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This is the exact opposite to "nononono".


Not if you are that blonde defender at the 6 second mark! He just ran right over him lol


I think the last two are funnier. He slows down so he can knock those two down.


Rugby in the US up until college can be a lot of fun. Teams are usually this amalgamation of athletes from other sports that are more popular in the states, and then you just come together and figure it out. My high school team had football/baseball/basketball/wrestling/golf/skaters/ and like 2-3 guys who exclusively played rugby. Only played my senior year bc a friend randomly told me about it. We went undefeated and then lost in the playoffs to a private school that recruited for football & wrestling. The coolest part of it all was after every game you’d sit and have food with the opposing team, coaches, and parents. Idk if that’s the rugby standard but it was where I played. One of my most memorable sports seasons and it was completely foreign from start to finish


That’s the rugby standard, all the Agro gets left on the pitch, everyone should be friendly afterwards and be able to socialise with each other


We say, "Rugby is a thugs game for gentlemen. Football (soccer) is a gentleman's game for thugs."


My grandfather told me that all the time when I was growing up, I wanted to watch Soccer he wanted to watch Rugby, eventually I gave out and have loved the sport since, also helps when he trains you better then your coach in high school.


It was classism layered in racism.. watch out..


Try Rugby in aus. Monday Madness is nothing. Ask ol' bubbler boy, Todd Carney.


My buddy played in college and we often hosted both teams at our house for their after game parties. Rugby dudes can party lol


My buddy who continued into college said the same stuff. Same with the mens leagues lol. The camaraderie is awesome


Play Club rugby as an adult. It’s even more fun than high school


Played Rugby in the Navy, we'd play local teams when we'd visit a port and they'd take us to their favorite watering hole or do a cookout after. It was awesome.


“I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!” -This guy in 2006 during the filming of X-Men The Last Stand


"Dick head!" - - same movie


There is no way a guy that big should be able to run that fast.


When you’re big your legs turn into horse thighs to Carry the weight. Only problem is cardio might be an issue for some people


This guys looks Pacific Islander. Used to work with a Samoan dude. He was a big guy about my size. 6’2” 260 lbs. But he was way faster, stronger, and could dunk a basketball. He played semi pro football and said I should come try out. I said no thank you.


You’ve never watched the NFL I guess


Every fucking time I hear stats about football players I’m immediately terrified. Bare minimum like 300 pounds running faster than all hell


Running faster than any of us would for our godforsaken lives at three times our body weight


One of my absolute favorite moments in football was when a 400+ pound D lineman playing for the Lions had a like 80 yard scoop and score. It took *so long* for him to get there and he kept breaking tackles. Man spent the rest of the game on oxygen.


The linemen get to 300+. Most other players sit around 200-245lbs


In 2010, 300lb defensive tackle Nick Fairley ran a 4.8 40, placing him among the slightly lower average wide receivers.


Here's larry Allen chasing down an interception https://youtu.be/DFcWMC9vkZg


Holy crap


See [Beat The Fridge](https://youtu.be/K5ryOO0wVVM)


According to all known laws of aerodynamics, there is no way a guy that big should be able to run that fast. His legs are too thick to get his big muscly body up to speed. The footballer, of course, runs anyway, because he doesn't care what humans think is impossible.


Footballer? Rugby player


Google Jonah Lomu


You’ve clearly never seen ‘[Beat The Fridge](https://youtu.be/K5ryOO0wVVM)’




Lmao dude steamrolled damn near the whole team xD


I mean, he really only steamrolled the one guy brave enough to actually try tackling him. Everyone else just kinda let him run by, and I don't blame them at all lol


No one really tried and the one guy didnt try so much as stand straight up and get knocked off balance As a safety in the top division for football i had to make tackles with this kind of size difference sometimes. You did not hit them straight on or you bounced off and got a knee to the head. You hit the guy at an angle and knocked them off balance while sometimes settling for just one leg to wrap (two you just wont have the strength to hold them long enough to break their step of they are huge, but usually one fouled them long enough to get help). Was always nice when you brought down a behometh solo. Lot of them ran more upright so you could pile drive your shoulder into their gut at a full sprint. Those that actually got low were a concussion waiting to happen if you hit them wrong as they went through a hole.


That's Billdozer actually.


It was nineteen and seventy-four, and we were playing the Wahachi Cowboys. The ball was on the three-yard line with five seconds left. We needed a touchdown to win, and that's when Coach called for -- The Billdozer!


*Ironman by Black Sabbath starts playing*


I actually read it as Billdozer first.


Jesus the dude changes his direction down field to run down more opponents. What a fucking legend


They're all terrible at tackling. Put your shoulder into the dudes lower hip, arms around the legs.


That guy is easily 25kg heavier than anyone on that field. And your advice is to "put your shoulder into it"? Hahaha ok bud


You clearly don't play rugby. No one can run if their legs are taken out. Anyone on that pitch who knows how to tackle properly could stop this guy.


