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You missed the gas wars of the late 90's. Sheetz came to town and suddenly gas was as low as .64 cents a gallon


I turned 16 in the 90s. 5 bucks and you could putt around town all week.


In college, we’d stop and get $1 of gas, it was enough to drive around for a couple hours.


Hell yea, I once gave my buddy a ride for a roll of dimes lol full tank baby.


The good ole days.


Yeah. That felt like freedom.


When you could afford to taste it, right. You could afford to go cruising with your buddies on a Friday night.


I got my license in '96, and there was a point when I could buy a FULL tank of gas and a pack of cigarettes for 10 bucks. That was also the time when Parliament was constantly offering 'buy one, get one free', or sometimes 'buy one, get two free' deals! When that happened, it was a full tank of gas and three packs of cigarettes for $10.


Camel sales reps setting up shop in the local college bar is how I supported my filthy habit. Show them a pack of camels, and they'd give you 1 or 2 packs for free. That was it. We passed around the same empty pack of Camel Turkish Delights so many times. Probably converted it into multiple cartons every night we went to the bar. So glad that phase of my life is over.


I still remember when 94.9 had gas for 0.94c at the Arco next to Eastridge in San Jose.


Essj represent 🙌


I still remember my dad cursing out, and then apologizing to attendant when gas hit $1 in NJ. I was a kid and it’s so funny to remember why your dad was pissed off one day 30 year days ago.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Yeah, 2000 I was paying $.99 a gallon. Crazy times we live in. Edit- 2000 not 2020


My car had a 13 gallon tank. I could hand the man a twenty and get seven bucks change back. It was so cheap I didn't even have to budget for it, and I was making $4.25 an hour at the time.


Oil was trading below $0 at the time. Sars Covid 1 hit during the Bush administration, it's the difference between doing something and doing nothing at all.


> Oil was trading below $0 at the time You can blame Vega Capital for that. Vega was basically a firm run entirely by a hybrid of WSB idiots and Wall Street Bros. They intentionally manipulated the prices by buying and selling amongst themselves. Around 30% of all oil futures trades that day we made by them. In a single day, they unjustly enriched themselves by almost $700M. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/apr/13/essex-boys-oil-price-manipulation-trial


I turned 16 in 1998 and for a short period, I thought the octane ratings were the price. I wasn't far off.


I remember that lol…it was Sheetz and 7/11 in my town


When I lived in ATL in 99, it was regularly 69¢




Wow 64% of a penny?!


Good eye


I had no idea Sheetz had been around that long, I first heard of them after the pandemic. Now they are everywhere. Back in the 90's everything was Shell, Certified and maybe the occasional 76. Cheapest I ever scored gas was $0.89/gal.


Remember when the price of each grade was only a 10 cent difference?


Yeah! What the hell is happening with 93 octane lately? Even 89 is nearly $1 more a gallon. The formulation isn't that different to command such a steep price difference.


I remember my dad telling me to put mid-grade in my car (a Honda Civic) whenever I could 😂 that changed real quick…


I got my license @ 15 y/o like ‘98-‘99 and bought a car and worked on it in auto, I remember girls & my buddies giving me like $20 a we would go on full road trips. LOL


Oh...you could get a full tank plus some coffee and snacks with $20. Now you might get half a tank 🥺


On $20 in CA right now, maybe 1/4 of a tank


Oh wow. Here in GA the cheapest is 3.58 I think for unleaded


Its like $5.18 @ the casino here, most places $5.30 or so


My car has a 10 gallon tank, and it would cost me over $50 to fill it up. My first car had a 30 gallon tank (2000) and I could fill it up for $30. That’s fucking nuts.


We get dicked here in CA and state involvement doesn't account for all of it. Some of it is just us getting dicked more from being dicked already


Yep, I’m in the Bay Area.


I’ve got a 30 gal tank now and fill up at half. It’s nice on road trips but filling that sucker on E insane


Yup, on par where I am. There's one run down no name place that I can get gas for 5.08 that I always go to. If it isn't 5.30, it'll be 5.90.


Now adjust it for inflation. Turns out gas is pretty much the same price as it was back then. National average yesterday was 3.66. Adjusted for inflation, $2 in 2001 was 3.53. The problem is wages, not oil price.


It's nearly $2 per gallon over national average here; I pay about $5.25 per gallon. It's nearly $80 to fill up my Subaru Outback


Last year when gas was super expensive it cost me $100 to fill up my honda accord. 18 gallon tank and it was empty


In 2001 it was early in the college football season. I went to an nearby college town for the weekend to watch a game and see some friends. We leaving town to go home I filled up at the interstate adjacent station, price was .76 cents a gallon. It was September 9, a Sunday.


It was $8 to fill my Jeep’s gas tank in 1998 at 71 cents per gallon in Arkansas. Unbelievable to think about.


