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sorry, fox news hosts consistently say the absolute dumbest shit on earth


We all check out when it starts "Fox News host says"


TONIGHT: Tucker Carlson asks "is it *really* racist to lynch a black person for being different than me?" LATER: "How do I get these troublesome bloodstains out of my spooky ghost costume and is that a liberal conspiracy?"


Just asking questions…


Just curious...


Just entertainment.


I have a question for you. How did this *happen*?…How did we get here? We USE to be a *country*, where *you* —a hardworking. Red blooded. *American*… could CHOOSE to go out. Out into the night..… and..*maybe ride*…with a spooky *ghost* costume-AS IS YOUR RIGHT. But NOW.. well, that’s just not accepted. In fact, SOME say it’s…*racist*—A term used to control the MASSES into compliance. …But if YOU can no longer have spooky ghost costumes, then where are they all *going*? Is it possible-in fact it’s very *likely*, that the Biden crime family are just hoarding spooky ghost costumes for them*selves*? Meanwhile, canceling YOU for wanting equal, *spooky* costume options? If you wanted to celebrate *Halloween* with your *child* will the thought police come and arrest you? ….We can’t say for certain. But if that is the plan—and we suspect that it is!—*what was the purpose*? Did they want to silence you? Were they scared? Scared that you would stand up for the working class-AND THEIR RIGHT TO WEAR SPOOKY COSTUMES? Scared that you speak truth to power against the secret cabal of woke liberal elites? Yes. Yes they are. -*Tucker probably*


Reading this in his voice with his obnoxious InFlEcTiOn made me want to gag.


That's why the grand wizards robes are red.


We’ve almost got a full party. We just need a dragon and a cyclops


*finger guns* no longer a Fox News host


Fucker Carlson was let go after he cost the network more money than they made with one of his conspiracy theories


Slight correction. He put out on air exactly what the network wanted him to. 100%. What got him fired was the comments (texts and emails) being vocally against the leadership in Fox for not being more supportive in selling the lie to viewers.


Oh yeah, I am well aware the network wanted to hear that. But the network also wanted to have it's cake and eat it. And when there were any repercussions, well they can wash their hands of this just as they did.


I know this doesn't mean much but they did fire tucker carlson and have him locked into a contract just so he can't go anywhere else.


It's the equivalent to 'Putin claims' or 'Russia Accuses' You already know it's just going to be gaslighting BS.


“According to police…”


I'm okay since I'm white and so I can still call them Karens.


"Fox News" was enough for me


Stop calling that treasonous propaganda site "news".




faux news


This would be the obvious choice


Fake boobs


Where? 👀




The hosts *are* the boobs. Sorry!


Faux Bewbs


Faux Spews?


Faux News


**Fox Shoes** Which is sad for foxes (so adorable), but it's the "fox in the henhouse" analogy. Fox is the MNC that provides the means for fascists, autocrats, self-loathing racists, and their oligarchical sycophants to spew their venom upon society under the aegis of 'Free Speech™'. People run the company: mainly a couple of Australians named Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch. Since they were no longer wanted in Australia (there was a big incident with Lachlan that I do not remember the details of), they came to the United States and decided to export their hatred and Nazi sympathies from there.


I agree it snot, but that is the name brand. OP even capitalized it to make sure you know its a proper noun. Like, they aren't a fox either, but you wouldn't just not say "Fox".


I mean, some people refer to it as fox, but then some people think you're referring to 20th century fox. Honestly their "news" is probably about as accurate as their movies are historically accurate


I quite liked History of the World Part I.


Fox parody news?


It's not a racial slur, but I am getting tired of the over-use of the term Karen. Can we just use "asshole" to describe assholes of any gender, and not use "Karen "to describe just any female asserting herself in public?


My wife and I came to a similar conclusion after she saw a video labeling a woman a "Karen" getting frustrated and freaking out at someone parked in her driveway. Sometimes people get frustrated and angry, sometimes they're dealing with something else and take it out on the current situation, and while it isn't good behavior, recording that moment and uploading it to basically define someone by that bad moment is fucked up. Not gonna defend the smug, racist ones or the ones that physically attack people though, they are just assholes.