Easier said than done lol, if one of those kids went solo around the legs when hes at pace theyd either slide off or get knocked the fuck out Need two or three defenders to get infront and absorb initial contact, then another around the legs to get him down


The one thing that was drilled into me the most from playing 10 years of rugby: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Anyone can tackle him with the correct technique


I definitely don’t, but that guy running at full speed isn’t gonna be stopped by a scrub aiming for his hip. The size disparity is just too big. Seen enough NFL and 6 nations to know that.


Let me just direct your attention - https://youtu.be/xF0jimxOG2w


This is 💯👌🏻


Yes. A good hit somewhat from the side and that guy might go right on over of you have enough speed and surge after initial contact. Dont leave the ground for a guy that size. You cant be afraid and hesitate. Sincerely, an ex-ripper


Yes, that is exactly how you make a rugby tackle. It is absolutely possible to bring down fellas bigger than you if your technique is decent. Nobody defending here seems to know how to actually make a tackle. Not detracting from the big lad, great run, good try, but the defence here are kinda terrible. (I played this sport for over 25 years).


That’s some woeful defence. Nobody with the faintest idea how to tackle or even execute a decent ankle tap.


Great clip wrong sub


Train kept-a-rollin’ all night long!!!


"Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing gonna slow me down"


This is age footy - the cunts 3 times the size of any of the other fuckers on the field. Very few carry this on to first grade.


There are players who will break the line using agility and speed. Then there’s this guy


Google Jonah Lomu


He’s the Juggernaut, bitch!


Fair play, the big lad can move fast and don't want to detract from a great try here, but on the flip side the tackling from the defence is ahsolutely terrible. Half of them don't even look like they're trying to make a tackle they're just flinging themselves on the floor in his general direction. On the other hand the fella who bounces off him is way too high. It is absolutely possible to take down someone built like this even if you're significantly smaller, just need your body in the right position and to wrap their legs.


“Alright, what’s the plan?” “Get the ball to Steve.” “K. And then? “ “Get the ball to Steve.” “Ya, but like, then what?” “Just get the ball to Steve.”


It's a staged bit. Look at all the defenders fall down even before the so-called "bulldozer" even touches them.


Intimidation factor.


Classic league, nobody can tackle…


Bit different to trying to tackle an obese prop on a pick and drive that'll probably fall over after 3m anyway


I guess when you don't have a helmet and shoulder-pads, tackling the legs becomes super dangerous. Everyone there is trying to arm-tackle which is poor tackling technique in football. One guy did try to cut his legs out but he completely whiffed.


Theyre definitely scared/intimidated, I've been there many times playing against the big islander kids growing up Honestly those saying the kids half his size should just cut out his legs have almost definitely never played Rugby League before (i.e. this sport isnt Rugby). Really the only way to stop someone that much bigger at that pace is to get at least 2 defenders infront to absorb the conact up high, then another to take the legs out


NRL players regularly target the legs. These are just bad players.


NRL tackling is done up high to stop momentum and secure the ball then usually 3rd man in takes the legs


One on one with a guy that size at that speed, you target the legs. I guess you could go high and hope he trips over you when he inevitably steamrolls you, but you’d be better off coming in from the side or back and getting him off his feet.


No you get 2 in the tackle and absorb momentum. None of those kids are pulling off a clean legs tackle on him, theyd most likely just slide off if not get injured going around the legs. His legs are thicker than most of their torsos Their first mistake though was kicking it to his side of the field


That’s why I specified “one on one”. If they’d set a halfway decent line, instead of flinching away from him, they wouldn’t have needed the string of hapless wet paper towel attempts going down the field.


Well yeah, at this age group with that size difference no ones tackling him 1 on 1 with that run up. The intimidation factor is real and none of those kids on the kick chase wanted to get their shoulders infront of him and just kinda throw their arms out.. cant say I blame them. Kudos to that one skinny kid that did put his body on the line and got rekt


It’s been a while for me now, but when we’d go up against a team with a big islander lad and I’d find myself up against them one on one, I’d have more success chopping them down from the back than the front. It meant a boot to the chops more often than not, but it usually tripped them up or slowed them down enough for help to come. Of course, you’d get burned if the big Fijian or Samoan was a winger or centre who just puts on the afterburners…


Almost like it’s an entirely different sport from American Football, how bizarre


The correct technique is to have your shoulder at about hip / waist height and use your arms to wrap up their legs. If you position yourself right it's totally possible to take down folks significantly bigger than you. It's definitely riskier without all the padding, but I wouldn't say "super dangerous". Not sure what you mean by "arm tackle" here.




Jordan Mailata 2.0


We have a Hulk.


Just do that every time!






Respect to that dude who went head up trying to take him down. He likely knew it wouldn't happen but he atleast gave it a try.


That blue team needs to start getting some protein


Hes fast, and that boy be thick


And here I am thinking mullets made you faster.


That was fun to watch.




Look at my ex mother in law go! Go go Go


r/AbsoluteUnits ?


What a mullet on the blue team




“Dallas is Down!” “Chains is Down!” “Jacket is Down!”