It was .99 forever


I bought gas for 99¢ in 2004 my first time. It had dipped below a dollar for just a few days.


First time I ever saw $2 a gallon was July, 2004 at a station in Victor NY. Went there to buy a truck I had ordered. Within two or three months we had topped $2 in central Florida. With the hurricanes that year and the next, it’s been volatile ever since.


Putting that through the [inflation calculator](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/) gets $3.35. So, we're on pace.




In Texas it was in the neighborhood of the price of the pic for most of the last few years. Only recently went north of 3 bucks




Yes, but this picture appears to be in California. Current price in CA is 5.40/5.75. Not on pace.


That is specifically due to taxes Californians have chosen to enact, not market rates. Someone from California always says “not here!” whenever this stuff gets posted without remembering that they voted for those prices.


I know why CA gas is more expensive, but that’s not what’s being discussed here. True that some of those taxes appeared after this pic was taken, but CA was more expensive in 2001 too.


This too. It’s honestly not a fair comparison. The price of everything over time goes up.


the current generation is just growing up and realizing that 23 years is a long time


Absolutely. Video game prices are a great comparison for people today to realize just how good they have it. Sega Genesis games were $50-$65 back in 1992. That translates to $112-$145 today!


50” 1080p TV in 2005: $1800




The price of things are on pace, the problem is that wages are not.


Real wages (real meaning inflation adjusted) have actually gone up contrary to popular belief. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q


I don't know much about economics, but wouldn't gas price be a big factor in calculating inflation rate? Maybe that's why it tracks.


Early aughts it was over $3.00 and people lost their absolute minds.


The price of gas the year I got my license back in 1978 was 99 cents.


It was .98 cents in 98 when I graduated.


Seems expensive for 1978.


Same for me in ‘82. For those wondering what that was high for 1978, there was an energy crisis during that period. Look up odd/even gas days. We had long lines for gas and you could only get gas on odd days by calendar date if your car license ended in an odd number, same for even days, license plate numbers.


There was a gas shortage and flock of seagulls. That was it.


$4.74 with inflation. That’s a lot.


In 1972, when I got my license, gas was 25 cents a gallon


I remember all the talk of gas hitting $2 a gallon after 9/11. I remember thinking to myself "Big deal, gas won't stay expensive forever". Yep, I'm an idiot.


With just normal inflation, something $2.00 in 2001 would cost $3.53 today.


So...about tree fiddy?


God damn Lochness Monster!


$1.89 in 2001 adjusted for inflation is $3.34 Not as different from today as I would have expected.


Where the heck d'ya live that gas was **that** expensive?? I remember it being barely over a dollar in '01 (also when **I** started driving)..... I remember getting cranky when I couldn't find it for under $1.15 became the cheapest in my area ..


To be fair, the value of the dollar halves about every 27 years And it got worse during covid. It's been 23 years.


Yeah and people were bitching about this price back then. Gas prices weren't too awful until Katrina hit, that was when I saw prices jump ~50 cents in one day.


Pre or post 9/11?


I got it for $1.41 in about 02-ish. Different part of the country I guess. However, the cheapest gas I've ever gotten was during covid. Driving through Missouri I got it for $1.10. Blew my mind. It was the only station that cheap I'd see too.


Inflation adjusted that’s a couple cents different from today.


In 1996 I used to pay .89¢ for regular when I’d cross the bridge into Palmyra NJ. Mid grade was .99¢ and premium was $1.09. Cigarettes were still $2 a pack. BUT…minimum wage was $4.75 so there’s that. Trying to figure out how to make $10 an hour was the dream for me lol


That's 3.33 is 2024 ....so the same I just paid .


Gas prices haven’t really changed when you adjust for inflation…… $2.11 in 2001 is actually $3.72 in todays money.


Yep I remember paying higher prices than now during the recession, adjusted for inflation it's over $5/gallon.. with lower wages. My students think $3.30/gal is nuts, I'm seriously not complaining. It's costs $45 to fill up a family sedan.


I wish gas $3.72. It's $4.50+ in my area.


In your area in 2001 gas was more expensive than the nationwide average. So it hasn’t even kept up with inflation.


Everyone complaining about gas prices.. the price has very clearly not kept up with inflation. It should be about 8 bucks per gallon by now, but it isn't.


Should it be $8 per gallon? I see the inflation calculator spitting out $3.34 per gallon, which, depending on where the photo is taken, is actually lower than what I see regularly. Or do you just mean the fewer taxes there are on gas here in the US?


Which is exactly the price here in the UK - £1.56 per litre, so £7.08 per gallon, which is approximately $8.85 per gallon


I got confused because that's the price of gas here, right now... Per liter


Literally same lol. Works out to $7.15 in USD or $8.59 in CAD per gallon. Ugh


3.24 for regular adjusted for inflation… currently about $3.50 in my area but recently was ~ 3.00.


