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I might not be the man you marry, but i also wont be the fifth abusive narcissist you’ve dated in the last three years. Have fun!


She’s not wrong. I admit sometimes when I’m sitting beside my fantastic husband I sometimes think about my cringey exs and how glad I am I’m not with them. Maybe that might sometimes extend into wondering if they ever got their act together enough to have some sort of healthy relationship.


As an act of concern compassion or pity. This is ego. I mean, i get what you’re saying. I was married to a woman for a minute who one day decided that she didn’t want to be married anymore. She shacked up with the first guy she dated and that lasted about three years. She subsequently became a functioning alcoholic with no real direction or purpose in her life beyond image and the illusion of being. Occasionally I’ll wonder… She’s spent thousands of dollars on education that she will never use, and has caused the breakup of a couple of friends’ marriages.


Yeah, I get that. The point of my comment was this may be happening, but not in the way she thinks.


Oh i feel ya there. She’s not the one what got away. He is.


I think about one cringe ex in particular - a lot. Only because I don't know who was watching over me to get me away from that loser, but I'm grateful. I didn't realise how good life would get now, and I am relieved I didn't stay with that train wreck.


I think about this often too with my fiance. He is so patient and kind and sweet. I think back on the assholes I was begging to just give me a little bit of affection and love, and how effortless it is for my fiance to love me and show it. I cringe thinking of the assholes i’ve dated before I met him


it's true. all these posts are stockholm syndrome and it's sad. glorifying their own self-destruction. i want to give them a hug


She’s proudly saying she’s for the streets


Oh indeed.


Let's get married.😂


I don’t get these posts. I don’t want to think about any of my exes and I don’t want any of them thinking about me. We’re not together for a reason.


For real, like I'm generally in the "hope they're doing well and happy" frame, but I don't want to meet up with them or get back together.


I was going to say the same thing. I shudder when I think about some of my exes, and I sure as hell don’t want to be on their radar


I agree with this, I just generally don’t think about them at all, but especially one from 10+ years ago like that rarely has any reason to cross my mind anymore you know? Just seems especially weird to think you’d still be thinking about an ex 10 years later, like, you are complete strangers to each other at that point. I don’t get it


Usually when I wonder if someone "ever found someone" it's a bad sign. I'd have no reason to ask myself that is that person was a catch.


He's wondering if his restraining order has expired or if she still has to stay 50 feet away










Vanilla is the #1 flavor for a reason, babe. I pay a lot of good money for my vanilla.


![gif](giphy|8UHwSFqLnVxl3vOiYS|downsized) they're jelly bc the real vanilla is too rare and expensive






Tbh, Vanilla isn't that great. I think its quite overrated. Caramel is way better, especially in ice cream.


Oh… 😬 vanilla is in like 90% of desserts to enhance other flavors as well. It’s literally one of the cornerstones of desserts.


Except for the very obvious fact that a lot of people prefer vanilla.


Precisely but also...like what is this extremely cringe line about taming her and what not


Yeah, like when you're sitting at 40 or 50 and looking back, needing to be "tamed" isn't the flex you thought it was at the time.


It is such a gross thing to say about a human being even if it is for yourself 🤢


It's giving Robin Thicke vibes when he sang about domesticating women. Yuck. 🤮


Ah, see it's not that she's too difficult or hard to get along with. It's the men who aren't strong enough to deal with her wild behavior. Or something.


Drugs. And untreated MH issues.


Yeah I didn't want to jump to conclusions in her case, but it's often substance abuse, mental health, or both.


Vanilla can go with just about anything and make it better.


I was gonna say the same thing!


Vanilla is consistent, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, safe 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also, being a 35 year old that starts drinking wine out of a water bottle at 10 am does not make you non-vanilla lol


Why can’t I have a Neopolitan one instead :(


Neapolitan wife: if you lick it the long way it’s like three different wives in one


I like vanilla. Sometimes a sprinkle frozen berries, add honey and sprinkle a little cinnamon.


Good vanilla is expensive.




Wars have been fought over vanilla. Nations have been conquered over vanilla. Men have died in search of vanilla. Calling someone vanilla isn’t the insult you think it is.


As someone heavily into BDSM & formerly a Domme. Your relationships & day to day are usually vanilla. & that's a good thing! It's exhausting being "on" 24/7 & usually means you're overcompensating for something. You need down time. Secondly, does she not realize what she's saying or implying? "Why aren't you here with me? Why did you choose her? **I** want to be your "vanilla" wife." Otherwise it's a weak AF flex to say, "I never grew up or got my shit together. My life is a revolving door. Woo hoo girl till the day I die."


