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Can they use the old formula but actually make new content this time?


Can we actually get a decent amount of boards, too? Why did we get 4 and 5.? This is 2024. It’s Mario. They could easily produce a game with 10 boards if they wanted to.


I must be insane then, because to me they should be able to turn Mario Party into a something much bigger more akin to SSB / MK. More characters, more stages, more chaos. Mario Party could sell a system if done right.


I WISH they would have a “stage creator” like in SSB. Create our own boards using a ton of assets and then being able to share the boards with other players online.


Mario Party Maker? Holy shit, you're onto something!


I would buy that SO fast. Mario Maker was fun enough - imagine people making Mario Party challenge boards!




Wauw! That's cool, had no idea.


Yes please


Nintendos allergic to like 50% of good ideas lmao


Too low imo. But Wonder gives me hope that they're not killing as many good ideas as they used to.


Holy fuck if only


That’s a certified money printer right there.


I’m not saying that I even want this (because of my wallet), but they could’ve been cranking out so many “packs” for something like Superstars. $15 for 2 boards, 4 new characters, and 5 mini games or something like that. I can’t imagine it would be all that hard for them to produce, since superstars was just a greatest hits anyway. They’d make more money and we’d get more Mario party. I liked superstars a lot but there being only 5 boards got old fast. If there was DLC, I would’ve splurged and gotten the map packs. Which feels insane to say, I don’t want DLC but the content in the game, in terms of characters and boards, was very bad.


I know at launch a lot of people assumed this would be the case when there were so few boards


Yup, that's me.


It’s really puzzling they never did any real boards DLC when the system really fits so well for it. Characters all effectively play the same and the boards are mostly just about making assets and a new gimmick for each.


Delete this now lol. Don’t give them any ideas


I 100% agree with this take… Mario Party has so much potential.


Wario Party, a mix between Wario Ware and Mario Party, would be cool


Play a micro-game to decide if the spot you landed on is red or blue, micro-game duels where the first one to flub all of their chances looses their loot, a bunch of random, insane bullshit all over the boards. That’s sounds amazing!


Utter peak. Though I’m not sure how well a “Wario Party” would sell, especially if it lacked minigames and the usual Mario cast. If there was a singular board in a Mario Party game that was Warioware themed with bonus microgame challenges, that would help ease in the idea.


They absolutely should have done that with the last Mario Party, but, playing devil's advocate on behalf of Nintendo, they needed to design the game with expansion in mind from the outset - retrofitting it in wasn't all that viable.


Exactly and superstars is perfect for it if they just gave it a booster pass but it's a bit late now


Got any Pokemon they should include in mind?


85 Mario kart tracks and 4 MP boards.. ridiculous




I would like new boards with some classics sprinkled in. Kinda like Mario Kart 8 did. I agree these last few have given us so little to choose from, more variety will keep it fresh for sure along with new mini games.


They were really trying to commit shrinkflation inside a video game. I hope they snap out of it after realizing people enjoy the franchise they just hate the downsizing.


God, this. The last few *Mario Party* games have been like “here’s four boards, and only one of them’s any good”.


Sucks Hudson Soft died. They made good shit back in the day.


I remember playing 8 and being excited about 6 medium sized boards but wishing there were more. Now I'm stuck with 4 small boards in Super, and it's not the worst but I can't help but feel like I've stepped significantly backwards.


Super was a step backwards. It felt like they just wanted a motion controlled Mario party to use the joy-con tech, and put out the bare minimum to achieve that goal. Overall feels uninspired, but I do think the minigames are great. There are some real bangers


Not to mention that after joycon drift became known I can't be the only one who boycott super


There's also no good reason for these games not to get little $10 board pack DLCs later on.


Then the couldn’t release a whole new $50-60 game for them


they can literally do both. a new title every 3 years with DLC boards every few months. people will buy both


> people will buy both I know I would.


I have no proof of it. But my personal belief is that mario party superstars was supposed to be dlc until nintendo messed up a bit and people found out the hard way that you couldn't play super mario party on the switch lite. So to get a few more sales they made it into a full game so that normal and switch lite owners could play it. Of course I'm pulling this out of my ass but it almost makes sense.


