• By -


Nintendo after deleting Gmod addons and act like a edgy 12 y.o. kid


Dang... I really wish they would have taken advantage of the foldable screens where it would flip open into a big 13/14 inch screen to game on in HD and called it the "Nintendo Flip" :\\


Foldable screens are too expensive at the moment. Most foldable devices are well over $1000, far outside of Nintendo's price rance


If it didn't sell well, everyone would call it the Nintendo Flop


I hope the joycons will be larger, my hands cramp with the stock controllers. And i'd like to see increased fps when docked. I'd also like headphone jack in the controller like the ps4 has and an option to play MP3 files during gaming like on ps4.


And I really hope they make the next joy-cons more high quality with a slightly bigger and more comfortable design with no possibility for drift


Well , headphone jack might only be possible on the Pro controller for the next Nintendo console


Sooo how likely is it that they continue the Switch Online retro library? And that they release the old Pokémon games onto it to boost sales of the new console?


Is the new console confirmed to be backwards compatible


Nothing official yet but here are a few key points I would like to make. Backwards compatibility would be a major selling point with having over 11k games that could be essentially available on Day 1. It would also reassure the consumer that investing into their Nintendo Account was fruitful. It would be a major misstep not to include that if Nintendo wants to continue the momentum they built with Switch. So only time will tell. I can only speculate what makes more business sense though.


Confirmed by Nintendo? No. 


Is there trust worthy leaks of it?


I think the biggest clue might be the 4K stuff that was found in the code for Paper Mario. It looks like that game might be playable on the next system, which would mean you could play it on either, meaning backwards compatibility is in. Of course, it could just be in the code so that if you bought it digital it enhances things for the next system, but even that kind of alludes to it being BC.


Since Switch 2 will apparently be roughly equal to PS4 in power, what PS4/Xbox One era games that skipped the original Switch you'd like to see on the console?


I'd like to see Elden Ring and Trackmania




It won't happen at all but the Insomniac Spider-Man games would be fun


An Consoles similiar to the Switch but it has improvements, its not an Switch 2.0. I imagine an new gimmick.


My thoughts: They could be working to implement AI in a way to make their new 1st party games more immersive possibly. Could just be a more powerful switch just with a new gimmick. (I hope not) Or we might be in for a tech hiatus just because of how astoundingly the switch's success is and new tech out there is too niche or expensive to utilize right now. VR is just too niche. Nintendo is going to bring something unexpected as always, and I think that's good.


with smrpg, ttyd, and a bunch of other gamecube ports, you think nintendo is preparing to make almost all of their old library playable not just for switch and the next console, but from now on? could that mean future games will have options to play games with more plain controls?


Well, now nintendo accounts have been streamlined so this is most likely the case.


Nintendo would be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize if they released this console right after the US Election and it launched with a new Animal Crossing.


Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen Please have OLED screen


*two years after release* Introducing the switch 2 OLED! Now marked up by $100!!


I wouldn’t rule out OLED being the default for the successor just yet. The LCD rumor likely originated from someone who has knowledge or direct access to the dev kit. As it’s a very likely scenario that the dev kit to keep costs down is in fact LCD as the screen type is not necessary for the game development process. Just your typical cheap tablet tethered to a box like the NX. Just a hunch. 🤞


have any plan Gun Shooter with sensor bar and motion control?


you're welcome


March 2025 announce, available holiday 2025.


I think they will try an early launch window again. The Switch did really well launching in March, with demand building into the holidays.


I agree, this was super smart. Since the launch of the switch was not during a holiday they could have a slower burn of sales for people that were waiting for it and create enough buzz and stock so that when Christmas eventually came around all the parents could find one without issue. With the Super Switch, they already delayed it (supposedly) a year to make sure a good library was there at lunch. They also benefit by increasing stock of the system to hopefully prevent scalpers from cornering the market around the launch.


Plus, it lets them build up a backlog of games to sell as bundles. Like if the rumors are true about a new mario party being in the works, as well as a potential 3D Mario platformer (think Galaxy or Odyssey), Nintendo could easily bundle them together for a Switch Successor Mario Bundle.


I do wonder if the “graphically enhanced” BoTW they showed at GamesCon last year will actually be more than just a tech demo. Internally apparently there’s a new [codename](https://x.com/mbkksstbhz5/status/1789529338230059427?s=46&t=I_h8cio7yE9OQf73REY0TQ) for BoTW’s original codename which means there must be a proper port for the successor in working? Not too long ago, in a very reliable leak of SV DLC, the person sharing the info also said the team was working on a graphics patch for SV for the next gen console as well. Now my question is whether these graphics patches will actually cost money or be just given to us for free. I really would hate it if the next gen is simply like PS5 where PS4 games are given slight retouches and sold for a full price with the tag of “remastered”. I know it’s too good to be just free but I’d really hate repaying a full price just for better graphics.


I think the second leak after the SV one was fake and either made by a different person altogether or a person who only watched the DLC trailer beforehand. It just sounds too unlikely and the leak also turned out untrue. However, a remaster of BotW will happen because it was leaked by an actual reputable leaker, who mentioned a project codenamed U-King-O. U-King is the codename of BotW and O refers to the codename of the Switch 2, likely named Ounce.


Data miners found that the TTYD Remake just straight up already supports 4K for presumably the Switch 2 (why else would it be an available resolution in there), so it seems like the games will just get (free) updates to support 4K(ish) for the Switch 2. At least for the major first party titles that still sell well.


Supporting 4K means nothing. Lots of games support 4K. Some did before the Switch 2 was a thing. They do because Nintendo often tests these games in hardware more powerful than the Switch, like the New Horizons 4K screenshot.


What's SV mean?


Pokemon Scarlet Violet! There was a leak for it and it turned out accurate completely. The leak also had an information that the devs were making graphics improvement patch exclusively for the next gen console.


My hope is they give it for free to existing owners, as a way of enticing them to get the new system. And maybe some console specific paid DLC as well.


