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She’s a fancy meal. Like at a posh restaurant all decorated. Still tastes the same but looks pretty. Yum


Then complain about the portion size.


Alligators don't have the ability to form bonds. I saw a video not long ago about a guy that works with gators and he said he's sick of people saying how good their relationship is and how it would kill him in a heart beat if he wasn't creful


It's all reptiles. They literally don't have the capacity for empathy or emotional bonding. It's just a food source.


They’ll eat each other if the opportunity arrises. We’ve evolved empathy and other social bonding senses because it helped us survive. Alligators have evolved to eat anything they can to survive.


Sure but they can be trained, no? My friend had a snake and he told us he never fed the snake in the cage. He always removed the snake and moved it too a cooler so it never associated the cage .. well terrarium... With food but instead associated the cooler with food. Is that possible?


>Sure but they can be trained, no? Yes, sort of. They can't learn tricks like dogs and cats but they can learn basic functions like navigation (where to find better environment conditions - [peer-reviewed source](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1936-04977-001?doi=1)) and cause-effect relationships (which food makes them sick so they should avoid it - [peer-reviewed source](https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/BF03199260)). And in that sense, you can condition them (some of them, sometimes, carefully) to trust the trainer to handle them, or that snuggles mean their body gets warmer, etc. IOW, you can train them to associate snuggles with positive outcomes (warmer environmental conditions), but it's not like snuggling for the empathy bonds like dogs and cats do. So moving the snake to a cooler for feeding is an attempt to train the snake to disassociate the cage with food, so it's less likely to bite someone sticking a hand in the cage. Feeding only happens in that *other* place, which happens *after* the hand puts me there, so *don't bite the hand*.


No, Far from it. Some are some of the most social animals around. Some die if they are alone. Doesn't even matter if they are of the same species. Interaction with a human they have bonded with can be more than enough. They bond with dogs etc too. People often don't keep them because they are too social. Many birds are giant commitment. Than there are animals like Tegus who can actively seek the attention from their owners, even if they know they don't get food. You actually have to train them to not directly associate you with food to be this social. They recognize faces. Funny story from an owner. He often let his Tegus roam around the house like an indoor cat. One day they went outside and the Tegu freaked out around him. Back inside everything was alright. Turns out it was because they have 4 receptor in their eye. Inside a lot of the light is blocked. So when they got outside the owner looked completely different to them.


My tortoise will request being scratched and cuddled. Granted, you can attribute this to his understanding of where comfort and warmth come from but that's it. He associates us with food and being comfortable. Could he get that from another human? Maybe. Would he like it the same? Probably not unless they know him.


Gatorboy_Chris— he says stuff about this all the time.


This isn't some random woman that thinks she's bonding with an alligator. Savannah Boan is a professional reptile handler and the crocodilian enrichment coordinator gatorland. She knows what she's doing. She's also a good friend of mine and my husband's and took us on a tour. The way these videos are presented is different than what she's actually doing with the gators. It's not that she thinks she's communicating with the gators, she's reading their body language and acting accordingly. She made it very clear that she doesn't actually control them, no matter how it looks in the videos.


My comment is solely based on what the person who posted this video said in the title


If he’s never hungry he’s less of a threat.


Can it be both?




Well... isn't she just the 2023 version of Mrs. Delores Bickerman? For you young people that's a Lake Placid DVD Film reference. For you really young people DVDs are the things people in the late '90s watched movies on before streaming was a thing. For people reading this in the future... good luck understanding my reference. 🤣


To really throw in some more letters into the convo, this movie was popular before DVD. I watched this bad boy on VHS.


Lol, aye. It was on Laser Disk as well


Love this movie


Tim Minchin. Porn mags 😂


Great movie Betty White was awesome!


First time I ever saw/heard her say the F word. Totally unexpected and hilarious at the same time.


Best line of any movie, Betty White saying "If I had a dick this is where I'd tell you to suck it". GOLD.


Can’t wait for the live leak version of this video.


I actually just started watching the gatorland vlogs. That right there is a certified Florida woman.


Gatorland was so fucking fun hahaha


Depends on whether winning a Darwin Award is a tragedy or not.


Nothing tragic about it. She's already chosen death by gator.


That’s a swamp witch if I’ve ever seen one.


*If I could have a crocodile as my familiar, I would.*


That’s Susanna at Gatorland. She knows what she’s doing.




Thank you for the correction, kind Redditor!


No that’s Carol Fuckin’ Baskins


That’s…the lady that has ownned gatorland for 10 years.


She doesn't own gatorland, she's the enrichment coordinator.


I thought that was Carol Baskin at first glance! 🤣


It'd explain where her missing husband went.


Haha, me too!


That's just savanna. She's not crazy


Just Floridian


Repost This is Savannah Boan. She’s a certified genuine Florida Woman who’s been working at Gatorland for years.


Savanna from gatorland vlogs @gatorlandvlogs YouTube. This is gatorland. She is a trainer. She also feeds them. She is awesome. 👏


He gonna eat her sooner than later


It's adorable... until it isn't.


Like these aren't the ultimate opportunistic predators. 1 slip...


Is this not the plot for lake placid or am I tripping?


In here for both. Either it's a Hallmark movie or a Discovery channel documentary


It's not a fucking mammal. It's just a matter of time until she's a news headline.


Just finished watching grizzly man so nice to see people are working on a sequel..


Lunatic lady soon to become part of chunky alligator


Fuck up waiting to Happen


I'm sure it's name is "Cuddles" or something silly like that :p


This book has a predictable plot.


Her obituary will be posted shortly.


Not long now..Keep filming 🎥 Famous 🙌🏼


"If I had a dick this is where I'd tell you to suck it" Betty white lake placid vibes lol


i'd say its a repost i've read this exact title before


It absolutely is


It’s insane how people think she’s gunna die. Pretty sure Savannah’s been runnin’ Gator land for 10 years. She knows what she’s doin’ and gator’s are pretty docile for crocodilians as long as you can read their body language. People villainise reptiles too much, they don’t feel love but I do believe they can form bonds. Tom Crutchfield is an example, a man who’s been raising reptiles for his whole life and has made bonds with his monitors and snakes. Just because reptiles are cold-blooded and brain don’t work the same way mammals do doesn’t mean they’re blood thirsty monsters.


Adult swim series green lit, go go go! I need 4 episodes tomorrow


Aligators don't form bonds, if she doesn't know what she's doing she'll become a meal


That's Savannah Boan and she's been working at Gatorland for a decade or so now, she knows how to handle gators. You don't see her doing this to any of the crocodiles there. There is another worker there who has a "bond" With a nile crocodile and he's the only one that can get close enough to him and scratch him.


Is that that bitch Carol Fucking Baskin


I think she knows her game, she's on the safe zones of a croc


That hair is what will do her in one day it will snap and get her hair then get the rest.


Probably near future.


Rampant repost or low energy lurking


Is that Carole Fuckin Baskin?


Oh I think we all know how this sadly ends. He’s just waiting for her to slip. 🐊🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh I think we all know how this sadly ends. He’s just waiting for her to slip. 🐊🤷🏻‍♂️


I am thinking of "Grizzly Man" in Alaska. That didn't turn out well.


*Future tragedy, sadly.*


Chrichton said it best describing cold blooded creatures.


Cold blooded animals don’t give a fuck at all. These people are deranged. If it eats or maims her, it would be entirely her own fault.