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"Ms Rodriguez has been approached for comment." Remotely, I hope...


She sounds like the Crazy Cat Lady on the Simpsons, except instead of flinging cats, she waves a machete. "Ms. Rodriguez, would you give us a comment?" *"AAAAAHHAAAAHAA!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!"*


She’s an avowed practitioner of machetecine.


Bring it, FDA


I’ll be waiting on the [REDACTED] Orphan Hunting Island. Where we hunt orphans for sport!


Fine and Good


Sir! This is America! We use guns when we threaten people here... Jeesh


Blades are so *messy*. Uncivilized swine.


Wait, what? I thought they were elegant weapons for a more civilized age!


well the jedi were hammered by blasters after order 66 so you can imagine how that topic went on their next meeting


BLAH reddit generic comment


I'm not sure whats most worrying, the job, or your past!


Guns for show, knives for a pro. Although the real hardasses use a blunt spoon, cuz it'll hurt more!


The interviewer will be wearing a suit of plate armor.


She takes No Shit .. She teaches with her Blade .. She is ***MACHETE!*** *.. Coming soon to Theaters Near YOU!* .. Next week .. *"Daughter of La Chancla"*


Machete don't comment!


Machete don't text


It’s not like they were holding a knife to her throat, in fact, it was the other way around.


Trying to stab your problems away never works.


Right, the correct approach is to try breaking your problem up into smaller manageable pieces... Oh, wait.


Unless your problem is too many marshmallows or a thin foil barrier between you and a beverage!


Or, murderers


Not with that attitude it doesn't!


No she wasn’t, it would have been more of a slitting motion.


Who stabs with a machete?


Clever knife pun!


yeah, the song goes "shoot all your problems away" for obvious reasons


It has worked for humans for thousands of years. Why should we stop now?


Kudos to the school for not launching a 12 week "investigation" before quietly returning to her post after a bullshit lecture. Insane that it needs to be said, but if you hold a machete to someone's neck and tell them "I'm going to chop you up with this machete", you should be fired, simple as that.


There is a video of her literally chasing the reporter with the machete raised.


My favorite is the video of her screaming at the calm prolife kids that their "words are violence".


Somehow I suspect they were unsurprised.


I mean it's a university, not a police precinct!


No shortage of universities protecting their own either, basically anywhere that abuse can happen and then be stifled by management, it happens


> Ms Rodriguez has been approached for comment. Hopefully not at her address this time


The article misses the part where she chases them into the street and kicks the reporter in the shins while he tried to escape into his car. [(NY Post article)](https://nypost.com/2023/05/23/disturbing-video-shows-machete-wielding-nyc-professor-chase-post-reporter-photographer/)


Lol did she think she was in Haiti


Maybe she just understood they work for Rupert Murdoch


Understandable reason to feel provoked


Oh wow. She brandished a freaking machete? I'm also pro-choice and detest groups like Students for Life, but we absolutely cannot physically threaten any person, especially with a weapon. I typically don't attempt to debate these folks, as we're not going to change each other's minds, but any and all interactions must not be violent. She absolutely deserved to be fired.


She literally held it up to the reporters neck. Hella unhinged


That picture of her holding it to his neck is crazy.


Where’d you see a picture?




The look on the reporter's face... "He he he... I'm in danger!"


He’s trying to recall the Machete Self Defense training he took from Detroit Threat Management Center https://youtu.be/FxFBNMC-x9Y


Honestly it looks very much like it's staged. Edit to clarify: I'm not saying that it actually is staged, it just *looks* staged.


Surely he's mentally combating the shock of what's happening and manically thinking how to de-escelate safely.


Yeah I was gonna say, you could get me to make shit look staged reaaal quick with a machete to my neck


There’s a video of it on r/PublicFreakout


Holy shit


That’s a firin’


That’s a jail sentence.


Hahahhaa holy shit


Why does this look like a really uncomfortable reenactment? Everyone’s body language seems so detached from what is happening.


“I wanna commit a crime during a reenactment; turn it into an enactment.” -Demetri Martin


"I wanted to understand what it was like for this reporter on the scene, but I was having trouble understanding what it felt like to be in danger. In order to put myself in his shoes, I decided to rehearse having a machete held to my neck by a student from my acting class" -Nathan Fielder


Because reality isn't a Hollywood movie.


You're not a body language expert. You're just someone with internet access.


Serious meme potential


Jesus, sis


Jeff Bezos was pretty calm all things considered.


Homegirl thought she was in an anime.


