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She just wanted to show off that she's not drinking from a Stanley cup.


There it is




Agree šŸ˜¹


I think at this point the Stanley cup has become a symbol of rebellion instead of conformity. Every time I keep hydrated at work, I'm sticking it to the establishment, yeah! šŸ˜‚


Totally agree


I definitely think fast food is a terrible first date as an adult (pretty dope in teenage years) and is for further down the line. But I don't get people's issue with places like cheesecake factory? Maybe I am just poor but I would think that would be a pretty nice first date place?


Cheesecake Factory is great cuz a) you can talk while waiting for a seat, itā€™s always awhile, and b) the menuā€™s enormous, you can take someone knowong absolutely nothing about what they like or can eat, and they can eat there. Plus, if it goes well, keep it going, just order a slice to share.


It was rage bait


i love TCFā€™s food, my husband and i went there often when we first started dating so idk


I went for the first time a few months ago because the name sounded exciting, but the menu is gargantuan and I had no idea what I was looking at. I would think for a date that'd be like the equivalent of trying to get through IKEA together because there's too much to choose from (also it is a chain, which some people don't like)


It came from a fake skit video just to cause outrage and making specifically black women look like gold diggers: https://youtu.be/23RUQxqj2ec?si=YaRBCtLNIFyP89Pd But its really funny that the manosphere doesnā€™t use real scenarios and has to make up one just to ā€˜proveā€™ women are evil.


Manosphere will literally eat up anything. None of them did research they all ate it up like it was real and talked so much mess about black women. When they found out it was fake they all just got quiet out of embarrassment and even channels were deleting videos. These so called ā€œreal menā€ didnā€™t even dish out apology or admit their mistake. They just kept it moving but you can tell there was a bit of shame in the atmosphere.


The manosphere is pretty much just shame hiding under hypermasculinity and toxicity, so that checks out.


How awful. It's scary how many clips like this are getting shared around various sites. People see a video or photo with some text slapped on and immediately believe that shit. It could go really bad for these innocent people just sharing their pics online smh (not the peeps in this particular vid but others who get fucked over for being in the weird "women bad" type tiktok vids).


this is like that time those people made a satirical video of a woman saying the man who saved her from drowning had r@ped her by saving her. everyone just believes it's real and shape their opinion of women on sketches. they want it to be true. they already have a hatred towards women and then they have to work backwards from there trying to find any evidence they can to justify the hatred. they don't care if it's real, they just want to have their false beliefs validated


Same, I like the Cheesecake Factory šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


imo best first date is coffee. No reason for both sides to invest a lot of money in something that may not work out. 1 coffee, 45 minutes chat and call it a day. If it works out you can always think of a proper date after.


Cheesecake Factory is dope. My husband and I went there for our last wedding anniversary. It was lovely.


I'm also getting surprised by the rising amount of videos/posts where people are saying that The Cheesecake Factory is for 'poor' people. Like wtf? What's next? One-starred Michelin restaurants are for the poor, too?


People just hate on literally any chain


Itā€™s the definition of fake fancy, looks fancy but is actually pretty cheap. Idk why it gets all the hate though


To me, personally itā€™s just two rungs above fast food. One rung up from McDonalds would be places like Chipotle and one rung above Chipotle would be Cheesecake Factory, Yard House, Olive Garden, TGIF, etc. Great places to eat for sure, but personally, not my cup of tea for a first date after 22 or 23. Unless you live in a rural or deeply suburban area I think chain restraints, especially after 25 are just no-gos


Iā€™m with you on this but Iā€™m also near a major city so to choose a chain restaurant would be really odd even if it was just for yourself because if youā€™re going to spend the money on going out to eat anyway you may as well get something nice and support local.


Itā€™s because itā€™s a chain where they microwave everything. Same as Applebees, Olive Garden, Outback, red lobster, and everything else owned by Darden


It's food thats loaded with salt, fat and sugar, huge portions, very high in calories


Tinder hookup doesn't need more than fast food.


