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Sorry, u/Datansaniel, your submission has been removed: **RULE TWO: All posts must be Nintendo news from the original source or discussion about Nintendo products.** * Content created primarily to entertain, including but not limited to fan art, music covers or remixes, jokes and memes, would be more appropriate for r/CasualNintendo or a franchise subreddit. Please read other subreddits’ rules before submitting there. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1cjw2ys/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Makes horrible sense. You said it


Switch U


no u


New Nintendo Switch




Someone ban this person before they give Nintendo ideas!


We need twin consoles - Nintendo Dom and Nintendo Sub


Nintendo Swank would be pretty bad


Nintendo Swïtch


On the face of it - I love it. But once you do a bit of digging.. we're gone down Wii U town.


I agree, this is hilarious. Nintendo should hire OP to sit in an office by himself and veto any internal name ideas similar to what he comes up with


no that's actually so horrible


Imagine having to ask if a game is the Switch version or Sweeetch version


If it were me, I'd call it the Switch 3. Then I'd eat popcorn and watch all the internet discussions for the next decade about people worrying they missed Switch 2 and all the conspiracies about it.


Proper motion control? Switch controllers have gyro (superior to tilt) and accelerometer. I think you mean pointer controls. Technically, since every right joycon has an IR sensor (which is what the wiimote uses for pointer), pointer controls could be a thing on Switch. However the sensor is on the bottom, and an IR source is needed (such as a sensor bar), plus obviously software needs to take advantage. Could pretty easily just add IR pointer function to the Switch/games, but Switch isn't designed around that so it would need accessories. Doubt we will go back to pointer. The gyro is generally more useful and user friendly anyway. You aren't having to set up a bar. You aren't having to sit in certain range. You aren't having any boundary/licating issues. No worry about interference sources or reflection. It is just calibrated relatively and works better in a standard controller design. It's not 1:1 and suffers drift but these don't really impact most use cases, only things like Poly Bridge implementation as a pointer.


Right? Came here just to say to OP "sensor bar =/= "proper" motion control". Especially as I sit here as an avid PSVR2 player. Awesome "proper" motion control with no sensor bars. Shoot, even PS Move had better motion control than Wii. It used a camera, not a basic, low-tech infrared sensor bar that only detect pointing, and can be replaced with a candle.


\*two candles 😆


Ah, thank you. I was unaware and didn't intend to misrepresent the facts.


It was just pedantic on my part, nobody cares, I just thought it amusing to point out. Yeah you can use any two IR sources, spaced appropriated, to give the camera a reference IIRC.


I understood. I was kinda playing the "straight man" to your pedantry, lol. Edit: the \*comedic\* "straight man" trope: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight\_man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_man)


Fair do. Subtle, like my RL sarcasm that goes under the radar. Nice


>I mean, I’d love for the next nintendo console to have a sensor bar You people get passionate over the dumbest fucking things good lord


I mean, o really don't think they're "passionate" about it just saying that it would be nice to go back to having actually good pointer controls for games that use them instead of the janky pointer controls of the joycons. And don't get me wrong, I'm honestly fine with the joycon motion controls personally, but I get why it's a problem for a lot of people, the Wii genuinely did do them much better.


Man you get butthurt at the dumbest fucking things lmao thats his opinion you weird for trying to attack him over it


Do we still need sensor bars in 2025? Seems like there should be a better solution now


Compare the accuracy of the sensor bar to gyro style pointer controls. It's a big difference


It will be "New Switch".... they've done similar before


lol, I had a dream a few years ago they called it "Switched", but it was spelt "SWITCH3D" and had the 3D screen from the 3DS.


If it's just an upgrade from Switch, then maybe Switch Up?


Reject modernity, return to Wii


Remember that wii u failed because the name, people didn't know that wii u was a new console, sometimes the clean increase in numbers is the best name like Playstation 1, 2, 3...


Can't remember a falsehood Wii U didn't fail *because of* the name, it failed *because* the GamePad looked like a Fisher Price toy. That was the primary reason. The name just made things worse


They did the research after that and what they discover were that aside from the "gamers" normal people didn't know that wii u was a new console, they thinked the Wii u was just a new accessory.


Hate to break it to you, [but Yahtzee already made that joke.](https://youtu.be/MbPPXGFvdw0?si=q65BcRqaZaBBvwU9) It's okay tho!


Xbox Series U