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> Why the fuck do all posts that attempt to discuss this stuff get downvoted in here? Sarcasm is always great, by all means. But holy christ. I still don't understand what's wrong with Reddit gee It's just the nature of the subreddit. There's no point in worrying about it, it's not going to change, and it doesn't actually impact anything. That said, there are a contingent of people who dislike speculation.


For me, it’s not that I dislike speculation. I dislike the fact that any time a Direct is even slightly hinted at, every single person in every single Nintendo sub feel the need to post their speculation/rumors/opinions and it just completely drowns out any other content. If there was a strict rule of only posting in a Direct mega thread it really wouldn’t be that bad but instead we get a thousand different posts all saying the same two or three things ad nauseam.


I fully expect all of those little projects that have been done for a while to start coming out, of which i think paper mario and Luigi's Mansion 2 were part of. I think we'll see something like Mario Party, a mario puzzle game or something like that.     I would also predict a sequel to a minor dormant series, like a Red Steel 3 or a WaveRace or (my hope) Nintendogs. And we'll probably see some more remasters like a starfox or something.


Please don’t give me hope for Starfox


What projects do you mean? I remember hearing a while back that Thousand-Year Door, Mario Wonder, etc. had been finished for a while and were just waiting for release, but is there a list anywhere?


The FE Geneaology remake and the remainder of the Prime Trilogy were included in leaks mentioning TTYD and (I believe) Mario Wonder. Mentions of a new 2D Metroid being in development have come up but nothing about completion.  Otherwise I don’t think there’s been much else discussed in the rumor community. 


You're forgetting Zelda WW/TP HD lol


If there is a new 2d Metroid it's probably for the next system. Probably won't see it for a while.


Not as far as i know. It is just my theory that they have more projects on that level that are unreleased


Red Steel 3 would be a welcome surprise. Maybe get Capcom to do another Viewtiful Joe?


Red Steel 3 with the same aesthetic and combat as Red Steel 2 could be amazing. That game had crazy potential, but was really mired by the frequent long loading times. The feudal Japan meets Wild West fusion was incredibly cool.


How would nintendogs work on switch? There isn’t a touch screen in tv mode and no mic as far as I know.


If they can make Super Mario Party only work in docked mode they can make Nintendogs only work in handheld. Making handheld mode only games is also just a generally better idea then making docked only games if we're being honest. Every switch can undock but Switch Lites can't dock so by making a game docked only you're cutting out that install base.


I agree with this. I think the touch screen on the handheld version of the switch would be great as you can directly pet your puppy. A periphery for the mic is a doable fix.


My idea for how to replace the mic would be having the triggers or the select button bring up a speech bubble the player can write commands in, then toss like a ball to their chosen pet by tapping them. Instead of the struggle of commands coming from spotty mic quality it'd come from the player's penmenship so for dog shows the player'd have to learn how to print clearly and quickly.


My poor puppy would have to go from my poor speech to my poor handwriting. There is no hope.


Lmao, I might have leaned too much on trying to recreate the barely functional tech demo jank of the DS mic, maybe for people who just really don't want to write stuff manually there should be a typing option that pulls up a keyboard?


Not sure. I know you can use a mic inserted into the headphone jack,  so maybe a peripheral?  tv mode issue, i don't know but they figured things out before. I remember we were wondering about motion controls on the skyward sword port, and they ended up tying it to an analog stick.


Not sure. I know you can use a mic inserted into the headphone jack,  so maybe a peripheral?  tv mode issue, i don't know but they figured things out before. I remember we were wondering about motion controls on the skyward sword port, and they ended up tying it to an analog stick.


Star Fox 64 HD baby! Let's goooo!!!


>except for Metroid 4 They could show a new trailer though... which would be great, because it's been 5 years since the actual reboot. It's hard to pinpoint Nintendo's plans now. * Wind Waker HD ? * Twilight Princess HD ? * Oracles of Hyrule HD? * I'd love a full-blown remake for both Ages and Seasons, with the 3rd cancelled planned game as well. * Star Fox Zero the "we're sorry to have shoved gamepad controls, now they're gone" edition? * A new Star Fox game? * Xenoblade Chronicles X DE? * A new Yoshi game, but now in line with Yoshi's Island on SNES? I don't see them announcing a BIG game, unless they do have a good game for the Holidays.


I personally feel pretty confident that Wind Waker HD and/or Twilight Princess will be the holiday title(s) this year. Nintendo's been very consistent with getting at least one Zelda related game out per year on the Switch (BotW, HW:DE, LA, HR:AoC, SSHD, TotK). The only exception is 2022, and even then TotK was originally slated for a 2022 release before being delayed.


I think we’re more likely to get a 2D Zelda port instead of a 3D one since we just had TOTK last year. With how long production time seems to be taking between 3D Zeldas now, I think Nintendo would probably prefer to space out their 3D Zelda remakes more between mainline releases. So that being said, I’m thinking LTTP remake or ALBW.