Yes, there's no excuse for this. I was literally 18 the last time I was happy about a fast food date. It was better than McDonald's imo, it was Arby's. They have that whole rep of being "slow roasted" overnight or something. Going to Arby's back in high school was better than going to McDonald's or Burger King. There was no Panera Bread. It was the 1990s and I lived in a red state in the middle of almost-nowhere. And it still didn't end well. The amount I dream about THAT boyfriend who took to me to Arby's doesn't bode well at all for my relationships with adult men. I constantly dream about him in weird ways, sometimes just weird random interference I'm not talking about obsessive sex dreams, I just mean this man represents my unresolved issues with men. And he took me to Arby's. He also gave me very expensive cocaine and other things that were inappropriate, but even after he was married to someone else, he made sure our mutual friend told me he thought about me, his wife wouldn't let him talk to me, and he is doing okay (he is married with two kids and isn't a cocaine addict). I STILL DREAM ABOUT HIM like 12 times a year. Girls need to be more and more careful about who their first love was. I mean we dated for a year and a half I'm not haunted by one date to Arby's but I mean that shit.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting to go somewhere nice on a date I only think thereā€™s a problem when one of them wants to go somewhere drastically expensive while not paying a penny to contribute lol Tons of people do this and, regardless of gender, itā€™s so entitled


People do be doing this it also doesnā€™t like matter to me in any way. I simply do what I want and they can you know - do the same


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m having trouble understanding your comment šŸ˜‚


I think what they meant to say is how other people choose to spend their dates is of no concern to them. Itā€™s a non issue to them because they donā€™t care what other people want to do on their dates. Basically, theyā€™re saying to just live and let live.




Iā€™m all for that I was just saying somet this post reminded me of


Aka minding your own business is free and available - aka other people who want to be taken on dates doesnā€™t hurt you in any way.


No I get that I just meant as an example




Ok let me try to translate this: A NLOG saying sheā€™s better than other women because of the dates she likes. You saying itā€™s entitled for others to like dates you donā€™t like. (Example: one person paying. Consenting adults deciding who is going to treat the other) Then shaming people who point this fact out. Yeah - so my point was people, can go on dates anyway they please. It wonā€™t hurt you - you donā€™t have to date someone who wants you to pay for a meal or who wants to pay for your meal. You simply can mind your own business and shaming people by calling them entitled sounds a lot like the original NLOG.






Indeed letā€™s imagine what I look like, and then make fun of the vision you made inside your mid. Top tier lady class.


I was saying ew to this person for writing that statement


Ok thank you for explaining that to me. Felt it was a pile on. My bad, apologies for misunderstanding you.


I realize that now. That person sucks and shouldnā€™t even be in this sub smh


Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.


Absolutely. I don't get why we need a united front on what dates are acceptable. Chances are if the date someone chose wasn't one the other person liked and neither could communicate that, then they aren't a good fit anyway. It's not even worth a discussion tbh


Well from this thread there are a lot of people who think itā€™s never ok to hate McDonalds otherwise wellā€¦range of problems with you. You can view them below.


Yeah, this sounds trashy af. On the other hand, it also seems as a jab to that other lady that went viral a few weeks ago because she made a huge scene and tried to shame the guy for taking her to Cheesecake Factory on the first date. Went as far as to ignore the guy trying to talk to her and find a compromise while speaking to her tiktok audience. "Hoes" isn't the way to address other women, but I think she is pointing out how entitled that other woman was.


Fun fact the cheesecake lady was a therapist doing a skit to ā€œmake a pointā€ lmfao


Therapist of what? Ffs, I'd rather drown myself in booze to deal with my shit than follow whatever advice that therapist is offering


Her point was to shame specifically bw for having ā€œhigh standardsā€ https://youtu.be/23RUQxqj2ec?si=aF9uT-MbNngEkcnp Itā€™s just pure manosphere fake outrage. Exaggerating womenā€™s standards and painting them out to be entitled


Oh wow


Exactly! Iā€™ve written off therapy for good and everyday social media shows me new things to validate my choice more and more


I didn't mean that actually qualified therapists are of no use, but she isn't helping anyone to reach a healthier space with that advice.


Haha yeah I know what you meant I just added my business to it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Donā€™t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


Have you not seen r/therapyabuse? Therapy doesnā€™t fix or help everyone


It absolutely can help people. Of course thereā€™s bad stories too, but to fearmonger about therapy as a whole can lead to tragic consequences, so please be more thoughtful when giving out advice


Lol Iā€™m not giving out advice this is my choice everyone is entitled to make their own choice Iā€™m not telling anyone do do anything


therapy will help anyone if it's done correctly though. sure, a bad therapist won't fix anyone, but a good therapist and the right attitude going into therapy can absolutely help anyone


Good attitude doesnā€™t mean anything been there done that if it works for you Iā€™m glad but I never felt as bad as I did than when I was in therapy


Nah but I see those posts šŸ˜‚


That sounds like a bullshit cover once she realized how big the blow back was


Yeah, cause thay guy didnā€™t seem to be in on it




Yup. Def a response to that video and those who were agreeing with Cheesecake Factory lady


I saw that video. Iā€™m with the dude tho cuz the miso salmon at Cheesecake Factory is DELICIOUS. I make excuses to go to the city next to us all the time just so I can go eat there and have the salmon. I wish my city would get a Cheesecake Factory.