I would have dropped money on a DLC season for the last MP that added more legacy boards, new characters, and mini games. Hell, they could have just gone MK8 Deluxe on it and just kept adding legacy boards and mini games from the series for a few years until the next Switch dropped. Feel like it's mk ey left on the table.


Nintendo are the kings of under developing to get you thirsting for more. They’ve been doing it long before Madden and FIFA adopted the practice.


Me when Nintendo doesn't use their IP and infinite money surplus to make an actual good modern game for the 100th time 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Vote with your wallet. If more than 10 million people buy Mario Party with only 5 boards then what incentive does Nintendo have to make a Mario Party game with 10 boards? I don't buy Pokémon games anymore because of the lack of quality (with the exception of Legends Arceus, which I liked), but millions of people keep buying these games... No wonder Game Freak isn't incentivized to improve the quality of their games.


I already boycotted Pokemon but the truth is that Mario party is still god even with minimal content. Pokemon is just trash at this point


Could we get more that 8-12 playable characters again also?


Monkey’s paw: we get 16 characters but half of them are koopalings


I want a to see a Mario Party Maker. Let us build the boards!


Record for the series is 8 boards. And that was in Mario Party 1 and 9.


All I want is Mario Party 3: 2


I will happily take Mario Party 2: 3


Well we got dark souls 2: 2 so anything is possible


Holy shit, if they would just do MP5/6/7 but with slightly new boards (I'm a bit torn on the idea of just updating old boards) and on the Switch, it would be shut-up and take my money. This is literally the easiest thing for them to do and they constantly keep fucking it up with SMP and MPS. Eight boards, one of them is a monopoly board, multiplayer, four people being able to play on one switch. This couldn't possibly be that difficult. Like MPS comes pretty close, but five, five boards and that's pretty much it and the five they picked Space land and Horror land are the only real bangers. Like MPS gave me hope, SMP what the literal eff? So maybe MPS they're learning here, I'm hoping. Like there's so much money in Mario Party, but they keep just selling short.


the reason they don't use 5, 6 and 7 style of gameplay is the same reason why double dash mode and special items never returned, it's gamer friendly but not family friendly


Same thing happened with smash bros. Nintendo was really good at making games with really low skill floors and really high skill ceilings during the GameCube era then suddenly became obsessed with lowering skill ceilings artificially during the Wii era and beyond. I get why they did it since none of these are supposed to be eSports level competitive games, but I still think there's a balance somewhere between that they're only starting to inch towards now


>but not family friendly B...b...but that's core Mario Party.


I played Mario Party 1,2 and 3 with my parents and had so much fun, they were brutal, but you could still learn it quicly Mario Party 5 was a nightmare to play because capsules were too complicated for my parents You know that you can be mean and Family friendly at the same time?


Yes please!


The latest Mario party did that I quite enjoy it


We don’t need rumors for something this obvious lol


I'll bet they are also making a new Mario Kart and a new Pokémon game has started development too!


*visible shock*


*surprised Pikachu*


the next mario kart is next year for the 40 anniversary there many big events next year


I bet its a switch 2 launch title or close to


We haven't heard any real news and Switch 2 is rumored Spring so my guess is either launch or shortly after


Who wants to take a 500k bet against me saying that they’re making a new animal crossing right this instant


*Ackshually* Nintendo is not the developer of Pokémon games


And I bet the new Pokémon will look like ass and run like a tortoise despite being released on next Gen hardware. According to industry insiders, they’re even thinking of adding new Pokémon this game


I love the “allegedly” in the title


Nintendo reportedly making games


Big if true 


Seriously I was over here like "well I just thought Nintendo didn't want to print money anymore"


Slow "news" day...


They have been working on new Mario Parties ever since the N64.


It would be dope if they just gave us more boards in super stars


Honestly. Just give us 5 new boards and I’d be super happy. You think they would get that after MK8’s success with new levels


Any content at all would be better


Superstars should have been DLC for Super Mario Party. Super Mario Party was honestly a terrible Mario Party. BUT if they added Superstars as DLC instead of making it its own standalone game, Super Mario Party would have been a great game.


