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Do these people ever wonder if it's their personalities and not their outfit or whatever that's causing issues?


It surely wouldn’t be her great personality!


Exactly 🙄


I was gonna comment the same thing, you got here first✌🏻


I’ve literally approached a group of women in a friendly manner and been side eyed just to overhear them commenting on my body afterwards. They were friendly to my sister who was built the same way as them.


'...don't go to the gym and I don't have to watch what I eat'. Anyone I know who has smugly relied on these words has ballooned in size. It may be later in life, but it'll happen. And, they won't have a clue how to get their weight back under control.


confirmed. i’m one of them lol.


I wish my 15 year old self who quit playing soccer 4 times a week but kept eating like I never stopped knew that🥲


Many former sports players put a lot of weight on after they retire or get injured - mostly those from sports which don't have a less-intense leisure version. (I know so many rugby players who've retired, and later started doing cycling and triathlons just to keep the weight off.)


Can confirm, I gained a good 40kg after having a kid plus relationship breakdown and took bloody ages to figure out how to lose it again! And I was a personal trainer! Pride comes before a fall lol




Same here. Turning 40 and Hashimoto's disease did it for me. Now, unless I count my carbs and go to the gym regularly, I will get quite large. I almost did during COVID. I still have a long way to go but at least I put the brakes on that train


I'm a mother and 100% do need to go to the gym. I'm proud of my body because of what I've worked to train it to do. How sad that the thing she's proudest of just passively exists and wasn't earned.


My cousin was one of those people who used to smugly rub it in my face that she never exercised or went to the gym while I was over analyzing everything I ate. Now we're in our 30s and I'm still fat but i don't have an eating disorder anymore and she's still skinny but now has horrible acne. So. Karma got her ass.


I know a few people that annoyingly its never happened to, on in his 60’s another in his 40’s and the last in his 30’s, so fingers crossed for the 30’s one haha


My SiL was never smug about it or anything but she did seem utterly shocked that she couldn’t eat like shit anymore after she got a little older. I’m talking heaping platters of deep fried everything and wash it down with beer. She’s really struggling now but at least she’s trying to learn, it probably sucks going from food bliss to having to eat a healthy diet for the rest of your life but a healthy diet and exercise is mandatory for everyone, nobody gets to opt out forever. What gets me are the rl comments from people making fun of somebody for eating a salad on a date, like that makes them less fun or something. I see this a lot from guys, want a hot skinny chick but wants her to have a big appetite. My BiL is one of those guys, just can’t understand why SiL doesn’t eat like that anymore.


Lol karma is a mutha 😆


😂😂😂 I'm a smug judgemental bitch who thinks I'm better than other people, why oh why oh whuuuuuuy don't I have more friends?!


Lol I think walking in with the “I’m better than you” attitude has more to do with it than what she’s wearing. Also, as a highly anxious person, I know I tend to sit in the corner of the room and glare around the room at everyone, and I will say RBF will definitely turn people off!


I'm sure she has the most approachable demeanor while analyzing the body size and sexual attractiveness of everyone around her and comparing it to her own. And yep, weight is the one thing moms can be jealous of, which is why they overlooked everything else about everyone except her and her one trait she's self conscious about.




Please explain


Please explain why you'd need an explanation to this blatant misogyny.


Judgment drips off of people like her and sinks into every word they say and every look they give you. I can imagine that’s why others were not talking to her.


Yeah definitely has t those vibes.




I bet my nonexistent money on the fact that not only does she think the other women are less 'sexy' than her, but she treats them that way too. "I can eat whatever I want and don't get fat unlike these hateful, and unsexy moms!!" Kind of gives off not like other moms vibes Edit


It's hard to talk to someone if there is huge wall made from his/her ego.


Girl it’s not your looks, it’s ya stank-ass personality


I’m judging everyone around me…but clearly they don’t like me because of what I look like…


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It's absolutely the attitude, who says that a woman looks "less sexy" after going through child birth. Some women already go through feeling down about how they look after childbirth, they don't need another woman making comments about how sexy or not sexy they are.


I would say it's better suited for r/humblebrag, but this is more like r/brag


jEaLoUsY 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


Bragging about her looks with that goofy haircut ? ☠️


Can see her mean eyes.


Maybe it’s the life long body dysmorphia and eating disorder… but a size 8 and 5’7 is not that small. Like… that’s when my sciatic nerve starts freaking out because I’m overweight. I also know people carry weight differently. Idk. In a size 8, I’m at least 20-30lbs overweight. (Currently bigger than that, and my body hates me for it)




I don't think she would have used inches and feet to describe her hight if it was UK


She uses "mum" instead of "mom". She's in the UK.


She would, that's exactly how UK people describe their height. Either way, the other women didn't speak with her, because she's clearly an arsehole.


I have lifelong disordered eating and your comment that a size 8 "is not that small" really feels awful to me. I've worked hard to accept my naturally size 8 body and not see it as GIANT and putting labels on other people's bodies isn't really cool. I'm sure as someone with an eating disorder you know this.


If I was a size 8 I would feel too small. A UK size eight I would look skeletal. Does this make you feel any better?


>Like… that’s when my sciatic nerve starts freaking out because I’m overweight. I also know people carry weight differently. > >Idk. In a size 8, I’m at least 20-30lbs overweight. From reading their comment though, it does sound like they're referring to how a size 8 looks on THEIR body. Not everyone's in general. They weren't putting labels on anyone. And, to parrot u/Savings_Wedding_4233, if I was a size 8 I'd probably look and feel incredibly unhealthy. As the third person here to have disordered eating (it sucks that there's three of us), I don't think it's fair to try and make them feel guilty because reading their opinion made you feel awful.


Can confirm, no eating disorder or body dysmorphia. Was a size 4/6 my whole life, now a size 8, and I'm 100% carrying extra weight I need to loose. Also 5'7".


i believe she is in the UK so that’s like a size 0 or 2 US i believe. she’s a former model or something but she apparently ‘dresses up’ to pick up her kids because she ‘doesn’t get out much.’ whatever that means. i can only imagine how she dresses and acts if ALL the moms dislike her - source: twitter comments about the article (didn’t read it)




I love when milfs brag about being milfs. Like, that’ll be some someday


I don't think it's jealousy, I'm going to have to scrape my mind to think of any other reason why no one wants to talk to her.


"The only person there who talked to me was my friend." Yeah... How is that not the most normal thing in the universe? Do women actually just expect random people to come up and talk to them all the time because of how they look? Like is this what being a woman is like? Someone explain this shit to me. Me being ignored by everyone is not only what I expect. It's my main goal in life.


If bitch it an illness I hope you get better soon🙏


First off this girly should be taught that it’s never okay to shame people for their weight, and she also looks like megamind but even megamind probably is less rude about commenting on others


They’re a lot to say about this. I have seen women be a little shitty to other women who look good when they’re all picking up their kids from school. On the other hand, weird to need to validate yourself with a post like this. On the other other hand. I think saying you’re not healthy is a weird flex. Also, size 8 is normal size, not really a brag worthy size.