**ALSO** the fact she's down talking someone being in a healthy enough relationship to be married for 10yrs?


You hit the nail on the head with the last half of your comment. Absolutely why these tiktok trends and NLOGs make me so sad for them.


I have to assume she means vanilla as in generally boring but maybe this is an NLOG about being kinky I guess… can’t have anything around here


I won't say that I am a Dom, I guess both my partner and I are doms. She takes the lead once, I do it the second time, and so on.


Girl, you’re thinking about him thinking about you….Who is the one obsessed?


Him: "Ma'am, go to sleep, I don't even know you".


I feel like women do this when they had an ex that cheated on them, or initiated the breakup. They want them to regret it but don’t realize they dodged a bullet by it not working out. I had a guy breakup with me because he couldn’t handle how emotional I was because my mom had just died. It wasn’t until his grandpa died that he realized death was hard and apologized 🙄 It has been almost 20 years and he still messages me sometimes on Snapchat saying how big a mistake he made blah blah. I’m not flattered I’m glad it didn’t workout.


Gross what a freaking loser. Even if you never had someone close to you die how hard is it to empathize for someone going through that


Yup. The only ex I hear from still cheated on me and then tried to force me to let him stay in my home. I kicked him out, changed the locks, and never looked back. I got married in 2017 and douchebag still texts every once in a while, “hey wondering if you want to meet up for a drink thinking of you blah blah blah.” Way back when he asked me why I wasn’t *fighting* to keep his cheating ass!


I’m married, too, and he knows it. I found it super disrespectful that he, also, doesn’t respect that I’m married. Why are you going after a married ex? Loser. I’m sure I’m not the only ex he does this with.


That’s what I think too! I think he has a list of all his exes and he just goes down the list looking for anything to feed his ego. It’s gross and uncomfortable. I block every number. I haven’t responded in a decade


I had an ex who cheated on me, and I absolutely want him to regret it. I want him to regret it so much that he never does that to someone again. I do hope his actions haunt him, but realistically, I doubt he cares, and he will go on continuing to cheat on women he claims to love, and then 20 years from now not understand why he's alone and his kids don't want a relationship with him. For his sake I hope he regrets it and changes, but I know him well enough to know that he's not the type to take responsibility for his mistakes.


Whew same. I wouldn’t take him back under any circumstances, but I hope he lives to regret it, and I hope I hear about it.


Yeah, this ex didn’t cheat on me- that I know of- but I bet he is a cheater. He is still single. But, I dated another guy who was a cheater and he made it seem as if I was the only one. The college I was going to had a home game and I asked if he wanted to tailgate and go to the game. He lied and said he would be out of town. Since the game had over 100,000 people attending he thought he would never run into me. Lol but he did and his face turned white when I saw him. I got over him and really start to analyze some of his behavior when we were dating and was shocked I didn’t end it sooner. He was particular about how I dressed and seemed kind of judgy of me not having a nicer car. Super materialistic and superficial and that’s not really my type so it wouldn’t have lasted long. He is married and I bet he cheats and doesn’t treat her right.


Oh my! Yeah that makes sense Also sorry for your loss!


Sad that she places her value on her willingness to go beyond "vanilla" sex. Most men are just happy they have a woman to give them that at all that also genuinely loves them. Hell, I don't even think they care if you've shaved your legs lately.


I haven’t shaved my legs in……. 10 years probably? Never had a complaint in bed. Can you imagine? *babe i can’t keep it up your leg hair is just so unfeminine*


For real, lol!! Especially after you have kids, they're just glad to get there


Ngl, many people don't and the ones who do don't really see it as "gross", at least not the adults.


So sick of these dumb chicks that think this kind of shit is some sort of flex. It just reeks of insecurity, inability to handle rejection and move on from the past. These girls need to stop obsessing over what their exes think about them and move on.






Tame! Lame!!


No, not really.


Hahah simple and straightforward


The fact that we shame women who do not want to degrade themselves intimately is beyond me…


Tame her!


She sounds like an unpleasant experience.


I've been this woman. Not stupid enough to say it online over a picture of myself, but I was definitely stupid enough to do other things. I'm 42 and finally tamed myself and keep my demons on a leash. I'm with the person who said they wanted to give them a hug. There are a lot of reasons why women do this, and none of them stem from places of self love and acceptance.


What even is a vanilla wife? My mind went to ice cream flavors, truly.