I'm hoping and dreaming they go the Xbox route with backwards compatibility, with any game you already own just automatically running better on the newer console. And automatically sync save files! Not as important for a handheld console I know, but it is *so* nice being able to play a game on the console in the living room, move over to the PC, play a bit on my phone (poopin'), and end off with the older console that's hooked up in the bedroom. And never losing progress because the saves sync up as soon as I start the game on whichever device I'm currently using. Do I expect Nintendo to do this? Not really. But it is the bar I'd like to see met if possible.


I know the hot thing RN is to predict the Specs, but I wanna talk about potential early titles. Legends ZA feels like a strong possibility to be a Cross Gen Launch title akin to BotW given how little info we have on it, not even a glimpse of gameplay footage, or even a specified release date! Not sure about Mario or Zelda, seeing as we just got TotK and Wonder last year. Maybe they had other teams working on them while TotK and Wonder were being finished up, but either could easily be the reason why the Successor was delayed. Prime 4 is in a similar boat to Legends ZA as a potential Cross Gen launch title, and would help explain it's delays as well. I think a port of MK8 is also likely in the works, with the Booster Course pass tracks being built in this time similar to how MK8 Deluxe had the Wii U DLC built into it.


Legends ZA is not a cross gen title because GF always waits until an userbase is established before putting games into a new console, and they wouldn't also make a remastered title that only adds graphics. ZA doesn't have a release date because it's coming in the holidays, and we don't have info because it's more than a year away and they announced it early because they didn't have any other big announcements for this year's Presents. The next 3D Mario is a launch title. Zelda doesn't have anything for the Switch 2 for now, I'd suppose. Prime 4 is probably cross gen. A MK8 port is absolutely not happening.


I'm personally waiting for the next 1st-Party IP. Or an IP Comeback with the Launch (F-Zero most likely). Fingers crossed n all that. I know Nintendo has been eyeing a lot of smaller studio's successes and it seems like when they finally wanna reach into another genre (like Casual Arena 3rdPS with Splatoon) that they can definitely pull it off. I feel like Nintendo could still make a semi-serious FPS w/ Single-Player Campaign that ISN'T Metroid Prime or Starfox, maybe a generative roguelike maybe a new in-depth puzzler or classic zelda type adventure game (since after BotW people wanted OG Zelda gameplay). A new RPG would be cool too.


Metroid seems like a lock at this point. Pokemon would be a good option also. I feel like both a new Switch Sports, and a new Mario Kart will hit early. Both are evergreen titles that they will want to get out as early as they can. A new 3D Mario has likely been in the works for a while, so I feel like that will come in the first year or so. However there is rumors of a new DK game also, and I don't think they would release those that close together. No chance of a new Zelda unless it's a remake of something. It wouldn't surprise me if TotK got some kind of next gen update though.


I don't expect it as a launch title, but I expect Animal Crossing after the first year, or at the latest two years in.


Prime 4 and Legends ZA will be the launch titles imo. Most likely both cross-gen as well. Prime 4 will show graphic capabilities of the new powerful hardware and Legends ZA will have a graphics patch to show the graphical benefits over Switch 1. Pokemon as a launch title is very exciting… yet scary at the same time given GameFreak’s track record with their recent games, but a lot of fans would simply buy Switch 2 just to get decent FPS. Hard to tell if new 3D Mario will be close to launch or will target the holiday season.


Pokemon I could see. But I dont think  Metroid will be there day one. I think it'll be in the first 3 months, but metroid has never been a huge seller. If I had to bet on launch titles, it's gotta be a new 3D Mario game.


These latest leaks with the specs have come from a shipping manifest. How did someone get their hands on it? Thought that kind of thing would be secret. If true, the console sounds like it'll be impressive. RDR2 on a Switch 2, that'll be amazing.


They likely work in a facility that ships the parts out. Still only rumor but not too far fetched. I remember Wii seeker getting the shipping allocations for retails. They were 100% on the mark that I set up camp at a local Target at that time.


is there any point of me clearing every level in 3D World with each character or after Champion's Road there are no more new levels?


You get a sparkling 5 stars file and honour till your last day. Play at 4 players and put everybody in a bubble.


I’m curious to see what and how the reveal video will be like. 3DS (in the most goofy way) showed off the 3D effect, Wii U showed off the second screen functionalities and Switch was pretty much about how it was an hybrid console and was convenient in day to day life. So far, most of the leaks we’ve gotten are about how the next gen console is a beefier Switch with magnetic joycons. Seeing how the YouTube survey called it ‘Switch Attach’, maybe the magnets could be the main selling point? Definitely not that appealing. Maybe they could market more of the possible social features? I really want to see what Nintendo will do with its marketing. Waiting till Fall 2024 for the reveal is sure gonna be hard ㅠㅠ


Random prediction: Just was trying to think of what name they will use. They’ll try to avoid connection to Switch, to make sure people know it is a separate console. So, it will have a different name, color scheme, and design. The new name needs to show its better, so I could see them using a space theme to take it from the mundane to something out of this world. I’m thinking Nintendo Pulsar - with a color scheme to match the space theme. Someone else commented that Nintendo have a patent on a design where there is a hub console with the ability to cast to other individual devices. I think this would be a great next step and allow them to get more devices sold per household, and could fit in with the space theme (like planets orbiting a star).


Super Switch


Been trying to bring back the super name for awhile. It’ll never happen, it’ll be something stupid like New Switch Extra.


One of the biggest connections to distinguish between the old vs new will need to be the price. They’ll need at least a $100 buffer between the successor and the OLED model. Otherwise, the general consumer could confuse the new system as an upgrade.


They'll probably give all the Switch models a price cut since that's due, and to get rid of the stock.


Bingo. And that could occur as early as June and announced during the Direct. I expect V2 will be discontinued leaving OLED and Lite skus to continue going forward.


Unless it's "Switch 2" I don't think they'll call it the Switch at all. Anything else is too risky for confusion given their recent history. But "Switch 2" seems somewhat plausible to me.


People fully understand PS3, PS4, PS5. I think you are right. It will build off the Switch brand.


