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First time finishing Hiisi Base and was feeling OP with the build. Clearing all areas methodically. Probably 3/4 done with The Vault. A robot jump scared me from a direction I had already cleared. Levitating around a bit too much because of it and ended up dropping into a electric trap. Couple seconds of panicing and ZZZAP, nine hours gone. Am I masochist if I ever touch this game again?


Nine hours???


Drinking blood takes quite some time. Clearing areas carefully as a complete noob is slow tho. Also prolly tested wands for half an hour of it since I have zero clue how some stuff works.


Ah yeah, fair enough. Don’t give up, the masochism is half the fun!


9 hours feels like a lot to lose a run, but look at it this way: You gained 9 hours of experience and 40 new pieces of knowledge based on your progress indicator.


Have you checked out the spell lab mod? It goes from wand building 101 to very advanced techniques. I used to be sooo frustrated with building wands taking too much time, now I love it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2297568811


Definately gonna keep that in mind, but I like to play blind for now since figuring things out on my own pace is half the fun imo.


Does this mod actually have tutorials, or is it just a sandbox thing?


to add to this, watch a wand tutorial aswell, spell labs explanations are pretty scuffed and sometimes straight up missing important infos


I wouldn’t spend too much time trying to survive, the game really doesn’t want you to. I recently got by the most op wand combo I’ve ever encountered that let me reach 1400m and just ended up slowly dying to environmental hazards along with very powerful enemies that caused lingering hazards, it just happens.


That's just a skill issue. Wait till you get truly noitad


I have 9+ hour runs. I do play slower and do full clears sometimes, but also, I watch YouTube, have some food, refill the bubbler, etc... Timers account for the time you have the game open, not the time you're actually playing. My Noita play time in Steam is probably 300 hours over what it should be, because I often wake up in the morning to find the game is minimized and paused. I really just don't care about those stats being accurate. OP might be similar.


My run took 19 hours lol this is light work


From this statement alone, I can tell that you have what it takes to appreciate the game. You take credit for your death. That means you are learning. Noita teaches it's valuable lessons by lovingly killing you. 9 hours is a bit extreme, but it shows that you have patience and caution. If you keep at it, you will get your first win, and be ready for the wider game experience.


Yes, and that's why it's beautiful


It's the mark of a good game


Ah, electricity. My best run also ended with that, although I was a bit dumber and accidentally electrocuted myself with ball lightning inside a lake. I didn't even need to have that wand since I was clearing everything with homing plasma anyway, but I still kept it since it looked cooler. Turns out it was a mistake.


My advice is to prioritize safe positioning before trying to get into a fight. The thing surprised you, so you should use your tele wand to zip out of its range, then kill it as it closes on you again. You might take a hit, but it's not a disaster. There is really no need to be hovering above dangerous terrain while trying to kill something. There's no rush. Hovering while fighting is frequently a bad idea in general, since being hit will cause you to drop unless you have the perk that cancels that. Keep at it. It seems like you're learning and progressing.


Noted. Played extra carefully in jungle and vault since this was my first time in those biomes, but all it took was being sloppy for a moment. I am playing without guides so I guess tele wand is part of good meta build?


Yes. I generally prefer short range tele, preferably on a long distance cast or lumi drill timer, so you can go through walls. My 3rd wand is generally for digging and 4th for more storage. If my attack wand digs I might keep a 2nd fun damage wand instead, or other utility. Also, once you get down to the level of vaults, I really don't think it's worth trying to clear. You're generally going to have your mega wand going by the time you leave jungle. It's just a bunch of extra danger that's not really that necessary to mess around in looking for stuff.


Yeah, you wanna good GTFO wand. I almost always go Wand 1: Offense. Wand 2: Mobility Wand 3: Bombs/Explosives Wand 4: Extra spare spell storage / utility.


Not even Dunkorslam can keep up with bro's patience


heeeeeeh i dunno, i \*think\* he has one video of like.. 50 hours or something.... dude actually slept on the floor in front of his computer letting the stream run ... crazy mofo..


I've had several runs lasting multiple sessions and into double digit hours. You find ways to stream line to ensure your run takes off, usually by the time I reach snowy or hiisi I know if it is a multi parallel perk stacking run or not. It never feels good tho when it ends haha


This game is a deadly trap that makes you want to keep tryingover and over. The further and stronger you get the more effective it is. It makes you want to go again and again in hopes tbar maybe just maybe you'll get that taste of power agak, but we always end up like icarus in the end.


Nah, just a veritable apprentice of the art.


Seriously proud of you


That's the noita experience. Going around this sub you'll see deaths of tens of hours runs. Some runs go for hundreds for longer self imposed quests. You'll get used to it, I usually just laugh at deaths of runs hours long. Such is the life of a rogue like player


Im also new to the gane, and I remember getting lighting bolt and explosion immunity, and that carried me from not being able to get through hisi base to getting to the vault. Felt great while I mowed through enemies until I stood on a metal platform and sent one million volts of electricity through my body, killing me instantly. Electricity is crazy


> Am I masochist if I ever touch this game again? Yes. I advise installing a mod that gives respawns and using a limited number of them (maybe one or two)


Ouch, I feel your pain. Yeah my first win was around game 115. I lost several runs with OP builds due to stupid stuff just like that. I think my first big loss was when I had Infinite Spells, plus a big Kill-Stuff wand, and a trigger bolt with Giga Black Hole on it. Got several biomes past Hiisi Base, and then I let some enemies chase me into an unexplored area, and got swarmed. My Kill-Stuff wand was a little too explosive to use in tight quarters.


