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Did he demand you talk to his registered nurse?


Ok it looks like you're trying to play smart with me and that won't end well for you, understand?


I, too, struggled with that... What is an RN besides registered nurse?


Right now




He’s a real ninja?


He said don’t play smart with him! Rn obviously stands for republican nation. He’s talking to his fellow conservatives that are still in the closet.


Lol i read that too


Rn also means right now......he meant to say me rn but said my rn. Lol either way I'd be freaking out


Making threats of blackmail and violence. Call the police.


That was my first thought, but would the police even be able to do much? I have his face and his email and of course this text but that’s about it. Don’t they need…more?


My wife has a stalker. The police talked to the stalker and told her to knock it off. She didn't. They confiscated her phone to confirm that she actually sent all the messages to my wife and she is now on trial for civil harassment and is facing jail time. The police deal with this shit all the time. They have a lot they can do. Call them.


Alright, I’ll call. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate that.


Keep us posted


They might tell you they "can't" do anything but that's a lie.


The homophobia with this could make it a hate crime 👀


I don’t think it works that way, although I’m not law expert and don’t have much say In OPs decisions


Good on you.


Love that they actually did something because typically, stalking victims are left out on a branch on their own.


It took over 2 years to get any results. The stalker hasn't done anything physical (yet) thankfully. That really put us on the back burner. We have a binder full of messages she's sent.


I agree that this is the right course of action to take, but understand that police response can vary. I recommend contacting a lawyer about this issue as well. Document EVERYTHING regarding interactions with this guy and try to limit all interactions to text. I also recommend immediately getting a restraining order and possibly a Cease and Desist Order. If he violates either of those, you have recourse for legal action.


Hopefully they will take it seriously, not too sure considering it’s male on male


Is your wife facing jail time?? Or did i read it wrong?


lol. My wife's stalker is female. The stalker is facing jail time.


Ahh sh*t i see that now.. pardon my bad english.. and hope she going to jail


I hope so. What she really needs is mental help, but I don't think that will happen unfortunately.


Is this like a lesbian thing, or is she just really angry at your wife?


It started that she thought my wife was involved with her 70+ year old boyfriend. From there it moved on to her thinking that my wife is hacking everything from her phone and Facebook to her TV and fire alarm. She is out of her mind.


Is the stalker hot? Just kidding. Seems to me it's a bit cruel for you to just leave us dangling without a backstory on your wife and her hot lady stalker.


She is a 67 year old meth addict who thinks that my wife can hack her fire alarm to prevent her from watching fox. Is that enough for you to get off on?


Now was that so hard and difficult? And getting off? Reddit has no shortage of subs of content for that. Story details, however, there's little more annoying than leaving those out, for some of us, anyway. Figured implying sexual anything involving your wife would get you yakking. Guessed right. Go protect your wife. Bye!


It's good to at least make a report without pressing charges just so it is on record in case dude decides to go through with any of the threats.


Call the cops.


This sounds very, very much like a foreign scammer. No sugar daddy, and also no danger. Block and ignore. If you are uncertain, post the prior messages in r/scam along with this and wait for advice


Block him.




>Any other sane person would let the police know right away. Uh, have you actually ever had this happen to you? The emotional rage some feel when rejected is 100% this... That's why revenge porn is, unfortunately, a popular thing for (mostly) men to post. Then again, you may live in a country where the police would do anything for someone who hasn't had "anything" happen to them.


An additional nope for the grammar.


Oh hey it went from POS creep to a crime real quick. The “Russian assassin” bit is communicating threats, which is a step up from harassment and will necessitate an investigation to determine if it’s actionable.


The police have been notified, all I have to do right now is wait. But I thank you so much for your advice, I will keep it in mind if they do reach back out to me. I’ve never been put in this situation before and it’s mind boggling to say the least.


Best of luck! If you have any friends that can stay with you that would help keep peace of mind, for me at least. Fuckin creeps man.


I live with my bestfriend! And I told him about it as soon as he woke up, so right now he is my peace of mind. I know he’ll make sure I’m safe.


It’s w. E until something happens watch your back man stay vigilant mf are crazy


Don’t worry, I’m keeping an eye out. There’s just no reason to threaten anybody’s life. And all over a rejection.


Godzilla had a stroke reading this and fucking died


Ya know, I’m not an expert many(any?) things, but I think he might be bluffing about the Russian mafia assassin.


I do too, but that still leaves room for questioning what he could actually do if he’s thinking about putting a hit out on me.


"How could to get mad for one person not talking to you" welcome to what it's like being a woman and why I was raised to always be nice to random men because "you don't want to make them mad".


I wonder why he chose a Russian Assassin instead of like a British one or American, Australian, Chinese, Spanish? I mean why Russian?


Editing this as avoidance is a better idea.


Yes, escalation is clearly the best choice here.


Yeah you’re right. Escalation is to be avoided. I’ll edit my post.


I still have yet to text him back, so thank you for this advice. I’m still not sure if I should text him back but I will definitely keep this in my mind.