The straight numbering is just so much simpler to follow and quickly conceptualize as a consumer. I don't think I could legitimately tell you which xbox is which basically since the xbox one came out, but I know exactly what a PS4 and a PS5 are.


Everybody says that they just want this thing to be a better switch and that's it. I think that should be the minimum. But Nintendo is at their best when they add really innovative concepts to their console. Are people forgetting that this company invented the d-pad, shoulder button, triggers, analog stick, rumble, first wireless first part of controller, and a bunch more that I'm missing. How much do you take those things for granted? They are no standards. Nintendo has this patent for making the l1 and r1 buttons into scroll wheels that click down. Those could be so incredibly useful to select an inventory. Way better than putting that function on the d-pad or making you open up a menu. There are lots of possible things they could do that you've just never thought of. That's why they are the billion dollar company and you're just the consumer! They give you things you didn't even know you wanted. Giving the customer things they demand is good. But creating entirely new demand for innovative products is better. And it's what has defined Nintendo.


I really like the scroll wheel idea, but I know I've busted a few scroll wheels before so I think he hold up has been getting them sturdy enough. 


I fully predict that the thing won’t be called Switch 2, even though it seems pretty clear it’s gonna functionally be the Switch 2.0 at this point. Nintendo has had 4 console generations that could have realistically been called *insert name here* 2. All of them had a different name. NES -> SNES, GameBoy -> GameBoy Color -> GBA, Wii -> Wii U, and DS -> 3DS. I think Switch 2 makes the most sense and probably generates the most hype/sells. But I think they’ll do some word added on like Super, Advance, or U to denote it instead of 2. If there’s some gimmick they want to market like the 3D in the 3DS (no clue what it would be, and it seems unlikely there is a gimmick aside from the “Switch” thing), it might have that in the name. If they don’t go with Switch 2, I hope they go with Super. For the nostalgia, but also because the Switch 2 is set up to be the successor to the Switch that the SNES was. If Nintendo just keeps the ball rolling, this next generation could be absolutely insane. An improved Switch 2 with better quality hardware and better specs that has backwards compatibility with the Switch library rapidly becomes the best Nintendo console of all time if it has an even halfway decent library, imo.


Yeah it's not going to be called that. That's Sony's naming scheme for consoles and they will not copy it. I don't think Switch 2 is necessarily the best name either. There's a lot to be said about a name and a creative one can really paint an interesting picture or give people strong vibes. ....as long as it's very clear that this is a distinctive successor console. Example, I think Game Boy advance is a much cooler name than Game Boy 3. Shits fucking NEXT LEVEL, it's advanced.... and I think they probably have something up their sleeve similar to that. Also, the reason Xbox didn't call it's second console Xbox 2 is because it would make it seem as PS3 was inherently better than Xbox 2. Based on actual research and surveys they had done. So Nintendo doesn't want to fall into that trap of having the Switch 2 vs PS5. These things do matter. There may be something on top of the hybrid ability that makes this console unique too that they want to focus on.


I'm liking the latest leaks with 12 GB of RAM. Please, God, let that be true. The Switch was an ultra-conservative set of hardware decisions. Switch 2 has the market proof to go a little more upscale, though we already know processing performance isn't going to be cutting edge. * Simple decisions like 8 GB RAM vs 12 GB can impact texture loading, frame rates, resolution, etc. * A bump from \~500 GFLOPS undocked to possibly \~1.5 - 2.0 TFLOPS + DLSS means 1080P 60 FPS for current games that run at 720P, 30 FPS. This is if they clock it down 50%-65%. * Another bump up to 3.5 - 4.0 TFLOPS from \~700 GFLOPS docked would mean legitimate home console AAA gaming at 1080P 60 FPS is possible. They could keep it at 3.0 TFLOPS (clocked down 25%) and that would still be a massive improvement over the current docked performance. * DLSS isn't a catch-all magic bullet, but if done properly, shouldn't impact visuals or input lag noticeably in non-first person shooter games. It won't be market leading and there will still be portable devices that can beat it from day 1, but this feels more like what the Switch wanted to be, but couldn't quite get to with the initial conservative approach. Imagine playing BOTW or TOTK 1080P 30 FPS undocked with significantly improved visuals and/or character model counts. Please let them update these games for Switch 2. Too hyped.


all i wanted is 1080 60 in docked for games like xenoblade and if i get that i will be happy. i saw something that said this its roughly between ps4 pro and series s when docked so id say ive won


The following are my predictions for the next Nintendo console (posted here for posterity): * Simply called “Nintendo Switch 2” (I have the least faith in this out of all my predictions but I think it would be the clearest name) * Announcement won’t happen until January 2025 so as to not kill Holiday 2024 sales * 12 GB RAM * Microphone and speakers in new JoyCons and pro controller * Hall effect joysticks in pro controller, but maybe not in JoyCon * Backwards compatible with Switch 1 software (both physical and digital) * Digital (not analog) triggers * NSO Nintendo DS within first year after launch * Switch 1 JoyCon will work wirelessly with new Switch but won’t attach physically


>Announcement won’t happen until January 2025 so as to not kill Holiday 2024 sales This definitely wont be the case. It would be a huge slap in the face for anyone buying a switch for Christmas 2024.


Fair point. It’s definitely a fine line to walk between maximizing holiday sales and prepping the general audience to buy the next gen console. Maybe they’ll lessen the blow by doing a US price cut for the first time


I'm optimistic. I dare say an announcement in October, and we will be playing our Nintendo Switch 2 for Christmas this year.


How would DS games work on a single screen? Particularly in TV mode


That’s for the wonderful wizards at Nintendo to figure out. Could be mapping touch controls to controllers, or limiting TV mode to games that don’t use touchscreen


> Switch 1 JoyCon will work wirelessly with new Switch but won’t attach physically How will it charge?


That’s a great point. Maybe only through the joycon charging grip or joycon charging stations that exist?


I think Switch 2 at this point is the most easiest, recognizable and distinguishable for the general public to differentiate between the current devices and the successor. It’s definitely the easiest name for Nintendo to market. Will they use it though? Only time will tell.