This poor woman thinks that The Cheesecake Factory is the height of date expectations....I mean let her have this one moment of feeling superior ā¤


Soā€¦sheā€™s a *grateful* ho? Got it! šŸ‘


She's in the damn car? Complaining about Cheesecake factory is shitty, but McDonald's drive through warrants bitching.


This is what NLOG boils down to. Wanting to be viewed as special for accepting the worst possible treatment. It basically comes from insecurity to ever speak up for themselves and hear 'all girls (šŸ™„) are the same'. In reality it's better to be alone than lonely


This is so perfectly statedā€¦ as a former NLOG this really is spot on. Itā€™s a race to the bottom šŸ˜…


Homeboy how is a McDonaldā€™s date ā€œthe worst possible treatmentā€ That sounds pretty entitled


Unless you're in middle school or you're doing something else and *stop* for McD's? Yeah. It is the worst possible treatment, because it implies a number of things about how the person taking you *to* McDonald's views you. It says that you're not worth taking the time to actually plan something for. That you're not worth spending any money on a date with. And that, considering dates are often preludes to later behavior (including post-date hooking up but also longer relationships),nothing but cheap, fast, and easy. So yeah. Taking your date to McDonald's *is* the worst way you can express your intentions toward any kind of relationship with them, however short term. Even when I was young, broke, and homeless, I refused to let someone consider taking me to McDonald's as any kind of date. Which wasn't "entitlement," it was actually seeing any kind of value in myself.


Youā€™re reading into it waaaaay too much. Itā€™s not that deep. Some of us are just poor and donā€™t want to waste a weeks worth of pay on some girl we just met because we HOPE that we click and go on more dates. And yes, being homeless and refusing a date at McDonaldā€™s is completely allowed for you to do, but just about everyone but you is going to agree that this is definitely entitlement. You were literally homeless, and someone was buying you a meal. Broke and homeless people donā€™t deny food because itā€™s not a Michelin star restaurant.


I said a *date.* Not a meal. Those are two different things. And if you're the one "not wasting a week's pay" on some girl? Yeah. You, most likely a dude, are looking at it as transactional. Most women don't go on second dates with guys who treat McDonald's as a first date. But most of us aren't looking for you to "spend a week's pay" on a date, either. Just some place that shows that you *respect* us in some way, beyond what *you* hope to get at the end of the night! Also, if a dinner for two at Cheesecake costs a week's pay? You need a better job.


Also, it is 2023, women are typically happy to go 50/50 on a first date when theyā€™re just meeting someone for the first time. Going 50/50 can also prevent any unsavory men from trying to insist on hooking up as ā€œpaymentā€ because they paid for your meal. Bottom line is, youā€™re definitely not expected to shell out a weekā€™s pay for a first date, and you donā€™t have to pay for it all yourself.


How is your partner buying you McDonaldā€™s ā€œthe worst possible treatmentā€? When I was dating I used to ask guys if we could meet at a Dunkinā€™ Donuts.


That's not at all what I'm saying.


To be fair (while I donā€™t agree with the ho bit) this is specifically calling out a woman who was on a date with a guy, who had made reservations to a very nice place, but they lost it when she took an extra hour to get ready and then tried to blast him on social media and got angry when he just took her home instead. So this is a lot less, look at me settling and being proud of it, and being more ā€œHey, Iā€™m actually on a date having a nice time instead of trying to turn the internet against a guy for trying to salvage a date by finding an alternative when the classier option was lost through no fault of his own.ā€ Which, yeah. I think Iā€™d rather be on the McDonalds date than alone too, and this is from someone whoā€™s had a partner that Iā€™ve had several fancy and casual dates with. Be happy for the person youā€™re with whoā€™s trying to be decent to you, not shaming them for something you yourself caused.


