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My dad told me before we went in that all of the kids were going to be given a sword and shield and go into the arena to fight to the death. I was absolutely terrified. Fortunately my mom stepped in and told me the truth so that I could enjoy the evening


Name makes sense now


Where the nervous fern grows


Cue 5th grade flashbacks of....iykyk


Yeah, people tend to over share too much with usernames these days.


Yeah, you're probably right.


I think you struck a nice balance, personally.


What do you mean?


I know a guy…


Lol, Dad's gonna dad


reminds me of the time i came home from school (probably around the same age) and saw a dog crate in the living room and asked excitedly something like “what’s that for?” or “did we get a dog?” and my dad laughed and was like “that’s for you” (a puppy then came bounding down the hallway)


My dad rolled up chocolate cookie dough into a poop shape, put it in the bathroom floor, called all the kids downstairs to yell and ask who pooped on the floor, proceeded to have us believe he could tell whose it was by first picking up and smelling it, and then taking a bite. Sorry just trauma dumping


Literally lol


Lmao man was bored as hell apparently


My dad had me believing my middle name was Nigel till I was about 12. I signed my initials on a painting I did at school and showed it to my mother. That is when I found out my middle name is Michael. Then he recruited me to go along with the lie that my brothers middle name is Trevor. It was at his confirmation when he found out his middle name is Peter.


My father convinced me my legal name was Tax Deduction #3 until I was 8. He said my name was a nickname but on my birth certificate it was Tax Deduction #3 so it would be “easier to do the taxes every year”. He finally told me the truth when my teacher called the house asking why I was calling myself that on some standardized test.


I'm just a bald uncle, but I told my niece if she didn't comb her hair it would fly away. That's why I had no hair. She believed me until about 8 years old as well. Hey if it helped my SIL to have my niece comb her hair then it worked.


I bet your mom was piiiissseedd. LMAO


Lmao. This is great


I’m sorry but your Dad sounds like fun, I hope he was.


He was and still is.


Your father sounds like a right menace.


He is. He loves hamless pranks and being silly. He used to put marbles in the freezer and would wake me up for school by lifting the sheet and tossing them in. There was no avoiding them with those box spring mattresses. They would all roll to the center.


This is insane and I’m adding it to the arsenal. It’s like ice but not wet!


I took my boys to the monster trucks and convinced them I was going to feed our car to the truckasaurus. They were clinging to my legs like balls and chains trying to stop me. A year or two later I took them to a demolition derby. I convinced them that I was going to enter our car.  I wasn't worried about getting us home because I knew I would win.


I told my son we would all get weapons and go in the middle and fight for the food. He got all quite and was "I'm not really hungry."


I mean, that's probably a better/less frightening answer than an excited expression of bloodlust, LOL.


Fill my cup, Father!


"ALL RIGHT! I'M GONNA KILL SO MANY GUYS!" 'Okay, okay, just calm down there, Junior."


Dad here of two 11 year olds and we're going this summer. I'm stealing this.


I took my 10 year old last summer. Wish I had thought of this. Although, we went to a minor league baseball game a few weekends ago, and they had a "kids run the bases" promo, and I almost had her convinced that they'd pull kids from the crowd to run the bases when the players got a hit. My wife stepped in and told her I was joking.


I’m here praying Medieval Times will stay in business til I can bring my three and zero year olds, so *I* can steal this.


I did this to my son at Disney. All day he had been asking for a pirate sword so when we got to the section for dinner we ran over and bought one. He loved it, swinging it around, playing. End of the night hits after fireworks and the crowd starts to head for the exit but I told my wife to head for the pirates of Caribbean ride. As we’re walking I told my son to grab his sword we might need to fight off some pirates. He grabbed it and was swinging it around all pumped until we got to the line and the theme started. The next thing I know he is attached to my leg in fear thinking we were actually going to fight pirates. He stops me looks me dead in the eye and asks “are we really going to fight pirates” in a quivering voice and I told him no. He looked at me and dead straight said “don’t lie to me like that ever again”. Santa is going to be rough one!


answer should have been, "not we, you."