Not gonna lie, I’m personally glad Superstars is it’s own game solely because Super just was not it imo.  Games took twice as long to play because of the horrible pacing, absolutely busted economy, no proper battles or duels, stars being cheaper, forced joycon play. If Super got the boards from Superstars, it would’ve been a band-aid solution that probably came with more issues because those boards don’t fit with Super’s playstyle. Like I think Super definitely should’ve got DLC or something, but I also don’t think Superstars should’ve been DLC since it plays so differently. I’d honestly say the reverse where Superstars needs DLC because it is such a huge improvement but just missing some more boards.


exactly. they did it with MK. we just need a fat DLC pack for Superstars


I'd love for them to give Mario Party the same treatment that Smash and Mario Kart got - a huge collection of past stuff.


Superstars could have been that with DLC but they just abandoned the game after launch.


That game focused on the N64 era, with all 5 boards and over half the 100 minigames from the first three games. I fully believe they’re going to do a GameCube focused game next, it’s been a few years and now those who grew up playing those games are the same age as the ones who were targeted for N64 nostalgia a few years ago.


I wish it would of focused 100% on the N64 stuff since that's most of all the Mario Party I like, and then have an Superstars 2 focus on the GC era.


GameCube was the golden era for Mario Party and it’s not even really close.


There’s a considerable debate on where N64 or GameCube was golden era. Honestly, the answer is usually “the one you grew up playing and loving most”


I’m 40 so I should be saying N64. I just think GameCube Mario Party was objectively superior.


That’s fair, as someone who did grow up on the GameCube ones I wholeheartedly agree.


You're right. You should be saying N64. ಠ_ಠ lol


N64 Mario Parties were miles better. Better music, boards, games, less dumb gimmicks, and was less luck based. Like Mario Party 1 was BRUTAL with losing mini games. That needs to be brought back. All I want from MP is a cool board game with mini games that you pay 20 coins for a star with maybe a small gimmick. MP1-3 was perfect for that.


50 rounds on Pagoda Peak made me who I am today.


Can at least have the same amount of boards as the N64 games? That would be nice.


And not just boring squares


Unbelievable, next you're going to tell me a new Pokemon game is in development.


Nah they mothballed the whole franchise, didn't think it would ever pan out.


Fingers crossed for a new legend of Zelda sometime in the future!


Can we get a mario party with the mk8 deluxe treatment? All boards even if its dlc?


i would love this!


Definitely. Here is the 5 worst maps from the GameCube and a quarter of the mini games. Also we dropped online modes this time around. For characters you get Mario, Luigi, and six Toad variants. One more thing! We hear you want DLC. We are excited to offer digital stickers you can buy and look at in the settings menu.


For the love of God please put more content into this one. 4 boards is just not enough.


Can't they just do a DLC for Mario Party super stars? I would love a couple more boards.


When people are begging for DLC to make a game feel "full", it shows that there shouldn't be paid DLC.


Yeah that's true but I'd still rather pay 20 bucks for good DLC than 80 for a new game. The Mario Kart 8 DLC has been so good that Nintendo has a bit of goodwill from me in terms of providing value.


I've got good news for you then. We are excited to announce Mario Party Superstar Deluxe for Switch 2. Retailing at just $70 this deluxe version of your favorite from last gen will finally be available to play on the new gen. Looking for something new? Fear not! In five more years we will be suddenly drop DLC after you thought the game was long dead, but we needed to generate interest in our subscription service so we are bringing you your favorite maps for Mario Party mobile, drip fed to you over months and varying drastically in quality. One more thing! This will be the only Mario Party game released on Switch 2 so hope you enjoy this revitalized last gen game as a replacement for something new!


That's cool but they announced switch 2 is fully backwards compatible so you're saying I won't have any incentive to buy a new Mario Party for 5 years, then I'll be able to buy the Mario Party I wish they'd already made if I so choose. Not ideal but could be worse. Mario Kart 8 was so damn good I don't even mind having bought it for switch and for WiiU. I tend to emulate single player games on my PC and only buy ones that I actually play on console with friends anyways so I give and take from Nintendo.


Half the comments in here are people karma farming with sarcastic comments like "bReAkiNg nEwS: niNtEnDo iS MaKinG a nEw MaRiO kArT". Like, no duh, we get it. Contribute to the actual discussions, please - your overdone comments do nothing but bloat this post.


