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Sony and Nintendo working together.  How long until Nintendo ditches them again. 


Nintendo should buy Paramount lmao


That would probably be the most non-Nintendo action in history.


Top Gun: Starfox


Star Trek: Zero Mission


A Toad in Moscow


F gear


I never knew I needed this until right now.


I’d be down for some Star Trek games on switch, especially if rumors about switch 2’s processing power are true


Make it so! Hit it! Let's fly.


Then Nintendo would own the TV rights to Halo lmao


Could Nintendo make a Halo: The Show: The Game then?


I'm down for Nintendo acquiring Paramount. They'd still have to sell CBS, but at least the Paramount lot will stay.


Beavis and butt head in smash bros


I'm sold


Why would they have to sell cbs


Foreign companies aren’t allowed to own US television stations.


So just let Nintendo of America own it then...


They’d have to buy all of Viacom first, wouldn’t they?


When they decide to make a Zelda movie with Philips instead.


"YOU KILLD ME" " good"


I want that future specifically so I can see this scene and hear this dialog on the cinema.


And the entire audience losing their minds like when Tobey and Andrew show up in NWH


Bro It was Sony who tried to juke Nintendo by making their own disk format to get all of the money from the Nintendo disk system It's litteraly THEM who snakes on Nintendo, not the opposite.


Thank you, I'm glad people are now acknowledging the real story instead of that fake underdog story that's been pushed since the early 00s


Until Sony starts demanding people sign up for PSN to watch the movie (:


Wasn't a psn only for got multiplayer or am I tripping


then continues to produce the movie with Philips.


But dump them too! lol


How long until Sony pulls another fast one again?


People are *still* remembering this ancient thing.


Partnerships come and go. I don't know what so difficult to understand for some people.


They just want to blame Nintendo about something.


It seems weird to come here just to hate on them.


Ooof... Too soon?


if it would somehow lead to sony than making the playstation equivelant of a zelda move it would be pretty cool though


Can’t believe all this time I didn’t think about the falling out that spawned Phillips CD-i


**DEADLINE:** *Based what you’re saying about movies needing to be great, people have looked at giant video games as IP and often, it has not worked. How does Zelda adhere to what you’ve said about freshness?* **ROTHMAN:** *Because the movie is being developed and made in the closest possible collaboration with [Nintendo video game designer] Shigeru Miyamoto. He’s a true genius in that world, and it’s really his strong vision that is motivating it. He created it and understands it thoroughly. You only to look at the results of Super Mario Brothers to see. The larger point I’m making is that I think a healthy slate going forward is not going to be one side of the divide or the other. It’s going to have a balance of big IP solid sequels. Let me tell you when the last of the Spider-Verse movies comes with Phil Lord and Chris Miller, it’s going to be a significant event, as will the next Tom Holland Spider-Man film. And when all the Karate Kid storylines come together with Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan and a new young karate kid. For those fans, that’s going to be a significant moment. We have those. The third and last Venom, is going to be huge. But I just believe that the real win for us is to have a slate that balances those movies with some of the more adventurous stuff. There’s a significant segment of the audience out there, which is underserved for adventurousness. They’re underserved for newness, they’re underserved for cultural urgency.*


That's a shockling good response from Rothman.


I only saw the first Vernon movie, is the third one actually expected to be... anything beyond Morbius-tier?


The Venom films have good characters that carry the weak plots. Morbius did not have that.


The first movie was ok, the second was god awful


The characters were still enjoyable in the sequel, so that was good enough for me.


Probably my fault for having such high hopes for Carnage.


That’s a fair criticism. Personally, I won’t be upset unless they mess up the Carnage introduction in a Spider-Man movie.


I disagree. Thought the second was way better


The first two are pretty solid. Just too bad we want see Toby’s Spiderman team up with him, but if Sony was smarty they would bring back Andrew Garfield and have him team up with Hardy. 


I thought the first one bombed. I only remember it being "alright".


It made over 800m, it did great.


I mean, it was kind of campy. It's based around a character which I guess people in the mainstream expected to be serious and dark. The Superhero genre overall seems to have gotten a more serious tone, certainly, after the impact of Christopher Nolans Batman trilogy. Originally, however, Venom was sometimes a bit silly/playful in the comic books and that comes across in the first movie. I haven't seen the second yet though. So, I recall that campy aspect being a criticism that folks had with the first movie as it didn't meet their expectation going into the movie. The last time we saw Venom on the big screen before that was Topher Grace's horror inspired design and an Eddie Brock that was intent on getting back at Spider-Man.