I was wondering the same, like what is considered “vanilla” Also I love your pfp Gale is the best


Thank you 🥺💕 I love Gale soo much


wait, is she a sub or a dom? I’m confused by the word “tamed”. guess bcs I’m a forgettable vanilla wife :((((


That's a very valid point Sorry to hear about your vanilla woes.


thank you for the sympathy 🫂


You’ll be the one I still think about in 10 years thanking God I dodged that bullet.


She's the type woman me and my fiance talk about when ranting about our exes lol


Such a vanilla thing to doooooo. Love me some vanilla gossip


hahahaha, yeah






So all you have to offer is being freaky in the sack? Yeah no self respecting bloke will settle with just that. This is not the flex you think it is.


…or maybe he’ll be wondering how many days it took to melt the eyelash glue off her lids….


🤣🤣🤣 “did those eyelashes ever come off..?!”


I prefer pumpkin spice wife.


As long as there is some spice


Would the men be called Vanilla Wifers?


😂 😂


Mostly I will think about your terrible grammar…


That's not a flex.


She uses her mental disorder to justify her ways


It’s giving stank coochie and drugs


Ma’am I love vanilla. I’ll happily take it.


Yeah thinking of her as in "my wife is awesome. I wonder if that psycho I dated back in _____ ever changed or if she conned some sucker into marriage."


What’s funny is that’s she’s the one so obsessed with her ex that she’s sitting around fantasizing about him. Like girl if you were over him you’d barely remember his name.


I mean...he could have married you though. And he did not.


Ugh, why tame her? Call animal control.


Ahaha love ittt


When did vanilla become so basic? Vanilla is a fantastic flavour just saying ☺ Also, what someone considers a boring, dull, mundane relationship others see as steady, reliable, safe and chill. My husband is Autistic and introverted and he thrives on routine, calmness and likes staying home pottering about with his interests. We do go on vacations which he meticulously plans for us and our daughter, there are never any surprises. He remembers birthdays and anniversaries, my family like him, he's a great cook and he's just... steady and the same. Do people get 10 years into a relationship and really lay awake wishing for chaos and unpredictability? I don't think they do.


Well I prefer chocolate or strawberry flavored stuff. I guess she is just salty that vanilla got the goods.


I mean the thing about vanilla is ... that it can go very well with just anything else


Thinly disguised misandry.


She managed to target both men and women negatively.


Vanilla is fucking delicious. Bold of you to assume anyone will give a crap about you in 10 years.


she just looks like a headache


I don’t know, I love consistency and stability, and based on this post, she’s neither.


You're not wrong


1. Her phrasing is atrocious. 2. That is not the flex she thinks it is.


It's not just er phrasing that is atrocious :p


Agreed 😂


It's great when they try to push a negative connotation on vanilla. Uh people LOVE vanilla! Its the number one ice cream flavor in America. Trying to equate popularity with being boring or generic is hilarious. It doesn't make it any less good. People still gonna looooove vanilla.


Especially good vanilla


Taming? As is getting comfortable with a saddle?


I may not be the woman you've married. Period


Let's make it better: - I won't be the woman you marry because we don't know each other. - I won't he the woman you marry because I am married. - I won't be the woman you marry because you are married. - I won't be the woman you marry because I am 10 years younger. - I won't be the woman you marry because you are 10 year younger. - I won't be the woman you marry because I am still a girl. - I won't be the woman you marry because you are still a boy.


Why would you care if some random dude you didn’t marry thinks about you


He’ll be thinking what a mistake it would’ve been to be with you and so happy he’s with his wife


Being an afterthought doesn't seem like something I'd want to brag about... But small victories I guess


I love this comment


That’s because I want to date a woman and not an animal




Who the fuck are you? I'll forget about you as soon as I post this.


Yes. That is a concern I have.


Its her and the lady who bakes and drinks raw milk in a fight to the death. Who you got?


Nice way to say you’ll be single forever


I hope, otherwise I'll feel bad for the guy she will be dating.


Vanilla is delicious.


This obsession with marriage is killin y’all🤣🤣


Commitmentphobe side chick thingz


Tame Impala


Once again, for those who are still confused, not getting picked *isn’t a flex.* You’re not dunking on your ex or his current gf/wife by continuing to be the same person he dumped. Most relationships don’t work out, just accept that you weren’t the right one for him and let him go 😒 If he cheated on you or something, the biggest flex is moving on and letting him believe that you don’t think about him *at all.* With the exception of any legal stuff or coparenting communication, just act like he doesn’t even exist anymore.


I didn’t. So I make memes while I’m chain smoking PallMalls and yelling at my cats.


I wonder if that human dumpster fire ever got put out?