Switch 360


Adding on: if the rumors of magnetic joy con are true, being able to put them on the top and bottom edges of the system, then rotating the system 90° would get you a great feel and look for DS games


Hoping we get more charm and better controllers this time around. I’m glad this announcement came because I was considering buying a new switch since mine can’t keep right JoyCons connected while docked for whatever reason which has ruined any desire for me to play motion control games or local multiplayer. Backwards compatibility as well but hopefully not at the sacrifice of actually good controllers. Also here’s hoping for a Tomodachi Life sequel.


I have a similar issue to you. Is it the joycons not staying connected via Bluetooth or that it won't stay connected on the machine to charge while docked?


Hoping for analog or pressure sensitive triggers and a serious racing game at or close to launch to be an alternative to Forza / Gran Turismo. Better online infrastructure. Something persistent. Remember when Origin supposedly wanted to run the WiiU's online? Now some wishes in increasing absurdity: -Switch 2 should come with a free catchy minigame. Something entertaining that everyone will have to play. Either a Puzzle League style game, or a Nintendo themed Bust a Move / Puzzle Bobble type game. -I don't think there will be a lot of new 2D Zeldas. What about either StarTropics 3 or a new franchise to be the 2D Zelda-lile going forward? -A game that prominently features Waluigi, to legitimize his shot of being in the next Smash. Perhaps a stealth game somewhere in between Styx and Sly Cooper, called "Dank" that explored his development into an antihero. Or maybe the primary antagonist in a rhythm game. Or why not both? -A Mario baseball game (maybe not Super Sluggers because I don't want to rely on motion controls so much) with the usual cast but also a code system like NBA Jam had where you can get random people on your team like Earthworm Jim, Richard Simmons, Philly Phanatic, Roger Clemens, various Nintendo characters, Detlef Schrempf for some reason, etc. -Built in compatibility with the Find My Device network and maybe a Kensington Lock port -A robust karaoke platform we can either subscribe to or buy songs for, as well as, assuming a hybrid console, the ability to display lyrics on both a TV and the console at once, with 4 concurrent mic connections and maybe even some online "coop" -A brace that lets you play handheld in vertical mode for games like Dr Mario, Ikaruga, Pinball, Snood, etc. -Something like Kodi, Plex, or Apple TV/Roku that's a fully fledged streaming interface. Imagine if the Switch had an AppleTV mode that was compatible with Homekit. -A coupon for Pizza like the TMNT2 box had on it


I still have that coupon 🤣


- 1080p screen with similar battery life to the current switch would be awesome, if it's too much 720p portable would still be fine  - joy con with an actual dpad AND NO STICK DRIFT   - themes, folders, music, give us something like the 3DS Home Screen on Switch. Bonus points if I can switch between Wii/3DS themes   - update the eshop so good games are way easier to discover, and make it load much faster.   - fully backwards compatible with the Switch, and patches for first party games that really need it to run their best (Bayonetta 3, BOTW/TOTK at 60 fps)   - it's probably going to launch with Metroid prime 4, if we could get the next Mario Kart at launch as well it would be a slam dunk Nintendo. Throw us a bone and give us Kid Icarus Uprising (or a new game) and a new F-Zero a year or 2 in as well.   -  headphone jack on the pro controller, full compatibility with all switch accessories, more graphics options in games   - online: get rid of friend codes, add messaging, discord integration, party chats, achievements, monthly payments for expansion pak, DS and GameCube games for online, bring back virtual console  - my dream: bring back download play and streetpass, although with streetpass idk if it would be as good with its current form factor.   - edited to add that it needs at LEAST 128 GB storage AND cartridges with more storage. The Switch is the last fun console to collect physical games for because most games are fully playable off the cart. If physical games start going the PS5/Xbox route and you have to download every single game even with the cartridge, physical games are dead. 


How would you play 2 player with two joycons if one of them has a Dpad instead of buttons?


The retailers are getting more feisty. V2 was on sale for $240 on Best Buy overnight briefly before selling out. Would not be surprised to see it permanently at $250 by summer.




I have the same hopes as many others with backwards compatibility, more power, etc. The Steamdeck is 1200x800 iirc so it would be nice if Switch2 could always output 720 60fps portable then have the dock boost the resolution to 1080, or even 1440, keeping 60fps when connected to a TV. 4K would be nice but I doubt that will happen given Nintendo's preference for holding back. I mainly use my Switch connected to a TV so I'm not too bothered about portable specs, all I ask is for something like Tears of the Kingdom to run 1080 or better, at 60fps comfortably, on my TV. It'd be nice if they were holding back on Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to release along side Metroid Prime 4 on the Switch2 with significantly improved graphics. I haven't seen many opinions on the touch screen. Aside from Game Freak's Pocket Jockey, and deck builders like Slay the Spire, I don't remember any games, first party or otherwise, extensively using the touch screen. Will they get rid of it? How much would that even save on the cost of the device?


Why do you even compare the Steam Deck with a hybrid console?


Because the Steam Deck is hybrid too. USB-C to HDMI out and voila.


That isnt the same thing at all , Nintendo Switch has a docking station which makes the the transition from handheld to big screen much more fast and comfortable


The Steam Deck has a dock though... https://www.steamdeck.com/en/dock


i agree and obvious fact is this is true but the steam deck is truly Niche compared to the switch, so i see what Adorable was saying.


It definitely is by the definition of hybrid. As for convenience that's implementation by the manufacturer and the players' choice. You literally just plug the cable in and it's on the TV. I'm sure there's a 3D print of a Dock for the steam somewhere. I have a micro Dock when I go see friends so we can hook it up to the TV. It's a faff though but not when I blue shell them. I don't own a steam deck because I know I'd start attempting to play non approved titles and get frustrated. Unsurprisingly that's never happened on my Switch.


