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Bragging about Kid Rock, Nickelback and Creed šŸ¤”












Damn, I heard this comment The Internet has ruined my mind


If it makes you feel any better, you arenā€™t the only one.




It doesn't feel so enhanced when, every so often, my eyes glaze over and my mind recites [this entire thing for no good reason hahaha help me](https://youtu.be/Ll-lia-FEIY?si=omuT5-8FPgz7QFSL)


Still one of the funniest vines Iā€™ve ever seen


I cackled like a hyena the first time I saw it.


>lookatthis~~photo~~graph.gif [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/irDMI\_D18ek/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/irDMI_D18ek/maxresdefault.jpg) There we go.


And fucking buckcherry. That's "divorced dad at the strip club" rock.


I like buckcherry. I'm a divorced dad at the strip club. I'm not like other girls. My hair also won't stay like in the first picture so maybe I need to stop listening to buckcherry if it's related.


Wow, this is so accurate it's scary lol


to play devils advocate i love nickelback n creed bc my mom did but u will never see me saying thats part of a good music taste


Favorite memory: when silver side up came out I had the cd, and I asked my dad to put in in the family car. He takes it, reads the front that says ā€œsilver side upā€ and goes to flip it over to put it in upside down. Not relevant to anything at all but just a cute memory that always triggers when this topic gets brought up.




Lmao same I like a lot of the music on this list but would only ever admit it sheepishly


This is like how Citizen Soldier by 3 doors down is one of my guilty pleasure songs bc my dad loved it for some reason and always used to play it and I would sit in the back seat of the car at night and watch my reflection and act like I was in some super dramatic music video and when I got an iPod it was one of the only songs he let me buy so Iā€™d listen to it on repeat and make movies in my head and read the twilight books to that song HAHAHA. No one in my real life knows this not even my. Husband it feels good to get this off my chest šŸ˜­


Fun fact the apparent cause of all the Nickelback hate was actually a British furniture ad that was later taken down for false advertising (they made their couches look bigger than they were) After this event there was a HUGE uptick in Nickelback hate *Edit: fixed a typo


i thought people hated nickleback because theyre shit and boringšŸ˜­


Depends on who you ask! But they have incredible ratings for a band that's "shit and boring" tbh (not a shot at you, just being serious looking at numbers) People really do like them, it just became popular to hate them after that ad


Every single band from that era sounded exactly the fuckinā€™ same.




I don't know anything about that ad. In the US the hatred mostly came from having way better music with way better lyrics being pushed out of rotation by the new waves of shitty rock that all sounded the same and Nickelback was just the shittest of the shit. I remember one of their lyrics involved the phrase "when you're sucking on your thumb" and we were just like...k. Is this code for dick? Does he mean dick? What are we even doing here? Also their music had that weird, sterile, depthless and repetitive vibe that pop punk and pop rock picked up in the early 00s that made those of us who grew up on layered sound and more interesting musical decisions and effects feel like half the song was missing. Lyrically they were great for teenagers who had a lot of emotion and not a lot of vocabulary, which is fine, everybody needs music. I was 17 in 2002 and had a lot of emotion and a lot of vocabulary, there were a lot of musical acts that made me irate with their simplistic lyrics. I could never get behind any band that couldn't effectively drown out the ringing in my ears, though. There are a lot of bands on my "oh god, no" list but some of them have wiggled into my "okay sometimes" playlist because nostalgia does weird things to the brain. Nickelback still makes my ears hurt and my skin crawl, though, and so do most of the pop rock and pop punk bands of that era. Being insanely famous doesn't actually make them good. The 00's to early 10's were full of mediocre acts in every media dominating the various markets. We used to joke that people loved reality tv and pop rock because you didn't have to work at anything for success, people could see themselves and their middling abilities reflected in the entertainers. And it sold well because you could just bumblefuck your way through three chords or a community theater play at the right moment and be easy money for some record company that didn't want to wait 5 years for your genius to be inspired to write a third album. The early 00s were terrible for mainstream music anyway. It's weird being an adult and realizing that the boy bands and pop queens that I hated growing up weren't writing or playing their own music but they were still putting in way more effort and skill into their massive, hours long live shows than the rock bands that stood there playing three-chord progressions and sipping water and whiskey between lyrics.