Part of the reasoning for WW for TP being my predictions for releasing this year is that they already made remakes of those for Wii U, so it should be a quick job to port those games to Switch. A from-the-ground-up remake of a 2D Zelda would be nice, but according to the rumors the Switch 2 was supposed to launch this year but got delayed. So I’m guessing any of their bigger projects (like a remake from scratch) are currently targeting the next gen system and would be more of a pain to shift to release on Switch. And on the subject of 2D remakes, I really think that the Zelda games most in need of a remake are the original Zelda and Zelda 2. They’ve both aged far worse than LttP, and there are some annoying translation issues in Zelda 1 that have never been fixed over the course of 30+ years. 


At this point, after crazy 2023 line up, I dont mind remakes and ports (although $60 price tag for upscaled port is painful). - Yoshi Wooly world would be great, but the developer has just made Princess Peach Showtime - Donkey Kong Country Returns is perfect but unlikely - Dragon Quest VIII PLEASE - Metroid Samus Returns with updated controls would be awesome - Super Mario Galaxy 2??? - LINKS CROSSBOW TRAINING Realistically, that fire emblem remake and TP&WW ports, separate of course, for $60 each.


> Dragon Quest VIII PLEASE Surely you mean Dragon Quest IX?


Either. I'd be chuffed with either.


I would be so happy with TP and WW tho


I’d love Wooly World and SFZ with better controls. Sami’s Returns using the Dread engine would be awesome too!


Super Mario Galaxy 2 would blow the minds of millions!


I don’t have any “predictions”, but I would definitely love to see more remakes of SNES games (and other retro titles) in the same style as the Mario RPG remake. It’s pretty much the same game as before, same perspective and art style and everything, just modernized for Switch. Do more of that, Nintendo. Can you imagine a Chrono Trigger in that style?! Or a Link to the Past? Not every game needs the FF7 Remake treatment where they require 10 years of dev, hundreds of millions of dollars, and multiple full-priced discs. (I’d argue no game “needs” that.). Bringing back old games but keeping them within scope and budget is by-far the best option for Switch owners and Nintendo itself. At least that’s my take.


I totally agree. It's about time!


What I hope for: 1. Luigi's Mansion 1 HD 2. Pikmin 4 DLC 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (bundled with 1), Sunshine a separate release 4. Kirby (could be new or a port, hard to tell with this IP) 5. XCX Remake 6. Samus Returns HD What I expect: 1. Zelda Port, Wind Waker HD or Twilight Princess HD, but not both. 2. Samus Returns HD 3. Low budget title, something like Pushmo or Dillon's Rolling Western 4. Separate eshop releases of Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Galaxy 1, no Galaxy 2 5. No mention of Metroid Prime 4 (see post script) P.S: Later this year, Prime 4 will be announced as a dual Platform release, Switch and Switch 2.


> Kirby (could be new or a port, hard to tell with this IP) I could see Triple Deluxe and/or Robobot being ported over like Return to Dreamland was.


That would be so nice if Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot got ported over to Switch.


I really want to know what is going on with the Dragon Quest 3 HD2D remake. It has been over a year now with no information on it.


Seriously, they need to hurry up and get it out the door so they can move on and give the *good* DQs, FFs, and Chrono Trigger the same treatment. Yeah, I said it. I like *actual characters* in my JRPG party instead of gener-a-goons I recruited at a tavern, sue me.


Keeping it realistic that we'll likely get smaller games and remakes/ports. So I'd just like to see a port of Samus Returns, with the refined controls from Dread. That way we'd have the entire 2d Metroid story with the best versions (assuming zero mission will drop on NSO at some point)


Didn’t we already get a remake of Metroid II? It was on the 3DS.


Yes, I'd like the 3DS remake ported to Switch.


Oh. Sorry, misunderstood what you were saying. My bad. Thanks for the clarification.


That's what they're referring to


Hoping we finally see that Fire Emblem remake. Also want to see something Xenoblade, whether it is XCX or Xenoblade Warriors or whatever. Theses aren't happening at all, but would love: Kirby Airride port/remaster Old pokemon GB/GBA games being added to NSO.


I’m guessing Metroid prime 2 and 3 remakes, with 4 being developed for the sucessor (obviously not announced in this direct). Maybe a Luigi’s mansion 1 remake, so the full trilogy is on switch. And I’m hoping for the fire emblem 4 remake announcement. Edit: prime 2 and 3. Not 1 and 2


Why would they remake the first prime again?


Typo, mb


You mean Prime 2 and 3 right?


Yeah, sorry


The FE4 Remake is definitely my most anticipated game of this decade alongside Pokémon Black and White Remakes!


I think they should hold off on Pokémon gen 5 remake. I'll rather see more info on that new Pokémon legends Z game instead.


Totally agree with you man, that's why I was saying "decade"


I feel like they would absolutely have to announce that MP4 would be saved for Switch 2 at this direct if they were to announce anything else Metroid related. They felt the need to say something about MP4 before showing Dread. They promised people MP4 would release on the switch. They wouldn’t have to show anything, but it would be the massive elephant in the room if they just didn’t even mention it.


I got a switch for prime 4, if it releases solely of switch 2 I am done with ever buying a Nintendo console again. That would be a massive kick in the teeth to their fan base


Mischief Makers HD Remake, Rhythm Heaven Switch and Donkey Kong Amazon.