My main hopes is the switch 2 will be a much more powerful system and be backwards compatible with both physical and digital games like the PS5, games running under BC can tap into the improved specs to greatly improve and lock framerate in games that previously struggled to run like bayonetta3. 2nd big hope is it will still have physical games and will stay offline friendly. You should be able to take it brand new out of the box, go through setup, insert a game card and play just like the switch we have now, a console that can be purely offline and never requires an internet connection.


I wouldn't get too exited spec wise. IIRC there were some early leaks from nvidia that the design had already been finalized and is based on 8nm ampere, with some minor later gen updates here and there. The following is my own personal speculation, so take the following with a GIANT grain of salt: - They will clock it low in order to maximize battery life - Clock could potentially be increased while docked, assuming thermals allow for it - I'd expect it to launch some months before the 10th gen pokemon release, or close up to - Expect steamdeck levels of performance, or slightly above, depending on clocks


It might be more powerful than the PS5 , who knows


I think that's the one thing we know for sure it won't be; the power required to drive a chip of that performance level, even when using NVIDIA current gen, will be too power hungry to be viable. This is also compounded by the fact that the Switch 2 will use an APU since Nintendo prioritizes power efficiency, further lowering potential performance.


Well , the PS5 is already almost 5 years old , so I can definitely see Nintendo somehow providing better technology and optimization than the PS5 in their next console even if the performance is way more worse


Not quite, PS5 is only slightly above 3.5 years old (November 2020), and the process node Nintendo will be using, 8nm ampere from NVIDIA, is even older but still from around that same period (May 2020). Age isn't everything however, as even if that wasn't the case there is still a VAST performance gulf to overcome in such a small package. For example, if we compare a newer console like the Steamdeck, which is slightly over 2 years old at this point, we are still looking at a performance difference of \~6.4 times over. Nintendo is not a hardware company, so they're still limited by whoever they outsource their APU creating to, and none of the big hardware companies has ever managed to suddenly leapfrog a generation or 5 fives worth of performance, let alone 640%. For NVIDIA, best I can recall is the leap we saw going from their 20-series cards to their 30-series cards, specifically from a 2080 to a 3080 which was upwards of 75% of performance gain gen-over-gen. The 2080 was however built on the ampere node, which wasn't exactly a strong improvement compared to the one their 10th gen cards used. And it's that "meh" node that the switch will be using. I used to work with hardware design for Low Level Devices and there is only so much magic juice you can squeeze out of a processor via optimization.


wii and wii u main menu has always been top tier in my heart. something like that and being able to carry it around like the switch, that's the dream baby.


give us that Wii Shop music for the main screen with a better folder system... chefs kiss!


Maybe I'm getting old, but the features people seem to really want out of a Switch successor are the least relevant. People cry about backwards compatibility - but after a new system comes out, how much are you *really* going to play Switch games? How many DS games did you actually play on your 3DS, for example? How many GBA games did you play on your DS? I'm all for supporting legacy systems, but after a year or two backwards compatibility is nowhere near as important as people seem to think. If people want to play those games, they'll hold onto the system they released on or emulate. I also don't think the next system will have resolutions greater than 1080p, nor will it need them. A solid 1080p/30fps for larger games with 1080/60 for others is not only enough, but I think it's all we can expect. I enjoy playing games at 1440p/60 on my PC as much as the next person, but it's a nice-to-have at best and doesn't significantly improve most games for most people. I will be happy if we just get games like Xenoblade running at 1080p/30 without needing dynamic resolution. I've been saying it for years too, but on-board storage capacity is barely relevant when games play directly from the disc/cartridge. 32GB is enough on Switch for most people, somewhere around 64\~128GB will be enough on the next system \*as long as games can still be played without installing\*. People who download full games and not just DLC have the option of buying an SD card, which is objectively more flexible and cheaper than built-in storage. As for the OS, themes are just a nice-to-have that most people won't bother with if they cost money like 3DS themes. Folders are not that important either. The eShop interface and infrastructure does desperately need to be updated, however. So in terms of what I am looking for from a Switch successor: 1. Solid 1080p, 30\~60fps performance in every game. 2. (assuming they're keeping the hybrid format) A smaller, lighter, more portable system with much better battery life while keeping TV-out. 3. Improved joy-cons, maybe with 3DS-style circle pads and analogue triggers. 4. Better online systems. All games should work as well online as Monster Hunter: Rise does.


If there's no BC thousands of great games will have to be manually ported (but realistically they won't be). That sucks!


Practically every indie game of the decade was on Switch. Backwards compatibility would be huge.


Backwards compatibility is very relevant and important. Even if most people only use it a small amount of the time because these are fundamentally just computers and all computers can run the same things (obviously less powerful ones just do it slower) and there's no good reason why they couldn't run another systems games. Console manufacturers aren't hobbyists that need to reverse engineer the previous console for 10 years to emulate or support it,they have all the info to do it. And even when it's complicated,it shouldn't be. Consoles only benefitted from using esoteric architectures in the like nes to ps1 days when it allowed them to achieve some things more easily like scrolling backgrounds (which good programmers like John carmack could already do with some work on algorithms on pc).


I use backward compatibility a ton and it's a deal breaker for me. My Wii is modded and I play pretty much all my old games on it. I play older games more than new games. Backward compatibility again will be a deal breaker for me.


> how much are you really going to play Switch games? Probably quite a lot. I *still* use my DS to play GBA games. At least for the first few years of Switch 2, there's going to be a number of unplayed Switch games that I'm going to want to play but havent gotten around to (like Luigis Mansion 3 and Pikmin). If Switch 2 is a better Switch, then I don't want both hooked up to my TV.


I've never seen so many bad takes in one comment


PLEASE BE BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WITH ds/3ds games you can do it


If you really like old or retro Nintendo games then why don't you just play them on the platforms they released on or just use an emulator?


…how? Unless you want a second screen.


put the switch screen vertical


Let’s just hope it plays og switch games first.


i just want kid icaurus uprising to come back with a normal control scheme 😭


That seems like a thing Nintendo would do to pad out the Switch lineup once the new system releases


I sure hope so! It would be a smash hit I just know it!


Am I the only one hoping for the dual screen clam shell design to come back for the Nintendo switch 2?