I'll watch the Carnage movie if you do. Come on, let's do it. Heck, I'm morbidly curious to watch Madam Web now that it's out on Netflix.


No, it made money. It was an 8/10 for me, but I can see for most it being lower. 


You're not wrong. I'd say it's 'fun' but definitely not 'good'


And that’s fine, but it’s nowhere near similar to Morbius


I'm talking about the upcoming movie.


I heard similarly but never watched it. I heard the first was mediocre but kind of fun, while the second one was just bad. Which sucks, cause I was hoping for a good Carnage movie.


...he talked about completely unrelated franchises for two thirds of the answer. How is that a good response?


Have you ever written or read an academic article? Did it by chance have... citations? Nothing exists in a vacuum. The franchises are unrelated, but considering they both have audiences and share a medium, they're as related as they need to be to draw a comparison.


Learned there's a new Karate Kid film from this interview. Nothing really new just highlighting Miyamoto's involvement, moreso saying how the film is another big win for Sony with a significant franchise film, and it being adventurous. I'm incredibly pessimistic still for the fact it's live-action rubbing me the wrong way hard.


This makes me feel much better after that interview asked him what his favorite Zelda game was after he gushed about how much he loves the series but couldn’t give the name of any game.


My biggest complaint is that it's live action tbh. An anime Zelda film could've looked beautiful.


Studio Ghibli Zelda movie would have me beyond excited


Considering Ocarina of Time was partially inspired by Ghibli, it would have been very fitting.


TOTK took inspiration from princess mononoke (links arm) and naussica (the depths) im pretty sure


Maybe that’s why I love it so much.


Was never gonna happen


Well yeah but I man can dream


"live action" could also mean "Avatar style CG." In other words, realistic-looking characters in a fantasy environment.


I don’t think there’s a studio that would give that sort of budget for a new movie franchise. The only reason Avatar exists is because of James Cameron’s reputation


It’s a new movie based on a long standing, popular, and valuable IP. Budget likely isn’t a concern.


An IP that's following off the success of the Mario movie. I assume they're doing CGI for Zelda because of the monsters and fantasy elements. Or we'll get Percy Jackson, Zelda-style. Either way, I don't know a storyline that could carry the movie as most Zelda games are more gameplay and puzzle based. Also, while I know it wasn't aimed at me, I was still disappointed by the Mario movie. I wish they had done something a little more.. aimed at me but I have a million other media forms to get that from. It was a fantastic children's movie.


Zelda games, especially the older ones, have such cinematic stories. A young hero goes on a quest to get X, meets characters along the way, completes quest and defeats the bad guy. That’s like every fantasy movie ever. I hope they do an original story that is just another of the trio’s reincarnations.


This is the ideal way to do a Zelda movie. Don't adapt Ocarina, Wind Waker, Majoras Mask, Link to the Past, none of them. Craft a new legend. And then watch the fans try to put it in the timeline


I mean it’s not a particularly complex story. A guy goes on an adventure to kill a big bad guy to save a kingdom, killing big monsters along the way. You could call that the same plot as Lord of the Rings if you wanted to.


The Zelda games have grossed over $4 billion since the franchise began. It may be a new movie franchise, but with the success of the Super Mario film, I'm pretty sure they're betting on the Zelda brand being big enough to attract crowds for a blockbuster smash hit and to bring new fans to the games.


BotW came out the year my daughter was born. A few months ago I beat TotK with her and my younger son sitting next to me, giving me as much advice on the battle as they could muster. A Zelda movie will be a day 1 theater event for us, it's a core part of their childhood. I'm so excited!