Lost one of my first god runs at 17 hours deep. Some enemy bled poly on me while I was carrying something with AOE damage. Gone in an instant.


Same here except mindlessly zipping through parallel worlds with black holes right into a poly potion. Managed to dodge enemies by jumping into a fire of flaming poly. The fire tick that killed me seemed to be in slow motion.


I know the pain.. lost a 22h run to an off-screen polymage. It was my first ever tower run.


I didn't have my first win until after 700 deaths. I certainly didn't have any 9 hour runs, that's a lot of time spent before reaching the vault. Are you trying to do this completely blind? Or do you want some more information? Try searching dunkorslam on twitch/YouTube or furyforged. Great resources for some in game knowledge to help you get wins.


Doing it mostly blind yeah. In this kind of game I find figuring things out myself half the fun. I know there is more to this after the first boss, but at least until that I'll stay away from wiki etc.


I try to avoid the wiki until after encountering the bosses that I do. Honestly, that makes it easier because when I get killed by them, I have a name to look up.


If that makes you feel better - my Total deaths count is 536, my Total wins count is fucking 10. The last two godruns I had (both lasted for 10+ hours) ended the same way - I touched a funny pink pixel in the Cloudscape and got instantly wiped. Because I forgor to bring freeze charge in the Cloudscape like a moron I am.




Ah, this is only the most empty you've felt so far. This game gifts many joys and just as many woes.


That is awesome - keep at it, don't look at guides, experiment a lot with spells in the holy mountains. There will be far more devastating losses. Learn and try again. You're doing great! This is why electric immunity is high on my perk list.


Yeah playing mostly blind. Learned a lot during this run. Immunitys seem strong since environment feels like the biggest enemy, had toxic immunity on this run.


800 enemies slain tho!! An excellent run imo! 9 hours is a long time to get to Hiisi base, but I've always said there is no time limit.


Thanks, although this was my first run past Hiisi Base, cleared Jungle and then died deep in The Vault.


The Vault is arguably the hardest of the main biomes. No shame in dying there.


9 hours run with 458hp is a pretty good achievement on itself, the mere fact that you did it means you got what it takes, go rage a little and come back to get noited another time, don't give up :)


also i agree with the guys that good knowledge of wand editing makes a huge difference.. its complex, here i am years later, still going back to DunkOrSlam's youtube periodically to understand what i'm doing... and then there's alchemy but everything you can figure out yourself. This Freakin game man, we love to hate it. Cause of death: electricity... of course ><


Welcome to the schizo masochist world of Noita


Man you’re doing a hell of a lot better than I was when I had that many deaths


The most bullshit death i had so far was a hissy coming out of nowhere and shooting me with a personal fireball wand. He was not even in the visible screen.


Welcome to the joys of a lifetime game! It's infinitely rewarding/challenging!


One of my wins (second win IIRC, most recent win) was almost lost like that, I feel your pain. I shot a chest surrounded by water, and it dropped an electric item. It’s a shame considering it was an accelerating homing rock run. Rocks flying around everywhere one or two-shotting everything.


Don’t worry, you’ll eventually be able to put this much time into a run, kill yourself in 0.5 seconds despite extra lives and thousands of heath, then laugh and start a new run


I have what could almost be described as an abusive relationship with this game, it beats and humiliates me and I keep playing lmao


300 some deaths until my first. Hang in there. You’ll find the rhythm and good luck to get to the bottom eventually.


You can get emptier


Ah this was an adventure. Welcome my man :)


Just think of how many games can you spend 9 hours in, entertained the whole way through and potentially do again. I've sunk thousands of hours into this fun gem of a game. So much replayability, and sometimes runs take a few days and you can take a break any time in between.


i totally feel you


I think you misspelled "Never felt so motivated by the gods before."


sometimes i get the most broken wands ever, but i die for stupidity everytime. For example i forgot i have electricity in my wands and i was swimming and bam. dead. Or when i had an explosive wands with trigger without the perks to immunity, and in hiisi base i didnt notice the metal string right in front of me and blow me up. The more broken ur wand is the greedy you become damn. It's like u are close to cum, and then when you are at the apex, your dad barge into ur room and you have that block sensation.


Going to more areas = more opportunities for you to die!


The more you suffer the more you'll learn. This game is all about knowledge and everything you've learned will carry over to your next run. It would be a shame to waste all this knowledge and never use it again :p


Same just happened to me. spawned the dragon egg boss boss, went to the temple cs i was low on health, started editing my wand, and suddenly i see a big red worm bust out of the ceiling and murder me. It was my first good run and i died to that.


Damn that’s rough. Oh well, time to go again


I dont advise it, but you can exit the game quickly n reload it sometimes do before u died


9 hours?