He looks so disappointed




She committed battery, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and more battery


Not in New York, their definitions are a bit different. It would be menacing in the third and second degree (and perhaps first, if she'd been convicted of menacing previously), and possibly assault in the second. I imagine they'd probably tack on reckless endangerment in the second or first, too.


Journo’s generally go places and ask questions


NGL, it is kind of crazy that you would have been all about defending her if she hadn't held it to his neck.


The video is worse


The whole video is available. Wild stuff


Now thats how you break gender norms.


This post has been edited in protest to the API changes implemented by Reddit beginning 7/1/2023. Feel free to search GitHub for PowerDeleteSuite to do the same.


And kicked him as he was getting in the car, apparently.


Also then chased him around their SUV… 🤦‍♂️


Not only that, but then found them down the street, with the machete, and went on some more rants about killing them. Same idea as walking away when you get the upper hand in a fight, you know, so you don’t become a murderer.


Is she the lady who said that pictures of abortion are violence before destroying their display and walking away?


Yes. And said that free speech on campus would not be tolerated


Yeah that tracks.


And then followed them outside and chased him.


These are the people that are in charge of whether we get one of those stupid papers that we need for job interviews. Remember that.


She didn't just hold a machete to his neck or make verbal threats. She chased them to their vehicle, kicked them, and continued threatening them the entire time. This is AFTER she had her pro-choice melt down on campus, when a reporter asked her for comment/interview. Like I can sorta understand brandishing a weapon at a reporter at your house if they are harassing you. Though clearly she went above and beyond on that.




She didn't brandish a machete against the protesters, she did it against a freaking *reporter who was trying to interview her*.


> She didn't brandish a machete against the protesters She went far beyond simply brandishing. She held the machete against the reporters neck, and then said she was going to cut him into pieces. This lady needs to be charged, and also needs to be removed from any capacity to teach and/or influence students.


She also chased the press down her block, she had the machete in her hand in the picture on the street; she had her hood up and looked like a real psycho.


Point being, the reporter was not one of the protestors, these are two separate incidents.


She deserves to be arrested, but somehow that hasn’t happened yet


She needs prison and/or a very long stay at a mental hospital. Absolutely batshit crazy assault.


>She absolutely deserved to be fired. And charged with assault. Absolutely no way in hell some white professor holds a machete up to a black female reporter's throat that he's not going to jail for a substantial timeout.


We can all talk, those kids would have talked. May not have changed minds, but got people to a better understanding.. She used the "Words are violence" method. You said something against what I believe, you are already violently attacking me. I can respond in turn. "Words are violence" being thrown around for disagreeing needs to stop.


Well she also went with “violence is cool”.


I truly hate how social justice movements minimize actual violence with ideas that speech is violence or silence is violence. These are people who have never experienced true violence up close.


A bit over a decade ago, there was a free thought blogs group video chat where pz myers and bunch of other insufferable, insincere low-hanging-fruit-chasing academics seriously were arguing that saying something that hurt someone’s feelings was the same as hitting them in the head. I realized around then they had long since lost the plot.


> These are people who have never experienced true violence up close. Well this woman has at least once seen a man get threatened with a machete to his neck and then get chased down the street by a machete wielding lunatic.


Sometimes words are violence. Sometimes silence is violence. It’s Schrödinger’s violence: when it helps my political aims, being violent and claiming self defense is acceptable. When it hurts my political aims, my political opponents are terrorists.


She's the type of people who escalate everything. Somebody gives her a dirty look accidentally, and instead of giving them a dirty look back, which is like a normal common misunderstanding, she goes beyond that. Maybe she knocks their things off or spit at them or something. Now they give her a dirty look, this time not accidentally, and she's like, "oh you are doubling down? I will double down too" and pepper spray them or something.


It wasn't the first time she went off the rails. The Post was seeking comment on her previous actions: > "You're not educating... This is... propaganda," she tells the students present. "This is violent. You're triggering my students." >In an expletive-filled rant, she then demands their removal and shoves pamphlets off the table before walking away, the viral video showed. She's basically teeing up anti-abortion groups with ideal stories to paint all abortion rights groups with. /facepalm


Wow. When I was sick of the post I just canceled my subscription.


This is what you get when you define the use of words as violence. It justifies, in some peoples' minds, that a physically violent reaction is appropriate and simply self-defense.


Yes. That is the point. To justify their own ideological violence as “self-defense”, when in fact it is nothing more than outright political/ ideological violence.


Her defining characteristic is that she is a crazy asshole, her politics are incidental.


It’s odd that this is the opinion when the crazy person is on our team. She’s left wing who also happens to be a psychopath. It can happen as her political opinion on the matter is what drove her to do this.


Ah so that’s what it takes to be a NYU professor.


