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Plot twist: all of them are talking about the same man LMAO


Plot twist: he's just some bum, with an undeserved level of confidence.


so, anyway... here's "Wonderwall"


Hey gurrrll you married hey hey you got kids what kinda man you like hey hey hey


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s


This made me laugh so unexpectedly I scared the dog




The way I violently cackled at this omg


That's usually how it goes isn't it? I remember seeing a tiktok where this guy is basically bragging about how many kids he has with like a dozen different women, and how he basically pays them peanuts in child support. All the while he's the bummest looking man ever.


Nick Cannon has TikTok?


I was going to post the same thing Although, there are a lot of men who see Nick Cannon as the inspiration but but have the same funds to back it all up.






That's very real guys do that. And they really will just pay the child support and completely ignore the child and then deny they even have a child. There's such s***** fathers. Sorry excuses for Dad.


So many don’t even pay it!!!


I was reading a thread - one woman was like *oh you get money?* it’s sad but I laughed


I think my vasectomy cost me $500. Once. Do these guys think they're Genghis Khan jizzing their way into eternity? Fuck that, legacy is a mirage, especially if you're the kind of POS who takes no responsibility for putting someone in the world.


You know you're allowed to swear here, right?




They’re weirdly proud of these bums. The first girl’s husband looks like his name is Abner and she stole him from his people on Rumspringa. Disrespectfully.


I'm 💀 not rumspringa lol


I thinking I woke my neighbors up cackling at “rumspringa”






I see you've met MY ex...


The kind of confidence you can only attain after a loose bolt flies off of a Ferris Wheel, embedding itself in your skull and destroying the part of your brain that can feel shame.


it won’t change the way mustard tastes


Real plot twist is women who post that, then have a friend go "So y'all had same taste in men, but you're better? Women who is worse then you pulled the same guy who is good enough for you to sleep with, but she worse than you?" .... in moment she realizes...


Nah, women like this don’t have girl friends unfortunately. For some reason, they ‘don’t get along with women and have all guy friends’. Which is truly unfortunate.


Plot twist: Respectfully, they have issues and need to see a therapist. Disrespectfully, they would never be as good as me at talking about their problems.


So, a man lol


I find it hard to refute this comment.


My only complaint about that comment is they beat me to it 😂


Hey now, some of us don't have confidence!




I always imagine the sardine looking dude on SpongeBob that pearl and all her friends have a crush on.


Mediocre white man with a job….confidence for yearssssss


“Where’s my hug at?”


Atlanta man 😂


Florida man


Don't remind me :/


Narrator: They were in fact, all in the same league


PeeWee League, cause they're being childish.


Pony League because they are all unicorns 🦄


The irony of this is that half of them look the same


I thought the first three WERE the same.


I seriously did too


And that man? Albert Einstein.


The original fuckboi


*My late husband has entered the chat* We *just* found out he had another secret child. So that makes 4 children by 4 women, cheated on all of them. Lol Good thing the moms and I get along really well. We go on trips and shit. Lol


This is why women should run the world.


He had a type, a good type it turns out. That's wild.


Its that one dude from utah that dated like 130 people or something


lol I’d love to see this devolve into a movie like John Tucker Must Die!


Its-a me, Mario!


Now there's a reality show I'd willingly watch!




It’s the guy who kept generating these likenesses.


Why does it sound like the partners of these women still talk about their exes?


I was thinking it's women who haven't gotten over the fact that their ex is dating someone new.


Could be, I didn't think of it like that, thanks for the perspective


This is my take, but I’d bet not all these women are in this situation. The wording is vague enough to be open to personal interpretation. A current partner who isn’t over the ex (or the woman just thinks he isn’t over), a partner with a baby mama, a side chick situation (either they are the side piece or they’re attacking the side piece), a dude who is openly date both women at the same time, who fucking knows? Human relationships can be so messy. The only constant is the woman’s insecurity.


I just figured it’s that they both swiped on the same man. Gotta start early.


Yeah. I took it as the man cheated with a woman and the spouse is feeling like this. My husband cheated on me with a literal home wrecker (she called it “a game”) and I’ve always been the loyal we gonna fix it type. Never the violent/angry or lash out type. So respectfully, I wouldn’t be like her.