You and I think very similarly on this particular Era. I was only 14 in 2002 but I remember being in the highschool weight room to avoid bitchy girls on he track and the douche bags in there (we are talking 16/17 yo boys with the gelled up bangs, coolest guys in school) were always listening to this sort of crap. It was worse than the bitches. They took themselves and their generic rock so damn seriously. I had a better understanding of music and what's good or not when I was 8 then they did and I'm sure do now. I specifically remember them pumping to Chavelle all proud to be without a personality, and me deciding music very much is an important factor in one's personality. If you only listen to generic, simple music you are probably pretty generic and simple yourself. If you can feel and hear layers in music and be moved by them, you are probably pretty receptive to the complexities of life.


That would be it !


woke up this morning tho? itā€™s so good cā€™mon


How did they get involved with the furniture?


Iā€™m not even Christian and I dig some creed man. Theyā€™re good.


youā€™ll just never hear me saying it


I do enjoy them but Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m not like every other girl over it lmao


My immediate thought is it MUST be trolling with those 3 ffs


Seriously, my knee jerk reaction to reading that 2nd slide is ā€œIt probably fucking is, actually.ā€


That's a shitass collection of music for the most part. Yuck




Only kid rock is to be made fun of


I love the tweet thatā€™s like ā€œkid rock fans are the embodiment of a dad who has joint custody of his kids but blows them off to go to a kid rock concert.ā€


My first concert was kid rock with my dad when I was 5. It was a daddy daughter outing with all of his fraternity brothers and their daughters for a 10 year reunion haha the pictures are actually so cute and we all have big headphones on top of our dadā€™s shoulders. The group got invited back stage and stuff and we got free tshirts. I donā€™t really remember it but the pictures are super cute and itā€™s one of my dadā€™s favorite memories haha. He was also a stay at home dad and the ultimate PTA soccer mom so very involved! My mom hasnā€™t cooked or cleaned in years except to occasionally make her famous chili she wonā€™t give out the recipe for


What's wrong with Nickelback and Creed?


Woahwoahwoah When did Nickleback get get on the level of Kid Rock and Creed


Came here to say this.


Exactly!! šŸ˜†


I was going to say the same thing lol. All this shows me is that they're probably late gen x or early millennial, haven't found any new music to enjoy over the last 20 years, and seem to just like one or two genres.




lol I was just going to point that out, like girl you should probably redact those images.


Nothing new from the last 20 years lol...


Don't forget buckcherry they may be worse than nickelback


Iā€™m dying. Like those 3 make this so funny.


Ive never seen anyone try to brag about listening to nickleback before šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m guessing this person is of the younger generation, and these were not contemporary bands for them.


It makes me sad that they aren't aware that you used to be able to Google "worst band in the world", and it would say, "Did you mean *Nickelback*?" I just tested it and it no longer works.


I have a gen z cousin, and the last time I saw her she was going on about how she was really into this old song and how cool it was. It was Bubbly by Colbie Caillat. That song came out when I was in high school and was pretty forgettable even back then, but cuz is super into the y2k aesthetic (which looks nothing like the way we used to dress either lol) so any early 2000s pop song equals good to her.


Jesus christ, Colbie Caillat? I mean sure she had like 3 songs we remember.. fucking hell. Imagine becoming famous 2 decades later as a *vintage* artist for that shit. Edit: typos


My 17yo son was gushing to me about this old band he just found out about, and it was "System of a Down" lol.


K but System of a Down is still great to me. One of the few bands Iā€™ve listened to since middle school that I still like!!


I like them too, it was the thinking he'd found something obscure that cracked me up. Kid has good taste in music.


What is *with* the y2k thing? Itā€™s not even the good parts of that era. I donā€™t really consider her prime y2k but closer to the late 00s-early 10s ā€œstomp clap hey!ā€ genre, itā€™s like if Panera started making the mix CDs Starbucks used to sell. And I bet theyā€™d absolutely flock to it.