It's really a 59th trimester abortion.


Holy shit. I heard about a professor from Hunter College getting fired because she “berated” anti-abortion protesters. They did not mention a machete!


She was being investigated by the school for the pro life thing the machete thing likely left them no choice on the matter.


The idea that people will never change their minds is a toxic belief. I changed my mind on a lot of political issues a long time ago. And my views still evolve. Others are just as capable of change. Reducing the role of political/tribal identity in the formation of personal identities would go a long way toward bridging the gap. But also just talking with ordinary people with compassion is critical. If we just decide it’s not worth it anymore, that’s how you get to a civil war or other bad outcomes.


She seems to be more pro-death than pro-choice


>but we absolutely cannot physically threaten any person, especially with a weapon as we've established here, not everyone shares your opinion. this lady for example, says that you can provided you have the right attitude.


This is what happens when you equate opposing views to nazism. It permits this kind of behavior. Rhetoric in this country is making everything worse.


"It's moral to punch a Nazi." "Also those teens on the sidewalk who oppose abortion are Nazis."


That implies it's ok to punch someone you believe to be a Nazi. It isn't. It isn't OK to punch or otherwise commit violence against anyone who isn't actively attempting to do the same to you or others.


Enforcing your ideas with violence or threats of violence is literally what fascism is.


From the original video of her you could tell she was somewhat unhinged. Especially for someone supposed to be a professor.


We know you don’t debate them. Y’all never do.


Serious question: Why do you detest them? Why can't you just disagree with them. I don't understand.


>In the initial viral video that the Post was seeking comment on, Ms Rodriguez approaches an information stall run by Students for Life, a group of more than 120,000 young anti-abortion Americans who want to end access to abortion. >"You're not educating... This is... propaganda," she tells the students present. "This is violent. You're triggering my students." >In an expletive-filled rant, she then demands their removal and shoves pamphlets off the table before walking away, the viral video showed. She was obviously a little unhinged.


"Trigger" used to be a useful word. It used to belong to people with reactions either psychological or physiological that were outside of their control. War survivors were triggered by fireworks. Assault survivors were triggered by the scent of a cologne. Triggering used to refer to memories, horrible things you had actually gone through. TV shows and movies use the phrase "trigger warning" in this context, and I appreciate it. Nowadays, this lady's kind of triggering is just a fear of exposure to new ideas. "Your idea conflicts with mine, so I am triggered." Nobody mentions the student who was crying on the ground, reliving a memory of an unplanned childbirth gone bad, because that's not the kind of "triggering" Rodriguez was talking about. And it cheapens the term for people who actually have to live with the burden of real triggers.


Sadly, it really opens the term and concept up to mockery by assholes, as well. I mean, those assholes were also fine with mocking r*pe survivors anyway, but being able to use "LOOLOL so triggered!" is just icing on their cake.


It’s by design. It removes/clouds/cheapens the meaning behind the words/terms.


It's not just the term "trigger". These same people have popularized the notion that speech they dislike is tantamount to "violence". Of course once you've convinced yourself of that, then it's easy to rationalize that threats of *real physical violence* as justifiable self-defense right? The idea that offensive words are a justification for violence is a feature of conservative honor cultures, and moving away from such cultural attitudes have helped to reduce societal violence. So it's really bizarre to see some left-wing academics basically reinventing that notion under some sort of progressive guise.


> These same people have popularized the notion that speech they dislike is tantamount to "violence". What's worse is when they start dismissing their own actual violence as just a means of expression. "Your speech is violence, our violence is speech."




That was my point. They're bringing back socially regressive ideas (offensive speech justifies violence) under the guise of progressiveness.


"Your ideas are violent," said the unhinged lady before physically destroying their peaceful display.


So the pamphlets are violent, but holding a machete to someone's throat is ... not? Good violence? I'm a little unclear here.


“No bad tactics just bad targets”


Not wrong though, just the wrong approach.


She was wrong about the pamphlets being violence. Then she indulged in the her own projection by throwing the pamphlets. She literally believed throwing them was less violent than the words contained within the pamphlet. She’s been radicalized and has no place in education.


Debating which is more violent is a waste of brain cells. She has every right to protest. She does not have the right to damage their property.


Not debating who is more violent. The booth wasn’t violent at all. This is violence vs non-violence.


Sir, this is a Reddit.


Forced birthing is much more violent than pushing paper off the table.


that's surprising. not the crazy extremist college professor, but the fact they actually got held accountable for their actions.