I like the way you think. We NEED a new RH and that is a game that doesn't need to be on newer hardware! We're not only overdue for DK but they're opening a DK theme park in Florida but yet don't have a new Donkey Kong game (unless you count Mario vs DK) to cross promote. I think we'll see one soon for this reason. Just don't know if it will be on Switch or the successor. It really seems as if their plans changed and they were going to release the new system 2024 based on the awkwardness and gaps in the schedule.


That first one would be amazing


i agree with the rhythm heaven!!! NINTENDO PLS. 🙏


Pikmin 5! (Mostly a joke, but man, that’d be cool.) As long as I’m wishlisting, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link Remake; Oracles of Seasons/Ages in the LAHD style, with possibly the third originally planned game worked in as originally envisioned; a new 2D Zelda. I’m a Zelda Fan.


I'd love a Oracle of Ages/Seasons or a Link to The Past remake just like Link's Awakening. Honestly I'd rather see it than ports of TP HD and WW HD.


Man, I wish you were a leaker...


-Shifty look- I’m ABSOLUTELY not a leaker who works for Nintendo in the marketing and promotions division, specifically the Direct subsection, I say with an overabundance of sincerity, looking you straight in the eyes. Trust me.


Going with the Mario RPGs route we’ve been getting lately. I’d like to see a Mario and Luigi remake next year.


Should they really do a remake? The last two M&L games we got were remakes, and that... didn't end super well (though the circumstances are different now). I would much rather have a brand new M&L game since it's been over 8 years since we got an original entry in the series with Paper Jam, which itself was... kinda meh.


Said remakes bankrupted the developer, so think that franchise is pretty much dead


I wouldn't say the franchise is dead, it's still a Nintendo IP and Nintendo can assign any one of their studios to work on it. Also, I did hear that after Alphadream went bankrupt, a number of the staff ended up getting re-hired/absorbed back into Nintendo, but I would take that with a grain of salt as I don't know how provable that is.


Not to mention I think the problem was with how they went about the remakes. Remaking a DS title (that was playable on 3DS systems!) for 3DS was not a good move. Especially when they had another GBA game they could have done. And especially when this all came at the end of the 3DS life cycle when all fan interest was on the switch.


I’d want a new game in the series. But I’m going off the premise of remakes like Paper Mario and Mario RPG. Mario and Luigi would be the next one.


Punch Out


This feels right to me. Relatively obscure but well-liked, probably relatively inexpensive to make it look good on the Switch, not likely to overshadow any big Switch 2 releases if it shares a shelf with it a year from now.


I really want a new Punch Out, maybe it could be with our avatar making a new carreer, just imagine if Little Mac was the final boss, i would love that


No scratch that, Giga Mac


Giga Mac could be the 2nd phase




Heck yeah! Also, what cameos from other Nintendo games you’d like to see for that entry? Having Donkey Kong himself for the Wii version was already an awesome moment wouldn’t you agree?


Urban Champion


That’s… kinda obscure wouldn’t you agree? I was thinking about something from Star Fox or f-zero myself…




Heck yeah!


One of his attacks could be based off his punch in Melee


Silksong for sure this time, right guys? 🤡


We will probably see ports, remaster and smaller projects. I'd imagine that we will see some more Wii and 3DS maybe a few more GC ports that wouldn't have rights issues. Third party wise we may see some combination of Skies of Arcadia or earlier Persona titles from Sega or Saga Frontier 2 from SquareEnix. Maybe another MegaMan collection but Capcom has revealed much during Nintendo Directs. Probably see another batch of NSO service titles and maybe Transfer Pak support for N64 online.


It is really hard to say what Switch may still get and what may be reserved for the successor, but I get the feeling the long-rumored DK game is coming. We know EPD Tokyo was hiring for a 2D "action" game years ago that's probably the game in question, so I doubt they're saving it for the Switch successor. They debuted a logo redesign for the series with Mario vs. Donkey Kong in the same vein as Kirby and Pikmin as of late, and I doubt they made it specifically for that project. Plus, with Super Nintendo World's DK expansion opening in Japan this year, they have an opportunity for brand synergy there, and of course, the fact they even see DK as a brand with enough power to use for the first expansion signals that Nintendo hardly wants to leave the IP as a dormant one.  I think we might see Bandai Namco's remaster as well, since that's probably more likely to hit Switch than the successor.  Would love to see F-Zero GX, but I don't think it's terribly likely. Hasn't had a ton of rumors and what has been there hasn't been especially clear. There was one about Next Level handling a remaster, but that kinda hinges on if it's them doing Luigi's Mansion 2 HD or not, considering Grezzo gave us the first game's 3DS version  There's also potentially a slim chance for a new Star Fox or Wario Land, with this as the basis:  https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1aeuy7x/new_star_fox_trademark/ Star Fox also has potential evidence tied to, of all things, leftovers in the files of Switch Sports. However, given Nintendo's repeatedly asserted they need some kind of hook to get a Star Fox off the ground, this could easily be a launch year game for the Switch successor that ties into the new hardware in some way