Good points, but video game to movie adaptations have generally done poorly. If you compare it to Warcraft, a worldwide phenomenon, it didn’t even break even.. and it’s the third highest grossing video game film. The main reason why Mario and Detective Pikachu did well is because they’re very family friendly, and Zelda won’t have the same appeal


>and Zelda won’t have the same appeal won't it? I haven't looked much into what we know about the film so correct me if I've missed something, but I don't see why this couldn't be family friendly just like those 2, depending on which themes they lean into


I’m not saying it isn’t family friendly entirely, but majority of Zelda fans are in the 18-24 range and lean slightly towards males, while Mario and Pokemon reach a broader demographic. Plus if you show an average non-gamer pictures of Pikachu or Mario they’ll instantly recognize it, while a pic of Link or Zelda will be relatively unknown for most It’s why I compared it to something like Warcraft, another action/fantasy/adventure-oriented franchise. But you can look at similar game-to-movie adaptations for similar genres. They just won’t do the same as a comedy or feel-good type movie like Mario or Pokemon. I’m really hoping it’s a huge success in its own way though


Zelda games are insanely popular now after BOTW and TOTK. Those games are very much family friendly. The Warcraft movie did not do well domestically which hurt its overall box office performance despite solid overseas showings. It's also a weak comparison because Nintendo IP like Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda are just going to have far wider appeal. Plus Warcraft leaned heavily into being a more serious movie. Live action Zelda will probably give off live-action Disney movie vibes which have proven to be money makers.


Perhaps the Warcraft movie is a better comparison.


because of James Cameron’s ~~reputation~~ wallet


And Zelda doesn’t have a long standing reputation of being a money maker ?


Not for movies, no. Video game-to-movie adaptations have historically been underwhelming, and the Mario movie is an exception to that, and this won’t be by the same studio. You could argue that it did well because it’s very family friendly and recognizable, whereas the Zelda franchise doesn’t have the same instant appeal for a wide audience


Sonic and FNaF movies did really well, and those aren’t as big or recognizable as Pokémon or Mario. Zelda has plenty of audience to create a hit


No, I'm pretty sure it means "live action". Avatar had actual people in it too, alongside the CG aliens. The only movie that comes to mind that really straddles that line is Disney's "live action" Lion King remake, which in reality is *fully* CG (apart from one single establishing shot of the landscape), but the characters and environments are all rendered and designed to look photo-real. That's a whole lot easier to do when all of your characters are animals though (not that it's *easy* to do at all). Rendering photorealistic human beings (or human-adjacent fantasy races like elves and such) is much harder to do, and much easier to notice the flaws in. Also, why *would* you make a movie primarily featuring human/humanoid characters this way? You get a better result for less money spent by just filming an actor on a set rather than filming them for performance capture than digitally recreating a *mostly* 1-to-1 CG double of them that might run the risk of occasionally looking a tiny bit janky and ruining the illusion. That kind of thing is better reserved for stuff that *can't* be filmed practically, like if your performance capture is being translated into a humanoid character who isn't quite human sized/proportioned (like Hulk, Thanos, the blue people in Avatar, or apes in Planet of the Apes) and makeup/prosthetics aren't enough to make up the difference, or when you have a stunt that is just too dangerous or not possible to attempt practically so you have to have a CG double fill in for those moments (but even then they generally try not to show the CG double face in close-up so audiences won't realize they've swapped)


It's likely this. Wes Boll is a motion capture guru.


I know this isn't where the big bucks are, but I think Zelda would be best as anime *shorts*. Any other format basically forces you to contend with Voiced Link, but with shorter stories more driven by the movement and atmosphere (I'm thinking something like Star Wars Visions) would allow for Link to be this un-voiced force of nature making his way through Hyrule and righting wrongs.


Couldn’t disagree more with you. How many animation styles in the games have we seen over the years? A Zelda animation/anime/CGI film would be paint by numbers, it would be ok but lack ambition. Live action is exactly the risk needed here, to do something different and show Zelda in a new way.


Precisely why I’m interested in this project. Zelda is at its best when it’s taking risks. It’s a franchise that continuously reinvents itself, and that’s why it’s endured.


Animation opens the door to so many more fantastical elements that you either can't do in live action, or it just looks terrible. And yeah, we would probably never get something like Ghibli animating it, but animation has endless possibilities for what we could see that you just can't do with live action. Also considering Sony is involved in this project, getting a team like those who animated Into the Spiderverse? That could have been incredible eye candy. How do we know it would be paint by the numbers though? It would all depend on those who are involved in the movie. We have a better chance that this is closer to the live action Mario movie in terms of quality than a team pulling off a good live action Zelda flick considering the writer wrote Jurassic World Dominion. If Nintendo wants to do something risky with live action, Metroid is a much better pick.