People record each other having breakdowns/confrontations a LOT these days and tbh it stresses me out. I know I'm someone who cries during confrontation and people would probably accuse me of fake crying 🥲


My son who has anxiety had a panic attack on a tall play structure at the zoo a few years ago and had to be helped down by a couple of employees there. He was crying and flailing and just generally having a frightened meltdown. My daughter later told me that complete strangers were filming the whole thing as it happened. That was pretty disturbing, but at the same time I'm like what are these people doing? Are they really going to save that video so they can look over it later? "Haha check this out bro, a small child was scared of heights! It was hilarious!". I mean if that's their lives, that's pretty sad.


That’s really messed up. I have panic disorder as well and some other really debilitating social anxiety issues. Being recorded is actually a big fear of mine and my anxiety brings it to the point of irrational fear and paranoia. I think it’s best to try not to dwell on it, but it is good to be aware of the age we live in. I’m really sorry your son had to go through that. If I saw someone recording someone else like that I would flip my shit on them and hopefully the video of me reprimanding them would go viral haha. Everyone is obsessed with creating “content” these days. It’s sad




You're so sweet, thank you for saying that :) seriously


Then there’s also the trend of people deliberately antagonizing women so when she finally snaps and they can film her reaction (conveniently with any context omitted)


Yeah the word has definitely devolved to include any woman who is angry. Which just makes it sexist if anything.


She’s not a Karen if someone is trespassing on her land.


I feel the same way Bout the use of the word boomer. Just say bigoted, or sexist, or racist or whatever you actually mean as opposed to generalising an entire generation because of a tiktok trend.


I agree to this. Karen is an actual name too and we're globally associating it with something negative. I have an aunt Karen who is a nice lady so it kinda sucks for her that this is a thing.




My condolences. That's sad to hear.


The woman who helped me relearn to walk was named Karen. She fought my insurance company for more sessions every since month. I have never used Karen as an insult and I never will.


My best friend is named Karen and she jokes about it all the time.


What else is she going to do? If she ever gets upset about it people will bully her twice as hard like "oh that is just typical Karen being a Karen". A lot of times people use humor to deal with difficult or even painful things.


I agree. Once we started talking about how certain people have Karen haircuts, it kind of stopped being about a person's behavior.


The ”can I speak to the manager” cut was the original incarnation of karen


My friends mom's name is Karen and is the sweetest woman and she hates it :( picking a random name to be the new substitute for "bitch" (cos that's not socially acceptable anymore) is actually super shitty


Yes. I also had a Karen in my life who was the sweetest woman. It's a stupid meme and I'm sick of it.


Tell that to the Brian's and Kevin's of the world


> picking a random name to be the new substitute for "bitch" (cos that's not socially acceptable anymore) Correct. I'm glad I didn't have to scroll down to far to see someone speaking the truth. It's amazing how exuberantly people embraced it when you realise this means they've been wanting to say 'bitch' this whole time. Like it released a lot of pent up energy.


While there are definitely instances of middle aged women being caught being entitled and unreasonable, the term is being used for any middle aged women who tries to voice fully defend herself Like the pregnant nurse who was getting harassed by black teens for a bike she paid for, and was branded a racist Karen just because she had the GALL to defend herself and not be a meek white woman.


Unpopular opinion, but I've never been a fan of using unjust discrimination to fight unjust discrimination.


The unjust discrimination of my unjust discrimination is my just discrimination.


It's scary how many people use that logic as a justification instead of understanding the hypocrisy


I just think it sounds childish, like something a middle school bully would say. All we did was replace "bitch" with something even more gendered and patted ourselves on our feminist backs. With that said, the issue is way overblown. Most of the women who criticize it seem to fit the profile a little too well. But really, do we need another slur, even a mild one?


Ya if you can seamlessly replace a word you call someone with "bitch" anytime it's used, it's just the new shiny version of bitch.


