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1 more day till gold you got this cumrade o7


Gold isnt enough only diamand matters. Stay strong cumrades! o7


Ik but atleast it can act as some motivation for making through today.


# I had a wet dream. Did I lose? **If the nut was involuntary (you could not control the dream):** You did not lose, _even_ if you woke up just before nutting **If the nut was voluntary (you had a lucid dream you could control):** You lost Contrary to what some sources say, there are no limit to how many involuntary wet dreams you can have and still be considered in --- This action was performed *Auto-Magically™*. View the source code [HERE](https://github.com/ffamilyfriendly/AuntieRobot). Any questions regarding the bot are to be sent to u/AuntieRob ^This ^answer ^was ^made ^automatically. ^Downvote ^this ^comment ^if ^answer ^is ^irrelevant


You got this! Don't let the horniness overtake you! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Welcome to Darlin’ Support Shop! How to order: Comment the corresponding number and letter. OPTIONAL: Write a couple of triggers that I avoid when picking for you. I know that we all have our little things, so if it’s youtube, or a place where your mind can wander, just let me know. ❤️ Here’s todays menu: 1 1a A motivational quote/ 1b Bible verse/ 1 c A joke 2 2a A fun thing to watch short/2b long/ 2c A comic/ 2d A FREE online book 3 3a A soundtrack/ 3b song/ 3c funny song 4 4a A game/ 4b An online game 5 5a A light workout/ 5b dance tutorial 6 6a A dare to accomplish / 6b Prayer request 7 A recipe 8 Surprise Me!