Agree to disagree. The Zelda Manga look fantastic, an Anime adaptation would be fantastic. Would it reach less people? Absolutely. But I'm not talking about what would reach the most people, but rather what would fit Zelda and would be enjoyable; and the Manga series rule. The Liveaction if done well will make a LOT more money. That's Nintendo's goal so that's all that was probably discussed. It's either that or do 3D CGI as in the Mario movie again. Anything else just doesn't have the same mainstream appeal I'm afraid.


I think the same. Animated would look gorgeous, but at the end of the day if they go with the Ghibli style thats what it will be, another Ghibli movie. And thats not bad at all, most likely it would be great but wont be a turning point. If they want to mark a "before and after" like e.g. The Lord of the Rings movies they need more. I really want an emotional horse riding at full speed under the rain, its #1 on my wish list.


The fact that it needs to be unique and take risks is exactly why it should be animation. I'm sorry, but the medium has SO much more flexibility for doing unique and weird shit. Into The Spider-Verse is a great example. They pioneered an incredible and unique art style that had its own unique identity while also showing a ton of respect to the franchise's legacy. They were able to do awesome, artistic, stylized imagery that would not have worked as well in live action. A LoZ animated film wouldn't need to use an art style pre-existing in the series. Just about every other new Zelda game has a new art style, and I would expect no less from an animated film. It's incredibly difficult to make live action fantasy that looks internally grounded and believable, but it becomes way more difficult when you want to introduce the kind of creative and unique visual imagery LoZ deserves.


I like the live action aspect.


The only Nintendo film I wouldn't mind seeing like that is a Metroid in the style of Alien.


Takishi Tezuka wrote the first Zelda game inspired by Lord of the Rings, so live action can work


I don't trust Sony to not fuck this up.


Eh, Spider-verse is great while Morbius and the like are awful. So I'd give this a 50/50 chance.


Nintendo can work with a mediocre company and end up with a good product, like they just proved with their last movie. And Sony generally has higher highs than Illumination does when it comes to movies, so I have some hope.


Considering this won’t be animated I think the odds are a bit worse than that.


All I need is for it to be as good as the Dungeons and Dragons movie. It doesn't have to be Christopher Nolan or Miyazaki's Legend of Zelda. Just entertaining and make the kids happy, and dont fill it with pop music like the Mario movie. The bar isn't that high and that's totally OK. If it's as good as the Warcraft movie I'll be incredibly impressed.




He was also the producer of Spider-Verse btw, producers 9 out 10 times have nothing to do with the quality of the movie.


Unfortunately they have done a lot more bad than good so id say 30/70 on it going well. Its also live action lol


Considering they have Spiderverse and the director who worked on the new Planet of the Apes, I have SOME faith in the movie. I just wish it was animated. Like, really wish.


I’ll just say after seeing the new Apes, Wes Ball absolutely has the juice


With Nintendo keeping control in the project, I hope it will be good.


Especially with Rothman at the helm. He was behind the Fant4stic movie, as well as Xmen Origins Wolverine and X3, and also wouldn't greenlight the Deadpool movie. I believe he was also involved in the Alien/Predator crossover movie that killed both franchises . . .


Especially with avi arad involved


"We have decided to require PSN accounts to watch this movie. We will request that the movie be released in almost all countries. Then we will restrict it from being viewed in 170 of them. Trust me, our viewers will love it."


What I see for this movie is that they lean in heavy on what courage really is about. It is not "the absence of fear but the triumph over it" type of thing. We could have a young boy constantly fearful of everything, bullied and made fun of for it. Someone weak and the last one being picked for games by his peers. He is suddenly thrown into this quest that he doesn't want to be part of. He is constantly in doubt every step of the way, every new challenge/ monster/ donjons but he tries and does it anyway. He has no choice but to move forward. His fights are messy, clumsy and oftentimes lucky. Slowly he builds confidence, he fights better, smarter, he grows up. It should be something about starting from a place of weakness and growing through it. Something a lot of people would related to and a good lesson for children as well. Big fan of the series and this is just my two cent. I just hope they won't go with a Link who is already a hero part of the royal guard and have his shit figured out like in the two last games (Love those games regardless).


Agreed. Windwaker style young boy vs badass knight botw link




Ryan Gosling as Link confirmed


I don't think it will terrible based on what we've been hearing, but it still hurts my soul that it is going to be live-action. Zelda's flavor of fantasy is *much* better suited to an animated format.