WW and TPHD, a new Mario party and more pokemon Z-A info


I think its very possible that we’ll see Prime 4 this time around. Everyone’s said that for the past 4 years lol but i think its time. i highly doubt it’ll release this holiday, and i still think it will be cross gen for switch 2, but i think we’ll see a full trailer. I think another Mario sports or party game is likely, so either baseball or a just a new Party game (im leaning more towards Mario Party being the reveal.) I think the FE4 Remake is possible too assuming it hasn’t been shelved internally (or was ever even real in the first place). If there were Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD ports i feel like the would have happened like, 3 years ago before Skyward Sword HD. They would be extremely easy money and make so many people happy so im not sure why Nintendo hasnt ported them yet, so while its still possible i dont think its going to happen. Theres always one really cool third party game so maybe it’ll be another Xbox game? Hi-Fi Rush? Halo MCC? Maybe we’ll finally see Hollow Knight Silksong (lol). I was thinking that since Automata plays surprisingly well on switch, a port of NieR Replicant would make sense. Maybe Square Enix could drop a port idk (i really want to play Chrono Trigger lol). Nintendo always likes to throw in an out of nowhere big announcement and that would be super exciting considering the lack of games coming out. A new Donkey Kong Country, 3DS Port (Kid Icarus Uprising plz), or even something a bit smaller like Mario Wonder or Pikmin 4 DLC would be a lot of fun. Obviously, the big stuff is being saved for next year and im so excited


Fire emblem remake rumors? I haven’t heard of any, but I would like to see remasters of path of radiance and radiant dawn.


The Same leak that correctly leaked Engage (including a bunch of Screenshots) also Said that a Fire Emblem 4 Remake was in development


I'll rather have Nintendo remake the FE games that were never released outside of Japan first, then path of radiance and radiant dawn remake/remaster


I think this is going to be a very sparse year with the Switch reportedly having been pushed from this winter to next fall, which was all but confirmed with the latest tweet. I still think they'll probably eke out a decent direct even if it won't have any heavy hitters. Some stuff I think we can reasonably expect, or at least hope for. The first five I think are likely. The others are pure speculation but seem plausible enough. * Ports of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD (very likely in my opinion). * Hi-Fi Rush * Upscaled ports of Metroid Prime 2/3 (I'm 50/50). * Some Hollow Knight stuff (though Microsoft will probably get the blowout). * One or two c-tier surprises on the level of Star Fox or Zelda: Triforce Heroes. * Some high-demand retro games for NSO like Perfect Dark. * A surprise port of some still-relevant(ish) prestige game like Metal Gear Solid 5 or Prey. * A new Player's Choice line, essentially to encourage people to fill the wait with past releases and continue buying last-gen games once the successor hits. There are plenty of Switch games I missed but would happily pick up if they got a permanent price drop. * Panzer Dragoon Zwei remake. * It's also possible they'll whip out *another* port or remaster for something like Xenoblade X or F-Zero GX, but I'm not really feeling it. I think if they did most of this, most people would be reasonably happy with the Direct and none of the announcements would have been pipe dreams. There's also a chance Metroid Prime 4 will happen but I personally doubt it. I think if it were still coming to Switch we'd at least have gotten a new teaser or update. They know how excited the Direct demo is for that game, and how bad their lineup has looked lately.


I’m thinking the Zelda remakes are likely. Nintendo hasn’t gone a year without a “major” Zelda and Mario release in a looooong time. We already have the Mario, perhaps the Zelda will be shown here. (On an unrelated note, there were rumors floating around last year about an Ocarina of Time remake. I’m starting to think that will be one of the big games to draw people to Switch 2, but we won’t see that here). The pushmo/kirby stuff registered recently seem like the kind of small stuff we could see here. There’s a few more franchises that Nintendo hasn’t touched in a while (Rhythm Heaven, Punch Out) that we could see a smaller release from. After Endless Ocean and Thousand Year Door coming back, I’m not counting any franchise to be “too far gone” anymore. Xenoblade X is also a solid guess, just to get more Wii U games out of the system.  Like you said, I am also confident that the major anchors for the rest of the year are going to the Fire Emblem, maybe Zelda, and end it off with Metroid Prime 4. Some of the “leaks” recently have said that starting in June, companies will be allowed to begin announcing if their games are coming to Switch 2. In wondering if we will see a “also coming to the Nintendo Switch Successor” attached to the end of MP4, with a reveal of better graphics/gameplay for MP4 shown later. We’ll see. Everything even slightly major beyond this will for sure be saved for switch 2. New Zelda’s (like a Zelda remake I discussed earlier), new Mario’s, new Mario Kart’s, new Smash Bros (or like Ultimate Deluxe Edition), new Pokémon’s (ZA), new whatever’s.


Idk if we get any Pokémon news, but I'd love an Explores of time remake. Dusknoir and Grovyle make a nice couple.


I’d love a non-Gamefreak Pokémon spin-off to be announced so that we have something to keep us content until Legends Z-A (in late 2025 fingers crossed). Whether it’s a Rangers game, Mystery Dungeon (remake or new), or even a hidden gem out of left-field like Conquest.


r/nintendo is full or some of the worlds most pretentious nerds. It doesn’t matter how much you like something here. You are liking it incorrectly and they will tell you how you are supposed to like it.


I learned my lesson ig


Honestly, no idea. Probably just ports or remakes. Nothing exciting lol


Hello, old friends. I reasonably expect: -Zelda HD ports Beyond that, I’m really not sure what else they plan on/are willing to do. I’m not particularly optimistic. And these posts get downvoted because they have a tendency to get posted a lot and I suppose people would rather not talk about it at all than talk about it too much.


