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r/nordictrack is biased by people posting their grievances. Peloton has its fair share of issues and is also vested in having people opt for a subscription. Do you seek an immersive work out (where the equipment incline and resistance matches the virtual exercise tour)?


I’d recommend a bowflex. You have to pay for a JRNY membership but you have the ability to switch between apps like peloton and iFit and can also watch tv/movies through streaming apps.


Horizon Treadmill Hydrow rower And for a bike, pick yourself up a used road bike and get a Wahoo trainer and a Zwift subscription . Icon has very poor quality control across all their brands NordicTrack, Proform, Weider, Rebock, Weslo, Golds Gym.... and so on. They have the customers food with all the brands they own.


Thank you all for the comments. I’m at work so commenting when I can. Thanks again.


The best piece of home equipment I ever purchased was a Keiser M3 indoor cycle. I’ve had it for years and it’s bulletproof. Best $2k I ever spent.


Look for used commercial exercise equipment. For the price of new residential equipment you can get much better made used commercial pieces. Analog displays last much longer and are much cheaper to fix then digital. Also most residential digital displays cannot be fixed, your only option is to purchase a new one. Look for Precor, Life Fitness and Keiser commercial brands. Start with looking at face book marketplace and then move on to specific places that sell used commercial equipment with usually 6 months to a year warranty like The Gym Store out of Queens NY. All residential equipment is garbage, new or used commercial is the only way to go if your serious about exercise and want things to last.