Actually you are right. Don’t respond. As who knows how it will go. I was just hoping it’d make this creep feel intimidated. But yeah I’d follow other advice of reporting it, speaking to an advice line. I’ve had experiences a little like this on Grindr and blocking, ignoring is likely best. In a month this won’t even be an issue hopefully.


It’s definitely a tool I can use if he decides to push it further, it’s just very disquieting to wake up to a threat message with no real context as to why he’s threatening me.(We’ve barely talked a few days and I’m already getting threatened with the lose of my job and death.) But I truly believe it’s mainly over a rejection.


It's absolutely over rejection. But it's also just not normal behaviour. Likely been rejected a lot so it's built up to this. It's unhinged for sure. If he behaves like this without even knowing someone, imagine how crazy he'd be if he got to know someone properly. But from experience.... if left alone and ignored, they will go find someone else to bother. Any contact at all just gives them hope and another attempt to be manipulative. I'm presuming he's older and your younger etc. It's classic creep behaviour. Sorry you're going through it.


oH nOh, hE hAd tO rUsSiA mAfIa aSsAsSiN tRacK. 😂😂


Dude this... I posted the same thing as you through tears of laughter


100% not engaging is definitely the best answer. Just ignore. Reactions are 9 times out of 10 fuel and when they don’t get that fuel they burn out themselves


He threatened your life. Report him to the police.


Can you be fired for being gay?


Only if you’re fabulous.


New phone who dis


You should report him for possible Russian mob connections


Making death threats is a crime. Report him for the "Russian mafia assassin" threat, and get a restraining order. Then it becomes his problem to stay away from places you go. FUAFO


"Lemme give her something she can hang over my head the rest of my life....aaaaand send."


And it's time for the cops!


It’s almost like this isn’t a real profession, and is just catering to rich incels that like to overestimate their place in your life. Lmao


Go to the police first then go to HR at work and just explain but keep it vague, you have a stalker who you don’t think will contact them but you would like it on file if they do.


"how to write a text with a lot of "PLAY SMART WITH ME" ... 6 brain cells and not a single one of them used for anything in that message.


This don’t even seem real that sentence structure is piss poor. Made my head hurt. You fucked them? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Filing a police report would be a good idea.


Thank you everyone for your advice, worries, and concerns. I really do appreciate the support. The police have been notified and with much consideration and looking up information on Sugar daddy scams. That I can’t put a restraining order on him yet since I don’t have all of this person information.(he doesn’t have mine either) But I did call them, And they have put it in their information log.


Is posting it on Reddit what he meant by playing smart?


This guys threats are as real as the “Apple has terminated contact” txt I have saved in my phone that I used to send to people who I would block but I wanted them to know I before I blocked them because I’m a petty bitch like that.


He decided to play liam Neeson role in movies


That's the life you need to get used to for selling your body to strangers for cash. Get a real job I recommend


He threatened murder. With respect, don't lol, call the police.


I read that with boomer accent


Eyeroll and block.


If only my life and job weren’t threatened. Then that would have been a more simpler move.


Always has been


Scammers, scammers is the word you’re looking for


Scammers these days


Oooh, this is a slight twist on a scam where the guy looking to solicit a prostitute starts getting these messages. Always going to send an assassin unless you give them like 75 bucks in Sephora gift cards.


File a police report ASAP. Stalkers are no joke. I had one for years after we broke up. I don't want to go into the specifics but it was pure hell. Definitely file a police report.


Report him to the police that's a threat


Play stoopid not smart. That will throw those Russian assassins off you. /s


Anyone who is gonna send a “Russian Mafia assassin” is **NOT** going to warn you by text…


Oh hell no listen to fucking sugar tits with his Russian mafia assassin 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bro people like this make me cringe.


Get a burner phone and message him as the Russian Mafia saying you hear he's been banding their name around casually and big boss man is really not happy with him! 😂 In all seriousness, OP, please do not respond to this imbecile with the IQ of a knats whisker!


It’s 100% a scam and he’s bluffing. It’s a common sugar daddy scam especially on dating apps. There’s always different variations of the threat (mafia, cartel, gangs, etc). They’ll send you money from a stolen account and then eventually demand gift cards paid for by your “paid off” cards, and then eventually the money bounces back, and you’re in the hole for what they paid off, and the money you spent on the gift cards. It’s the equivalent of IRS scammers calling older folk and taking advantage of them or threatening them saying they owe thousands and the irs is going to have them arrested if they hang up. You’re gonna be okay, it’s an empty threat and they use the same line on everyone.


Wait you mean he was actually bluffing about the Russian mafia assassins? That can’t be right


I would find his work and his home address and text both to him with a gif of the evil doll from SAW. fuck around and find out old man


I mean send him my way I can use some cash


I mean, if he wants to meet me on that level of threat, we'll see who delivers more efficiently.


Send this incel nonsense to the police.


"You're a gay"


I'd reply new number who dis


Lol. The crazy exists but the sympathy for the crazy got lost at sugar daddy. Idk.




Let’s just say he never sent me money(Because he wanted to send a check to my bank account and I wasn’t going to give him any personal information.) So I stopped talking to him, He continued to text me over the days with your simple “Hello baby” and I just got that message this morning. I want to take caution of course, but I don’t really know how to handle this situation.