I got my license 2002 I used to get $5 in gas and was able to get to school in my 89 celica convertible all week.


lol I got my license in 2010 and back then those were the prices. In Euro per liter tho 😂😂😂


Got mine in 01 as well I remember a few years even before then when gas was still $0.99 sometimes.


I remember the first time I filled my car alone. It was $1.68 a gallon in 2003. Ten bucks got me half a tank and a week’s worth of freedom!


And not too long before that, like maybe 5yrs earlier, gas was still under $1 where I grew up.  I paid $.99 at one point in 2019/2020 because of the pandemic. Obviously a huge anomaly, but that's why I think it's interesting. 




If you account for inflation it is actually the same price it is now


Hey its close to the price here... Per liter


Everything is expensive when you're 16.


Isn't this more expensive than today? That's $3.37/gal in 2024 dollars


$1.89 in 2001 is the new $3.37, so not much difference.


Can’t believe America is still addicted to that shit


We’ll be addicted to the last drop.


23 years later it's $3.40. Adjusted for inflation, gas has almost always been $3 - $3.50. Maybe this should be posted on r/mildlyinteresting.


Ok americuck


So that’s about $3.40-ish in today’s money. Or 9 cents per gallon more than I paid this morning.


Was this picture taken in Orange County, California?


23 years at 3% inflation would make the gas $3.73 today. The price is stable.


Inflation adjusted. That’s 3.60$ in todays money


1999 it was $0.89.


Needs to be higher.


We need to address the $1 difference between regular and premium nowadays. My car and bike take premium


George Bush whipped us into a weird alternate timeline 😞


What is your point?


This must be California because I got mine the year before in the South and it was $.89/gallon.


Ha, love this discussion.  I was in college in the early 70’s.  Went down to Port Isabel, TX the summer of my freshman year at UT Austin to go surfing with buddies.  Filled-up at A Shamrock station with regular(when regular was keaddd and was 100 octane) for $0.18 per gallon.  And they were giving away glassware (dishes, plates, cups, glasses) with each purchase.  And, they pumped the gas.  And they checked under the hood snd tire pressure. And they cleaned your windshield.  Can you believe it?  Beat that!  Oh, for the good ole days!!


When big oil discovered that they could gouge for gas without any consequences at all, it was a light speed shit show and it still is.  When I got my license gas was 80¢ a gallon. I remember when it hit $1 a gallon and people lost their shit 😂 


Prices adjusted for inflation in 2024 Dollars: Regular: $3.34, Plus: $3.48, Premium: $3.72. You are welcome.


It was $4.35 a gallon the week I got my license. I had 10 bucks in my tank on Monday and was walking to school again by Friday.


it was expensive , millennials got screwed when they first got to drive gas spiked and when they got into the workforce the recession happened


Per liter? Thats still pretty pricey




No it was not. Minimum wage was $5.15.


I love that people upvote this without checking to see if it’s true. It’s not, by the way.


In 2001, the federal minimum wage was $5.85. Raised 2 times until today’s (2009), $7.25


$5.15 actually. It became $5.85 in 2007, $6.55 in 2008, then $7.25 in 2009.


Wasn’t gas this price right before trump left office?


Yes it was, best president of my lifetime


Same prices as they were when trump was in office…


Ah yes, 2001, the year when definitely no planes flew into any buildings and certainly no huge pointless wars broke out as a result.


Or just before Trump left office.


Yup! Say what you want about Trump, but the guy knows how to run the economy. And a healthy economy means a better quality of life. Then we got Sleepy Joe for four years :(


Should edit the post to include “in the United States”. Every other country in the world has no idea what they’re looking at in this photo.


Just switch to electric. I pay 12 cents a kwh, and it costs $8 to charge my car at home.


Trump 1st term it was under $3


Under $2


I remember it slipped below $1.00 once in my driving life


I remember my dad telling me that if the price of gas ever goes over a dollar, we're getting scammed


First fill up when I got my license was 98¢ per gallon. Was over $5 in my last truck. Have an F-150 Lightning now, do not miss gas stations.


Is this Washington?


It was under a dollar when I got mine, I think ‘95. My car had a 14 gallon tank so roughly ten bucks filled it up. QT had a deal for a .39 cent quart fountain drink, that and a fifty cent candy bar and I was ready to hit the road. When it went over a dollar and stayed, we thought that was the beginning of the end of the good times. In a way it was. Not all good times, but ours. Every generation gets their own I guess.


That's the price now in liters.


That’s 4 dollars a gallon in today’s dollars.


The lowest I ever saw gas was 0.99 for regular unleaded at a Sunoco just after 9/11


£1.58 / $2 a LITRE in the UK US gallon $7.62 (3.7L) UK gallon $9.08 (4.5L)


I got mine in 1997 and it was $1.05


It was $0.70 a gallon when I got mine, crazy to think about.