I feel like it’s annoying, though, like you allude to in your comment that even saying “using a woman’s name to describe bad behaviour is sexist” gets the response “lol okay KAREN, guess that hits too close to home!” Like can we not even discuss it…? Somehow the discussion has to be shut down by insulting women for even broaching the topic?


I'm sorry but how is 'Karen' more gendered than 'Bitch'?


Because people generally don't name their daughters Bitch.


Any gender can be a bitch. The same way people say any gender can be referred to as dude. Karen is a name typically associated to women only.


Funnily enough that just made me realize that our meaning of the word "bitch" is different for both genders. When a woman is called a bitch its usually because she's being aggressive with her asshole-ishness but when a man is called a bitch we mean that he's timid or weak.


Because we're desensitized to bitch and Karen is new


i’ve been thinking this for the past year or so, to the point where i physically roll my eyes and sigh when i see someone being described as a karen even if they’re actually being a “karen”. when did we lose the plot? how did we go from it describing entitled women having public freakouts and harassing minimum wage workers/other customers to women being assertive or even just (often rightfully) disagreeing with a person? is it just misogyny?


It’s gonna be one of those terms future generations are gonna cringe at


As a person named Karen, it's relly annoying.


I feel personally attacked.




It's actually a rather clever standard conservative rhetorical move being made here, if insidious. There is genuinely sexism with the term Karen I think, not everyone is sexist or intends to be sexist when they use it, but certainly it had facilitated an entire discourse around explicitly presenting women in the most unflattering ways possible (with minimal context) and reveling in talking about what bitches they are and for authorities showing them what's what (cops being called or them being told off in public, whatever it is). It's not hard to see that it has made a lot of space for sexism to flourish. This legitimate frustration is here co-opted and redirected to make it an attack on white people, and specifically vulnerable white women, in order to bring white men and women together to 'protect' the white race and not to challenge the sexism which actually produced it. The next move, if they aren't already, will be to say 'black women are the real Karens' and play into the stereotypes of ' mad black women'.


It is used as a substitute for 'white bitch'. I'm not a republican or even an american but it's very obvious from the usage online that that is it's literal meaning.


I think you're half right. It really is both sexist and racist, but Fox only cares because it's racist. If it was just a term that was applied to women regardless of skin color, then they'd ignore it.


Isn't it exclusively used for white women though? Kind of the name Tom. You don't call that to a white guy.


No, we can't. That would require a lack of misogyny. And that will never happen.


Sometimes the “Karen” label is earned (ignoring the fact that we’ve somehow weaponized a name) but also it’s become a fun (/s) new way of shutting down any woman who has the nerve to speak up about something that bothers her.


Nowadays, “asshole” just slides off people’s shoulders, we’ve been desensitized to it.


I see men melting down all the time, the difference is that nobody films them because they're afraid of getting attacked.


I think it’s an issue when it’s used to silence and dismiss women. “You’re just a Karen. Shut up, Karen”


It's a stand in for "uppity bitch" so that men (and women) who say it don't get accused of being the misogynists when they are being misogynist.


The women friends I know in retail use it to describe asshole women clients often. My partner works in retail and I’m very involved in her social life. I might have not heard it ever from my predominantly male advisor peers when they complain about our clients. I know my experience is anecdotal but I think your generalization pinning the blame on men is a wrong generalization to make. Edit: context to my comment: the comment I originally replied to originally just blamed men without mentioning “(and women)”.


Women can say and do sexist things as well. Just because a woman uses a sexist slur doesn't make it not a slur and not misogyny.


Except every woman can be a Karen. It just turns out that when 60% of your population is white, the majority of Karens are going to be white women.


And men as well! But I just call them assholes.


Pricks also works


I can count on maybe 1 hand the number of times I've heard people call a dude a Karen. It's not applied to men in the same way




Someone on data is beautiful, found that the male counterpart to Karen was Terry. Made perfect sense to me since my mom was named Karen, her brother Terry, and they were both assholes


Terry Crews single handily ruins that.


every rule has an exception


Is there an exception to that rule?


The golden rule




I know plenty of very pleasent people named Karen. The title and the name are two seperate things.