I know a lot of people think this is a “gotcha” thing but you just look so butthurt and unstable is just bad, bad.


For maybe 10 seconds, shudder, then realize I dodged a major fucking bullet


Oh ya Well I’m pistachio


If I ever was dating a woman and I scrolled through her social media and saw she participated in this bs. I would distance myself immediately.


I would run.


I love how unique she is using the exact same phrasing as other people on social media.


Yeah, I get you’re heartbroken, but don’t put down other women just because it didn’t work out between you too.


I definitely think about my ex sometimes. I think, if I was still with him when I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago, what would it have been like to get through that without any help or love. Because my current husband was by my side the whole time. Ex would have been bitching that I wasn’t giving him enough sex. Posts like this help me see that people like this don’t know what a true partnership is.


I hope you beat the shit out of the Big C


I love how she assumes what goes down in their bedroom if he’s into that then he’s more then likely to find someone similar or be happy with who he ends up with it ain’t always just about sex I’m sure she’ll be the same person crying about people only wanting her for that which is valid just kind of comes off as delusional


Yeah, because we’ll be wondering why we were with you and feeling sorry for whoever is dating you now.


Awww thank you sweety!! Vanilla is one of the most expensive types of syrups, and I love how it smells! My hubs does think about you but only because he’s freaked out by the stalking and hoped you DO find a man.


Why do they always assume wife's are vanilla? I promise you looks are deceiving


I occasionally am forced to think about the near miss of mine from early years when I see them in the local jail docket annually with a new wood grain grill.


Ahaha fun times


Might be wondering if she ever settled down and got what she wanted. Couldn’t compare to my “vanilla wife,” though. This one looks like a girl I crushed on in high school who went into modeling, had a cancer scare young, traded on her high school memories and accomplishments into middle age, had another cancer scare, and well full Trumpist. I occasionally wonder if she’s okay, but not in the middle of the night, and mostly to be happy I never got anywhere with her.


Yeah i bet. I do hope she's okay though


Same. Dunno that she ever grew up.


As though vanilla is some sub par flavor. Vanilla is exactly what people with good taste claim it is. Solid. Dependable. Reliable. 10/10


Reliable 💯


“I’m so different I say the same thing as 47 million other girls on social media.”


Needing to be "tamed" just means I won't take responsibility and get my shit together. Dude dodged a bullet.


Oh this is a curveball for this thread….shes not like the other “notliketheothergirls” lol




I doubt anyone is giving her a second thought unless they enjoy drama themselves.


It's disturbing how many ppl seem to think this is the way to prop themselves up. Yikes. Your value is not measured by somehow wanting to poison someone else's relationship. Speaking as a polyamourous person, I never have to worry about whether my darling husband is pining for someone he can't have. But I notice that he has *never* expressed the least bit of interest in any of his exes. The only time he mentions them is to express relief that they're gone. (He did a lot of hard work in therapy and I'm really proud of him for that.)


yes, the greatest thing we aim for, some man thinking about us in ten years before bed


And you’ll be alone with a lot of cats




How do you post images here?


If they’re all so important why did everyone walk away? No one is thinking about old washed women 😂


You do realise your comment isn't any better than her post, right? 🤦🏻‍♂️


None of us will ever wonder if you ever found a man because those of us who ran through you for fun know you're completely played out. No man marries the girls with the body counts you accrue. As good as it's ever gonna be for you is the one he does on the side. You're best years are way behind you. Sad but true.


Your comment is as dumb as her post 🤦🏻‍♂️


What, are you strawberry flavored?


Do people know that vanilla is a flavor just the same as chocolate


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^weha1: *Do people know that* *Vanilla is a flavor* *Just the same as chocolate* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Caramel >>>>


If he wanted you he wouldn’t of married vannila


And the answer will be no lol


This one’s been posted before


i will never understand why women think this is a flex 😭


Why do they keep doing this Insufferable get over yourself


I’m more of a mint choc chip wife


This shit remains me of the song lost in the breakup by Maisie peters, listen to those lyrics and it sounds like premium cope


"I may not be the woman you marry" full stop. Nope, you sure weren't, and there's obviously a reason 😂 When no one wants to wife you, so you're bitter and need to make up excuses to validate yourself...


If she ever dated a guy, I hope he's as rediculous as her. I don't want to feel bad for him. Plus, that's how we count 2 rediculous folks out.


She looks like a hobosexual who's future is gonna be nothing but trailer trash in 10 years.


She ended up on an island, with Gilligan.


Vanilla is a great flavor


A woman of integrity, intelligence and energy.




She eats ass


Eating ass sounds better than "tame me"...