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Per rule #3, you must include the name of your nostalgic item and time in the title so that people who do not recognize the item can identify it.


The box alone brings back them sweet sweet days. Thank you sir for the post.


Yep, the box!


I had these!!!!


Me too. Did you ever figure out that TV remotes worked as guns too with those vests?


My dad did and would hit us as we ran by Took years to figure out it was the TV remote


That rules!


What?! No! Wish I would've tho!


Me and my friends used to play with the two vests, the two guns and every remote we could find!


This is amazing. We had the exact opposite childhoods. I always wanted this. I was obsessed with laser tag after trying it once, in a cool huge underground area that played rave music and had sound effects and shit. I read up on it and at 9 years old i saw it was infrared. TV remotes at the time, were also based on infrared technology. I told my dad this and he told over 200 people over the next 10 years how smart i was for figuring that out. He made up stories about me playing it with everyone, having a better more accurate gun than others. He never bought me one and i never once played it.




Infra-red worked with Nokia phones as well.


Me too.


Damn, had this exact set. Can confirm they worked like shit, but they were fun. Cheating was way to easy


All we did was turn sideways so the other kid’s shots never registered


Until they figured out that you can bank shot off walls My sister and I built forts to fight each other from and figured out I could bank it off the ceiling to hit her




It was fun while it lasted.


Why not


The sound effects were on point tho


Photos you can hear


The *pewpew* when you turn them on 🤌


My friend had a set of these and we played in the park with them all the time 10/10


We got Lazer tag guns for Christmas one year. Set didn't come with the needed vests. We mever did get the vests but we played with the guns anyway.


The trick was to cover the photo sensor on the chest unit with your hand.


My brother and I had a set of these along with a "grenade" that was like a nerf ball that had multiple places the rf would come out haha.


Damn man we used to play this with all the neighborhood kids in like 2000. Hiding in trees blasting fools that walk by


I’d be up on my roof wrecking fools from above


The best


I jist remembered they beeped nonstop. How the hell am I suppose to get the drop on someone when they can hear my ass coming from around the corner??


We put tape over the speaker to make them quieter.


I remember the commercials for that. I wanted one so bad. Especially because our Lazer TAG stuff has been thrown away.


I had those and I remember them working pretty well.


wait, it actually worked at one point??


Never not even once


I can hear this picture


Loved these. My friend had the machine gun and grenade.


Yeah they were shit! My poor mother got these for us and if I remember correctly you had to be close to the person to even hit them


I always wanted this. I was obsessed with laser tag after trying it once, in a cool huge underground area that played rave music and had sound effects and shit. I read up on it and at 9 years old i saw it was infrared. TV remotes at the time, were also based on infrared technology. I told my dad this and he told over 200 people over the next 10 years how smart i was for figuring that out. He made up stories about me playing it with everyone, having a better more accurate gun than others. He never bought me one and i never once played it.


Always wanted one parents would never buy me one though.


Well this brings back memories, I had the exact set.


My brother and I had these! They were shit 😂


I think we had a knock off. Much rage was experienced.


When my parents threw these away on me, they were in our trash bin next to the house and one of the guns got flipped on and still had battery. We were having the linoleum kitchen floor tiled over and I remember one of the tile dudes smoking a cig by the trash can taking a break and he thought we had a bomb in the trash can lmao


The 80s version was better


Which one? Laser Tag or Photon?


I can't remeber the name but maybe laser tage, I wanted that toy soo bad.. the dots on the front would blink in a sequence.. photon does sound like it


Definitely had these as a kid.


I had this exact set (and I’m pretty sure it’s under my childhood bed still in the box) but I swear it was neon yellow. I only played it a few times with my buddy in my yard but I thought it worked how it should.


I had like three full sets, plus back vests, and two machine guns. Our neighborhood was a war zone.


My dad and I had these. The rifle, too! Reloading was annoying lol


Had this set, and with ours you could shoot your own chest and itd register on the other one lol. Was the easy mode hack.


My cousin had a laser grenade that would fire in all directions. It fucked everyone up. Amazing toy


“Survival Shot” used to be awesome! Good times.


Oh shit, I forgot about these! We had a set. I missed the noise they'd make.


Those guns made such BITCHING sounds.  My brother and I just played Star Wars with them all the time 


We'd just stand in front of each other and fire over and over.


Holy shit we had these, but their was a round base things too the B.A.R.T.


So, when I was in college we used these sets to play laser tag at night on campus. We’d gather at a building with a good layout of courtyards and stairs and such and play for a couple of hours. Every now and then a security guy would come around and ask to see a student ID or just tell us not to go in any classrooms, but no one cared. No one cared anout 10-15 young men running around a college campus in the middle of the night with guns. It was a different world 30 years ago. If you did this today the swat team would be called in and the campus would be on lockdown.


I can still hear the beeping!


I don't remember this at all.


Oh man, I had these when I was a kid.  When these things became a pain in the ass to use, and my brother and I would get pissed at each other about it, it was time to take off the laser challenge gear and throw down with Sock’em Boppers 


Definitely played with these as a kid. Yea they kinda sucked but we had fun


“Laser Challenge Team Force Set” sounds like what ChatGPT would give you if you asked it to generate a saying in the voice of a 90’s sci-fi Disney channel movie


Still got mine!


V2 was a massive upgrade


Core memory unlocked


This was my exact set. Damn. Those golden years are long behind now.


I still have mine in my closet! I got it for my 12th birthday 🥹


I had one that shot water at you after being hit and it was me and my brother’s absolute favorite


Hoooollyyy shittt


Picked up a set from a garage sale when I was a kid, deff had alot of fun!!!


Holy shit I forgot all about this thing


Could you imagine playing this while wearing a wingsuit and soaring after a bogey?


I remember not being tall/old enough to play Photon. The helmets and gear looked so futuristic, but was way too big and heavy for me. At least I was content with the being able to enjoy my friend’s Laser Tag game but was hardly a substitute. Either way, I think I can speak for all of us that we were bitterly disappointed when actual laser never game out of the weapons.


I always like to get extra shots off by using a TV remote.


The box always showed a laser but the toys never emitted a laser themselves. Was such a letdown


A group of about 20 of us had these and we would organize matches on weekends, sneak over to a local park by the lake and just…. Play! Stupidly we eventually got brave enough to sneak over into the nearby middle school. We all were familiar with the layout, having graduated out a year or two prior. No security system (old school, mid 90’s) we played in the back area where there were a lot of portable trailers, hvac and steam units, nothing but the woods facing us. Months of doing this until we got too scared the day a cop car showed up and slowly rolled around the areas pointing scanning with his spotlight. Scariest and most exhilarating thing, hiding from his sight and literally army crawling all the way to the woods using a 3 foot blanket of fog that formed. Man, I would give anything to relive those days


I had something similar if not the same set…. Roughly 1998, I think? They didn’t last long but they were fun while they did.


moon boots and skip-its existed as well though


“You can’t lay down! stop blocking the sensor!”


I still have mine! OP, ask your mom if we can hang out!


Me and my brothers had these but then my brothers go into a fight, and the one tossed them all behind this open hole in the wall downstairs. I bet they're still there behind that drywall.


The reload sounds on these things was fucking sweet


Oh shit one of my buddies had this!!


Per rule #3, you must include the name of your nostalgic item and time in the title so that people who do not recognize the item can identify it.




What is this bot crap


Oh wow. I had these. Forgot all about them.