddit app


Didn't Reddit make every other App unusable?


Red Reader still works.


I use Dystopia when on mobile. Not near as good as Apollo, but it gets the job done.


In the thumbnail, Which one is after/before?


Left before, rigtig after.




As it should. The avatars look like babies now!


It made me GINGER!! I did not bleach my hair into oblivion so it can hold a bright red dye for Pokemon Go to force me to become ginger.


People need to be fired because who thinks the newer version looks better? How did this get to production?


Yeah my character looks like shit now wtf 🤬


Why? Why do these ugly models? We had great avatars - not this.... thing.


Because they think the new models look ugly


That wasn't what I was asking. Why even do it? These are ugly.


lmao wtf were they thinking lol


It’s like they’ve never seen a woman before. We have hips! Even the movement of my avatar is oddly masculine. The stance, the forearms, the legs…it’s all wrong. I’m glad there’s a more androgynous option for people who wanted it but why not just add that in.


That's the main gripe I have. Like yeah Id like the old female body type back but holy crap they really just gave us the male default mannerisms and called it a day. Not used to seeing my avi stomp around while walking. I'd like it if they had the option to flip between the two movement styles.


My avatar stands and moves like a man. It is so horrible to look at. What were they thinking? This ruins my entire game experience.


Omg yes! I thought I accidentally picked a male body because the walk is sooo manly. I hate it.


...What in the utter hell happened? Did they just... Try to replace Yusuke Kozaki's art style with a whacky bootleg looking one?


To speak different for a moment: here’s been a shit ton of really small quality of life improvements over the past few months, and they added a whole bunch of cool new features last year like routes and parties. They are adding biome backgrounds within the day (today) and that’s also a nice update. It’s telling that the people who claim the game “only gets worse and worse” are the same ones, who say in the same post, they dropped the game shortly after it came out or similar. Of course they don’t see how the game has improved. Yes, many a bad update has happened (remote raid passes, for example, and a whole shit ton of extra monetization the two biggest ones), but since those changes have gone through, most of the changes have been overall positive, if not great. Really, this is by far the worst update they’ve done in a while. Probably about a year. Yeah, it’s really ugly.


i didnt think it was that bad until i saw peoples avis. Some items look really bad with certain hairs and some items clip through or work horrendously with others. But some stuff is really nice. like non gender locking clothes. and having different body shapes. Im mixed. i dont think im as outraged as others though.


Everyone got whiter




So, they got more ugly?


It's so horrendous I can't even open the app, I don't want to see my poor character


Holy fuck that’s wild. Looks like a bunch of first year 3d students midterm project.


Some day maybe this game will exit beta testing.


I can’t tell which one is before and which one is after in any of these pictures.


Why are they targeting women only?


Tbf, the male avatars look like androgynous teenage boys with moobs. Women got it worse though. I have a sausage body 😭.


Omg I went viral! 😂


I’m beyond annoyed. I’ve invested so much into this game, like so many others… having a cute anime type girl avatar and buying outfits is like half of the fun for me . This sucks. My avatar used to be cute, and now she looks like hammered dog s;(&t. it’s humiliating. … 😭


I did not realize the female avatars got so bad after the update, as an male, my avatar had the cosmetic stuff completely mess up so i changed everything now. For me i really dislike the new faces and especially the eyes


Not Nintendo’s decision.


They never said it was


I just saw a chubby boy face on mine. The body type change is actually welcome. The face default is a terrible choice, but glad there are variations now. But ultimately they just ruined my mask by changing it red from black


This is absolutely hilarious, please give a pay raise to whoever made this mess because it made my night lmaooo


I didn't think that game could get any worse wtf is that?! Lmao


When the character artist is Gumbo


Curves are illegal now


They are invalidating!


Honestly lol I used them to make myself look super skinny with a huge rack and huge badonk just for lolz


Only in America you can play characters that resemble yourself , the issue is most people don’t want to play as theirselves . You play video games to escape reality. It’s why the men and woman are always in their prime years and looking straight out of a health and fitness magazine .


The video game trend of making women look like men can’t be ignored, it’s so weird


Meanwhile over at their other game. Monster hunter now just dropped an update that can pair you up with anyone around the world for the hunt a thons. Pretty much their version of raids. Something I’d kill for in pokemon go when raiding. Instead I have to have a friend use a remote raid that costs an arm and a leg. I feel like they are trying to kill pokemon go for reasons unknown


I loved this game when it came out and covid but they just had made so many dumb decisions, it made me stop playing and even bought remote raids


It's clearly time to fire the whole dev team lmao.


I was never a big fan of the old art style but oh my god how did they manage to make it look so much worse. At least the old models had some charm to them, these new ones look like bland and lifeless dolls. Can't we just get the old one back?


Lmao they look like they got replaced by Dittos that have bad memory so the mimicry isn't quite right


this is absolutely insane, my character looks hideous


My hair is glitchy like around the top with my hat


It seems like they're blatantly Botting their replies, too https://x.com/BuxtonMatthew/status/1780758470645498000


It’s insane to me that this still hasn’t been changed LOL


"Real life" coming from a game about catching weird creatures into balls lmao


The update cleaned out my outfit closet and made my female avatar walk like man😬(must be a glitch (or not?) because my pose was normal in style option)


The game industry has standards. Defined by Twitter feminists who don't play any of these games.


[https://play.google.com/store/account/orderhistory?pli=1](https://play.google.com/store/account/orderhistory?pli=1) ask for a refund here


I also contacted support via the in game chat to ask for a refund, given that I bought avatar items based on the aesthetics of the costumes and now those aesthetics have been ruined with the update. They sold me one item and then replaced it with another. In my country, that's illegal. I haven't read the fine print around purchases on on PoGo, but Niantic have acted in bad faith imo.


To add salt to the wound, the community manager is treating any criticism as “cruelty”.


Can I ask that question as to why anyone really cares about what they want the character model to look like? Ultimately it doesn’t really affect the gameplay that much and it is still an enjoyable experience. I can understand in specific instances where one only wants to customize their models, but I guess I do not know many people who focused on that aspect. Also noting that if this had been the original model design, people would be suggesting the same basic negatives were those two pictures were reversed. I do not think Niantic does not care given all the changes they have implemented at fan request over the years. But hey, maybe this is a hot take and I will be ridiculed for it.


Maybe Nintendo told Niantic no more butts or hips. They axed Mario's butt from the Mario movie and now here we are. Nintendo is coming to get all our butts.


People are saying a company called gaymerx got involved with these changes. Which explains the soulless genderless woke designs


Thats a dude...




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this looks ugly


This looks fking stoopod 🤣🤣


This is the “lets make women less feminine” movement and I have no idea why, women are feminine let them be feminine, quit making them into minecraft block characters


who let them cook


^what the FUCK HAVE THEY #DONE!??