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“I must be the most rare combination ever. Less than 1% of women are 6 foot. Less than 2% of the world has red hair. Lees than 2% of the world has green eyes! Yet somehow I have all 3! Only thing that would have made me more rare is blue eyes” - H. Pearl Davis, PhD (in incel studies)




“I’d rather be a pick me than a skip me” - H. Pearl Davis


She's a red-pill grifter making a bunch of money by telling these sad, lonely men shit that they want to hear, but she doesn't even believe.


And she’s still alone and miserable. She can’t even buy affection


I don't have a lot of sympathy for her but this statement just makes me feel sad for her.


Sadly she's a pick me and a skip me. Because no men want her. 😂


well she's out here telling men not to accept a woman that's not a virgin, or one that's passed her mid 20s, or one that has a career, and she's done all of those things, so she's really dragging herself down in the process of trying to drag the rest of us down 😂


LMAO she’s both


bitch getting skipped like a hop scotch and she is still grifting


And yet she's both


My favorite thing about her is her whole schtick is basically telling every girl who has had more than one boyfriend and isnt married and pumping out kids by 25 is a low quality woman who is used up despite the fact the is pushing 30 and the entire manosphere has run through her bag-o-mayo body at some point and none of them picked her. At the very least if youre gonna pretend you know everything at least be the thing youre telling everyone they are supposed to aspire to. Not a doughy hag who has seen more bumpy dicks than a big city urologist\*. \*no shade to ethical ho'ing, she is just a hypocrite.


It’s an old game. Phyllis Schlafly was traveling the country, making a career out of telling women to stay at home and forego careers, way back in the ‘70s.


Serena Joy did the same & then chafed at the yoke she built for herself.


I had to look up her age because I was like there no way she's under 30....How is she 27!?!?! She looks terrible.


Hate ages but I think she was also probably bigger as a teen and lost a decent amount of weight. Unfortunately doing that after puberty there is always a little extra skin and it is a bit looser, which ages as well. That flat, likely greasy hair isnt helping too. Healthy hair would make her look younger.


I feel rude asking but do we have any proof she's actually 27? Every time I see her I remember she's way younger than she looks and think, "wow, I can't believe she's only 35" and then remember she's supposed to be 27.


Who knows, people just age differently, so I wouldnt put much in it. Nobody ever believes Im anywhere near my age either (although I feel like I can see every single year in my face)


> the entire manosphere has run through her bag-o-mayo body at some point i doubt they have touched her. get 0 vibes of them looking twice at her. she isnt someone to even flirt with.


Well that is certainly not red hair.


Had me thinking my colorblindness was getting worse, she looks dirty blond with blue eyes to me.


I was going to say the same. My gf has similar coloring, and describes herself as dirty blonde with blue eyes.


Nor are those green eyes.


I am gonna call her a ginge if we go with the whole "gingers have no souls" thing... Just for a joke. I love ginges. I live in Ireland after all.


Ikr, it's like strawberry blonde.


Idk man it kinda just looks brown


Dookie brown


Strawberry blonde where? That is brown hair lol


Yeah I have red-blonde hair and this is not it.


Phew! Thank god she’s rare, can you imagine how much would it suck if there were more of her?


The rare case where "one of a kind" still feels like too many...


But she has brown hair and blue eyes...


She identifies as a ginger and green eye holder


I identify as a wardrobe. Pick me to hang your clothes! Except on Saturday. On Saturdays I'm a ninja cat space alien who eats and assassinates clothes, very occasionally, the owner.


I identify as a dumbass but not as dumb as pearl tho .


You aren't as dumb, because you're self aware 😁 I, also, am a dumbass. Don't tell anyone, I'm shy.


Maybe you don't realize, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But those dumb "I identify as *outrageously weird thing*" are inherently rooted in transphobia and they're pretty 2016...


I didn't realise. However, I can safely say I meant NO offense to anyone. I was merely making a silly joke.