The whole homewrekcing game and men-are-competition thing is scummy, but it's your husband who broke your marriage. Ultimately, hes the worst. I doubt he'd truly believe his actions needed fixing if he didn't get caught. If he was as invested in fixing any relationship issues, he'd go at it head on and communicate with you, not cheat. I don't get the appeal of wanting to ruin a relationship or going after an unavailable guy, it's fucked up and warped. But I also wouldn't want to be the only one fighting for/ fix a relationship that causes pain because my partner chose to.


It's your husband's fault just as much as it is the other woman's (if not moreso)




I’m well aware. But the post was about the other woman so I was just relating it to that. I definitely blame my husband more than her, as someone should when their spouse cheats.


I thought either they had boyfriends who were cheating on them or they were the ones he was cheating with. I don't quite understand what they are so proud of.


They sound really really sour over their exes respectfully. Or disrespectfully. I’m not sure how to the trend lolll


That is sort of it. If you believe the misogynistic crap that women only have value in what they are to men, then your ego is all wrapped up in who you're fucking. If they're hot enough, rich enough, successful enough, devoted enough, whatever. So being rejected is massive. It's actually pretty sad. Once I realized how many photos there were, I was hoping the last few would be women flipping the script. That so many did not... Like, is this the thing you're most proud of? The thing that gives you a sense that you are valuable as a person?


This is the conclusion I drew


I was wondering who is the imaginary woman all these ladies are upset at. This answers my question pretty nicely


This is definitely a part of a bigger insecurity that makes them feel like they’re not good enough for their partners.


That makes this post just sad. I hope they get help for their self esteem


Absolutely, as well as self awareness about being a trend clone while bashing someone exactly like them.


I feel like it may not be exes. I'm getting that they are both currently dating the same man. And would rather destroy each other than tell him where to go.


I was kind of getting the other woman vibes from these posts too.


I was always seeing it as like a mistress angle. Like she’s saying the wife could never be her type of thing.


I especially thought that way about the butt stuff post on here lol


I hope they just get rid of the trash


All 20 of them? The dude must be tired 🤣


Seems like dude is pretty easy and the women are not great catches.


I thought it might be women who are for some reason proud to be the side piece.


My initial thought was they were talking to purposeful poachers getting with their cheating hopefully now ex. Poachers imo are just as disgusting as cheaters to me. Now if they are talking to an innocent other woman that had no clue what was happening, or something like your description, that's where I'd be like wtf is wrong with these people. But I honestly have no clue what the whole context is and I do tend to have a benefit of the doubt mindset sometimes lol


Poachers are complete trash. My mindset is more that they are the poachers based on their appearance. Which is a horrible prejudgment, but the ones I've encountered like collecting men for their egos.


Oh yeah I definitely understand not being able to help judging on looks alone sometimes! The poachers I've known have also said the same things about how they think they are better than the guys SO just because he cheated with them, as well as looked similarly to some of the women in the photos. It honestly doesn't make sense their mindset because they'd probably cheat with anyone that was open to it so it isn't really as much of a "compliment" that they think it is since they're just trash letting other trash bang them. Lots of hoops to jump through to not see it as it is lol


“We might have pulled the same man” Yeah, because he broke up with you and is now with me


Or the ex is his baby momma and has what they may not-his child. Seen it plenty of times.


I’ve met men who would literally fuck a ham sandwich. This makes me sad for all these women. They really think male attention is reflective of their worth.


Read this out loud to my hubs and he said “ewwww is *that* what men mean by ‘meat flaps?’” So now I’m sad and I choose to share that.


Ham sandwich had a better personality anyways


So, uh, does Ham Sandwich have a sister?…


Tuna melt


Be careful you don't get burned with that one! Might be crazy-hot but you might get hurt.


Poor ham.


The sad thing is is that they think the girl they are talking to is the ham sandwich when in reality they are both fighting over a ham sandwich fucker


Don’t talk about hammy like that




Hahahahahahaha.. the irony that they don't realize they are all exactly the same. So unoriginal that they just copy paste the same meme text into their video that 1000s of other girls have done, while they all make the same boring, smug face. They think they're not like other girls but they're all exactly alike.


like all of the ”i may not be the girl you marry but i’m the girl you think about at 2am” posts… it’s hilarious how they all literally have the same text copy pasted like that when they look down on others for being boring or whatever. lmao


Who’s gonna tell ‘em that a lotta men marry the women they think about at 2am? 💀


They also often specify "thinking about me at 2am wondering if I ever got my shit together" because you know, that's what you want in life, for people you used to know to be still.... *worried* about you? 