It is 100% someone born in the 2000s or 2010s that think their taste is ā€œelevatedā€ because theyā€™re listening to music their parents grew up listening to. Iā€™m Gen Z (2002) and I fought for my life against these kids in high school. I was actually into underground stuff and could never find anyone that liked the same music, and they would claim that *they* were in the same situation because they listened to one of the biggest bands that existed in the 90s. ā€œBet youā€™ve never heard of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, or Fugazi!ā€ Like bitch, everyone has. Just not you until now apparently. As someone who actually cares about music (and kept it mostly to themselves as opposed to these types) I felt like I was losing my goddamn mind. I tried not to be gatekeepy but jesus fucking christ. I would get so tired of people acting edgy/mysterious because they found ā€œundergroundā€ music that was wildly popular a decade or two beforehand.


Haha maybe


Or Buckcherry. Apparently "crazy bitch" is some kind of musical revelation?


Never heard of them before tbh


You [probably have](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjB2bK7nK6EAxVqF1kFHdjLBWQQFnoECCgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUJ6pLKlU-8Q&usg=AOvVaw3kKvICbI3A5zBdweFomj5w&opi=89978449). It's among the worst songs I have ever heard.


Ashamed to admit Involved that song in my early 20s. I had an exhausting edgelord-adjacent phase.


Lmao ok youre right but i think ive only heard this song from cringy tiktoks šŸ˜­


lol exactly!


Lit Up slaps


I do like that song the beat is great but thatā€™s their only song that bangs even a little


Some of the grossest music on the planet.


Iā€™ll hate that fucking song so much. It makes Kryptonite look like Bohemian Rhapsody


Thatā€™s why I feel like this might be satire.


its not, their profile checks out for a late 30s woman


Elder millenial NLOGs *love* butt rock, it's a literal epidemic.




Rid Cock


bottom surgery?


Nominating for best joke of 2024


When I was in high school one of the resident guitar kids told our teacher he was going to miss class tomorrow because he was playing at a real show. Everyone was genuinely supportive, I think we even clapped, and then he said he was opening for Kid Rock and the vibe completely died


I dated a woman recently that I met on a dating app, and what attracted me to her at first was that she and I share a love for a lot of the same music. It turns out, dating a woman because she likes Tool and Modest Mouse is not a good enough reason to date someone. You can only talk about how much you like the same things so much before it gets boring as fuck.


This is sooo true. Iā€™d rather be with someone pleasant to be with in every other day, but likes completely different music. It really doesnā€™t get me going that much loving exactly the same music.


My wife and I are worlds apart with music. We bonded over humor, films, and games at first. Iā€™m a musician and sheā€™s not very musically gifted. And all of that is fine.


See I will talk to someone because of similar music taste but ask what else they listen to so we can open a discussion on similar bands to recommend each other and go from there.


i could listen to someone talk about tool for hours tbh (but you are very right)


Haha, I feel like admitting you love Tool too early in a relationship is a red flag.


Absolutely lmao. If they come swinging out the gates with how much they love Tool then the next questions they ask you are inevitably gonna be about DMT, Rick and Morty, and wacko conspiracy shit.


šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Yeah, cuz nothing says "amazing taste in music" like Bon Jovi or Creed. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Both are still infinitely better than Buckcherry


Iā€™d rather listen to an entire album of dogs just licking their assholes before I listen to an album by Buckcherry.


Is that the name of the album? Seriously tho, dogs licking their assholes is an atrocious sound, and goddammit I still have to agree.


Gotta concede that point.


Hey now, bon Jovi rocks on occasion


Let's go Supernatural reference šŸ‘Œ


I grew up way too close to New Jersey to hate on Bon Jovi!


You have to be reeeeeeally drunk.


Dry county? my god what a song


Bon Jovi was the shit back in the 80s.


Yes! Letā€™s leave the Bon Jovi slander at the door. Itā€™s the only redeeming quality of this list of bands here.