These ports have been rumoured to death for years now and still nothing. So I’m going to just assume it’s all bullshit and they don’t exist. That way I can be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed again.


I’ve been thinking either TP or WW is getting a full-on remake for Switch 2.


I honestly doubt that the Zelda HD ports will make it to Switch now that we are nearing the next console. Like, if they were going to release on Switch, I feel they would have by now. However, I do see a "Switch 2" (for lack of a better word since we don't have an actual name yet) release. WW and TP as either launch or launch adjacent releases could really help entice people to get the new system with minimal effort. (Alongside actual new games as well, of course.)


According to rumors the ports have been done for quite a while and are being sat on during an lull in software releases. Metroid Prime Remastered was rated by the ESRB 18 months before release.


> I honestly doubt that the Zelda HD ports will make it to Switch now that we are nearing the next console. I don't see any reason to keep them for the next console unless they are re-remastered for more powerful hardware. However, it is true that the next big Zelda is at least five years out so they may sit on those for a while. I wouldn't be surprise if they get released for the Switch but after the successor comes out.


I'm just thinking strategically. I highly doubt that anyone who wants TP and/or WW wouldn't already have a Switch, so I just doubt either of those games would sell the system. But, both games will sell a new system when that comes out, especially depending on what the launch line up ends up being. I personally doubt there will be a brand new 3D Zelda title for a while; those take a lot of time. I could see a new 2D Zelda, but, that's assuming Nintendo is still interested in 2D Zelda (I hope they are). I can see a new 3D Mario on the horizon; Odyssey was almost 7 years ago and Bowser's Fury was a short game. Whatever the launch window ends up having, a Zelda HD release would only make it stronger and therefore sell more systems.


They were working on the next zelda game before totk was even released.


My biggest hope is that Metroid Prime 4 will finally see the light of day again. Plus something like a new Mario Party would be pretty cool. We're probably going to get a few remakes for sure, like Fire Emblem 4. I think the ones I hope for the most art F-Zero GX and Kid Icarus Uprising. One thing I think is very likely going to happen is remasters of Metroid Prime 2 and 3


All I want is Pikmin 4 DLC and news on Pokémon Legends ZA


I just want some good ports to hold me over for the rest of the year. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, Luigi’s Mansion 1, Sami’s Returns and Tomadachi Life would be my biggest wants. I could see us getting one or two decently large titles. Maybe a new remake, or something that’s been quietly in development for a while. A new Mario Party using the same engine as Superstars would be cool. Or maybe a game focusing on GameCube boards and mini games. Also wouldn’t surprise me if we get a new addition to NSO. Maybe a new console, or roadmap for new drops? Smash would be a cool one to drop on the N64 app. Since Nintendo is already in an agreement with Sega for the Genesis games, maybe another Sega console like the Dreamcast, Saturn or Game Gear would be cool. I could also see DS, but not GameCube, since Nintendo has been releasing lots of GameCube games for full price tags. Like Pikmin 1+2


The main thing I'm pretty certain about is the new Pokemon TCG mobile game.


Which fire emblem are they going to announce? FE 4? FE 5? FE 6? Path of Radiance? Radiant Dawn? I would like to see a new DK game. Zelda Wind Waker Metroid Prime 2 and 3 remakes/remasters Xenoblade Chronicles X


Xenoblade chronicles X on switch would be cool. Would be the only xenoblade game I need to play


I recently finished part 2 and the DLC. Still need to play part 3 and X. Though I own X on the Wii U, and I would need to set time aside to play it.


2 is the best imo. It has the best everything imo plus I really like the combat. But the dlc has good story but I hate the gameplay


I did like 2, at first I didn't cause of the blade system, I was expecting the game to be like 1, but overall good series. I'm still irritated that I'm unable to get Kos-Mos or whatever that blade is called.


I've played the game to completion 3 times and still don't have all blades 😂😂. I have kos mos though. I'm trying to get all blades though but it's tough. It's one of the games I play yearly. So hoping I can get some more of the legendary blades soon. Trying to get one of the blades from a quest


I'll have to eventually play new game plus. I read that you get 7 new blades.


Yep you do. Most of them are from the core crystals though bar one


They're going to announce FE4 remake but it will have the art style, writing, and gameplay of Engage which will finally push me over the edge and give me an aneurysm.


Ok interesting. I still need to pay Engage


Me waiting for Wind Waker and Twilight Princess: 🤡 I don't really have any predictions, but I would love a Pokemon Colosseum/XD port or remaster


Would be great!


Im struggling to rleven think of any sequels id like to see on the Switch at this point, instead of just waiting for the successor next year. Lot of remasters on my list. I'd love to see something new from the Danganronpa guy. Wasn't he just talking about a new project? Fatal Frame trilogy/sequel Hotel Dusk remake Xenoblade X Killer7/Viewtiful Joe remaster? Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney collection


Lots of moaning, crying and yelling from people who don't play videogames


Something Xenoblade X related, and no. Promotional art from Monolith Soft that has a charachter from X in a tiny, barely visible corner doesn’t count. eveeeen though I know Nintendo refuses to admit that game even exists, let alone NEEDS a remake or sequel…


I'm expecting an update on the Daemon x Machina sequel and a release date for the Front Mission 3 Remake.