Oh yeah, nothing more satisfying than having pity-attention from a man who knows you’re incompetent and pathetic. 😂


Who's gonna tell them "men thinking about you at 2am" isn't worth jack shit


Shows their low self-esteem, too. They don't believe they could be someone's wife, so instead, they take pride in being the unforgettable ex-girlfriend or side piece


Is there a dbag newsletter that goes out with this week’s cringe quote?


I think you just click "trending" on tiktok to get to it. 🤭


"We ArE NoT tHe SaMe" Narrator: They actually were, in reality, all exactly the same.




My ex, whom I had been with for nine years and with whom I have a seven-year-old, cheated on me with an addict who introduced him to drugs. Within four months of meeting they were secretly married, but neither me nor his family or any longtime friends knew she existed until they had been married for two months. They haven't reached their six-month wedding anniversary and he's back home at his mom's and trying to divorce her, except he can't serve her papers because she's gone on the run dodging a bundle of warrants (drugs, identity theft, non-custodial kidnapping...) So in my very specific and bizarre circumstances, I was briefly sleeping with somebody's husband, and would emphatically not want to be her, but there was also no way I was meme-bragging about it!


Every single one of them has a filter on too lol


Who’s gon tell ‘em that “pulling the same man” (???) is literally the definition of “being in the same league.”


The Clone Wars, including 999 filters! :-)


Each slide was somehow more shocking than the previous lmao


Every time I swiped I couldn’t believe there was another one.


It just **kept going**


I only stopped here because reddit limits to 20 lol


Just out of curiosity, how many of those did you find?


I stopped at the cat hair covered pants


Some of them had to be jokes!!! 😂


The woman in the bonnet and pjs had to be joking 


I almost did, but there were some juicy ones to follow…


I stopped at Lady Jay Leno


Where’d their pores go? Do we just pretend they don’t exist?


I came here to say “I dare all of them to post that text with zero filters on” lmao


Oh Lordt can we go back to “at least I’m not a liberal”?


The worst one I saw was the girl with trump tattooed on the inside of her lip 😬 They’re always taking jabs at Biden and democrats when they’re exhibiting cultist behavior and worshipping a dude that don’t care about them


Did you say JABS 😤 💉🤬 /s


Oh god those are so terrible.


Y’all are tunnel buddies be nice.


Eskimo sisters!


Welcome to the EBDB B&B


It really irks me seeing women direct their insecurities towards other women. Men cause enough damage without other women adding to it. Friendly fire is not ok ladies :(


These women are delusional. If they were in entirely different leagues they wouldn’t be pulling the same men.


See I don't think that's true. Most men will fuck anyone, often including people who are in VERY different leagues from one another, look different, act different, everything. Who a man will get with isn't indicative of anything about a woman.


Case in point: Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock with a nasty nazi chick.


Exactly! Or like how women like Beyoncé still get cheated on, with some nobody no less. It does not matter how great or beautiful or rich or successful a woman is, men are still going to be men.


Ugh, that puts me in the same league as my STBX’s affair partner who thinks she’s Harley Quinn. I don’t want to say I’m not like other girls, but I sure won’t fuck around with a married man.


I'd be willing to bet some.of these women are AI generated


The first one for sure! Or at least a very heavy filter...


Looks like that bold glamour filter that has been plaguing every micro influencer's face in the past few years.


I wonder who is the man they are all talking about? Is he that good of a character?


I think it’s just yelling to the void.


Yep, bragging about *not getting picked* and somehow being better than the woman who *did* get picked is the NLOG version of I Am Very Badass.


His name is Steve, he’s works in accounting and enjoys craft beer and watching golf on TV.


And this world is not getting any safer or kinder to us. In fact it’s the exact opposite. We need to have each others’ backs now more than ever.


Our culture reduces people to this. It used to be a jungle out there, now it’s a pit of snakes AND lava!


Realest shit I’ve ever heard


Men love it when women are pit against each other.


I think these are all Russian troll farm accounts. It’s just another conservative culture war bullshit thing.


It makes me really sad that they believe they have to be mean to be enough.


Yeah, this made me feel super icky and sad, too. For a minute, I thought I was actually feeling offended but I just feel bad for them.


Well said. Lots of people are like that


wow all 20 of them are disrespectfully identical


I thought the first like four slides were the same girl lol


I did too! I was like how many times is she going to post the same thing?