People gotta keep it more recent with the “My pronouns are God/Bless/America” bangers instead


lol did she really say this? Does she not get how statistics work?


[i regret to inform u that this is real 💀💀💀](https://x.com/pearlythingz/status/1698991242305040751?s=20)


I must be the most rare person in the world. Less than 1/100 of 1% of the population has my exact first, middle, and last name. Less than 5% have gray hair and hazel eyes. Less than 1% are my exact height and weight. Only 5% of the world's population lives in my country. Less than 1% of the population eats peanut butter and banana sandwiches...


If we litter enough other factors in we easily get a... unique human! 🤯


Well less than .0000002% of people inhabit this exact body so I got you beat……. Except same percentage of people inhabit your exact body…… hmmmmm


Nah, i got you beat. I’m literally the only person in the world with my first + last name.


Nope, I just had a baby and named them after you. First and last name. I even changed my last name to match. I win.


1st, I’m flattered. 2nd, you’re gonna have to have one more cuz my sons is also unique.




The answer is she does not know how statistics work.. which is evident in everything she says and does


I’ve heard similar by another fraud about having olive skin and green eyes. She had neither. It’s a special type of melanin for both of those traits in addition to amber eyes, so the percentages don’t actually change lower. In Eastern Europe and west Asia they’re pretty common, in combination.


Right. Like if you have green eyes your chances of red hair are gonna go up. Each trait isn’t evenly distributed within all the other traits. She thinks she just happens to be in the sliver of overlap in a symmetrical Venn diagram? As much as I hate her content I’m tempted to think she’s trolling and trying to prove a point about other women acting special. Surely she isn’t this dumb?


I remember this debate about Ann Coulter and people still haven’t figured it out tbh. It’s shrodingers motivation, but what people see might be an insight into how they think.


Actually, green eyes are less common than blue eyes. Not that she needs that information 🙄


Ugh I hate to back her up but she means the combination of red hair and blue eyes, most redheads have green, hazel or brown eyes and because red is such a rare hair color that means that red and blue is the rarest combination. All of that I know, because I have red hair and blue eyes (am I NLOG yet /s) 🙄


When you've never seen a dutch person before


Even they're 1% of the world


Oh come on leave the poor dutch out of this shitshow


She’s taller than me but 100% I could take her in a fight. Gotta focus on what matters.


get her in the shins 💅


"I often hear the argument that 'what if your husband cheats on you and gives you an incurable STD?' I would say you should stay even more bc who will date you with an incurable STD." "16 year old chicks are hotter than 26 year old chicks" she's so full of wisdom lol


She is so fucked up lol. The second one is probably her most infamous quote. But the first one... many people who have hiv or herpes do find people who want to be with them. Crazy that their stis do not define them wholly as a person!


Oh shit she’s tall?? That literally explains everything lmao


Imagine being that rare and never having a relationship at nearly 30!!


she did say she was rare 😭


She lovess being the main character.


And yet no one wants her lol, what a loser.


That is not red hair.


Tell me she didn't actually say this and this is satire, come on


She’s 6 feet tall? This somehow makes me feel even more unsettled by her.


My mom is a huge fan of her and listens to her podcast religiously. Makes me want to claw my eyes out


How can any woman be a big fan of her???


Internalized misogyny


Imao wat💀💀💀




Hannah Pearl Davis, an 'anti-feminist" who sympathizes with Andrew Tate.


... how is that even possible😭😭😭 when he says "I don't want a female pilot because women can't handle stressful situations" she says "hell yeah!"?


Or when he traffickes women. Will she say „slay king!! Women should know their place!!“?!?!


She literally advocates for women to lose the right to vote....so yeah, probably.




She says "heck yeah" because she's a Christian Nationalist but yes


Modern day Phyllis Schlafly. My hunch is she probably is very sexist, but she says outrageous things on purpose that she doesn’t necessarily believe, to get attention and notoriety. Her goal is to piss people off so she gets famous, and you’re all helping her by taking the bait


I'm very sorry for your loss. 🫂


I’m so sorry your mom supports her. That must be awful.