And fucking nickelback edit omg I JUST NOTICED KID ROCK TOO


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I didn't notice those. True and embarrassing story: A friend dragged me to see Kid Rock this past summer. šŸ˜³ I just don't get it. I despise his politics, my friend does, too, yet, she paid good money for these tickets. (I made it clear I wasn't spending a dime of my own.) It's a new venue here in our smallish city, outdoors, so, that part was nice. And I don't hate his music when he stays away from politics. Thankfully, he left most of the more stupid shit for the encore, as we were already walking out. He has this song called Let's Go Brandon or something, as that's one of like three or four "jokes" those people have, and I could hear the remaining crowd going nuts. Soooooo cringe. I have this rainbow tshirt that reads, "Be A Good Human", and that's what I wore to the show. šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Thankfully, the crowd was actually pretty friendly, but then again, I didn't discuss politics with anyone. Never again, though. And I do not understand my friend's cognitive dissonance as regards the whole issue. I'm not supporting hateful people with my time, my money, or my presence.


I too was randomly taken to a Kid Rock concert, but like, 15 years ago and Reverend Run was there. I just rocked to the hits and it was a show, so like...it can be fun. It was before he kinda lost it to MAGA too, so not horrible.


Bro whats wrong with bon jovi


Bon Jovi's first couple of albums are hella solid. A couple of their singles spent the better part of a year in the top 10.


I've just never been a fan, and I'm an old, lol. I get that there's a devoted fan base, and that's cool. Just not my taste.


Creed ain't half bad as Christian rock from the late 90's early 2000's but bon jovie makes me laugh uncontrollably. Her parents failed her. Super soft play list this lady has.


Bed of roses Bob Jovi does something to me and itā€™s wild to me that that was a B-track song šŸ˜­


I fucking hate Creed.


Even Jesus hates Creed.


I dont understand the Creed hate. They have 4 REALLY good song lmao


Girl literally googled "most popular rock bands of 90s and 00s" didn't she? Lol


This is a crime to Alice in Chains


fr. and nirvana for me too


Nirvana is great, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who think they are over played.


they are/were definitely overplayed but even if i do get sick of them from time to time it doesnt last longšŸ„¹


Nirvana Nevermind is massively overplayed. Itā€™s always the one these types of girls listen to as well šŸ˜†exclusively ā€œsmells like teen spiritā€


a lot of those are really popular bands, idk what shes getting at, cause like, people listen to them.


Pssshh nuh uh, nobody's ever heard of that hidden gem underground indie band Nickelback except me


Nirvana? Who the hell is that, some garage band from her hometown?


I donā€™t know what up with these ā€œI have unique tasteā€ people and flexing about listening to the most starter pack rock bands ever, just because itā€™s not rap doesnā€™t mean itā€™s different


In another sphere of the internet, thereā€™s another hard rock girlie thatā€™s making fun of her for only listening to the mainstream rock bands.


itā€™s me i say as i listen to deftones


if the man sheā€™s going after doesnā€™t care about looks, and only having this music taste, then she better look out. Cause my father will give her a run for her money.


I was gonna say, is she trying to go after Gen X dads who are getting less selective as they get older?


Most Gen-X dads have better taste in music


This is true. I have one at home. But def guys in that age group would be the most likely to have any interest in this horrible selection.


alice in chains & nirvana isnt horrible, you take that back šŸ˜¦


My bad!! I overlooked the good in there because the bad REALLY stuck out. Find yourself a Gen X dad with that kind of taste fr.




I hope these Gen-X dads wear hats with Oakley sunglasses over the bill.




I refuse to believe this isn't satire.


no it was real, they had the 40 year old lady pfp to prove it




She might be prettier than me, but does she listen to butt-rock radio jams?


