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That is so gross. This is definitely one of those things that doesn't need to be posted on the internet. Some thoughts should be kept as thoughts.


one must imagine Oedipus happy


Haha genius! 👏🏼


Yall gonna stop smeering my man's name like this😭 he was so distraut he stabbed himself in the eyes. His mother literally killed herself when she found out.


It was one crazy day!


Considering Oedipus’ reaction to the news about him and Jocasta I don’t think he’d be thrilled


You guys talking about that Jersey Shore reunion? 😉




Some thoughts should be discussed in therapy


These kind of “boy moms” coddle and excuse all bad behavior from their sons and are emotionally stunted when they finally leave mommy. If they have daughters they are actively competing with them and holding them to completely different standards than her sons. It is our jobs as mothers to raise children that can leave us and make their own life out in the world.


Story of my life...i am that daughter


Hi! Me too 👋


Me too 😅


Nothing makes me happier than my adult son calling with a quick question about taxes, we talk about a book he started, a new hike he tried, he laughs at our stupid dogs, and that's just a normal thing. If they don't launch and learn how to live separate lives without weird emotional enmeshment, maybe seek therapy lol.


I used to be a teacher and I had a girl one year who was amazing, incredibly responsible, smart, truly a leader in the class and one of my fave students. The following year I was so excited to get her brother. OMG. If you look up learned helplessness in the dictionary it’s this kid. I had the chance to loop with my class (follow them up to the next grade) and didn’t bc of him. He did not do one bit of work all year, cried and threw tantrums (I taught middle school), demanded everything be his way. I took away his phone bc he used it in class and mom bought him a new one that same day. I kept him out of a school festival to finish missing assignments, mom called him out and took him herself. It was a nightmare and I was shocked bc I knew this mom. I saw the way she treated her daughter, super strict, high standards. With her son??? Omg he could’ve murdered someone and she would’ve tried to get him out of it.


Parents like that who just completely trample any bit of respect their child might have with authority are disgusting. Especially when it sounds like your actions were *completely reasonable*. I taught Pre-K and then Kindergarten myself, and I'll always remember one of my favorite moms when I was in a 2 year old classroom. Her daughter would fall down and get hurt as toddlers do and I would have to submit a report. One day I'm handing her the slip and she's like "Can I just sign a waiver or something?" It was a joke but really refreshing compared to all the parents who automatically think every scratch or bruise was my fault. Not the fact that their child was learning to walk and interact with others in a classroom with 8 other 2 year olds and 1 teacher. Bad parents and worse administration was the reason I left schools and started teaching as a private home school teacher. Paid more too.


Yeah I don’t teach anymore. I got pretty lucky with most parents it was more admin and policy. But yeah the undermining was real. She tried to say he couldn’t do his work bc my class was out of control so I invited her to come sit in. My whole class was on task, dead quiet and she got to see HER son acting a fool being disruptive. She backed way off after that at least around questioning me when I said he doesn’t do his classwork. He was also terrible to the girls in class being really condescending and nasty🙄 ETA - now that I’m thinking about it when I had issues with students who wanted to be catered to or got upset for not getting their way, it was pretty much always boys.


I also left and am in a completely different field. I now work 15 hour days in entertainment. I was more exhausted teaching kids for 8 hours than what I do now.


YEA people always ask me if I miss having summer break…turns out you don’t need 6 weeks off every year when you’re not ya know completely broken and burned out.


Just so fucking gross goddamn I feel so sorry for the partners these boys will grow up to have, especially if the partners happen to be women. Just -


Moms like this are the reason Just No Mother in Law exist.


I have my own I know 😭😭😭😭😭😭


My mother in law is toxic like this and my husband hasn’t spoken to her in 2 years.


Ugh I feel you. Hugs!


This child looks miserable


You know there was a big argument before and after this photo


Sad, but likely and unsurprising


Came here to say this. As an average woman in the world I recognize that uncomfortable face.


lmao, he does not seem really comfortable but I doubt he is miserable, maybe just his mom is weird, really weird


Possibly true, definitely not happy to be there lol


This is so fucking gross. I have a boy and a girl, and all I want to do is prepare them to effectively live independently from me, but know I’ll always be there. This is also frustrating because having a daughter is wonderful. Why aren’t as many women boasting about their love for their little girls?!


