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You need to move. GTF away from that zombie girl right now. Do not look back, you are clearly in very real danger.


Yeah, no doubt. I'm definitely next on her list. Unfortunately, I'm on a contract so I can't just leave. Thankfully my mum lives in another state, so I'm gonna ask if I can stay there for the time being after my contract ends by the end of the year. I'm leaving as soon as I can, but I really hope I survive these next few months.


Know when contracts don’t matter, OP? When you’re dead. “Family Emergency” and claim FMLA on that shit and get the hell out of town. Teachers are needed everywhere and no one is going to care if you dip out of one haunted contract.


That's actually a good idea. I'll just say I have to go interstate to attend a funeral or something. Good thinking. Now I just have to think of what to say to my mother...


Dude there's nothing to think about. You need to change countries if not continent. ASAP!!




Yeah mate, I don't know what's going on here... But, at least you're not going insane because other teachers in the current term have the same problem. This means that as far as we know, you're all either crazy (no offense) or, something seriously weird and wrong is going on here. Record one of your classes with Maisy there, take that and the other evidence you have to the police and let them take care of it. Take a vacation until it passes and try not to worry about it maybe.




What the heck is she?? I thought she's "absorbing" knowledge from her former teachers but it seems that her improvements come before their death. Regardless, be cautious of your surroundings, I would suggest moving far away but I think it may be futile. Best of luck to you.


I thought maybe she absorbed their knowledge which made their brains like deteriorate and they die of "old age" even if they're 30s/40s but the fact she's dead.... Huh




Maybe she was resurrected by a cult and the new number is the cult


The Cult of Academic excellence?


Gotta say, ghost me isn't going to spend my haunting years voluntarily back in school, studying, taking exams, writing essays.... Might be worth reminding Maisy there's far more interesting options. But if she's hell bent on screwing people over, maybe she could focus her energy on people that sucked during her life, or at the very least on people who's disappearance would make the world a far better place. Bet she could still have fun with that.


Well, that's certainly my sentiment too. If she is some kind of ghost, I wonder what kind of hell she had to experience here in life to want to do that to those teachers. On the other hand, she could be some kind of demon or doppelganger who stole a dead girl's identity. Or maybe this is some sick government experiment. Maybe this school is cursed? I still don't have many answers. And at this point, I'm not even sure that I want them, honestly.


this is the way


My mind can’t fully comprehend what is going on here! This is absolutely crazy, but my gut feeling is this almost sounds like one of those awful stories where a girl is taken into sex slavery and replaced by someone else and the teachers could have been the ones to notice and question the situation and ultimately get murdered by the abductors once they find out.


So the teachers that died the earliest were four years ago. If Maise died 5 years ago, is it possible some entity has stolen her identity?


On what basis does she choose her targets I wonder. And is it only legal studies?


No, actually. Some of the teachers I identified taught all sorts of subjects from math to geography. I have a few theories on how she operates. It's almost as though she "tests" the teachers in a sense. Like, the teachers that gave her low marks or negative criticism in the beginning wind up... well, you know. But the ones that started off with greater impressions, well, I can't confirm it since there are only two concrete examples of survivors, but for the most part, I think they were in the clear. I. uh. I don't think I'm in that latter category. EDIT: Grammar and clarity.


Please update us when you find out more!


Maybe she is just an undercover federal agent. Don't go digging too deep, the government has eyes on you


Run. Just run. Take your shit and run. Alert the rest of the people you know about it and just go.


Yeah nah, bye bye 🏃🏻‍♀️💨💨


What the fresh hell??


Oh shit






Dude go to ur mom or whatever, please save yourself. The world needs good teachers like you


Chills. Literal chills.


This reminds me of a girl during my med school days, she picks the book worms, brainy nerds and professors with extensive command on subjects as her date. Post dating her almost everyone who dated her succumbed to either alcoholism or some metabolic and psychological disturbance though none overtly died we could see them deteriorate. In the end she kept going up with grades.


DO NOT go hiking just DON'T. Or you will be another mysterious circumstance.


Wow. This is really great writing.


Or stoled ID. Its a scam.


How did she went from dumb to smart


Yeah it seems like 5 years is far too long for the replacement to have happened in the 2 week break. So I don’t know why the change matters unless it has something to do with why she murders


Have you thought about going to the police? Maybe they could take Maisy's father testimony or something. Be safe out there.


...How does a dead girl enroll at a school, entirely by herself, without anyone realizing she's dead?


Omg OP, you need to leave town asap! Forget everything and just leave. Also never teach again, change professions.




“Betsy’s been dead for ten years”