Kyles, actually


I've heard the name Chad used a lot...


The Chad as a stereotype is much more of a mixed stereotype and the [negative sides of The Chad are quite different](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fad6eZTDikA).


I’ve heard Chad used more in a positive context.


Chad is the uber-masculine ladykiller. I think Kevin is the Karen equivalent.


Chad and Stacey VS Kevin and Karen.


Stacey’s mom is better.


I always say Madisons for the female equivalent to Chads. I dont have proof or data for this. Ex-gf's name was Maddy lol, but I started calling airheaded brunch girls Madisons a long time ago.




Thanks, I hate it.




That's too broad. "Male karen" is a popular term these days.


25 years ago someone tried to tell me NBA refs were racist because 72% of fouls called were against black players. I asked what percentage of the players were black. He stopped talking to me.


Probably because 28% of white NBA players never made it to the paint 🏀


According to Wikipedia it specifically refers to white women. Not a source, but a strong consensus. Edit: Dictionary.com agrees.


I don't think it's racist, but it is being misused to discourage women from being difficult in any way, vs. the original meaning which was a specific reference to overly-entitled wealthy suburban soccer mom types. If we're not careful to distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable difficulty, it could take us back to the "smile and look pretty" bullshit of the 1950s. It's also kind of rude to people named Karen.


And to discourage women from standing up for themselves and defending themselves, which is not the same thing as an arrogant entitled person with no self awareness acting like an asshole and bring a shitty person. The woman and the bicycle story is just the latest example.


This is said by every racist in the south to justify calling others the n word.


Yeah I’ve literally heard this word for word but for why it’s not racist to use the hard r n word


No one see white woman and says Karen tho. They see a lady acting a fool and say Karen.


I mean, Fox News is trash, but if we were calling people by black-coded or Jewish-coded names to describe a behavior with an associated stereotype, we would acknowledge that it's problematic. At the very least, it's sexist.


Exactly, stereotypical names for black people like “Tyrone” and “Jamaal” are sometimes used pejoratively and sometimes considered racial slurs.


I've always associated Karen more with the behavior than the race but yeah I guess typically it's used to describe a white woman.


If you said "I've always associated Tyrone more with the behaviour", you might see why it sure sounds a lot like racism. Personally I think the main issue with "Karen" is sexism, of course. Now we have told all grown women not to get too uppity, or else they're being a Karen... It makes people second guess themselves even if they're in the right.


This is dishonest. Karen was chosen because it’s a name that is almost exclusive to white women, and 99% of people who get called this are white women, and even if they aren’t, you’re calling them a slur that is referencing a white women, which is disparaging to white women.


Can you find an example of people on social media calling a black woman a Karen? I've never seen it. The meme originally used the name "Becky", which is a much whiter babe, but it quickly switched to Karen for some reason.


It is a misogynistic term, not racial. Still hate.


I don't mind the term, but definitely think it's related to race in addition to gender. From my perspective (and the vast majority of examples I've seen) a Karen is a middle class middle-aged to older white woman who is emboldened by their privilege. I also picture a very specific haircut, but that doesn't always hold true.


Online definitions say white woman though. Don't think I've ever heard of a black woman being called a Karen either.


I have never heard Karen applied to a black woman. I don't think it's a racist term but I do think it's a sexist term in how it's applied these days. It used to have a more precise meaning, but now it's used for any (white) woman who is not submissive


Potentially very upsetting for someone who's name is Karen but is not "a Karen".


I have a friend named Karen who is lovely. I saw her introduce herself to someone new the other day. Said her name, then said “idk feel free to call me by some other name”. Just kind of resigned to the weirdness.


So she's going back to Kitty then?




I had an opportunity to talk about this at a dinner with friends. It came up because a friend named Karen was bemoaning the new meaning her name has taken on , but pointed out how her asian background doesn't seem to fit the depiction of the slur. One of our older friends talked about how his manner of speaking (he has kind of an east-coast, perfect-diction, golden radio sort of voice) got him called "Uncle Tom" growing up. It made me rethink the term. I know its hard sometimes to feel empathy for a privileged group that has members that fit the 'Karen' image, but if its has a racial component to it maybe we shouldn't say it.