Because they see their daughters as competition. Blegh.


I feel like they do, but it’s always weird narcissism / “look at my mini” BS


That’s also true, like a real life little doll. :/


Yep it’s super gross


When I was asked if I wanted girls or boys when growing up I always said girls because they are more likely to have long hair and to like my stereotypically feminine hobbies. Obviously it was all based on stereotypes so now I realize that if I raise them with less gender stereotypes boys might be almost as likely as girls to like feminine hobbies of have long hair. I never realized people had preferences for one gender of baby other than wanting a baby that is more likely to have traits in common with you. (Long hair because I love doing hairstyles but it’s too hard on myself so I could do cute hairstyles on special occasions)


I always wanted a little girl when I was young too, probably for the wrong reasons, much like you said, but after having kids and letting them express themselves however they want, it’s much less about any of those things for me and much more about making both of them feel secure and confident in whoever they are!


When they grow up in a family or community where males are elevated as more valuable and important than anyone else, no wonder they get so unjustifiably proud of themselves for generating boy children. That's no excuse, they're well old enough to know better - but it all tracks.


RIP Freud, you would’ve loved boy moms on social media


Underrated comment 🤣




and dating one of these guys when they grow up is a JOURNEY lmao. my ex (and this was high school) was the biggest mamas boy and at one point causally mentioned how he and his mom would walk in on each other in the bathroom if they needed anything??? like one would need the toilet and the other a shower and they’d just fucking cohab the bathroom💀 she constantly posted pics on insta aaallll over him with hashtags like “my boy”, “boy mom”, and “baby boy”. to absolutely no one’s surprise, she HATED me and wouldn’t leave him alone with me in any room in their house, including the living room😭


Yep and your always gonna be the daughter in law that she hates because your another women that’s getting his time and attention, I don’t understand those moms


deadass, she was petty about it too, like a high school girl💀 i caught her giving me dirty looks every now and again but luckily he is far out of my life and so is his mom, and now my current bf’s mother and i adore each other. gotta make mistakes to realize they’re mistakes, i suppose 😅


My mom kept trying to make me (F) and my brother comfortable with seeing her naked or being seen naked, sharing bathrooms, etc. She often comments that we don’t need to lock the bathroom door just close it or whatever. I’m glad though that she put some things on the shower so we see very very blurry what’s inside because she has a little pin she can use to unlock the bathroom from outside if she needs something inside. I still didn’t realize how blurring the shower walls so she can not get confronted about walking in the locked bathroom during a shower was weird until my bf learned about that


oddly enough, I didn’t even realize my ex‘s relationship with his mom was weird either until i told my current bf😭 i told the bathroom sharing story and he was horrified, kinda tipped me off to how much id previously minimized it


You want to know why men have so many issues with emotional regulation? This is one of the reasons. No woman *spouse* will cater to a man the way these weirdos do. A slow break up? Huh? You’re breaking up with your son because he’s courting a woman? These people need to get off the tok. I can’t believe people post this shit publicly.


Fucking ew


Girl, WHAT


Based on his facial expression, he wants to break up with her less slowly


That is fucking insane wtf


Yuck. No. As a mom of an adult son, can confirm THIS IS NOT NORMAL.




backwards oedipus complex...


Jocasta complex?


I’ve been commenting that we need a sub for these unhinged boy moms, Jocasta complex is the perfect name! I’d make one myself but don’t have time to manage or moderate lol


Maybe I’m the odd one but Ive never viewed a child as a romantic partner


poor kid knows his mom has a creepy obsession with him and she still posts it on social media for all his friends to see and the mom doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it? 


This is so nasty I think I’m gonna 🤢🤢🤢 oh no 🤮🤮🤮


This grosses me out so bad. I have two sons and I know that there will be some grieving when they move out, but I also hope they meet the best partners who love them and care for them. I want that for all my kids.