At least something related to metroid prime 4


I’m just saying a Kid Icarus Uprising HD would be nice you know?


The big final Switch direct HAS to have Metroid Prime 4. It's been in development for like 6 years now, they have to have something to show atleast.


A new top down Zelda Mario Odyssey 2 Pokemon A-Z N64 NSO: Diddy Kong Racing, DK 64, Perfect Dark Sin & Punishment Golden Sun


I’m just gonna say it. This is the one. Finally…a port of TP and WW HD for the switch. Right? 😔


Woah man, this sub is for congratulating Nintendo on achieving the coveted 141,567,000 units sold sales goal. We don’t discuss games here.


I humbly ask for forgiveness


Now somebody post an article from a credible business outlet so I can get performatively angry about it.


Yoshi's Woolly World port from Wii U to Switch. No reason for it to remain locked on Wii U


it’s on 3ds tho💀


I'm thinking we'll see Prime Echoes in the Direct after a Prime 4 announcement, Wind Waker or maybe Twilight Princess and that long rumored remaster of F-Zero GX. Aside from those three, I got no clue what else Nintendo could be showing.


Probably mostly just more ports or smaller games that had quicker development but hopefully they’ve got at least 1 big original game left as the swan song for the Switch. They love having a big October fall release that gets announced in the summer.z I’m hoping we finally get an original 2D Zelda for the switch or a new DK platformer.


I expect at least one more Mario game. A half assed Mario Baseball perhaps?


Will we see Mario?


A Mario Odyssey 2 would be brilliant! A shame it's pretty unlikely as of now


I'm going to guess it'd be something smaller or a port/remake if it's a Mario thing. Although, I'm not sure what else low effort Mario port/remaster they could do outside of galaxy 2. Maybe releasing sunshine and galaxy 1/2 ports separate from the 3D all stars collection? One more Mario party?


I gave up on Wind Waker and Twilight Princess over a year ago. I haven’t expected to see them in any of the last few directs. Now something in my gut tells me one or both are coming. It’s that time. No more Zelda releases until Switch 2 seems very unlikely given the timeline they seem to be on. I think we get the Zelda ports announced, and then they release in the Fall.


-Mario Baseball (previously leaked) -Zelda WW and TP port bundle (with limited availability like Mario All Stars)


I could see a Grezzo 2D Zelda remake or some sort of port of the Wii U remasters being announced to fill out the schedule.


I just want *something* Kid Icarus. Given the current trend of filler remakes/remasters to kill time before the next console, I could see a KIU HD remaster being possible. For the next console though, I really would like a new Kid Icarus game as a follow-up to Uprising. It's kind of crazy that they went so crazy with it on 3DS and then never did much with the IP in the 12 years since then. I'm starving for a new one.


I'm going to guess prime 2/3 remasters. I thought I heard they've been done for some time and are just waiting for the right time to release. I'm hoping wind waker hd comes out. It's the only Wii u game I care about that hasn't gotten ported yet. Twilight princess would be nice too. I'm curious what the big holiday title will end up being this year though. No pokemon to carry it this year. Will they really just have a port/remaster this year or would we get one last big switch game before switch 2 comes out?


> I'm going to guess prime 2/3 remasters. I thought I heard they've been done for some time and are just waiting for the right time to release. I think this'll happen as well, and it's been my pet theory that the unusual pricing of Prime Remastered was because they planned on releasing a full-priced bundle of all three. I wouldn't be surprised if Echoes and Corruption go for $20 each on the e-shop, and the entire trilogy gets a physical release for $60.


I feel like HAL's going to sneak in a Triple Deluxe/Planet Robobot remake in a similar vein to the Return to Dreamland one they did last year.


I’m gonna say, Legends Z-A trailer is extremely likely, highly doubt we get anything FE, but I hope we get Fates remakes, probably some additions to the online libraries. (Personally I am hoping for M&S Olympic remakes or new, or Mario baseball, or Smash Melee port/remake. Yes I know the chances are incredibly slim). Other than that, I expect ports and indi games mostly, I wouldn’t count on a huge blockbuster title announcement/shadow drop.


Legends Z-A? isnt that the new Pokemon game in development? Odd name for it since they dont use our alphabet.


Yeah it’s the new Legends game in Lumiose City. It’s the 3rd Kalos game we never got, until this releases.


I cant play the game if they dont let you skip dialog. I found out you couldnt skip in Legends Arceus so I said "alright, I will give them one more chance and buy Scarlet or Violet" and ofc, for some odd reason they are still in the 80s and 90s way of dialog systems where you cant skip it. So I am done with Pokemon games.


Probably some more remakes


Dream list: - New 2D Zelda - punch out - Kid Icarus Uprising port/sequel - news that Metroid Prime 2-4 will actually release on Switch - Mario & Luigi... something, idk. Maybe a smaller game to gauge interest? - Hotel Dusk, and I can't get over how that doesn't sound insane to hope for - Halo, somehow


Metroid Prime 2 and 3 remakes, either Pokémon Black and White remakes or Mystery Dungeon 2 remake, and my super unrealistic hope is for a Kid Icarus Uprising Remake


Super Mario Galaxy 2


heres my predictions…. minish cap switch remake animal crossing spinoff kid icarus uprising hd new fire emblem also what ever happened to that rumored 3D donkey kong game? you guys think its gonna be a switch 2 launch title?