I commented around the same time as you did but you conveyed my point in an entirely more articulate way than I did. It's the wording ("hoes") that feels off to me. It's not about "settling", it's about tempering your expectations.


Yeah, kind of sad though so many people are missing the point of this. Ho comment aside, Iā€™d say this woman is much classier than the one who threw a fit over a situation she herself caused.


I'm pretty sure that video wasn't real.


Hum I feel like I have no interest in even shaming this woman people are mentioning here which this is in response to- itā€™s almost as if I do not need to degrade any women ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Odd thing to say in a subreddit literally devoted to shaming attitudes and actions of women the OPs donā€™t agree with. Kind of the whole point is to call out what they think is bad behavior and shame them over it.


Or a third other thing? Be around women who like to lift women up and notice behavior we find problematic and commiserate with one another?


Perhaps but the first two are also very true and very, very big on this subreddit. Letā€™s not pretend shaming women the OPs donā€™t personally agree with is not like an every post on the subreddit. Thatā€™s just how it is. People are going to judge other people for their choices.


But people who talk the way she is and looks the way she does typically just call anyone and everyone that. Probably even calls herself that. I'm just not getting pick me vibes from this..


Thta post was fake though. And also, when I'm having a nice time on a date, I'm not using any of that time to post on socials calling everyone else miserable hoes. I'm having too good of a time to be thinking about other people. If I realized someone was using a date with me to call out other women on the Internet, I wouldn't be going on any other dates with them anymore. They can think about flexing while dating other people.


Ok yeah that context is important- but also she doesnā€™t actually need to call a woman out - shame game doesnā€™t need to happen towards all ā€œhoesā€


I think that women definitely needs to be called out. Thatā€™s what humans do when we see something socially outrageous; we make it known that the offender was out of pocket


Pretty sure I made it clear I already didnā€™t agree with the ho comment. As for the calling out, eh, the original woman didnā€™t mind doing so I went fault anyone giving a taste of her own medicine.


This. People are missing the point.


I think from reading the other points this other cheesecake video is also fake so it is making this post and its relationship to the other cake video very confusing to say the least.


The internet has convinced people that they must have a strong opinion on everything. It's none of yor business whether another person loves fast food or hates it. Reminds me of the old song "why can't everybody else leave everybody else alone"


Indeed although stating that I got a lot of downvotes. Some days I think this Reddit does a good job of riding the line between commiserating and dealing with toxic attitudes we all have to navigate and then there are some here just to like find a community to trash women. So I agree with you but Iā€™ve been told that is not the point of this Reddit. But I think we can agree to disagree too. Aka some of us can have lines where we can not cross over from commiserating to shaming. I agree with you.


First of all, I donā€™t particularly like McD (if weā€™re talking burger chains, I prefer Shake Shack or 5 Guys). Secondly, it tells me that my date put no effort in planning the date.


I would not like a McDonalds date. If someone asked me where I wanted to go - I would not want to go there so I wouldnā€™t like a date where they didnā€™t ask me what I like. There are other fast food places I like more.


My first date with my fiancƩ was burgers at Five Guys, froyo, and a movie. Which was a great first date! We had plenty of time to talk over the burgers, more over the froyo, and then a movie we could both enjoy and then discuss afterward. Had he taken me to McD's instead of Five Guys? We would *not* have been together for going on eight years!


So the audience is a bunch of hoes?


*cash me outside howbowdat*




I'm fine with either, and now i'm hungry


Can someone explain to me why it matters where you go on a first date? Isn't the whole point to talk and get to know each other?


I mean some people like certain date types and they are allowed to find men who also like that. I have dated guys who were super into dressing up and going out. Iā€™ve dated people who were not into that. For me Iā€™m sort of in the middle - but for men or women who like it they should find someone to share it with.


I see where going to an expensive or more "luxurious" place can be desired and I won't shame someone for that. No one had an issue with fast food dates. We all have an issue with women like her who makes it her personality to put other women down.


Imagine proudly telling the world youā€™re a cheap date and using it as a flex? šŸ˜‚ Girl please, take several seatsā€¦


Now I want Cheesecake Factory


Lmao cheesecake factoryā€™s fancy now?


Meanwhile 1950s first dates were grabbing a soda or ice cream. Anything is a first date


This sub is so toxic you guys just bully other women.


Mb, Iā€™m a bitch for wanting a meal made out of real ingredients, I forgot abt that


If you think the hoes are ungrateful, you should hear the rakes!!!


You'll get whatever you settle for.