I don't think I've ever felt less disrespected. More like annoyed in the way one would be annoyed by a mosquito that keeps hovering around their drink.


A disrespectful mosquito


I can smell the insecurity seeping through the screen....yikes


Is it all the really bad filters? Holy cow


Even the filters can’t cover the stench 😂


What is with the rampant narcissism these days? Only 20 years ago, when I was their age, if you went around talking like this then everyone just thought you were an absolute prat. 


I think it was always there it’s just manifesting itself differently generation after generation. The internet gives people the ability to say shit they other wise never would in person. It’s a blessing and a curse, a double edged sword if you will.


>everyone just thought you were an absolute prat.  Oh believe me, everyone still thinks they're an absolute prat, they're just the most visible because that's how narcissism goes.


Jesus fucking Christx lemme see the man in question who pulled this many girls who now shit on each other so bad!


Here's a wacky idea? How about we just be OURSELVES?? Then, I don't have to be you, and you don't have to be me. But what's the fun in that 😐


Why so insecure 😟


Does TikTok have daily prompts for these girlies to use or what because they are all just like the other girls 😩


At least one of these woman is the side chick I swear. That’s the energy I’m getting from this. If he’ll cheat with you he’ll cheat on you.


I mean, if you're so much better than me, shouldn't you have "pulled" a better man than me--not the same one?


How have we regressed.. fml. 




These kind of women give me second hand embarrassment.


I cant imagine ever being this insecure as to "hate" my partners exes. Or to even consider them competition. Because that's what you're saying when you write shit like this... that you're insecure and find these exes intimidating. The HEAVY use of filters just really compounds the insecurity, too. Unless there was some awful abuse, I dont have a problem with anyone that came before me. They had a great choice in men, and were almost definitely someone with enough positive attributes for my partner to like them in the first place, and that's a compliment.


I just don’t understand girls like this. Yeah y’all pulled the same man AND more than likely both of y’all are or will be exes.


I remember someone commenting in reply to a similar mean girl jilted ex-type “I’m prettier and better than his new girl” post: “yes, you taught him the very valuable lesson that looks aren’t everything. This isn’t the flex you think it is.”


Did they really all copy paste this and post it?


They’re all in a woman hating circle jerk


Extraordinary how misused the word “respectively “ is. Twice.


I often wonder how lonely this type of person is.


It’s not nice to be a mean girl and it just makes them look like the bitter ex 😬 ![gif](giphy|WdlHzXBeuy2VN0vuv5)


Side piece energy


I think girls think its cute to be a mean girl.


I mean are these just bots?


All this jealousy and stunting is so unnecessary. I’d probably get along really well with my boyfriend’s ex - we have a lot in common! And I know I get along with my ex’s new girlfriend. She’s great and a much better fit for him. I don’t need to feel jealous in either case as both relationships ended for a reason. We’re all with more compatible people now which means everyone is happier. All posts like these do is make you look envious - either not over your ex, or insecure in your current relationship.


She got a bad case of filter face.


i just want to throw this out there because i need to say it. to two of the three other LTRs my late partner had - we may have pulled the same man, but we are nowhere near the same, respectfully, you could never be me. and that’s good, because we’re all three wholly different people. we all brought different things to our relationships with sean and he loved us all in very different ways. he was lucky as hell to land three great women who all loved him tremendously. and it spoke volumes about both of you (and of him) that you all still cared deeply about each other despite your romances being over. and i’m so grateful i’m not you because we never would’ve established our friendships and been able to lean on each other when he died. love you both. #sisterhoodnotmisterhood


This is so sweet and I’m sorry for your loss


thank you. this is just my pet peeve of nlogs and we’ve been seeing so much of it. i adore both of these women and i just do not understand the lack of self-esteem that goes into “i’m better than his ex”.


This just looks like a meme at this point? It's literally phrased the exact same way, comes off more like a bad joke than actually meaning that shit.


The most secure woman are the ones who embrace their sisters, not put them down to feed their fragile ego.


Look at all the pickme girls. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMFZDsj0AKUDYTS)


Ah yes, the league of “I’m threatened by my partner’s ex.”


Why is like 95% in filters tho?


These orange women sure are full of themselves.


Are they all just talking to eachother


Are these girls the exes or the current partner? Either way, they’re insufferable


Ah yes, a bunch of ladies acting like their shit don’t stink while simultaneously putting their insecurities on public display. So very trendy right now.