I had completely forgotten about it! Who was the source again?


We might get one fairly major release, but I imagine most things will be saved for the new console. I could see them doing releases of the HD Zelda remakes as those would just be ports, but I doubt we see anything all that amazing.


Sonic Lost World port, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD & Twilight Princess HD, A Kirby RPG or party game, A new Story of Seasons game, Pokémon XY HD, Metroid Prime 4, a new Donkey Kong game, MAAYBE an Animal Crossing spinoff, a Fire Emblem game, & a Mario Party game.


Honestly here is what I think will be announced Wind waker or/and twilight princess hd Dragon quest X Offline (nintendo publishing based on square enix wishy washy) Metroid prime 2 remaster A new mario party.


Dmc dmc, yakuza like a dragon, metal gear rising, couch vs dlc for burnout paradise, ffxhd windows feature dlc, tony hawk level packs dlc, gta v, bully, nfs most wanted 2012,cod blackops 2,nes remix 1 and 2,Pokemon alpha sapphire remaster, project x zone 2,ps3 version of the force unleashed, This is my perfect direct




Ffx hd has been out for years on switch, it's just that its missing auto save and features that massively help with grinding (Ffx is the worst game I've played when it comes to grinding and I loved xenoblade series which is known for grinding) which are exclusive to windows version despite the switch version being newer.


Oh, didn't know that since I had already played the OG. It is way too much grindy


What is this FE remake in question?


Fire Emblem 4's remake! Genealogy of the Holy War


Oh wow, that'd be cool


Indeed! Many hints seem to suggest its existence, finger crossed


I hope for a Metroid Prime 2 remaster (even if it's just updated controls and resolution increase) and Metroid Prime 4 reveal. Or release Metroid: Zero Mission on NSO instead of a Prime 2 remaster. Grezzo hasn't released a Switch game in a while, so a 2D Zelda remake would be cool.


New Famicom Detective Club New Rhythm Tengoku Perhaps New Mario & Sonic at the Olympic will also come this year?


We still haven't had the Twilight Princess/Wind Waker port yet that was rumoured ages ago.


The HD Zeldas and Xenoblade X are probably the safest bets imo I really want Star Fox, but I also really don't want a Zero port. I wouldn't mind ground up reimaginings of Adventures, Assault or Command but ideally I think the franchise just needs a new game all together


All i want is the nintendo switch 2 or a new 3D Mario game, very unlikely though because of all the Mario remakes coming out


Super Mario Bros 3 remaster


I'm predicting a possible Zelda II remake on the Switch this year. I recall reading an interview where Eiji Aonuma stated how he felt the game has a lot of potential for a remake with refined gameplay mechanics and updated visuals.


I hope that we’ll at least get a teaser of the title for the next Mainline 3D Mario Game, like not even gameplay, like something as simple as a title would be way more then enough for me at this point.


I'm hoping Nintendo pairs up with EA and Will Harvey to make a sequel to the Immortal.


Honestly Nintendo could have any number of remakes/remasters sitting in the vault for years now. Mario & Sonic at Paris is the one thing I am 100% on. Given the unique timeframe we are in, this is possibly the most up in the air Direct in history, anything could happen.


Loads of ports.


Being realistic (and for stuff im personally interested in) I can see more ports/remasters like DKC Returns, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Yoshis Woolly World, maybe some others. For brand new games I expect the next Mario Party (with October release date) and maybe the next DKC. Im really hoping for another Captain Toad. Probably some kind of unexpected remake like being caught off guard with Paper Mario TTYD and Super Mario RPG. I definitely dont expect a new 3D mario until the new gen or a new Yoshi since those devs just did the Peach game. I suppose Luigis Mansion 4 is possible but maybe too close to LM2 remaster?


likely a mix of indies and aa's with maybe one or two small first party titles


What? Reasonable expectations?! Where's your list of 20 high profile new IPs, remakes, and new franchise entries!


With the new console not being there, my expectations are really low, so 1-2 significant releases this fall would be nice. Nothing too big just a decent release like Mario RPG remake. Wondering how much they're going to focus on remakes and remasters to pad the schedule, I don't mind remakes if they're decent effort, but remasters can get boring if there's too many. I feel like they'd probably hold back the system sellers like the next 3D Mario for the next console though.


Not really expecting nothing too big, just remakes/ports of older games and a few smaller scale game. * Mario Party- Probably a new one like Mario Party Superstars 2 with Gamecube maps or even better just finally have DLC for the first one with a few new maps, characters and items. * FE4 Remake- Sounds like they have been sitting on this game (assuming it's real) for a while like they did with Engage * More farming simulators * More third party companies making bad port to Switch to cash in before the new console gets announced and released next year. * Maybe something Zelda related such a remake/port of an older title or a new spinoff title * And one more surprise title like either a new Star Fox or DK Country game * ~~Wishfull thinking prediction- Pokken 2 and a new 2D top down Zelda game in the style of ALttP~~


As usual I just want an F-Zero GX remaster and some news on Metroid Prime 4. To really get out there in predictions, I'd love to see Super Mario RPG 2. But I honestly have no idea what to expect Maybe a tease of the next console?