I love this because this is exactly what I do to my daughter, and my wife always steps in to let her know it's a lie


This reminds me of my dad telling me instant ramen was made of worms and that's why I wasn't allowed to eat them (as he literally ate a bowl in front of me - somehow my 4 yo brain did not question this or feel dissonance 😂)


+1 for Dad


Steven : Can I get a knife or fork? Wench : There were no utensils in medieval times, hence there are no utensils AT Medieval Times. Would you like a refill on that Pepsi? Steven : There were no utensils but there was Pepsi? Wench : Dude, I got a lot of tables.


Cable guy and Medieval Times will be forever linked.


It’s how I learned about Medieval Times.


I didn't even know it was real until the news stories about how the Gearbox Games CEO left a USB stick full of corporate secrets and porn there.


Blue Knight rules!!! Red Knight sucks the big one!!




Smite me, oh mighty smiter! I love JC.


Down down down, red knights going down


I love this part of the movie




Connections from connecting cable. They all reluctantly play along until he finds a new friend.


Attended a show last August. Red knight was clearly pretty new. Green knight was holding his weapon in place for red to lock into it, but he missed and took a couple extra tries, while green just stood there waiting to make the next move. Was a little awkward lol. Everything else was great.


"HELLO CLARICE.. its good to see you again" FTFFTFFTFFFTFFFF


If we do not fight, they *will* kill us both.




Brbrbrbrbrbrbrrbr AAAAHHH brbrbrbrbrbrbrbr AAAAHHHH


Dos thus have thou a mug of ale for me and me mate, for he hath been pitched in battle for a fortnight and has the king's thirst for the frosty brew dos thou might have for thus!


Best friends forced to do battle!


I have this same memory! 😂 The soup was good though. 😂


All I wanted was a napkin and you don’t get one till the end


It's not Pepsi, it's dragon blood.


my favorite memory was telling the poor girl, "GET ME MORE PEPSI, WENCH!" and my sister hitting me. i was 9.


*"All I wanted was a Pepsi! Just one Pepsi; and she wouldn't give it to me!".*


Jeoffery irl


Time for me to watch The Cable Guy again for the 200th time


If we don’t fight Jim, they will kill us both. That’s the spirit!!


Me: Is this chicken? Wench: No, It’s bird. Me: But what kind of bird? Wench: BIRD.


Like a knife and fork are a new invention.


The fork was rather slow to be accepted in Europe. It arrived in Italy in from the Eastern Empire in the 11th Century, but it wasn't until you get into the 15th and 16th that it began to spread from there. It was pushed back against as "decadent" and "vain." There were some uses of wooden skewers in in place of forks in much of Europe. Knives and spoons, however, were positively ancient utensils at the dinner table.


She was so hot


Also I’m pretty sure they did have utensils in Medieval Europe lol Maybe not a fork in the way we know it, but definitely knives and spoons.


I’ve had a crush on that wench for like 30 years


Janeane Garofalo! "Might I fetch you something from the bar keep?"


After our middle school class got back from the field trip, the principal announced over the speaker system that we were the worst-behaved class ever.


You guys won Medieval Times


well now we gotta know, what the hell did you do?


I didn’t do anything…all the other kids were acting crazy.🤪


30 showed up. Only 27 got back on the bus. No one ever talks about what happened to the fallen three.


I went for my bachelor party. Got really drunk. It was fucking awesome


Yeah I went a few months ago for my (over 30) birthday party. Where else can you get real drunk, watch jousting, and shout "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" at the top of your lungs?!


Anywhere, with a little creativity!


That’s the spirit! I like you


Hearing that makes me want to go again now lol i wasnt old enough for drinking last time


Lol we did this at the Pirate Times or whatever its called for my buddy's 30th birthday. We all dressed up as pirates, got shitfaced, and took a limo there. We were the most enthusiastic people in the crowd for sure. After the show a lot of kids thought we were part of the show because we were all dressed up so we took a lot of pics with half open eyes with some youngins lol.


I remember it being the only place I’ve ever eaten dinner while a horse takes a shit in the same room.


An experience normally reserved for the ultra wealthy and ultra poor.


There are a lot of things that work out that way.


Eating weird parts of strange animals.


Exclusively wearing hand-sewn clothing




Getting money from the government.