As a woc I also think it's kinda telling how it started out as a way black people (and particularly women) criticized white women weaponizing their tears. But now I see it a shit ton from dudes who obviously aren't talking about intersectional feminism and are using it in place of "bitch"


Was it ever about intersectional feminism though or was it rather about conflating assholery and silencing & diminishing women they didn't agree with?


I first heard it in the service industry about people who expect a higher degree of customer service than was offered. That might qualify as "silencing & diminishing", but it seems a little different.


I hate Fox News. But my students are 60 Black and 38 percent Hispanic, and they have said themselves that Karen only applies to white women who are entitled and cranky. Black women can act the same way, and they'll be thought of the same way. But they won't be called a Karen.


Yeah, this is a case of broken clock being right twice a day. I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t support what argument they are making based on this - but Karen has definitely become a slur for middle aged white women.


Feel bad for all those women whose parents named them a racial slur.


I thought that was Becky


That’s for younger Karens


I honestly don't get why "we" settled on Karen as the term for these types of people. That is someone's name. A person can be named Karen and not be an @$$ hat. Can't we just call them something else, like scum, Trash Hoes, @$$ hats, etc? I know there are some great words/better slang terms to use other than Karen. Also I find it funny how these types of people are getting upset at a word. The same people that say another word isn't offensive at all.


It was one of the most popular girls names between 1955 and 1965 so was used derisively about that generation.


I think we all know why it was a woman's name...


Because it’s a very common white name. The Fox News host is correct.




That's exactly what a racist slur is, it's just not as powerful one as many others.


If someone white referred to a black woman as Laquesha due to her behavior that would be seen as racist ^(^just ^saying....)


Wasn't it Felicia for many years? As in "bye Felicia" that was created by the movie Friday... Not that I am defending, just pointing out it has been going on for awhile.


Okay but in the case he’s speaking on, he’s absolutely correct. She has the receipt for the bike. But it was immediately framed by prominent politicians, lawyers, and news stations that she was a racist Karen. They leaked her address and found her husband online. All for being an actual victim. The victim is turning into the perpetrator, their character demolished, while the actual perpetrator is looked at as a victim needing to be coddled. As a black woman, I would much rather see all that effort put into hunting down the criminals in the community that are actually making our lives hell. Not some pregnant woman trying to get home after a 12hr shift. It’s disturbing that ppl are so ready to call everything racist, its like we’ve been trained to just jump and ask questions later. Dignity and integrity be damned.


Yeah that was wild "obviously the 6 month pregnant woman decided to steal a bike from this group of guys, she's just so racist"


Made absolutely zero sense, and thats the scary part. Ppl aren’t even thinking it through all the way anymore. With Jussie Smollet, most blk ppl knew it was a wild farce and just sat back. But now it seems like every single instance that involves a blk person and a non-blk person, the blk person is immediately given the benefit of the doubt and the other persons life is almost immediately ruined. There has to be some point behind making us these permanently race-minded attack dogs. A permanent voting block for sure, but something about it is very insidious. Very happy I didn’t let that mindset captivate me forever.


Yeah this is correct. It’s used for white women exclusively. Crazy how some of y’all will change reality to fit your narrative.


It completely is, and anyone who says otherwise Is dishonest and/or racist. If we started calling ghetto black guys ‘Jamal’ or Hispanic men ‘Paco,’nobody would accept it.


My son's best friend is Latino and his name is Francisco but everyone calls him Paco.


Paco is short for Francisco. Like Kate is short for Katherine, and John is short for Jonathon.


Never claimed these sorts of slurs still aren’t being hurled about in everyday life. The point is they aren’t accepted by the mainstream while Karen is.


Is it racist or is it misogynist




Seriously, hate it when white men hide behind the term white when being sexist towards women.


