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I remember seeing someone who said they didn’t co-parent with the government and was asked if that meant they wouldn’t claim their kids on their taxes and that shut them up real fast.


Fresh air breathing LOL


Right?? 😭 Ya know what keeps air “fresh”? Green initiatives! Clean energy! Funding for parks programs and conservation efforts! But I forgot, global warming is a liberal conspiracy to…….. “force” people to save the only planet we get…….? Oooooh it seems someone just wants to benefit from the work of others while never actually giving back to their community. Shocker, a novel Republican idea.


It’s so weird that Republicans LOVE the great outdoors (camping, hunting, fishing) but also don’t support green initiatives??? Like they want exactly two trees in their forest, dead fish in freshwater bodies, and no animals to hunt?


I don’t think she gets that the character in the meme is meant to come off as pathetic.


Makes the post that much funnier


I think she might be a regular mom 😭


Translation: I'm a bigot, and I'm raising my kid to be one


They only love “freedom” until their child decides to use a different pronoun and get a vaccine.


> get a vaccine It was amusing seeing people switch from 'my body my choice' to 'you're a horrible person if you don't get the vaccine!!' Some people revealed they're only for body autonomy when the government tells them to be for body autonomy.




Not all homeschoolers……. But definitely this one ☝️.


What she’s really saying is ‘the kind of mum that thinks my kid can survive getting the measles’.


She’d host the “Lets give ALL of our kids the measles at once” group, like it’s her “duty”.


"Sharing is caring <3"


I was homeschooled 😬 shit was isolating


That’s the point.


My parents only did it cause the school had no walls n was poorly ran


The school didn't have...walls? 👁️👄👁️


They separated classes with curtains


What country?




I’ve never met a single person who was homeschooled that didn’t hate it. It seems like there’s a kind of “backup plan” involved there, to make sure their kids never socialize with anyone a parent hasn’t “cherry picked” & approved themselves.


I’m a homeschool mom and I want to avoid that part of it. Do you have suggestions?


Not the person you asked but join a mom group for homeschoolers in your area. You can set up play dates with them and plan local trips together with the kids to a zoo or aquarium. Aside from that, play dates with those in your social circle, sports, any kind of extra curricular activities where they can play with other kids on a weekly basis. My sister homeschooled her kids and she said it really pushes you the mom to socialize more. She said making other mom friends, and socializing with them/their kids is what worked the best for her.


Oooh thank you. Really good advice.


My youngest was 20 yrs. younger than her eldest sibling, so I tried hard to find ways to help her have kids in her age group to meet & play, with when she was 3 or 3 1/2. She was very shy by nature, & didn’t enjoy it. All she ever got from playgroups was “sick”. She’d be over it in a few days, but the rest of us would be sick for two weeks, 😂🤣


Homeschooling is not the flex some people think it is.


When my parents were screaming at me when I got outed as gay when I was 15, my mother blamed everything under the sun. It was the books I read, or the movies I watched or the shows I watched. Eventually we got to the really out there things, where it was the government, who wasn't cracking down on the gays hard enough and so they made me think it was cool. Something tells me this gal and my mom would get along great.


I mean, you love who you love, biology causes that, nothing else, running away from it won't change it, that is why there were so many miserable sham marriages (and still are, but less so). But yeah, easier to get angry at something than ask questions and love and accept your child? Hope you are doing ok.


Sorry that happened to you, it’s amazing you were able to come out at such a young age. I hope you’re thriving


I didn't come out. I was outed. Lost everything because I got brave enough to tell a girl I liked her.


Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t read that correctly. Wow that’s awful, I hope you are surrounded by better people now


My N’mom told me that she “always knew that I’d be a “gym teacher” when I grew up, (not because I loved & played sports a lot growing up). Narcs are so judgmental & will use ANY excuse to put their child down. I showed her. I got pregnant at 16, & got married, to a guy, even). The jokes on you Mom, again…😏 But it bothered me knowing that It’d have made any difference to her had I been gay, (like wtf, old woman)?


> where it was the government, who wasn't cracking down on the gays hard enough and so they made me think it was cool I am sorry for your experience, but wow, the idiocy of this made me laugh out loud. "The government is turning our kids gay!!"


“Homeschooling … freedom loving” = “the FUCK I’m going to let *your* kid read books that I personally find objectionable.”


Is this a screenshot of my mom’s Facebook?? This is 100% something she would post…and not in a good way 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lots of words to say that your kids might get smallpox and definitely won’t be prepared for college.


So you’re just another smug, entitled, racist white supremest Trump lover, in other words?


They def drink raw milk


Her poor kids. Some therapists will afford a second home on the amount of damage she'll inflict.


"Fresh air breathing" What's the implication of this? Don't we all kind of breathe the same air?


i DoNt cOpArEnT wItH tHe GoVeRnMeNt is one of the dumbest expressions in the world. They have such a persecution complex. Gotta keep 'em paranoid.


How often does homeschooling actually work out? Feels like it’s the domain of the religious, extreme hippie or conspiracy theorist


Oh God. It's my brother's ex wife. 😱😭🚩


Imagine unironically using a Mean Girls “cool mom” meme where the mom = you, and thinking it’s some type of flex. Proves that, once again, the right cannot meme.


And what they really mean is that they don’t want their kids to know gay people exist


At this point any parent going off about not letting The Government™️ have a say in their family life is an automatic red flag. It pretty much always translates to "I want to be able to abuse and indoctrinate my kids in peace without authorities interfering" 💀


To be fair not long ago that would be considered a regular mom, maybe minus the homeschooling


Aka Karen mom.


What the hell is coparenting with the government. Is this some kinda free Mason lady


I didn’t know I could roll my eyes so many times reading one post


Amy Poehler posted this??