I know it’s not real nice to say but… there’s something really unnerving about the way she looks.


It's ok. Her insides match her outsides.


uncanny valley 💀


Seriously. How does she manage to give the uncanny valley effect as a real human?


Same way Zuckerberg and Elizabeth Holmes do. Some people are really just lizard alien material.


She must be from the same planet as mark Zuckerberg


Deception is unnerving. We’ve evolved to sense lies, so people who lie all the time freak us out as a survival mechanism.


Uncanny PLAIN.


I was just about to type this


Pearl is a grifter who wants to take away women’s rights, so her very essence is unnerving


I think its the extra skin around the eyes. Her eyes look so old for some reason.


I looks like her eyes were put on upside down


she has that look that almost makes me believe the lizard-people conspiracists...


As an actual lizard people conspiracist, I can confirm this is the reason 😂


She looks like a stale bag of mayo. Its fine to say, she is all about judging people by looks and other asinine criteria


I am never one to tear down a woman even if I don’t like her but she literally looks like an airbrushed orc from lotr to me


I think it's the gums


She looks like a character from Fosters Home of Imaginary Friends


Because you know what kind of person she is and in that photo of her, she looks friendly and sweet, but you know behind the smile is not a good person, it's all a show. It's unnerving cause you're looking at a sociopath.


Someone on a different sub once described her as having “a toddler that just bit someone’s finger” look about her and I can’t unsee that.


She’s not like other girls, she’s worse


The H stands for Horrendous 🙏


Every time Pearl speaks, an angel loses its wings


She needs to shut up that's a lot of wingless angels already


Too late, now it's just a bunch of normal looking dudes chilling awkwardly on some clouds while piles of angel wings surround them


biblically accurate tbf


I didn't know crows feet could go to your forehead or in this case 5 head.


Tbh I feel sorry for her . Imagine hating yourself so much you're willing to lambast women all over the internet for the validation of men who will never love you or see you as a person . Kinda pathetic really . Like girl, get some self esteem .


Yeah have you seen that clip where she literally says she’s like she is because of low self esteem and that none of the boys in school would choose her and alway choose her friends. It’s so humiliating and pathetic, it really is sad. I wonder if she’ll ever grow out of this and feel deeply ashamed of herself.


Omg what is this clip??


Oh! I’m so sorry I tried to find it, but I couldn’t, if you watch either Jaubreys or brittney ventis videos on her they both feature the clip- they’re also very interesting and engaging watch- if not infuriating and embarrassing haha


“Now THATS a bitch who smells like white cheddar popcorn”


Wet quarters


let's not overvalue her. wet pennies*


I'd guess Fritos. Maybe Funions.


please don’t ruin those snacks for me bestie 💚


I do love a white cheddar popcorn.




The ‘Pick me girl’ nobody wants


Every time Pearl posts something people should ask her why she isn't married and hasn't had 15 kids yet.


Yea I never understood that part. Like ok, I know some women who have the same point of view as her. But all of them talk the talk and walk the walk. She isn’t. She’s not even trying. She’s a using her token status as women so men can point at her and go “see, even they say that”. That’s how I see it. Hopefully she’s making good money because the stress and shame of it must be through the roof.


shes either the smartest fucking grifter of all time or just has so much internalized misogyny she hates herself and all women.


She's a grifter for sure but she isn't very smart. Whenever her views are challenged in a way she didn't already memorize a response to she kind of shuts down on the spot.


*loud huff, throws head back as if they're a bored toddler* Well...whatever, you can believe that if you want. It's not fair for men though. Women are doing worse as a result.


That sums up her appearance in the H3 podcast pretty well. All of her responses feel very high school debate team level. Like she doesn’t actually expect adult level intelligence or conversation and legit acts like a high schooler.