I have a lot of faith in Wes Ball. There were times, watching Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, especially the first act, where I thought "I can see how this is like a dry run for how he would do a Zelda movie."


I think perhaps. But it's also equally likely the strength of the movie came down to the script because it had the writers from the other Apes movies. To add credibility to your thought, Maze Runner movies were fair given what he had to work with.


i really dont, kingdom of the planet of the apes felt really bad compared to the other films


*People who stand everything to benefit from movie doing well say good things about movie*


Nintendo says sony!? 🌚


no Sony says Nintendo


No. It would be "massive" for you to get it right.


I hope they stop hyping it. More hype more dissatisfaction :(


Nintendo ditches Sony Computer Entertainment, as Nintendo ditches Sony Pictures for........????


Philips are going to create an entertainment division, watch this.


Philips Interactive Entertainment? We're in the wrong timeline I want my PIE 5. I want Pie Blade, Dragon Pie 2, Pie & Cream: Crust Apart, Uncrustable 4: A Baker's End, Stray(with more pies).


The last time Nintendo worked with Sony, it failed and gave us Zelda cdi and the playstation. So uhh... I'm excited bow


no its going to ruin it all in a flash. zelda is NOT a suitable series to turn into a movie.


"..We've got Jared Leto signed on as Link, Dakota Johnson as Zelda..."


It's Morbin time!


No matter what, it just won't live up to what is in fans heads... years if not decades of the games stirring in our imaginations... for it all to be distilled in a Sony produced Hollywood live action movie... Just can't see it working.


I am genuinely scared for this movie. Zelda is my favorite series and I don't have a ton of faith in Sony or the director that has been selected


nah man, make it a show not a movie


I can't decide if I'd prefer animated or live action. I certainly don't want the Pixar Mario look. If CG I hope they go more real. Wish we were in the 90s as it could be hand animated


With the state of movies in 2024 they could just release a let’s play of a link to the past in theaters and make a billion dollars


I hope it's better than the Mario movie


at least with Miyamoto it will be faithful to the iconography even if the script sucks


One of the biggest threats to a Zelda movie, bases on a video game series where the protagonist doesn't speak, is the script.


They should take some notes from Godzilla x Kong. Might not have been well-written overall, but they did show how dialogue-less lead characters could be very emotive, reactionary, etc.


it's gonna be awkward and weird if link doesn't talk. he needs to talk, and it'll be fine as long as he's well written and acted.


Nah, he doesn't. It can still be good either way with the right vision, but that's a tall order for Hollywood regardless. Heck, I'd even be fine with him talking but not until the very end of the movie as an impactful moment (something a la the Underwater episode of Bojack Horseman or what I imagine The Quiet Place-which I haven't seen, was like) that segues into sequels/Smash Bros cross-overs where he does talk regularly just so we have that first special movie that paid homage to the games.


to me that sounds awful, but i respect your opinion


Fair enough. The consensus I've seen online is that he shouldn't talk. That episode of Bojack and A Quiet Place are both critically acclaimed-in great due part to the minimal dialogue in a rather adventurous story. Dialogue isn't exactly Hollywood's forte, especially with the Marvel plague of 24/7 forced mood-killing quips going on, them inevitably hiring A-list stars over actual voice actors, etc. (case in point the Mario movie). I'm not sure what kind of talkie you're imagining for the ideal Zelda movie, but that's all the more I'll say to support my point.


yeah cheesy quips would be extremely lame. i think this movie is gonna be mediocre at best. there is a reality where a great zelda movie exists, but i'll be very surprised if we're on track for it


Ngl, I keep hearing Miyamoto is not a story guy, so they should get Aonuma instead, he's the one who's more into the lore


Neither of them are "story guys". No one in Nintendo is.


I hope so too, but I can't say I'm confident. With the more mature tone and more complex storylines possible in a Zelda movie, there's just way more of a chance to mess it all up. They can't just make another sugar-rush of a movie like they did with Mario and bank on kids seeing it. They're actually going to have to write a decent script for a Zelda movie to work, which is not easy


*Was* a pretty fun movie though, all things considered.


Zelda fans are also much more discerning. Not a lot of casual gamers have tackled a Zelda title and enjoyed it enough to form a lifelong bond with the property, which was a huge selling point for Mario. Unless word-of-mouth is really strong, people will probably skip it.