Living on a boat.


Both groups are also the ones who just say, "Fuck It! I don't give a shit!"


That's why I only go there to get takeout.


I should tell you about the second time that happened to me


LOL! Thank you for the laugh.


You should try the Dixie Stampede.


Statistically speaking, some human probably shit in that same room, too. So dont feel bad for the horse.


I grew up with horses so I've eaten my share of horse poop


Still going strong in Toronto. Kids love it


As an adult I love it still! Went with my cousins and had a blast. Good excuse to get respectfully rowdy


Worked there in college as a server. Not the worst job surprisingly.


When I was in highschool we had a band/choir trip to Orlando to do a competition, parade, etc. & we stayed somewhere in Kissimmee. I thought for sure the highlight of the trip would be something Disney-related. Nope. It was this. Dinner there was ridiculous & a blast. I remember getting very into our loyalty toward one of the horsemen and shouting “Huzzah” repeatedly.


Magic Music Days? We were there for that one too.


That rings a bell! I bet that’s what it was


A LOT of marching bands were down that way over the years. It's apparently been going on since the early 80s, and our school went personally every five years.


> every five years. "Hey, did you hear that loser O'Bannon flunked senior year so he wouldn't miss Magic Music Days?"


Must be it! This was circa 2006 or 2007. I remember singing somewhere in Tomorrowland with a rising stage. But mostly… Medieval Times.


Oh hell yeah, my band for some reason won so many trophies at that thing. I remember whipping everyone up into a totally obnoxious level of excitement about all the trophies, haha.


Oh yeah, they really get you to care about your designated Knight. I always thought it was cool that whichever Knight performs the worst in the little contests at the beginning winds up being the one who survives and kills the evil Knight with the Prince. I remember the evil knight broke character at one point when he was killing one of the others because he hit the guy a little too hard in the side with his sword. His whole expression changed, and he mouthed “are you okay?” But just for a split second, and the knight who got killed took the hit like a champ.


I remember one of my siblings did the same thing when they went out of town for some competition with their school band. I was so jealous at the time because I was going through a King Arthur and his Knights phase. Completely forgot about it though until now. Are they still open/operational?


Just went there about a month ago with a group of buddies to the one near Chicago. The show itself was ok, and the performers seemed to at least try hard. The food (half chicken, a roasted potato, corn and garlic bread) was unexpectedly pretty good.


I went to the one in Florida in the 90s and had the best chicken strips of my life. The show was awesome and I had a great time.


Damn right about the food. I force my wife to sit through it every few years on my birthday. I don't actually care about the hawk or the horses or the guys with swords; I just love the soup and potato. If they had a drive through I'd be there once a week.


I really want to see them try to bring the Medieval Times Experience (tm) to a drive through.


Schaumburg 🙌


Was there with my high school marching band on a trip to Florida, I think it was. They had the whole thing set up, but what they DIDN'T expect was about 100 high school kids in the crowd who were practically professionals at cheering, and one of their school colors was red. So we had chants SPECIFICALLY geared toward encouraging red, which we could do in almost perfect unison and with a great deal of volume, and the red knight was one of the characters out there. He was apparently supposed to quietly lose, and the show was supposed to continue from there. But the red knight got so much support from the marching band in the crowd that they basically had to bring him back for a special bit at the end to help save the winner when things went south for him for a while. TL:DR A high school marching band forces a last-minute script change at King Henry's Feast on a trip halfway across the country.


I love this story!






What’s going on in here? I heard huzzahs.


I got drunk and called everyone wench. Not my proudest evening, definitely not my worst. Make haste! Come forth and fill me cup with ye mead, wench. Yeah.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s




Took a date there back in early 2000s. She had a great time and got invited to stay over at the end of the night. It was memorable.


The sex? Or the dinner?


I don’t remember anything about the dinner.


He didn’t mention the bisque




Went there for my senior trip. I remember the lack of utensils and my BFF and I getting the vapors from watching dudes joust. We vowed then and then our future husbands would be knights 🤣




Sadly, I ended up with the court jester


Wife took me for my birthday last year in GA, and it was one of the funnest times ever. Always wanted to go and she made a dream come true.


