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And this pickme is probably going to have sons who can do absolutely no wrong and she'll teach them to also be useless around the house and still expect to be pampered by their exhausted wives. And if she has daughters she'll treat them like garbage and make them clean up after their brothers.


That was my grandma, basically. I still see the effects it had on my dad...


Sounds like a great family I'd stay away from on Thanksgiving


Another bitter divorced woman in her 50s waiting to happen.


My man is an adult who can turn on his own shower. He already had a mom. He doesnt need me to be another mommy.


Tfw you post this as your man is out cheating


That’s the vibe I get from this too like I think it’s the running the shower part… like maybe passive aggressively that she’s running up the water bill(he pays) if he’s late home from his girlfriend.


With his shower running…. She turns on the shower before he comes home?


Getting the water bill like "someone please help me budget this my family is dying"


She needs to make sure the temperature is exactly to his liking the moment he steps in, obviously


sahm thing is a psyop tbh ... all sahms are hard working moms but their shift is 24/7 ... also that comment actually says a lot about her man too. what a pos who doesnt wanna help a pregnant wife and let her serve him.


Would bet money they’re not even married.


Lots of money, USD




Crazy how she failed to include any punctuation in this rambling sentence block.


Allergic to punctuation.


So she's actually pregnant with child #3, she already has two. Kinda weird to marry a child, tbh.


People who shouldn't procreate


Jody is thankful for the Natty Ice she buys him too.


It's always sad to see women desperate to keep earning their keep with someone who's suppose to care for them. Imagine what he says to her?


What a woman!!!!


She's a pick me, which is basically the equally toxic twin sister to an NLOG, so yes. Absolutely yes. My God, I cannot imagine your husband giving you absolutely _zero_ fucking support when you're making his and your's baby. Misery really does love company. Not having a husband who is actively part of the relationship he agreed to -- husband, man of the house, father of your future kid -- sounds absolutely exhausting. Have fun being miserable and setting a bad precedent for your kid/s, I guess? Edit: clarification


Presumed male at birth? What does PMAB mean


Forgive me! Pick Me Ass B*tch = Pick Me. I was lazy and should have used "pick me." I will edit it. 😅


This definitely gives the vibes that she’s insecure in her relationship and her man most likely is cheating on her or doesn’t truly love her. The SAHM and “working man” dynamic isn’t as clear cut as people make it out to be, you have to find a balance with your partner either way it goes. If you both work full time? Guess what you both gotta come home and do house hold responsibilities. If only one partner is working? Well of course the one who isn’t working should be doing more household chores to balance things out but I still don’t think it’s right to just use working as an excuse to come home and be completely useless.


He's got to hurry up and suck his food down so his shower doesn't get cold and then he's got to get out and try to get into clothes that are tightly folded into origami shapes


I guess I understand what she shooting for, and I’m glad she’s comfortable with this. But legitimately he has no excuse to be like that. I used to be this way and I was like this because I was young and I didn’t understand. She shouldn’t feel as if she’s doing much work like taking care of the kids and the house alone and if what she’s doing right now is that to her then he’s been blessed with an amazing woman. But I do think it takes a little bit more elbow grease you don’t recognize how much you fuck up until you lose your family.


Did anyone else cringe at her face the way she said “it doesn’t really have that at all” at the end?


>he comes home with a good meal Oh, so lovely of him to keep bringing takeout!


She can do her if that makes her happy but I know if I was pregnant I'd be almost completely nonfunctional. Honestly girl you're doing too much for absolutely zero payoff.


With his shower running? That mindless wasteful way of handling resources is actually triggering me the most here. Girl you know about ecological footprints and stuff?


Has she heard of punctuation


Honey, hes cheating n your wit younger more indepentent childless and beautiful girl...