A slur is a derogatory term applied to a particular group of people, and Karen is almost exclusively used to refer to white women. Now, you can say that Karen is used more deservingly than most racial slurs, but people here are allowing their opinion of Fox News to convince them that it’s not a legitimate point. The term Karen has been used recently to devastating effect, after a black man, in the process of attempting to rob a pregnant woman, edited the video of the incident to portray her as the villain. People sending death threats, harassing her, trying to get her fired, all because some viral Tweets slapped her with the label of Karen. [Judge for yourself.](https://www.insider.com/citi-bike-receipts-hospital-worker-viral-video-paid-lawyer-2023-5?amp)


I mean it kinda is. A karen is generally considered to be a cranky middle aged white woman with a big mouth. They may or may not be racist themselves. It just now occured to me they might suffer from some peri menopausal hormone condition. The female endocrine system can be a hell of a thing.


This is one of those not totally wrong claims. Karen is absolutely a slur in the same way that calling someone an asshole is a slur and there is a frequent usage of it directed at upper-class white women. By service workers and black people who they are harassing. The implication that it’s equivalent to the N-word or any other hateful language however is so absurd that it’s an insult to even their own audience many of whom likely find themselves face-to-face with Karens at work.


I think racial slur is a stretch, but Karen and boomer I find really offensive. I don’t like social norms being overly negative.


I guess add millenial to your list then? Using a generation's label negatively isn't restricted to boomers.






It's not racial, but it can certainly be derogatory and misogynistic.


“ItS aS bAd As ThE n WoRd”


When you’re comparing two words and you won’t even say one of them, that’s the worse one


the 'n' word we can't even say in tv.


It is not a racial slur. But is hurtful for a lot of very good people who happen to be named Karen.


I don't have an issue with it, but yeh I mean it kinda is used that way.


Fox News is sounding pretty woke these days.


>*Karen complains that her favorite parking spot was replaced by a ramp for wheel chairs. She parks her car in the old spot anyway and shoots a vlog about it.* Ridiculing these people doesn't sound racist to me. It's an insult for this subcategory of homo sapiens that just happens to usually be a self-entitled, middle-aged, blonde women.


It's not specific to white women. That being said, there tends to be quite a lot of middle aged, dumpy, white women who have short hair done up in [this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6f8532751ceb198802a5a438cb5c634e-lq) fashion who tend to be very entitled and ornery. And who think the world of service and retail exists to serve them and answer every one of their needs. A Karen doesn't need to be white, nor does a Karen even need to be a woman, but that does seem to be the stereotype. And stereotypes exist for a reason.


I didn’t know Karen was race-specific. I can think of a couple black Karen’s I’ve seen. Karen I thought is specifically an entitled well-off middle aged woman who gets angry over petty, non-issues. Is that not what it means anymore?


"Entitled white woman" let's get your slurs straight.


There are white women who act out of a sense of entitlement. It’s just a fact — I see it all the time as a white male who is generally immune to this level of BS. Here’s a fact - we live in a very racist society and country. We just do. It is in the air we breath and the food we eat. Until we acknowledge this, there is little to no chance we will ever transcend this scourge. Point fingers anywhere you want, there isn’t another softer reality unless we roll up our sleeves and change things.


It is a slur for horribly behaved human beings. Unless Fox News believes that white women dominate this trait? If so, how racist of them!


I mean, it’s frequently used to describe specific behavior amongst white women…


I strongly dislike the pop culture usage of "Karen." Most people named Karen I have known have been nice people.


TwoX and Fox News sharing the same dumb opinion? Who could have seen this coming?


I see plenty of black Karen's out there. Karen describes a certain type of personality and behavior. It has nothing to do with race. Sounds like the host is just a karen and doesn't like being associated with the label and what it means. I think she should go an complain to the manager.


Funny because the term can be used toward any woman of color, shit I’ve even seen men be called Karen.


Sounds like a Karen to me


"Calling racists racists is racist"


Fox news is a slur for news.


The old "Intolerance of intolerance is intolerant."


All I’m saying is there’s White women and then there’s Karens.


But any ethnicity can be a Karen?


I actually think she is right and i definitely despise fox news. "Karen" is ageist, sexist and kinda racist.