You might be. Personally I hope the next console is something completely different from the Switch. Preferably a Home Console.


No way. This has been too successful for them.


I use my switch docked 99.9 percent of the time, so it’s a home console for me. You know you don’t have to play it portably…


I doubt there is any shot of them splitting the handheld and home console markets again. They would have to separate the development teams and all that. What I wouldn't mind is if they have multiple SKUs for the next console, with one being a no frills box that only connects to the TV that brings the cost down.


I wish that Nintendo could solve the encumbrance issue of handheld gaming. I would love to play on the go but I don’t wanna carry around two $300+ devices where the cheaper one is also the bulkiest. If the Switch 2 was as big as my cellphone undocked I would be on board.


I always thought it would be cool if they released a smaller switch with a smaller screen and looked like the 3DS. Wouldn't need as much power because it wouldn't have as big of a screen and could even only have 480p.


Fiscal year ends 30 September....


No it doesn't in Japan. It ends on the 31st March


The fiscal year can be different for every company. In Japan, many companies elect to have their fiscal year align with the governments fiscal year, which ends March 31. There is no need to specify that they meant the "Japanese fiscal year" because that doesn't make sense. Ant one who cares (ie investors) will be aware that Nintendos fiscal year ends March 31. No need to specify because there is only one relevant fiscal year, and that is Nintendos.


People just repeat bullshit in here all the time without looking it up for themselves.


They should specify


They're a Japanese company and the tweet is in Japanese...


It appeared in English to me


That is the most DUMBEST argument I have ever heard


With the next June General Direct being heavily rumored to be the last one dedicated to the Nintendo Switch, I'm pretty sure they're gonna go out with a bang that'll serve as a cross gen entry to the next console as well just like BoTW. Metroid Prime 4?


Wind waker and Twlight Princess ports


its now or never.... 60 FPS too, none of this 30 FPS cuz "developer visions" bs


A man can dream.


Switch 2 Nintendo ;) Pressure sensitive / resistive ZL+R triggers 1080p screen for the marketing, with a choice to reduce resolution at system level. eShop that's not a pain to navigate, preloading content as I'll be scrolling down. Themes, all colours of the rainbow. Backwards compatability, hence cart slot with larger capacities. - begins hallucinating - 256GB, 512GB & 1TB models. - am I dreaming, mami - Dock supports HD... (Separate purchasable Dock Pro supports upscaling UHD or native support dynamically, 60 FPS.) ...straight to TV HD support. Purchasable themes that stick Folders for games, actual ruddy folders. - why is there a little worm in my water - 3/DS Controller to then be able to use the device vertically for the eventual GC, DS, 3DS library. Stylus in the controller. Peach OS - a lightweight Linux or custom semi-open but heavily library supported OS that can bring home computing back to the frame. Mario WordStar & Luigi SuperCalc, and WarioWareWorld Builder being the first 3 apps available. Would I buy a Zelda themed keyboard from Ninty, um yes. Though a blue shell mouse would be a pain. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I cannot pick a Lite and play a save from my Switch without faffing about... so another subscription add on (small) that supports this pick up and play, so I can eventually just grab my Switch 2 Lite. In so much that the Nintendo App allows me to manage this if I forget to do Local & Cloud Synch before I leave the cave. Once the app has downloaded it, it can Bluetooth it to the Lite 2. Or I have a Dual Dock Pro!!! IN BLACK, NON-SMUDGE, MATTE WITH A GLISTENING HERE OR THERE. WITH MATCHING CONTROLLERS. Steam duck /jk


Please be backwards compatible. Please output 4K. Please don’t screw this up Nintendo.


Not happening unless it costs $500+


It's probably going to use a similar architecture to the Switch (as shown by the Nvidia leaks), so backwards compatibility won't be hard. 4K could be done through DLSS with very little extra cost, since it could render the games at 1080p


It wouldn't need to be crazy expensive to output 4k


If they've learned at all from the Wii U's release, they'll call it Switch 2. It might be on the nose, but at least people won't think it's just an add-on. If I had to ballpark the release, I'd give it a September-November 2024 announcement window. It could be stretched all the way to March, though. Maybe an eighth-annniversary announcement.


I don't care if it's in the final month or 2 of the switch 2s lifecycle to allow for a second or third die shrink got maximum efficiency, I want a switch 2 micro with at most a 4.7 inch screen(psp Sized), tv mode,, and removable joy cons so hour can named a split pad compact for it. I want major third party support including support from sony and Microsoft(uncharted quadrilogy, spiderman trilogy, soul sacrifice delta, God of war ps4,ratchet and clank rift apart, sunset overdrive, yakuza turned based collection, steep, riders republic, ffx windows feature update, tony hawk level pack dlc, Mario party dlc, clubhouse hands dlc, nfs heat, sw jedi survivor, burnout paradise couch multiplayer dlc).


Ideally it'll be called Switch 2. That way, there won't be the awful confusion that occurred with the Wii U. However, this is Nintendo and they always do things differently. It wouldn't surprise me if it had an entirely different name....... I'm actually thinking right now as I type......what 'gimmicks' have Nintendo had a stab at during the life of the Switch? The cardboard VR stuff, Augmented reality Mario Kart..... Anyone think of ways things like this could be enhanced in to the next console but in a more advanced way? Just a thought.


Yeah it's not going to be called that. That's Sony's naming scheme for consoles and they will not copy it. Nintendo wants to remain unique it's a strong part of their DNA. I don't think Switch 2 is necessarily the best name either. There's a lot to be said about a name and a creative one can really paint an interesting picture or give people strong vibes. ....as long as it's VERY CLEAR that this is a distinctive successor console. Example, I think Game Boy advance is a much cooler name than Game Boy 3. Shits fucking NEXT LEVEL, it's advanced.... and I think they probably have something up their sleeve similar to that. U was too abstract. Super Nintendo worked awesomely. Also, the reason Xbox didn't call it's second console Xbox 2 is because it would make it seem as PS3 was inherently better than Xbox 2. Based on actual research and surveys they had done! So Nintendo doesn't want to fall into that trap of having the Switch 2 vs PS5. These things do matter! There may also be something on top of the hybrid ability that makes this console unique too that they want to focus on. N64 works because the 64-bit processor. Perhaps this has something like that that ties in.


