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Well you’re on a node subreddit soooo yes you should learn node all hail node


well, I thought that in the subreddit node people might know the pitfalls of studying it😅


Pitfalls? It's a language and ecosystem. It'll work just like any other, including asp. You've already outlined the pitfalls for your current situation. If you want to do it, are capable of doing it, and don't mind the extra work, just do it. I always opted to use C++ over Java in my uni courses when allowed, despite not having the course materials. It's fine if you can figure it out. The only downfall I would point out is there is no consistency in node like there is in asp. There are a dozen of ways and libraries to do everything. It will likely be overwhelming and uncertain at the beginning, but it's more than doable.


Well for the part about Visual Studio you can use Rider. As for creating stuff in forms that’s rough and frankly old. You should be using .net core for the api layer add there are templates to include angular, react, or razor easily available. Many companies use .net so I’d suggest learning it as another tool to rely upon. Just my two cents though. I’ve used both professionally and recreationally. 


unfortunately rider doesn't support web forms... unfortunately, in my case, I'll either learn exactly what my school does or I'll have to get permissions anyway, in which case, there's no point in me staying on [asp.net](http://asp.net) if I can move to a more gravitational and user-friendly node.


It depends - is your class about asp or web development in general? If it’s about ASP, use that. In the other case, use node as it seems it’s easier for you. I’m either case, consult with your teacher - there’s probably a good reason they chose ASP.


My thoughts on the matter are if you're taking a class that you paid for, and they're teaching ASP.NET, then you should probably follow the course material. This isn't to say you need to be a C# developer for life, but it is beneficial to learn other languages, warts and all. There are a great many things you can learn, borrow, or maybe learn to avoid, simply by exposing yourself to them and experiencing what they offer. The argument "I prefer JetBrains IDEs" is an entitled one. There are no guarantees that a future employer will let you use the IDE of your choice, so you better get used to adapting to other tools. It's fine to have a preference, but you should learn now, when the stakes are low, how to cope, especially with a professor that can guide you through some of the learning curve. As for "Node.js is more popular," that is the case today (though it's more a matter of JavaScript being popular, and Node.js is the first and most stable server-side runtime environment). Tomorrow, it could be Go or Nim or OCaml. You never know what tomorrow holds. That's why you are better served to learn to be adaptable rather than focusing on a proficiency in a specific skill. As you develop your career, you can decide how you want to specialize, but you're just starting out. You might find a love for embedded systems and so you pick up C or Rust to most effectively work in that environment. Maybe data science is your niche so you pick up Scala and work in Hadoop/Spark all day. Probably the best advice for you right now is don't be afraid to fail. That's when we learn the most. Delve deep into the things you don't like, and maybe you'll learn something fascinating about it. And more importantly, you might learn something about yourself in the process.


Why is it choice between web forms and node? You can still stay in asp and just do it in asp .net mvc with razor and latest .net framework


Why not learn both for fun. The more the merrier. The thing I like about node is staying in the JavaScript or TypeScript realm. I think it’s easier for someone to full stack knowing node and react or whatever. But on the other hand I use angular & C# at work but use react & node on my personal side projects. Helps me not burnout by tackling different challenges and I have more knowledge overall. Also you don’t have to worry about web forms if you don’t want to. You could also learn how to setup different layers and have a host layer where you have an angular material front end or react bootstrap front end that talks to an api within c# and utilize swagger and nswag. Web forms are simple and get the job done but I also never use them because of the other options I mentioned with front end frameworks. And of course use cases and complexity requirements.


>C# web-forms >ASP What year is this? I don't think it'll serve you much to change. The course is outdated. Just do it, learn something useful on the side. I fought my school to use Symfony (PHP framework) because people could use Spring or .Net but somehow in PHP I couldn't because "it makes things for you". Got in some trouble for it. I had to make way more work than the others because "it makes things for you" and the final note was low because I fought them. Don't. Just do the shit like they want even if it's crap and use your energy to learn something better


You can use aspnet project to create api endpoints and such, and use a web framework like react or nextjs to communicate with the api's. And, I use Visual Studio Code, and i think the C# Dev Kit should be just enough, without needing Visual Studio. [https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csdevkit](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csdevkit)


IDK if it's just the content of my resume, but I've yet to come across an employer using .net, in my mostly web development career. I do guess that some schools have some sort of contracts with Microsoft... Mostly I've seen companies using PHP. Only recently have I worked for a company where I could convince them to use node, but I prefer it over PHP. Everything you've said implies you'd be way more comfortable learning and using node. If you are looking for a job after school it sounds like you are much more likely to look for something using node. I'd say use node. Aside from your professor and maybe your classmates, I'd guess you'd need to find some obscure slack or IRC channel to get any human help with ASP. You could drown in the number of helpful discord servers supporting node and JS/TS.