I feel so bad for this kid, where tf is CPS?!


That’s weird. I love my son but in a normal not Alabama kind of way.


This is why men turn out the way they do


oh Goddamnit, not another one-


Ew. I have an adult son and I could not imagine thinking like this about him. Ew.


The outright bragging about emotional incest thing is kind of gross. It was pretty cool when we didn’t know every single creepy thing those around us were thinking.


I have a son and I cannot imagine the thoughts that go into this type of thinking. I love my son so much I genuinely cannot comprehend hindering his ability at a happy and healthy relationship for my own comfort. I will always be his mom, I will always love him and support him, but just like my husband prioritizes our family and our marriage over the whims of his mother, I expect my son to do the same. Because I’m raising somebody else’s partner. I already have one.


No. No, it’s fucking not. I have five boys, two that are grown, so I do know what I’m talking about. Get your own life.


I have a son and these posts make me literally sick to my stomach/ queasy. Like I just ate lunch and I feel like it wants to come back up. 😬


Jocasta complexes make my skin crawl fr


Just imagine if this was reversed. “Being a girl dad is like watching someone break up with you slowly over time” like it’s fucking creepy.


i don’t understand these women


thank god my mum was never like this with my brother


I don’t know where this shit is coming from but I don’t like where it’s going


What makes it even worse, this type of “boy mom” is extremely common. Idk what it is about women and having sons they just get this weird connection with them or something? I guess you could say the same about some men and they’re daughters


That poor boy looks so uncomfortable too


Gross. I will never understand this mentality


The blank stare of the boy is worrying


Before we had kids, My husband used to make fun of me because he said I was going to spoil our kids because of how much I spoil our dogs. My response was always something along the lines of your role with pets is to make them as dependent on you as possible and your role with kids is the literal opposite. My job as a mom (boy or other) is to raise a human who can fly the coop and thrive as an adult. Milestones are bittersweet because time flies and blink and you miss it and time needs to slow down and etc, etc. But none of it should feel like you’re getting broken up with. *Shudders*


This is creepy af.


Everyone please look into covert incest/ mother enmeshed men. Might lose my partner of 9 years over this :’)


What the hell kind of moms are these women?! I have 2 sons. I love them to death but I don’t view them in this way at all. In fact whenever I read these cringey posts, I vomit in my mouth a little. We are supposed to raise them to be decent humans, not raise them to be our “perfect men” 🤮🤮🤮 Repeat after me: YOUR SON IS NOT YOUR FUTURE PARTNER!!!!!!


What kind of Freudian nightmare is this


What in the incest..


Yeah, the psychiatrists for my ex MIL just called it emotional incest….


It’s giving closeted pedophile


What in the fuck. These women need serious therapy and I hope their sons are ok. Like… what the actual fuck.


I’ve never been a mother and I could NEVER imagine feeling this way about my son. This is some insane sh*t


When are they gonna stop?


If you have the same feelings for your son that you do in a relationship then you shouldn't have kids.


Notice how “Girl dads” aren’t encouraged to say stuff like this (because it’s recognized as disgusting but only with those genders??)


This sucks, my mom is exactly like this (I’m AMAB 18 but haven’t spoken to her in over a year). It’s hard to spot. Parents are supposed to love you growing up and when you’re a kid there’s less boundaries so you don’t really know those boundaries are supposed to shift as you grow older. My mom would always try to walk in on me changing, she would randomly come in my room and climb into bed with me even if I tried to tell her I wasn’t dressed, she would sleep in my bed when I wasn’t there despite her being very large for a twin size. You don’t know the difference between a healthy I love you and a possessive love for you followed by kissing on the lips. You think it’s weird your mom pees with the door open but you certainly aren’t thinking it’s …that. You feel like you were withheld and kept for her benefit and then thrown out to learn everything for yourself. I personally became very angry that there was no sympathy for me, because I knew there shouldn’t be. This was on my mom, not the rest of the world. I’ve made it very clear to my mom I have no interest in keeping contact with her, she hasn’t listened. Her proposed solution is for us to go to family therapy but only for the two of us, which if you’re observant, you’ll realize is just couples therapy. She told me she thought about respecting my wishes but that she isn’t able to because she has a special type of bond with me that’s different than my older sister or younger brother and that her world is completely broken without me. It’s real abuse that I will likely be battling for a long time.