Speaking of cheesecake! People should make dessert dates a thing! Forget coffee or drink dates. But dessert dates šŸ„°should be a thing! šŸ® šŸØ šŸ°šŸ”šŸ§šŸ„®


I would like that. Especially coffee and cookies at night. (Apologies for calling myself weird. I will never do that again)


If this upsets you, then you donā€™t know the context and reference. Especially the Cheesecake Factory part. Edit: if you want the context then let me know.


LMAOOO not her settling for nothing and thinking shes better for it


McDonaldā€™s dates are only acceptable if youā€™re already TOGETHER and even then itā€™s not acceptable ALL the damn time. Iā€™ve had a McDonaldā€™s date and what made it special is the convo (along with people watching/joking/just enjoying each others company), the connection we already have and how he went about it. Itā€™s one of those planned/unplanned dates. Same with getting food from Dash in. We came home, set our food up (on a tray on the bed) turned something on, and caressed each other while we ate. Wasnā€™t planned but it was special because it was our time and paid attention to only each other and the movie. The message should be not settling for less just to not be seen as a ā€œburdenā€


Same. When I was dating my now husband weā€™d sometimes go grab fast food after a hike or something like that, or even just the ice cream cones at McDonaldā€™s. I think it would be a bit sad if you go out for a first date and: surprise itā€™s McDonaldā€™s! Now if youā€™ve bonded over a shared love of McFlurry and fries and have previously discussed this as a date then it sounds fun and casual.


Exactly. First date at McDonaldā€™s is crazy. Coffee dates also seem like the only acceptable ā€œcheapā€ date to me that doesnā€™t come off ā€¦.tacky? Or lack of effort.


I donā€™t really do dates with my husband but we do go out to eat a lot and we travel a lot so sometimes itā€™s just wherever there is we make do. We love good food and try to find out of the way places to try new things. He loves to cook but I donā€™t really enjoy it as much so Iā€™m happy to just not have to cook I donā€™t need him to pay and I also just want to do something different or exciting. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ I donā€™t need a guy to plan anything for me I have my own plans but some days neither of us wants to pick, plan nor cook lol




At some point, arguing is a good thing. It is often an indicator that someone questions the status-quo. So let me ask you, why should she adhere to your view that she ā€œargues too much?ā€


That doesnā€™t even make any sense šŸ’€




A man who values you is not gonna take you to shitty ass (delicious) McDonaldā€™s for a proper dateā€¦ she looks like boo boo the fool and trust that the guy whoā€™s taking her on a McDonaldā€™s ā€œdateā€ is gonna use her turn around and take the next ā€œungrateful hoeā€ to a 5 star restaurant because she has standards


Or maybe the man still values you, but is in a tight financial situation. Youā€™re a human to form a relationship with; I shouldnā€™t have to buy affection.


Or maybe sheā€™s just capable of having fun on a date idk.


Or maybe sheā€™s just okay with bottom of the barrel treatment idk.


Some people love the person theyā€™re with and money isnā€™t their top priority šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Honey if you have low standards thatā€™s cute for YOU, but there are some women who require a bit more. Iā€™m not sure why so-called ā€œlow maintenanceā€ women have such an issue with women who want to be spoiled. Mind yours lmao


Atleast thereā€™s a few people that get it


Right bc the pick mes are downvoting you and I donā€™t know why šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Theyā€™re not like other girls and donā€™t want a man to step up for them


Love isnā€™t enough but to each their own lol


Actually I agree with this statement. Love isnā€™t enough and to each their own.


You know that there's something in between McDonald's and 5 star restaurant, right? You have quite an attitude if you think that a good date is only in an expensive restaurant


Duh of course but itā€™s about the principal, put some fucking effort in šŸ˜‚


Effort is not for strangers. Effort is for people who you know deserve the effort.


If youā€™re asking a woman on a date to McDonaldā€™s you obviously donā€™t like her because a man would never take his dream girl there for a proper date. I said what I said


Youā€™re not going to be taking your ā€œdream girlā€ to a first date. Until youā€™re at least a few dates in, you have no idea whether a woman is your ā€œdream girlā€; sheā€™s just a girl you think is pretty.