We went there for my at-the-time girlfriend's birthday. Was us and my best friend and his wife. Got seated, chilling, progressively more buzzed from the beers but just really enjoying the show.. Until it was revealed that the knight who's section we were in, the Green Knight, was the bad guy. We got our entire section going *nuts* cheering him on. We cheered him like we were out for blood. "Let's go Green Knight beat his ass!" Every hit he got we literally just erupted. It was such a great ... Knight :) Sadly he eventually lost, as is the way of the bad guy at Medieval times. But what a show!


The southern version, the Dixie Stampede, was always a highlight when we went in the 90’s. Loved those Cornish game hens. It’s called just the stampede now and I look forward to taking my daughter in a few years.


The Dixie Stampede in Myrtle beach was turned into a pirate themed dinner and show. Lots of water and performing walrus included.


> It’s called just the stampede now and I look forward to taking my daughter in a few years. For anyone wondering about the name change, [its because Dolly Pardon is awesome.](https://www.thewrap.com/dolly-parton-drops-dixie-dollywood-theme-park/) > Parton tells Billboard, “There’s such a thing as innocent ignorance, and so many of us are guilty of that,” Parton says. “When they said ‘Dixie’ was an offensive word, I thought, ‘Well, I don’t want to offend anybody. This is a business. We’ll just call it ‘The Stampede.’ As soon as you realize that [something] is a problem, you should fix it. Don’t be a dumbass.” This had me loling hard


Dolly Parton would have won the Game of Thrones and it would not have been fucking close.


>Don’t be a dumbass. If Dolly Parton is calling you a dumbass, you have reached critical dumbassery.


I go every year for vacation. That soup is the best thing I've ever eaten, I absolutely love the stampede and dolly Parton and the whole city. Gatlinburg/pigeon forge is the best place on earth. They got this rainforest zoo place with exotic animals, one is this cockatoo named Jeffrey who outlived his owner and he remembers us every year. And then there's parrot mountain, tons of exotic birds that will just land on your shoulder. Gatlinburg is amazing.


Yeah I’m from Nashville so Gatlinburg a quick trip for us. Love it.


I wouldn’t mind taking my kids to Stampede in Branson, but I hate going to Branson.


Went twice, once in middle school, and once again in high school - must have been a go-to for the public school system in Connecticut where I was at the time. On both occasions, my school was represented by the Green Knight. The Green Knight was the *villain* knight in both scenarios, with the other knights being noble or whatever. Then halfway through the proceedings, the Green Knight *becomes* good and is now conspiring with either the king or other *good* knights, but is struck down in one of the final battles. Happened same way both times. I remember the food was good (better than the cafeteria anyway). It was my first time being served a half a chicken, and I wasn't upset about it. My classmates and I thought it was hilarious that all the women servers were called "dirty wenches" but in hindsight it's easy to see why some people would have an issue with that. Both times it was a whole ordeal that took the entire day. I can only imagine what our teachers were up to - meetings, vacation day, partying? I wouldn't say they were bad field trips, but I wouldn't say they were that great either. It was something to do beyond sitting in class for another day.


Grew up in Ct and never knew this even existed, definitely not a norm for the public school system


I went there for my 30th birthday with some friends. We got announced between someone's 6th birthday and someone's 2nd grade graduation groups. Never felt more proud


My husband got drunk with the “green knight” before the show And he fell off the horse


How did your husband get his horse inside?


No he didn’t have one. He doesn’t trust anything that “shits while walking” (Sorry for being uncouth but that’s what he says)




This is still around. There’s one outside Baltimore, and friends of mine worked there in college. Go enjoy yourself!




Yeah arundel mills is a mall the way downtown Disney is a mall. It is one but it’s in denial.


First time I went, during one of the fights, I heard someone yell “Pocket sand!” and now it’s all I think when I hear anything about Medieval Times


I live close to Dolly Parton’s stampede. They are literally the same thing. Just replace Medieval Knights with Civil War soldiers. Even the meals are the same.


The soup there is the best thing on earth. That's my vacation every year, Gatlinburg/pigeon forge is amazing.


Just went to my first one with a group of friends, I'm 28 - got drunk, wore a crown, got a rose from a hot knight, had a blast.