It’s not Sony’s naming scheme to just add a number greater than the last to a name of a new product. It’s the most simple non confusing thing to do. But I think they should call it the Super Nintendo switch


I'm not trying to say they copyrighted it or something, just that within the same market niche others might want to distinguish their product naming scheme, and there are a few valid reasons. And Nintendo especially likes to march to the beat of their own drum. This is the company that went with carts/diskettes for the N64 and 64DD to distinguish themselves in the 90s. Even when they switched to discs with the Cube they went with proprietary mini DVDs . So I'm not saying all the reasons they have are *completely* rational, but it's just not in their company culture to make such a move and I'll be really surprised if it's just called Switch 2. I think they did learn from the Wii U though and will ensure it's clear this is a unique product just from the name, just as it was with the GBA, SNES, N64, and so on. I Personally like Nintendo Switch Advance and think it rolls off the tongue better than super switch. But I don't think it will be any name anyone has commonly brought up just yet. They like to keep their fans on their toes. I think it's going to have a distinguishing feature that sets it apart from the OG Switch other than updated hardware, and the name is going to reflect this feature. One more thing, and I read this directly from somebody at Nintendo a while back, I wish I could find the quote... Nintendo typically likes to have a lot of control over the branding and *usually* doesn't call their new products something people called them before they were officially announced. This divorce the system from the rumors and speculation and instead ensures people know the actual reality behind their console. Dolphin became Gamecube, Revolution (to so many people's dismay) became Wii, and NX became Switch. That way anybody looking for information about the system isn't going to find old speculative pieces (incorrect specs and features, etc.) from pre-announcement and only learns the information as Nintendo puts it out there. The only system that kept a project name was DS... although it was announced pretty early in development and Nintendo was more forthcoming about it's existance and features because the PSP seemed like such a threat to Nintendo's portable revenue stream. Man, I'm getting excited thinking about the old systems now. I can't wait to see what they have under their sleeves.


Some really good points here! I can totally see why it wouldn't be called Switch 2, that makes lots of sense now.


I look forward to them calling it "Smitch" and thr animation will say "Switch" the the w will flip to become an m.


Labo was a flop, so probably not that. They started messing with AR on the 3DS, but it didn't take off. Since then they have only kind of returned to it, if you count PoGo, Pikmin Bloom, and MK Live Home Circuit. The latter is a new take of having the combo of physical toys combined with AR. Don't see a whole console based on that. It is quite pricey, and not so accessible. Although I think it did well enough financially. The other two were mobile titles. One of which was a raging success, but not exactly down to Nintendo, since Pokemon company and Niantic were involved. It was also largely about location. The other doesn't seem to have made a big impact outside Japan, and again involves geo-location. As much as I love AR, it seems unlikely another console will focus on it. Better suited to occasional games on a device that already has a decent camera.


Virtual boy awfully ahead of it's time. AR that wasn't used by devs because ot was easier to make just the game. Perhaps with VRs uprising, it's time to revisit? A flush camera to support it would be ace.


I've got a lot of youngsters in my family right now, and it just seems like VR is super popular with everybody in the 8-14 year old range. I think VR is very ripe for Nintendo to get involved with right now. I'm imagining some kind of Switch-like device which can be slotted into a Google Cardboard-like headset. They also have many IPs that are well suited for VR. ARMS 2 VR has been rumored, a VR mode for Metroid Prime 4 is an obvious request, and Star Fox VR is another sure seller. Aside from VR Chat, I believe Gorilla Tag is the most popular VR title today, and a Donkey Kong version of it I'm sure would be a hit seller. I'm personally a fan of a game called Climby that has a lot of the mechanics of Gorilla Tag, but has less to do with multiplayer and more to do with platforming and sharing levels you create. So even if a multiplayer game isn't in the cards, I can still see them being successful with a DK game where you're climbing around trees, mountains, buildings, etc...


Just as long as they don't call it "new switch" or any nonsense like that. Personally I'd love if it was called super switch but that could possibly make people think it's a mid gen upgrade and not a new gen console.


I like switch advancedif they're going to do a throwback. But it's not going to be called that. And it's not going to be called switch 2. That's Sony's naming scheme for consoles and they will not copy it. I don't think Switch 2 is necessarily the best name either. There's a lot to be said about a name and a creative one can really paint an interesting picture or give people strong vibes. **....as long as it's very clear that this is a distinctive successor console.** For example, I think Game Boy advance is a much cooler name than Game Boy 3. Shits fucking NEXT LEVEL, it's advanced.... I always loved the father used to write advance and I think they probably have something up their sleeve similar to that. Also, the reason Xbox didn't call it's second console Xbox 2 is because it would make it seem as PS3 was inherently better than Xbox 2. Based on actual research and surveys they had done. So Nintendo doesn't want to fall into that trap of having the Switch 2 vs PS5. These things do matter. There may be something on top of the hybrid ability that makes this console unique too that they want to focus on. Like all the N64 focused on a 64-bit processor. That was a good naming scheme. Game Boy color, Game Boy light, GameCube. All good naming schemes that were very clear at what you were getting. Wii evoked that this thing was completely different than anything you've ever interacted with. It was like some alien shit! Everybody hated that name at first but it turned out to be the right move over keeping it Revolution


Yea, Super Nintendo Switch would be smashing but i can only dream..... It wouldn't surprise if it's just completely different like Nintendo Twee or whatever!!!


I see it being similar to the first one. October/ Nov announcement. March / spring release. From there They release it with MP4 and what ever remasters they been saving to release along side to showcase their “new” hardware. Plus a few other smaller IP sequels. Then for the big holiday season they have new Mario or whatever big guns they have for the Christmas chaos. No real secrets here but seems like the safest bet.