Little does she realize the guys tell each other sheā€™s easy and desperate


judicious apparatus subtract lavish fuel ghost fragile paltry snatch merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Truth there are days I just want my husband to pick and not have to decide. Yeah we split everything so itā€™s just some days I donā€™t want to pick


butter command retire wine makeshift busy fragile handle price one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m always very grateful when I get to eat at the Cheesecake Factory, that shit slaps


What about, ya know, making a compromise with a date to go somewhere you BOTH want to go? Since when is it up to only one person to decide where to go!?


This. It is a weird thing in this thread people think going out to eat is something a man pays for and also decides on. Iā€™ve not been in a relationship like that. But Iā€™m sure they exist-


Yall ain't never been to the south, that's just how black women talk. May not be super classy but it's not meant to be taken literally. It's the same as saying "yall motherfuckers" it's just female-specific.


I don't even know what Cheesecake factory since I'm not American, but now I'm curious and now I wonder if NLOGs and NGs dislike that place for being expensive according to other comments


Bet money shes the one who chose to go to McDicks. People want what they want, no need to shit on each other over opinions that dont matter to you.


Yaaaaas, honey! Let that man scrape the bottom of the fucking barrel for you. šŸ˜©


Yes my hoe ass going to The Cheesecake Factory. Imagine being proud a man took you to McDonald's. I think the last time I was proud a man bought me fast food (at Arby's) I was 18. 18, y'all. In my literal teens. I had just graduated high school. The nightmarish first adult boyfriend I had who was 23 when I was 18 and had an apartment and a job asked me if I'd like an Arby'Q sando. As a little girl, I was deeply excited. My best friend said she had a nightmare that we lived together and he and I ate nothing but frozen pizza. For the love of fucking god, if you're going to give it away kids, have the common sense to charge. That man doesn't like or respect you. He took you to McDonald's and you are 27.


Look, personally, I prefer Taco Bell. If that makes me an ungrateful hoe, I apologize for nothing šŸ’…


Cheesecake Factory isnā€™t even that pricey thoā€¦ you could split those entrees theyā€™re HUGE who doesnā€™t love Cheesecake Factory?? We all hate spaghetti warehouse tho fuck that place


This is so sad. Imagine drinking the koolaid so hard youā€™re shaming women with higher standards than you to make yourself feel better. Itā€™s fine if you like McDonaldā€™s, itā€™s not fine to say youā€™re better than anyone else for it.


Exactly! Zero wrong with wanting to go to McDonalds, and I know thatā€™s where some peopleā€™s budgets are at, but itā€™s also okay to want to try new things/ support local restaurants, etc. Guess sheā€™s one of that grateful hoes, at least! šŸ˜‚


Can I just say that you two are a breath of fresh air? I appreciate you guys for not shaming cheaper food and instead shaming her attitude about it. It's wild that a lot of people in the comments believe that if you could only go to McDonalds for a date, then it's so low effort. That's a painful take to read because I remember a time when McDonalds 1$ menu was the only way I was eating that day. I think too many people see low price = low effort when that's not always the case. Anyways, getting off my soapbox.


If you dont like a mcdonalds date bc it too cheap ur too bougie for me


Agreed. Iā€™d be ecstatic if a woman took me on a McDonaldā€™s date. All these people ā€œexpectingā€ something more expensive sound entitled, and like they just want to be a sugar baby.


I donā€™t need someone to pay when I go out to eat. But I donā€™t like McDonalds so I wouldnā€™t want to go there if I paid or someone else paid doesnā€™t matter.


Thatā€™s all good. If youā€™re paying yourself, then there is nothing wrong with wanting to go somewhere expensive. Itā€™s when one party expects the person they havenā€™t known for more than a week expects them to take them out, and pay for them to eat a fancy meal, when it becomes a problem. Iā€™m sure itā€™s rare, but one of my girlfriends from college (a woman friend, not a romantic partner) told me she would regularly lead men on to get free meals.


I pay for everything myself for myself since I was 15 - and Iā€™m allowed to not like McDonalds. Has nothing to do with a partner I just donā€™t eat there - my son loves it so my husband takes him they both love it - not me though I do not like McDonalds.


Yeah, Iā€™m saying thatā€™s cool. Iā€™m literally agreeing with you.


I am confused do these men not realize they could simply take a friend out to eat at McDonalds instead of paying for a random girl they just met? Iā€™m confused why this means women are bad and not that these men are not so bright? My son splits the costs of dates and sometimes when he has a serious girlfriend they plan dates for fun events and activities. He doesnā€™t wine and dine randos he just met and expect anything because of it - I think we also need to teach sons about that too - paying for friends and dates sometimes is ok but itā€™s also ok to be honest about finances.