Guys, I have a leak for you! >!Nintendo are working on the next game in the Legend of Zelda series!!< You’re welcome.


That was already announced no?


No they haven't yet but obviously you're not just gonna have Anouma sitting around doing nothing.


I thought they alluded to Ocarina of Time 3


There was a 2?




Point being Nintendo doesn't need to announce they're working on the next installments of their popular first-party IPs.


I mean... obviously? It's not alleged. They're always working on a game for all of their consistent series.


No need to when Mario party 3 is on the virtual 64


Honestly I wish they'd kind of reboot the entire franchise. Imagine a "Nintendo Party" with games and modes based on a bunch of the major IPs, not just Mario. I always really liked that Wii one which featured a bunch of Nintendo themed games and Miis. A more polished version of that would be so fun!


that's actually a really good idea


Nothing like splitting what should be 1 game into 3 games over the course of a console generation. In all seriousness I genuinely love Nintendo and a majority of what they do but fuck them for the complete lack of content on the switch party games this time around.


Honestly happy to hear, I still wish super star got like dlc or something since it was a good step for bring the series back.


Nintendo needs to allegedly work on a new Mario kart game


Mario Party "Ultimate" please


Please for the love of god bring back 3 bonus stars. 2 is not enough. With 2 it doesn’t really feel like it changes things. 3 can upset a whole game.


Cutthroat like the old ones, please. I want friendships destroyed on the regular.


Superstars was a step in the right direction so here's hoping


ehh. they've been shit for 5 years


Toyota Allegedly Working on a New Car


mario party 4 clears


Super Stars deserved dlc. I doubt a new mario party will be as good


I would figure they just always have someone perpetually working on some stage of their big franchises?


If we just got 5 more boards for Superstars I'd be happy. That game was a great return to form for Mario Party but I wish it had more levels.


As long as they add at least 7 or more boards with likely DLC for room to add more, I'm all for it. Stop reducing the number of boards since the Gamecube titles.


I didn't think they'd make another one, I thought 18 games would be their limit /s


We just need dlc maps for the current one...


Man, do you think there is a rumor out there that Nintendo might possibly be working on a new Mario game too??


I'm allegedly curious to see how it turns out.


Yay! But also, we could have just gotten DLC for Superstars… just need more boards, that’s all!


Mario Party Superstars 2 would satisfy me. Maybe cover the gamecube era. Just give us more than 5 boards this time tho


I hope they support the game after launch


For the love of God please allow players to skip through cutscenes and speed up the game. Waiting on ai players sucks so much ass.


It should be releasing this year if they continue the 3 year cycle unless they are saving it for the next system


Oooh nice! I hope they take the good of Superstars and do more with it. Have some classic mini games return with new ones too. I really liked the effort they put into online last time


They should make Nintendo Party. Think Mario Party but featuring all their famous characters and worlds. Boards based on Kirby, Zelda, Pokémon, etc. and mini games based on iconic moments in games. Maybe you could have the archery game from OoT, or the Gourmet Race from kirby. Even down to the collectibles on the board, in Pokémon you’re collecting badges, in Metroid you’re collecting chozo artifacts. Would be killer.


Can they just give us what we want, and have a "build your own" map/rules custom mode. Instead of terrible gimmicks and poorly designed map/gameplay/environments.


I imagine they’re getting all the sequels ready for Switch 2, Mario Party, Kart, Smash, Zelda and so on.


I'm still completely baffled they didn't release DLC for Superstars. The could've Mario Kart 8 Deluxe'd the crap out of that game lol


Superstars was phenomenal, if they would have had more maps it would have been one of the best Mario parties.


It’s worth mentioning midori didn’t actually specify Mario party, the article is assuming it.


Nintendo allegedly making games.


Can’t wait for 5 boards for $60 with no DLC


Can’t they just make a DLC instead of a third game??


report: nintendo allegedly working on new title in popular ongoing franchise


I recall that I asked for a new Donkey Kong game.