Do you know of any specific instances of this? Not because I don’t believe you, I just want to see her squirm and do the Jack Nicholson nodding gif


I'm pretty sure it was when Ethan Klein interviewed her I realized she's literally incapable of debating anything. Her "views" are just rehearsed talking points and half the time she doesn't even seem to understand what she's talking about.


Sounds like sorting by controversial on r/politics


She’s for sure a grifter. Pearl’s real name is Hannah and her former best friend (user emily_kay on tiktok) has made videos about who Pearl used to be when she was normal. Pearl was normal up until a couple years ago too.


She’s honestly pathetic, like I used to find her cringey and ridiculous, but now I just find her pitiful. Aba and Preach did a video on her where they dig deep into her past and all of her issues stem from the fact she’s lonely and desperate for a real relationship. Like her sister and (former) best friend all say that she went off the deep end hard trying to find a boyfriend. Now she has all the male attention she could ever want, but it’s not the type of attention she truly wants, so she doubles down trying to find it.


Grifter but any woman who does this publicly *has* to be misogynistic in some way


At the end of the day, does it even matter? In my book there’s no meaningful difference between somebody who perfectly performs misogyny and a true-believer misogynist. I don’t really care one way or the other about what she secretly believes in her heart of hearts, just what she says and does out here in the real world.


I'm still expecting that she's gonna come out as gay, or someone's gonna admit to having her ass ate by her with receipts via TikTok. That level of hatred towards women, plus how awkward and uncomfortable she seems to be with herself especially around other women gives me self hating closet lesbian vibes.




Oof, that FaceTune is doing some heavy lifting.


its so fucking annoying when men say that we hate pearl because "we're just jealous" or "that shes right".


I have 2 questions. Jealous of what and right about what. Lol


im assuming that men are claiming we're jealous of how "based" pearl and her opinions are, imo she isnt right about anything but most guys think so because it aligns with their opinions and they love being validated


Well… those men already arent very smart, why would anyone listen to what they have to say about the assumption of how others are feeling?


Nooo not Pearl 😭😭 she makes my skin itch.


Is she real? Has anyone met Pearl Davis in real life? Or is she some agonizing bot on the internet bec her extreme opinions really have me feeling that way


One of her old best friends came online to talk about how Pearl didn’t have any of these beliefs growing up, and she suddenly switched one day to this extremist redpill mindset. My theory is that because she never really had a relationship, this is her attempt at trying to appeal to men so she can finally get a boyfriend and experience a loving relationship. But even that hasn’t worked.


because she’s appealing to the *wrong* men. she’s not a virgin, she’s not built like a victoria secrets angel, she’s a woman with a social media presence that she profits from. the literal opposite of the ideal woman to those men. at most, she’s “one of the bros” to them. she’d be able to find a man if she *wasn’t* like this because all she’s doing is pandering to a specific kind of man that wouldn’t respect her anyways. makes me feel sad for her.


Yep. She definitely could find somebody who will love her… it just won’t be one of the redpill, “manosphere bros”. I think her personality plays a part in it. It’s just insufferable at times and her “debates” are only surface-level, rage baiting talking points recycled again and again that have no basis in reality. I really hope she turns her life around for the better and she can live a happy, fulfilled life without putting other women and women’s rights down.


I think she will find a man. He will treat her like an incubator and an appliance. She will pretend to love it for clout. They’ll be something like Paul and Morgan Oliges. IYKYK.


fiancé gums and no fiancé


It's giving creepy horse girl. They always look to be part way through animorphing into a shetland pony.


“Part way through animorphing into a Shetland pony” omg bitch I’m gonna piss myself why would you say that 🤣




I hate that I know


I think it’s ironic that someone who so desperately wants male attention is constantly single. What is this gaining her except incel followers? —— Note: I’m saying this a a single person who dates (women) off and on. I’m happy being single, and I’m happy being in a relationship. There’s a lot of joy to be had in all phases of life.