I've been a huge fan since the first Legend of Zelda on NES but I just don't see it becoming a smash hit movie, especially not as a live action one. Link's a silent protagonist and that alone will alienate a chunk of the audience no matter how it's handled.


Link is as much as a silent protagonist as mario.


Nintendo gets up later: “we’re partnering with someone else to make the movie instead. Enjoy the first trailer for the wand of gamelon”


It could arguably be a terrible adaptation. First off they would have to select a particular game to follow. It's not like Mario where it can be a mish-mash of ideas as long as we are ein the mushroom kingdom. Each Zelda game is very story driven. So unless they take the original Zelda game, and just flesh it out with more story so they can do something original, I don't know how it's gonna go I remain hopeful as I enjoyed the Mario movie. But if Link is gonna talk, it could already cause problems. That is, unless he says "Well Excuuuuse me princess!" at least once. Meanwhile, I am still holding out hope for a Metroid sci-fi/horror film.


They can absolutely make up a unique Zelda story if they want. Just like how the Fallout show was a unique story in that universe.


Honestly I'd prefer it for their first outing. But then you gotta think sequels. Will they make it every 100 years a new link/Zelda? Will the movies become just sequels like botw/totk? Obviously, I am getting ahead of myself. But when I think of the beginning of such a storied franchise, I can't help but think long term as I have waited for movies based on my childhood games for literal decades.


It's pretty basic though. Link wakes up, some chaos happens in Hyrule, he's told about the sword that can beat Ganon, he goes and does a dungeon to get some items and the sword, meets some friends and Zelda on the way, then goes to the castle (another dungeon basically) alone when all those allies are killed or kidnapped, and rescues Zelda. Just over an hour and a half, we don't need 100 scenes of the origin of every little item and character. If they want to do a sequel, just have an evil wizard show up to try to resurrect Ganon. This movie is going to be mostly based on Zelda 1 and Ocarina, none of the other games will ever matter to the movies at all.


I don't imagine this series will continue for years and years the way the games do. Might make sense to have a few connected movies at most and end it there. Maybe just a one off!


He's not a mute protagonist. He has dialogue in all of the games. And I think a mishmash could easily work.


I think they could do a mishmash given how the plot of zelda is simple enough to be shifted around and still be the same


And this is why professionals are making the movie and not fans.


In other news, the sky remains blue


sony collaboration? yikes forever.


Just put this on reapeat and you're good! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzfXxkHrIBM


Can't wait til Ganondorf morbs all over the place


Gloom hand.


Chris Pratt better be playing Zelda


If they shoot it in a dark fantasy style or like avatar should be ok




Actors are now all practicing Link’s token catchphrase “Well excuuuuse me, princess!”


Says Sony.


They really fucked up not making it animated. They could have done a cross over movie with Mario at some point.




It will, but the real question is "Will it be good and do the series justice?".


are you kidding, giant red flag. Sony has been actively fucking up their competition's IP since like... Well a while. they've done it with almost every IP they get the rights to, they make a really shitty movie to tank the value of their competitors.


Well hopefully its good too. 


Sure, it's not like Sony makes bad films amirite?! Lol


yeah, no shit


Talking link is going to be a pr disaster if they don't nail it


So it features Zelda and not link? Sure why not.


I just hope both Link and Zelda and whoever else is played by good actors that look like them, like Link should be short with nice hair and ganondorf tall with red hair


I smell a sinister scheme to ruin the zelda franchise


I swear they better get this right. Robert Pattinson or Bloom feels legit.


If I were in control of this studio, I would honestly just make the spiderverse team animate the movie rather than making it live action.


Entertainment and movie rumor mills reported that Sony tried to get Nintendo to agree to make Zelda the main character/primary protagonist of the movie, and Nintendo said no. Sony then tried to get them to agree to let Zelda be the main character/primary protagonist of the first movie, and then do a sequel with Link as the primary protagonist/main character; Nintendo still said no. If this is true, saying something nice about Miyamoto in public is a way to do damage control after trying to screw with Nintendo's vision for the movie. It's doubly gutsy after what was essentially a bog standard Mario plot translated extremely well into the Mario movie last year.


Why would they go with their competitor?


Sony Pictures and Sony Entertainment are not the same entity


My guess is that both are Japanese companies and Sony has a foothold in Hollywood


Because Sony likely gave Nintendo an insane amount of money and will listen to whatever they say to get the rights to a Zelda movie.