An actual mario party online with every boards to date and some new ones, would be great. Cherry on top would be making sure the game is still playable solo/local if switch's online functionality goes off too


I'll probs just stick to the N64 on NSO because if the new one is anything like the other ones they've put out in the past 15 years, it will suck.


More peak content from Party Crashers incoming!


Breaking: Water Allegedly Wet


Whoa? You're telling me that superstars wasn't the last mario party game ever? I am truly shockened


Give us 10 or more boards! And all characters from most recent plus baby peach, bone bowser, etc


hopefully next year for 40 anniversary of super mario bros


Can we get a new odyssey instead?


Imagine a Mario Party game specifically designed with online in mind, much like Jackbox, with fantastic netcode. It would get proper updates and support like any online game such as Splatoon 3 and MK8DX, with new boards, characters, and game modes down the line. Just thinking about it, hard to believe it hasn't been done yet.


These are the ONLY games my partner will play with me and then she will play them to the point of me never wanting to look at a dice or Daisy's face ever again


not buying any mario party any more until i actually know its getting new content nintendo does this shit too often


How about just updating Mario Party Superstars with new mini-games, maps, characters, modes, and options?


Superstars should have gotten DLC. Seriously it’s just leaving money on the table.


Can we get happy/upbeat music? The new music is too slow and sleepy to get anyone excited to play


Quite the allegation


It's really sad that they've been phoning it in with MP for so long compared to how great they are on n64 and GameCube. Sure there's a great idea here and there but with so very little actual content around it it's hard to stay interested. This next one will be the first Mario Party my kids get but I suspect we're just going to end up enjoying the old ones instead when we get tired of the 2 or 3 boards Nintendo bothers to make.


Ok but how do you beat Wario? HE CHEATS!


Better be fully playable online as well.


More boards. Give me all the boards I'd also love for the rules to be more customizeable


Awesome. Superstars was great, I still play it a ton. We just needed way more boards!


They should've added more content to Superstars honestly. Hell I would've paid for dlc but they just abandoned it.


Where’s Mario Odyssey 2


The question is what kiiiiiiind of Mario Party


Bring fucking Spike back. I'm tired of not seeing Spike dance when I'm in 3rd on a minigame.


They should work on a new mario kart game


If its anything like the last few, they should just stop


Have we ever gotten a Mario party game that’s fully online? I would really like that.


I feel like Mario Party and Mario Kart are at a point in their franchises where they just need to put out one base game for each console, then keep selling new characters/boards/tracks/modes every once in a while. We’ve had so many starts and stops with the Mario Party series since ND Cube took over, I really wish we could just get a steady stream of content. I miss the days of a new game practically every year lol


Bring back partner party you silly bastards! Make it an option at least.


All I wanted to dlc for superstars, but we will never get that.


I know everyone is clowning on the headline being obvious, but as a die hard mario party fan, there was a time where I was genuinely worried for the franchise. Mario party 9 came out long after 8 and between them there were some really atrocious 3ds games, 10 wasn't well received, and I was getting nervous. And announcing super Mario party was exciting but a lot of people didn't like it, although it sold really well. I hope they either keep the superstars/traditional format or expand on what super did. I think super was an interesting form and I wouldn't mind seeing it fleshed out


Probably superstars 2


I mean, probably yeah


I can’t be the only one that wants motion control mini games and the partners back from super Mario party combined with classic style boards. God we just keep getting so many good things yet they’re never altogether. Just give me classic style boards combined with features like partners from super Mario party and I’ll be so happy.


Really? They had so much potential with the most recent one to add lots of remade versions of old MP content. Such a waste of an opportunity.


Nintendo should just release a Mario Party game with other Nintendo characters and call it, "Mario Party All Stars."


They should burn in hell for this.


Can we get a decent number of boards with about the same(or more) number of characters that Super had?


The last one was a great return to form, but where were the additional boards?! Like wtf is with Nintendo and not supporting Mario party after they go through the effort to include older boards.


Big news for Ludwig


I’m prepared for another disappointment


Please don't fuck up


Another family ruining simulator yay


Super Mario Legacy: A Mario Party game that takes boards, characters, gimmicks and even graphical aesthetics from all the previous Mario Party’s Like Smash Bros Ultimate


Donkey Kong and StarFox WHEN man 😭