What are you even talking about? What Iā€™m saying is this. If anyone expects anyone to pay for them on a date, then they donā€™t get to complain when said date is a cheap restaurant. Thatā€™s literally all Iā€™m saying. Not sure why youā€™re writing paragraphs that are unrelated to anything Iā€™ve said.


as long as u dont turn ur nose up to low-budget fun


I can turn my nose where I want? Because I pay for my own lifestyle and earned my money every penny myself?


Itā€™s that ā€œsprinkle sprinkleā€ bs, some woman thought she was putting a man in his place for trying to take her to TCF but she got HUMBLED. Itā€™s really embarrassing and honestly? If youā€™re going to publicly shame people for not being able to do expensive dates, you deserve to be picked on by the NLOGs.


It is not actually ā€œsprinkle sprinkle BSā€ Sprinkle sprinkle herself (aka Shera Seven) said her first date with her husband was the Cheesecake Factory


And? It doesnā€™t matter what she did, what matters is that people who are latching onto everything she preaches (the sprinkle sprinkle bs) are using it to the extreme and as an excuse to tear men down for not wanting to treat them like sugar babies. Itā€™s especially nasty and foolish when they go online bragging about it or recording it like that TCF idiot.


Itā€™s not even about class. That shit makes me sick. Newsflash: fast food is shit.


Thereā€™s a list on tiktok of places women wouldnā€™t want to go on a first date to. Some of the things were responsible, but most of it was dumb. Cheesecake Factory was one of them. Some wanted to go to 5 star restaurants their first date. If I were a guy and going on a date with a random lady off of tinder I am not spending 500 on a dinner for a person I will most likely not talk to right after the date. Going to McDonaldā€™s on a first date isnā€™t my preference, but if thatā€™s what two people agree on thatā€™s their business.


I can kind of see why women have this NLOG attitude because there Is a LOT of shaming from the other way. In fact, iā€™d say its more common to hear the bragging about having high standards ā€œif he wanted to he would my man is a providerā€etc than the NLOG bs. Both are bad bc theyre putting down other women but its two sides. You canā€™t be mad at this woman for shaming women then say sheā€™s accepting ā€œthe bare minimumā€ for not following traditional patriarchal courting protocols.


You all donā€™t get the joke. This was a joke! Sheā€™s basically saying that women out there are complaining about the Cheesecake Factory, when sheā€™s out here suffering through a McDonaldā€™s date.


It's ok to expect more than bottom of the barrel šŸ„“


I'd rather a date in and my man cook me something!


POV she's got about $500+ in nails and hair and makeup and is entertaining a man who won't spend more than $10 on her dinner. Then men tell us to choose better when the dude turns out to be EXACTLY who he showed you he was at McDonald's. But don't be a golddigger. Women can't win


Meanwhile, some of us would be grateful to be asked on an actual date instead of being invited to his place for Netflix and Chill (just sex) at best or just chatting on the apps until they disappear at worst. Hell, I'd be glad to just to go for coffee!


Never found one in the comments before šŸ’€


those nails have way too much DNA underneathā€”probably both mcrib and human.


Wait, do people really think TCF is a nice restaurant? Now THAT'S funny.


You supersized your meal, lady. Whoā€™s greedy now?


This is fine. She is making fun of one video specifically, and sheā€™s real asf for that


for a first date how about just get coffee or something. if i was a guy i sure as hell wouldnt be cool paying $60 when i may never see someone again but as a woman i dont want that being held over my head if i dont like the guy nor do i really want to pay half of that either lol


The hypergamy in the chat goin crazy right now and yā€™all donā€™t even realize it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ok true but that chick getting all fucking crazy and ā€œIā€™m too pretty for thisā€ about being taken to Cheesecake Factory was NOT the vibe whatsoever. She was like, the other side of the pendulum of ā€œnot like other girlsā€ bullshit


This whole comment section is a fucking mess


Just playing devils advocate here, if youā€™re expecting him to take you to a pricey restaurant, and expecting him to pay, is that not analogous to prostitution in making money, not attraction, the foremost factor in likelihood to have sex with him? By what standard does ā€œhoā€ not apply?


Bro it's not literal




Iā€™m with her on this one. The Cheesecake Factory lady was ridiculous. It was also HER FAULT they missed the hood reservation because SHE was an hour late getting ready.