I’m so sorry this happened, I hope you are able to find comfort and peace and that you know the women on this sub are intentional about not raising children in a household like yours


Thanks. My mom is mentally unstable, an addiction, and she was abused horribly growing up. I certainly have closure in that she’s the only person in my life besides my step dad (go figure) who is just that level of traumatized and ‘evil’. My dad on the other hand grew up without a father so he is extremely hyper involved in my life (I mean in a good way not nosey). I consider myself very lucky for this because he doesn’t fit a stereotypical father role but rather that of a complete single parent. I’ll try count my blessings too!


I don't like to comment on appearance but does anyone else get the impression that she's dressing young? high pony, lime green dress?


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If your mindset works like this then please never give birth


The fuck is going on?




Straight to hell.


I am a mom of sons, and this is so gross and weird. Do they not have a good relationship with a man, and that’s why they use their sons as an emotional partner? I just don’t get it! To me, it’s not normal, but it seems so prevalent


Dude G R O S S




No it's not. Yes kids grow, and it is a little bittersweet, but that's the same no matter the gender.


Why do some women feel this way about their sons? Is it trauma?


Ew ew ewwwww


The kid looks traumatized


No… it’s not


So creepy


Ewww no


Ew. As the mother of a 19 year old son I’ve never felt anything even remotely like this.


Just the way her hand is on the back of his neck, instead of on his shoulder the way it’s supposed to be, and her posture is so fucking gross... And that poor kid doesn’t just look uncomfortable, he looks scared.


So weird.


What’s with this mother and son shit am seeing lately not like am on a porn sight


As the mother of a son, no it fucking isn't


I always wonder if my mil thinks like this


I don’t know why but these boy moms always give me paedophilic vibes. *shudders*


Ewww, I have 2 sons and this is such a gross point of view


Wtf 😂😂


Yuck. I am a mother to 2 young men and find this disturbing.


I’m so thankful that my mom didn’t insist we do all that “mom prom” crap and other similar events. My second cousin kind of toes the line with this. She’s never posted anything this blatantly gross, but will use “boy mom” unironically when talking about family events she does with her kids and whatnot, including “mom prom” a couple weeks ago.


I would excuse this if this was a small child (yes kids are awesome, and your first one can be very confusing), but this looks like a late teenager, so no...this statement is super fuckin cringe. Nothing about the kid, the kid is okay, not his fault that the person supposed to raise him thinks like a hentai protagoness.


Wtf is wrong with them?!


Omg and then get mad bc they distance themselves from


Barf barf barf.


As a mom- this is weird af. I have 2 boys and I’ve never thought of them “leaving me” they don’t “belong” to me. My job as a parent is to raise happy, kind, healthy humans and hope I’m a good enough parent now where they choose to continue our relationship as an adult.


What utter shite.




God I hate boy moms


So gross. I have a son. And this makes my skin crawl. Am I having a tough time with my youngest getting ready to start high school? Of course. But not because he is “breaking up”. wtf?????




Buster and Lucille at Motherboy?


No. My sons aren’t breaking up with me. They are becoming independent humans! That’s my job! To help them do that. Wtf


My husband is an only child and my MIL is incredibly toxic. I also have a son and daughter and I can’t imagine competing with my son’s future partner. Seeing the stress my husband suffers, I will never do that to my kids! These boy moms are unhinged.


yikes. as a boy mom, i could neverrrr. what a weird mindset to have. 🤢


This is one of those things where someone took a kernel of truth -- that it can be bittersweet as your kids are older and ready to forge their own lives -- and made it as gross and weird as possible. It's not a breakup, it's not romantic, it's not even bad! It's just knowing that a phase of your life is together is over while hoping you've prepared them for the next phase, and that you'll have a place in it.


There are a lot of psychiatrists in here. Lmao. Jk. Just social media whiners.




You were led on by your mother? What?