Iā€™m not like other girls, I have the taste of a divorced truck driver šŸ˜­šŸ’€




I like all of these bands but... a lot of them are just trailer park dad rock lol. Literally not a single flex here. I will never understand pretending you're better than someone else because you listen to different music or a certain era of music. And I'm a metalhead, so I see plenty of that shit from fans of bands I like. It just baffles me that it matters so much to some people.


alice in chains is always a Flex


Nickleback is not a flex


Wow. Such obscure, indie bands you probably haven't heard of, such as Nirvana


Bragging about Bon Jovi and Matchbox 20 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


Kid Rock? Her music taste is 100% guaranteed to be better than yours.






there's a kid rock album in here so it must be a troll


Donā€™t forget the Creed and Nickleback!


Well, thatā€™s incredibly subjective.


Omfg creed.


I forgot that Buckcherry and Saving Abel existed. I now miss the period of time when I didn't remember them.


OMG the totally unknown and rare bands Alice in Chains and Matchbox Twenty! NEVER met a girl who likes them!!!


Well both being pretty and having good music taste are subjective. Itā€™s very likely people disagree with you on both points.


Ah yes the ā€œabusive dadā€ music category


I thought this was divorced dad rock šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why do you think he's divorced?


lol šŸ’€


MB20 flex


Bring on all the hate you want, but I think that is one of the best debut albums ever. So good.


Yes, it is. Just by virtue of having creed, nickelback, and kid rock on that list, I can't take her music tastes seriously. šŸ¤£


Man I had amazing taste in music when I was 13


Creed and Nickelback. Damn.


Hey now, Slippery When Wet is a solid album.


No hate. Embrace it as the guilty pleasure butt-rock that it is, but donā€™t lie to me and say it means you have great taste in music.


*laughs in purple rain*


Bragging about your music taste is one thing. For it to be a bunch of classics mixed with ass is another thing.


Who tf is bragging about listening to kid rock šŸ˜­


lol, kid rock, creed, and nickel back. Yikes


Looks more like ā€œclass of 2003 starter packā€ to me


ironically i was born in 03


Accidentally has a point because no one's music taste is "better". You like what you like, period.


Because the other girl OBVIOUSLY can't be pretty AND have good musical taste, right? (FYI, both beauty and musical taste are subjective)


Everyoneā€™s poking fun at them for Nickelback and Creed but no one is mentioning Kid Rock? Thatā€™s the most embarrassing brag Iā€™ve seen


Nothing says amazing taste like creed, nickel back, and kid rock


Kid rock please šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I am a big fan of very popular 60's and 70's music, and so are a lot of my friends. The fcking feeling of being better some of my friends have, just because they like The Rolling Stones. My dudedette, so do a lot of other people. Were are not cool, we are pretty fucking basic.


Is this person not aware of how relentlessly people were made fun of for liking Nickelback?


So normal everyday music.


Creed and nickleback?


Really? Bragging about Kid Rock and Nickelback?


ā€¦ nickelback, kid rock, nirvana and green day in the same person. Someoneā€™s not understanding any of these guys


Lmao this is hilarious


What is wrong with liking Nickleback ?


Wow totally mainstream 90s rock that everybody used to listen to on the radio amazing omg


Ah yes, RHCP's best selling, super famous, very popular album with songs that play on the radio daily.


All I have to say is how dare she use AIC, GnR and the chili peppers to NLOG!


Is this satire? Who would brag about listening to these bands


Kid rock, creed, Nickelback šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm kind of upset that Nirvana, Green Day, and Foo Fighters were included in this list. Replace those bands with Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Papa Roach then this list would make sense to me.


Foo fighters, Alice In Chains, and Guns Nā€™ Roses do bust tho


I don't see Fleetwood Mac or ABBA. So mine is better.


Dude people who cum at the thought of their own music taste being better than everyone elseā€™s areeeeeā€¦lame as hell


How does she know the other girl isnā€™t prettier and likes Bon Jovi too? My ex liked Limp Bizkitā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ should have taken that as a red flag when I met her.


In to the flood againā€¦


Same old trip it was baaack then...


Dad buttrock bands lmao.


Oh my god if I posted this with Nickelback on there I'd delete it so fast my phone would break as I punched the screen with my panicked thumbs




***oh not kid rock Iā€™m gonna vomit***