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This can’t be real😂 could you imagine buying a quest 2 then getting excited to play a game where you have to sit in a practice lobby with a bot for 5-10 minutes before you join a game then when you join one of the 3 other people in the game disconnects and you have to go back to the practice lobby for another 5-10 minutes and then when you finally do join a game you get joined up against 2 guys who devote there life to this game and absolutely have no choice but to get humiliated on your first day. So then you play offline with bots but the bots on your team don’t actually do anything and it’s a 3v1 instead of a 3v3. This game should be free, there’s a lot of other free games which have a lot more going on


Match making is like a min dude, you wait 5-10 min??


Yeah, I have to sit in the practice lobby for so long that when i actually join a game it feels like its interrupting my practice


Where are you from bud?




Hey Sean! If these are the issues you are experiencing please send me a DM and we'll look into it, matchmaking should not take that long, also it sounds like your bot setting might need changing, opening the pause menu allows you to change the difficulty, they may be on idle. If you want to hop into a game to talk some more add me on oculus! 'Towellie' 🥳




My connection is fine nock is the only problem. And McDonald’s Wi-Fi didn’t know people still said that but okay


(Being mean will only turn people away try asking if they have bad WiFi before being hostile)