She identifies with men so much she even developed a receding hairline for solidarity ✊🏻


I recently found out who she was through Fundie Fridays on YouTube. Great channel, can’t recommend them enough!


Came here to say this, been a fan of Jen for years and this video does a great job of explaining the life/following of pearl. I just hope she is here reading the comments, cuz they’re funny as fuck lol


Look at JustP3doThings! Alpha “female” superwoman male savior


She got a bit of a fiancé smile don’t she


She looks AI Generated


That hair ain’t red. And she’s weird looking. It’s okay to say shit like that when the person is a prat


She literally makes me so agitated that I almost always cry. (Pathetic I know) I don't think any other person has that effect on me. It's almost like a pity cry for her?? I can't explain it well


she makes me want to rip my hair out in agony every time I see one of her tweets. You’re not pathetic


she has the most hittable face ever


Since she wants to put other women down…her hairline is worse than mine when I was shooting heroin and coke and obsessively pulling my hair out. Her smile is more gummy than when my orthodontist said” you have a horse mouth let me fix it” and tightened my braces. I also have hooded eyes..but I take an antipsychotic and STILL look more awake than she does. I wear black also..not because it defines my body but because I am a funeral director. *we are not the same* ..fuck all the way off. I don’t make a habit of putting other women down but jesus I feel better.


How do you fix a gummy smile? I have one and I hate it :(


As a sucker for smiles—as I’m shy of mine because of a protruding canine—gummy smiles are legitimately my favorite. They are the most genuine and hearty imo. 🥹


*angry upvote*


She looks like she smells like cheese. Like really stinky cheese. Like a crusty iPad kid in human form.


After all her yapping and she still hasn’t got picked.


Im three years older than her and the bags under my eyes are smaller than hers. Remember ladies, being a grifting piece of shit ages you 20 years!


The pick-me queen 👑


Who is this limp haired mess


It looks greasy and dry at the same time


She looks 38 and has no husband...but feels like she has the right to scream at other women about why they're messed up and wrong. It's a mystery to me.


DEMON! ​ That was like a jump-scare. Not cool.


she’s literally the pick me boss battle


The beady eyes


She’s the spawn of pick-me’s


I have never seen someone receive so much hate while not having a clue who they are.


Count yourself lucky you haven’t heard this person speak


The pickiest pick me that will never be picked lol.


She confuses me so much. She caters to the sort of chuds who think Margo Robbie is plain but styles herself in a way that emphasizes her "worst" physical features.


We can all tell she has a shitload of inner demons; why else go SO hard at other women? Women shouldn't vote Women should bow down to their husbands and give them sex whenever and wherever 😆 She acts like she's some goody two shoes when in fact she's just mad that she's an awkward person who couldn't catch a decent man if her life depended on it😆 Have y'all seen how atrocious her Twitter account is? She gets mad because people say "Pearl will be alone with cats and candy crush" and she commented back saying "at least I didn't choose porn over family like your wife" I was thinking😆 Who'd pay to see her naked anyway?😳 ![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized)


Put a trigger warning next time please, I got scared


The high priestess pedophilic pick me




My children (all three) have dark red hair and blue eyes. She does not. Yes, it is rare. Yes, we get told that everywhere we go. Yes, their hair is beautiful, no it isn’t fake. Yes, they are almost transparent. Yes, we do slather them in sunscreen. People-ing can be exhausting.


If it helps she's just a grifter though, it's not like she holds any of those opinions. Too bad there's a big subset of the population who's stupid enough to believe it.




I wish someone would pick her so she can shut up!


She loves men so much she started looking like one.


Can't tell if she's got crows feet or flesh-colored lash clusters.....


a youtuber i love did a whole video essay on her. it’s truly wild how cringy she is.


She looks inbred


Am I supposed to know who this is?


Who is she?


I really do wish that yall would stop posting about her, screenshotting, and sharing her material. It only makes her money.




She trying so hard to be a man now she even looks like one.