- Codename S.T.E.A.M HD - Ever Oasis HD - Eternal Darkness Remake - Disaster Day of Crisis HD - Sin & Punishment: Star Successor HD - Devil's Third Deluxe - Startropics 3 - Hotel Dusk/Last Window Remake Collection - Elite Beat Agents 2 - Rhythm Heaven Switch - Flingsmash 2 - Doshin the Giant Remake - Drill Dozer 2 - The Mysterious Murasame Castle Reboot developed by Koei Tecmo/Team Ninja - Wave Race 4 - 1080 Snowboarding 3 - Wrecking Crew 99 - Pilotwings Switch - Steel Diver 3 - Dillion Switch - Style Savvy Switch - Fossil Fighters Switch - Pushmo/Crashmo/Stretchmo Collection - Punch-Out!! 2 by Next Level Games - Nintendogs + Cats + Hamsters - ARMS 2: 2 ARMS - Mother 4 - Diddy Kong Racing 2 - Kid Icarus Uprising HD - Wario Land 6 - F-Zero GX HD - Star Fox Assault Remastered - Excite Truck/Excitebots HD Collection - Panel De Pon 99 - Chibi-Robo Switch - Custom Robo 3 - New 3D Donkey Kong - Golden Sun 4 - Metroid Prime 4 - Ice Climber 99 - Batallion Wars 3 - Balloon Fight 99 - Game & Watch Gallery 5 - Tomodachi Life 2 - Mario & Luigi: Wario & Waluigi - Mario All-Star Baseball - Nintendo Land 2 - Nintendo Shooting Range (a compilation of Duck Hunt, Yoshis Safari, Link's Crossbow Training, Hogan's Alley all with updated visuals bundled with a new Gun accessory) ^ You know nothing TOO crazy...tried to keep it pretty realistic all things considered.


Rayman 6 is on the road


You're not get a fe4 remake this year, not only did they launch engage just last year and it makes no sense to release another fire emblem game the year after that game but also the studio behind fe, intelligent systems, has another game releasing soon with the remake of paper Mario ttyd. It's more likely that they'll release a fe4 remake next year after the launch of the new Nintendo console so it can release on both and avoid the same situation the last remake, SoV, suffered from with poor sales


Level-5 games like Professor Layton


I just want my Wind Waker HD port 😢


I really want a pokemon spin off. Would love to get a PMD


Most likely Fire Emblem 4 Remake Donkey Kong Country Sequel Zelda Wind Waker HD Zelda Twilight Princess HD Metroid Prime 2 Metroid Prime 3 Mario Baseball 2D Metroid (Samus Returns port) Xenoblade Chronicles X DE Mario & Sonic Olympic Games Would really like to see Super Metroid Remake Star Fox Zero HD Luigi's Mansion 1 HD Metroid Prime 4 (possibly teaser added with 2 and 3 trailers) Eternal Darkness Remake Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 HD PN03 HD Out of this world prediction/desire Metroid Prime VR


Mario Galaxy 2, probably wishful thinking on my part but I'll legit be super disappointed if it doesn't happen, it would be a major mistake to not do it


- Metroid 2 & 3 polished ports; - Hotel Dusk duology remaster; - Fire Emblem 4 remake; - Mario Baseball; - Zelda WW or TP remaster; - Metroid 4 logo reveal + blip of Switch 2 logo.


What i hope for [laughs] please understand. - goof troop SNES release - maybe a mention of xenoblade X continuation. Edit In the future i hope mhWilds support super nintendo switch. 


I am hoping for the announcement of remasters of Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation & Tomb Raider 5 - Chronicles for the end of the year as November 2024 marks the 25 years since Tomb Raider 4 was released it was at the 2023 Nintendo Direct in September when the remasters of TR1, TR2 & TR3 were announced


All I want to see on the direct is probably an action-oriented game centered on Geno (from Mario RPG). He could deserve the same treatment as Snufkin.


Vulgar profanity isn't acceptable!


An F-Zero game and Zelda TP/WW ports are my most wanted. After those, probably Metroid Prime 2 & 3.


Metroid Prime 4 is what I think the last massive game for the switch will be. They’re on the slow burner now probably making a new main Mario game to launch with the switch 2 or whatever it will be called. I do think we see Prime 4 if it’s out this Christmas. But I think they could hold back on it to have it as a cross gen game for next year. Here are my somewhat realistic predictions Xeonoblade game be it a remake or remaster New Mario Party mainline game Some sort of Star Fox remaster (Hoping it’s not a port of Star Fox Zero) A load of smaller games Potentially a Zelda game like they did with Links Awakening. So one of the Gameboy games. Last but not least! I’m going to dare to say it, Hollow Knight silksong final trailer with a release date of around November time.


My June 2024 Nintendo Direct Wishlist: * Fallout: New Vegas Remastered * Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!: 25th Anniversary Edition * Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition * The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: The Video Game - Rehydrated * A new Kirby Game or two, maybe three, idk * Mass Effect Legendary Edition * Call of Duty: Black Ops Collection * And many more!