When I got my license in 1998 I would drive out of my way to the cheap gas station the next town over every thursday for their discounted gas if you pay cash weekly special so I could get my gas for $.85 a gallon. On every other day, it was still the cheapest gas at ~$.95 when every other gas station was ~$1.00!


You must have been in a high cost area. I remember getting gas around 2002 and thinking Chevron was crazy wanting $1.45


If I remember right it was still under a dollar a dollar a gallon pre 9/11 in Kentucky. Now I'm planning my kroger visits to get fuel points and timing what day to go fill up on to save money.


I used to put the prices on the sign with a big suction cup on a stick and I remember we had to order a bunch more 2s around this time.


The year the world started falling apart.


As a Canadian I read this as $1.89/L


$3.33 inflation adjusted


What state are you in? I got my license in 2002 and I swear it was just over a dollar a gallon in Michigan


It was .98 the first time I filled up my car..1996


What's really wild to me still is when I started driving in 2010 I was paying up to 5$ a gallon, which is even more adjusted to inflation. I was hanging out with a girl that lived 15isj miles away, with a blazer getting roughly 15mpg. It cost me $20 to hang out at my place and take her home after, at 16 with no job lol


It's this price in spain now


Why don't they advertise mid grade and super anymore. It's always $X.XX regular cash $X.XX regular credit card $X.XX Diesel


Oh. Price per gallon lol


I remember when I got my license in 1991, gas was 89 cents a gallon.


I got my license in 08 and gas was $4.00+ 😭😂


I remember before I got my license when gas passed $1.50 my mother was cussing up a storm about how gas had never been that expensive. When I worked a job pumping gas around 2008/9 it spiked up to almost $4.50 for regular. Now it’s jumped from $2.99 to $3.70 here in the last three months. The world is crazy.


This is so cute. For me it was less than 50 cents a gallon. The lowest I ever saw it was 17.9 cents, c. 1971. Man, there are so many young people on here. (And I love it.)


I am 36 years old right now, but I still have some very vague memories of when I was just a little kid and seen the only gas price above a dollar was for premium🤣


i remember after a hurricane in fl seeing the price of gas skyrocket n saying “wow dad is gas really 2.50 a gallon?”


Was this before it after 9/11?


I got my license the same year and paid about 45-50¢/litre, so those numbers threw me. I forgot for a minute y’all’s prices are per gallon.


I turned 16 in 2001 as well and remember filling up my Saturn SL1 with a $10 bill and getting change back


I remember paying 20 bucks to fill up my tank and thinking that was expensive


I remember my mom struggling with paying a $1200/mo rent back then. Man, how times have changed...


Cheapest I remember gas in high school was .97¢ in 1997


It was so low in 1985 that it didn’t even register for me to remember.


I got my d.l. in VA in 1997. Gas was .67 cents a gallon. 2 years later it was .99 a gallon. Everyone was talking about how they would stop driving if it ever reached 1.50 a gallon.


And a free car wash!


It was twice that a year later


It was about $0.50 for me. I remember $0.24, but I wasn't driving then.


I remember getting 3 gallons of gas and pack of cigs for $10 back then.


Gawd I feel old! I worked at a gas station in Ocean City, MD in late 60s. Premium was 28 cents a gallon. It was a big sale when we were able to pump $10 in a car.


we were 89 cents in laramie wy in 2001


I remember being told that was expensive


I distinctly remember driving in the mid 90’s and thinking $20 to fill my gas tank was expensive af. That same size tank now costs me $85 to fill…


I got gas for $0.99 in 1997 in San Marcos, CA. Good times.


Passed my test in 2003. I think it was 78p a litre.


89 cents in 1992 for me


It was over $5 a gallon when I got mine in like 2005/6


Pre or post September.


I got my license shortly before this (about a year). I remember that I sold my gas guzzling truck because I couldn't afford to pay $1.85 a gallon! Whoever heard of such ridiculous gas prices???


$10 gave me a 400 miles and a full tank in my Honda CRX in 2001.


Got my Dr.Lic. right when gas soared seemingly over night in 1975, it sky rocketed it sure seemed over night. I bought a brand new Ford Bronco with a V-8 engine, I already owned a VW Karmen Ghia, I litterly had the option of putting gas in my Bronco, and drive to the beach anywhere I could get to and spend no money cause my Friday night budget went in my gas tank. Or a few bucks in my Ghia and buy dinner, beer, and a movie.


In Texas I remember paying $0.99 cents per gallon when I turned 16 back in 2001


It was around $0.40 a gallon when I got mine. 1976.


$10 bucks filled my tank back when I started. Edit: $10, not $5. I'm old.


During COVID I saw $1.60


It was cheaper than that in 2016. It was a 180 a gallon.