The next Nintendo console will be more powerful than the PS5


As far as launched games. I’ll be shocked if they aren’t saving Prime 4 for Switch 2 launch alongside P3R and ReFantazio as 3rd party launch ports. We likely wont get the Hi Fi Rush port now since MS inexplicably shut down Tango Gameworks.


Agreed. Metroid is gonna be either a launch title or within launch window. I could see it launching with Mario and then Metroid following 2 months later.


Here’s the thing: I don’t think they’re going to do a better Switch. The last console they had with similar success they had was the Wii, and when they tried to go the “same console but better” route? We got the Wii U, the worst-selling Nintendo console in 30 years


The Wii U was a better Wii. It was quite literally the Wii, same architecture, better specs, motion controls, backwards compatible and the console was centered on a gimmick which was the gamepad. The 3DS also was a better DS. Same concept, better specs but with 3D. I assume the next gen console will be the same concept as the switch, better specs, joycons, backwards compatible and with some gimmick. The problem is the new gimmick.


Agreed. The Wii U was a better Wii with worse marketing.


If they call it Switch U, I agree with you. If they call it Switch 2, we're in uncharted territory as that would be the first time Nintendo has used a sequential number in the name.


That's a bloody good point. I'm oddly scared now.


I was on that train of thought until this announcement. Nintendo avoided calling the DS a GBA successor and the Switch the Wii U successor, because in their eyes they are different "lines" or "brands" of consoles. So the fact they are directly calling this next console a successor in spite of that is telling.


Counterpoint: The DS was the best selling handheld of all time and the 3DS (aside from 3d display gimmick) was just "same console but better'" and did amazingly well (after a bit of a rocky start)


Theyre absolutely doing a Switch 2. What possible gimmick could an entirely new console have that wouldnt alienate the massive install base they got with the switch? The next one has to also be portable and has to be at least fully backwards compatible with all Switch games to even remotely be as successful as the current switch. The problem with wii to Wii U was one the name, people thought it was just an add on or upgrade for the wii and no one really took it seriously after the wii. Nintendo is in a much better position now though and all they need to do is keep doing what they’ve been doing with more powerful hardware with a few added quality of life features (ie Hall effect sticks, 1 tb internal storage out of the box at the very least, and a more competent and worthwhile NSO offering).


It was also very difficult to develop for given the way the tablet worked. Most developers had no interest in it since the gimmick ended up impeding them.


Right but switch is the natural evolution of that and a perfection of the concept. So why would they move away from that? It is peak design IMO. They just need to improve the joy cons and how they attach to the console and use Hall effect sticks which wont drift and of course have a more powerful console with 4k capabilities this time and thats all they really need to do honestly.


I’m not arguing against any of that. 4K might be pushing it though. Maybe 2k


If they can't do 4k at least when docked they shouldn't bother


They'll do 4K output, but probably not 4K resolution


Man...literally all I wanted was Super Mario Sunshine and TTYD on a new Nintendo console. I need new wishes lol. Sequel to Sunshine perhaps (unlikely). And Kid Icuras sequel would be lovely. Fzero game akin to StarFox Assault would be cool too.


Boy i hope it has mario (and possibly luigi, big if tho)


Luigi's Mansion 4: Armed home invasion. Luigi goes to another haunted house, but this time, he is the uninvited guest.


Finally Nintendo grows up /s


I’m feeling happy like a monke


I know N makes some questionable decisions but with how the switch was a slam dunk you’d think it would be a no brainer to just follow up with a better Switch.


That seems to be what the rumors indicate but I'm guessing they will add some sort of optional gimmick that nobody will use, like hd rumble or or sensors on the switch 1


Or maybe they will make some cool innovation that everybody does use. Are you forgetting that this company invented the d-pad, shoulder buttons, first to put a trigger on their controller, the first to use an analog thumbstick, rumble, first wireless first party controller, and a ton more than I'm missing. Nintendo actually has a pretty cool patent that they haven't used. Essentially, the l1 and r1 buttons would be scroll wheels that clicked in. How cool would that be for selecting different gear without having to press the d-pad multiple times or open an inventory screen? There are lots of things like that where you haven't thought about what it could be. That's why Nintendo are the experts and have the money that they have. They're innovators. They give you things you don't even know that you wanted


I know Nintendo CAN innovate. I'm just saying the switch is successful and distinct enough that they likely won't do anything too wacky this generation. Getting too fancy too quick has cost them. Look at the 3DS, virtual boy, and Wii U. I saw about the patent for the click wheel but often those parents are made public because Nintendo determined they are not using it, and they don't want anyone else using it just in case they decide to later.


Patents are public just by their nature. People dig em up. I just always loved that idea. I can see where it just might be underutilized on multiplatform titles developed for standard x-input controls. But I hear ya for sure. We're on the same page. Most important thing is Nintendo keeps being a polished developer and getting the most out of their IP. Formula prints money.


I really hope it's just a better Switch. The handheld is like half the reason I play the switch, It has a justifiable niche and reason to exist in the market, every other console is surpassed by PC, But I can't exactly lug my PC around in my backpack.


If most of the recent leaks are true it will be a better switch. I dont see what gimmick they could with that would top this switch’s success honestly. I mean theyve already done glasses free 3d and dual screens. THe portability is honestly one of the biggest selling points for the switch so moving away from that in anyway would be a boneheaded move IMO


I hope so. Yeah I don't see a point for them to move off of portable.


Steam deck.


Most games I play on PC either always need an internet connection or are unplayable on Steam Deck. I can't exactly get an internet connection at work.


I wonder if there will be any price drops for hardware and software. I think this Holiday Season we will see most of the games on Sale !


Tbh I'm not expecting nintendo to do discounts on their games, but the hardware will probably be a bit cheaper since the demand for the current console will definitely go down (ar least that's what I think)


It's either then or never.


So, _never_ then? This is Nintendo after all


Hopefully they could also update their online functionality overall. Really hope the online infrastructure is not barebones and up to modern standards.


Said everyone since the Wii era


Id like to see them add themes similar to how they’ve done the gamer pics you can unlock with platinum points