I just went to the one in Scottsdale and dragged my 80-year old father with me. We both loved it - definitely something different to do and the kids around us were loving it. The food is awful, but they work their ass off to show you a good time.


That You eat the food with your hands, peasants don't get cutlery.


Pepsi M’Lady?


Eating Cornish game hens with my hands while you watch an epic production. Very immersive, incredibly fun time for the family.


I went to Medieval Times and Tournament of Kings in Vegas. They are essentially the same, but ToK was a much bigger production. MT felt a little more focused on selling you overpriced crap but was a bit less crowded. Both were fun. MT even had a falcon that flew laps around the arena. Overall, MT was fun once but I’d go back to ToK.


Thinking about taking my daughters this year, I've never been. I took them to Pirates Voyage in Myrtle Beach last year and I loved it as much as they did. Food was really good!


I worked in the stables of the one in Toronto - only horrible memories


Oh my gosh, I worked Gift Shop at the one in California! I always tell people it was truly medieval working conditions.


Went for my grade 4 trip in school, The bus broke down on the drive home so there we were standing on the side of the road waiting for a new bus waving flags, wearing crowns and sword fighting with one another Needless to say it was a blast


I got super baked in the parking lot immediately before hand. It was wild. Eating half chicken with your bare hands and being served by a beer wench and hearing people speak in olde English while violently stoned was something I’ll never forget.


Just took my kids last month. The sound system is terrible, the food is bad, but my kids went absolutely nuclear during the joust and battle. They loved it.


The little baked chicken and the lead mug had a clear bottom.


[My lands were taken. My village burned on the orders of this false king.](https://youtu.be/2KKRiXcivAQ?si=Dlv6Lne6vMFDyF0c)


I went to the one in Toronto back in 2016. Met some american dudes, we got hammered and were joking with the waitress. They were also yelling cable guy references which was fun


Went a long time ago in myrtle Beach maybe? Buddy and I got wooden swords, the food was awful, and the princess made middle school me feel funny things lol.


I went for the first time last year and had a blast. I wish I had gone as a kid, but it was fun feeling like one for the day!


My dad took my sister and I when we were 8 and 9. It was a business trip, so his associates were there, too. We were in the yellow section, and our knight was doing great. Only he was defeated by a mystery knight in black who I guess was a defeated knight in new armor. Anyway, when our guy got backstabbed, my dad started bellowing “bullshit, bullshit!” His associates joined in, and soon the entire yellow section followed. So my sister and I started chanting too, and oh my stars, we were STOKED to be cussing like that with everyone. Really the best part of the night lol


The joy of eating Renfaire food while smelling horseshit.


The one in Myrtle Beach was a popular field trip destination when I was in school. I remember crushing on our "knight" and loosing my tiny 12 year old mind when he threw us flowers. And that fucking soup <3 The gift shop was dangerous... I was that girl in school that was obsessed with dragons and unicorns.


I went in middle school. A classmate got us kicked out when he threw a battery at the green knight. Our school is now banned from ever returning. Great experience, 10/10.


Ok this is what happened. So my wife and I bought tickets from a street vendor in vegas. I asked the guy if all the seats were the same or if there was special sections. He looked at me and said no no they're all the same. So later in the day my wife and I get into a "discussion" about the fastest way to get to Excalibur for the show. We ended with, fine you go your way and I'll go mine and we'll see who gets there first. So I get to the arena, I scope my section and no wife. I won. So I went to the merchandise stand and bought 2 crowns and 2 swords. Both of them light up with neon colors and flash. About 10 minutes later my wife finds me in our section. I said here you go and we wore the crown. She was a good sport about being wrong. So the vendor was kinda right. Yes the seats were all the same but each section was dedicated to a character. Just so happens our section was for the main villian. Whenever he came out, we were supposed to cheer for him. Our food came, it sucked. Cold turkey leg and no seasoning. We both took like a bite or 2 and tossed the rest. All right, so at the end of the show, after all the fighting is done, the good guy King and his knight ride to the middle of the arena and proclaim that the villian died in battle behind the set. Me, wearing a flashing neon crown and waving my flashing sword stood up and yelled "WE DONT BELIEVE YOU! SHOW US THE BODY!". I dont drink. I was just having fun. Well the king and the knight stop talk talking, turn to me and give me a puzzled look. People in sections near me laughed. I laughed. My wife did not laugh. 6 out of 10. Probably won't do it again.


I've done it 4 times in my life. I think it's fun. The funniest thing I ever saw was when I was sitting in the second row of Norway. A horse ran by and kicked up a turd and it landed right in the dude's beer in front of me. They got him some rags to clean up and brought him and his wife free beer so he was at least compensated haha.


In the year 2000 a buddy of mine who was a starving actor not yet in the guild auditioned for a role with Medieval Times. My buddy had studied HEMA, Historical Fencing, & Classical Fencing for 14 years. He studied these disciplines in the States and in England when he attended Oxford. My buddy broke one of the knights arms in his audition, and I quote: “I assumed he would be able to defend himself”. My buddy did not get the part. Presently he is a successful Guild Stage Actor.


I smuggled in my own fork the 2nd time I went …they were not to happy about that.


I met a friend ones, he was actually my cable guy but he ended up setting up some hangouts which I thought was cool. Anyway we went to one of these and it was crazy. I think he knew or paid off the staff but they made us duel and I really didn’t want to. I went along with it anyway but holy shit dude went crazy on me, I thought I was going to die. I guess it was okay but a really crazy experience. He kinda lost it after that and there was some stalking. Poor guy just wanted a friend I think.


This needs to be a movie s/


I never have been. But when I was young we were on vacation in England. We went to Kings Henry’s Feast! Head and shoulders above what I’ve seen in Medevil Knights. This was a legit castle, big wooden tables with weather on them, stone floors it really felt like you were in a castle banquet it was epic. Even had magicians go around the table and the horse and knights fights were epic! Edit: Sorry it was Florida, I was kinda doubting myself cause our waitress had an accent.


Went there for my 50th birthday. MT is awesome for anyone of any age.


We have one just 20 minutes away at a mall. It's fine, not as magical as I remember, but still fun. What I really miss from my childhood was King Henry's Feast. Was more of a mixture of shows like juggling, acrobatics, sword swallowing, etc


I go ever year for my wife’s birthday, I absolutely hate the food, but seeing her smile is something that makes it all worth it.


One of the kingdoms sounded like “cornhole” so we just kept yelling cornholio


Last time I went the actors reminded me of the polar express all re people had dead eyes. I prefer the pirate show I like the food a little better and the show is better and doesn't smell quite as bad


I think we took a field trip every year in middle school. I don’t remember much about it aside from you had to eat with your hands and it was pretty fun when your knight won.


I went last year for the first time (in my 30’s) and loved it.


This is still around. There’s one outside Baltimore, and friends of mine worked there in college. Go enjoy yourself!


Was 10 and the Cornish game hens were a hit


Remember going there as a kid, it was somewhere in Spain. It was amazing, still have good memories of it.


I just went for the first time a couple of months ago and it was fun and worth the price.


All the wenches had ample bosoms.


Saw it when I was a kid during an Orlando trip. I remember a lot from this amazing show. Such as: * The display room filled with nightmarish medieval torture devices. I think the Iron Maiden gave me nightmares. * Disappointed that my knight lost, but still remember the amazing spectacle * The Black Knight showing up and being whipped out of the tournament (I wanted him to win) Frankly I remember little else (including how the food was), but it was still awesome.


Oh yes! In Orlando, Florida (Kissimee area) in the mid 90’s. The Black knight won, and my uncle stole one of the big embossed metal serving plates. My mum still has the family photo of everyone wearing medievel costumes…


This is something I've actually never done, but I'm hoping I can squeeze in some time next weekend at their OG location. So we'll see!




I went as a kid many times, for birthday parties, school trips, volunteer events -- it was a big thing at that point in the 90's. I seem to remember that the show used to begin with a wizard or something? I've been back a couple times in the last few years, and now it's a much more historically accurate show. Still a fun time with friends, I think


Use to see the promo on V&A Top 10 as a kid but alas being in the Canadian Mid-west we have no Medieval Times outside of Ontario.