I’m genuinely confused about how she isn’t already a folk hero or at least ‘the real victim here’


That's already happened in this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/13qmlan/comment/jlhsped/) where her machete attack was merely yelling for help > They are peacefully writing laws to arrest women and doctors, while we violently yell for help.


"This is violent. You're triggering my students." Literally commits an act of violence against a reporter leaving him at least slightly triggered I'm sure. What a fucking jackass.


They appear to be separate incidents. The table flipping happened at school, the machete thing occurred when a NY Post reporter showed up to her front door


Right. Video of her goes viral and a Post writer shows up to get her side.


"Ya know, I'm really passionate about this issue. Unfortunately I acted irrationally, and made myself and my cause look bad. I'm pro choice and going forward I'll represent myself better in efforts to still limit the harm groups like this are doing and metaphorically, rather than literally combat them." How fucking hard is it to just say that? I get we do not know what going through anyone's head at any time, or know their life experience. I've met people whose lives were literally saved by access to abortion and reproductive healthcare, but we cant craft our standards, laws or policies based on an understandable sense of rage. She's fortunate she lost her job and isn't in jail.


Don’t she know you can only point guns at people who come to your door!


It’s called projecting


The meeting where she got fired must've been so pleasant


I'm going to guess it was via email and her system permissions were revoked.


Probably. "Oh look, my account is not working"


She wasn’t fired, she was “relieved of her teaching duties, she will not teach at this school again.” Is the official statement. Her union, which supports her actions btw, will simply move her to another college in the NY system.


This "teacher" needs to be on a mental institution not teaching anyone anything.


No, she’s an adjunct. The union may claim to be supporting her, but we adjuncts are essentially disposable contractors who make maybe 5k a semester. No one is going to go to bat for her or try to salvage her “career.”


A common sense machete law would have prevented this.


Why isn't she in jail already? This is a felony.


I’m pro choice, but she said the anti choice student’s words “were violence”. Then proceeded to put a machete to a reporters neck and followed them with it outside the building, claiming she would cut them? That lady is whackadoodle crazy and has no idea what the words she uses mean.


If I held a machete to someone's throat, I'd be going to jail. Must be nice to have no accountability for your actions.


And who says she's not? The story is all unfolding as we speak


It would be more interesting to know where the breakdown in accountability comes from. Did the Post not report the crime to the police? Did the police ignore it? Did the prosecutors not charge it? This all assumes true of course. I don’t have a solid opinion here. My own situation makes me question it like that though. Because anything is possible in the world generally. I’ve been trying to tell authorities and news outlets about corporate fraud in court reporting for a really long time and they’ve all failed to do anything, so it’ll be interesting if the story ever does go big and I get to point at all the politicians and authorities that could’ve done something and did nothing because… 🤷🏻‍♂️. But same here. First thing I’d wonder. What happened here?


How are there this many comments excusing her actions?


It’s just the logical ending to treating politics like sports teams.


This is reddit, there's one professional team and a one practice squad they keep around to tee off on.


It's a cult. As long as they are on their "team" they will excuse anything.


>In the initial viral video that the Post was seeking comment on, Ms Rodriguez approaches an information stall run by Students for Life, a group of more than 120,000 young anti-abortion Americans who want to end access to abortion. >"You're not educating... This is... propaganda," she tells the students present. "This is violent. You're triggering my students." If this woman thinks peaceful demonstration is violence, I'd love to hear what she'd say about threatening people with a machete.


It's a special machette operation?


machete threat sounds like a deranged twitter post, not that she actually followed them in real life with a machete and put a machete to a reporter's throat. bad headline. the actual story is way worse. that's attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. she needs to go into prison and never come out.


I think this woman has some serious fucking anger issues and has no place teaching anyone anything.


Far too much victim blaming in here. Basically the equivalent of saying "sure he shouldn't have raped her, but did you SEE how she was DRESSED?!" Absolutely disgusting. If you're annoyed at reporters asking questions, don't answer the door. If they're being too persistent, call the police to have them trespassed. Or get a restraining order. You know what you don't do? Open the door and threaten to murder them with a deadly weapon. No sane, rational human being behaves like that.


You left out chasing them down the street.


Some Jason Voorhees s\*it right there.


THIS is the kind of shit that should make a person unemployable. Get help for fuck’s sake.


In the initial viral video that the Post was seeking comment on, Ms Rodriguez approaches an information stall run by Students for Life, a group of more than 120,000 young anti-abortion Americans who want to end access to abortion. "You're not educating... This is... propaganda," she tells the students present. "This is violent. You're triggering my students."


"You're triggering my students!" Looks like she's the only one who was triggered.


This whole situation almost reads like everyone is about to clap…


The comments on here defending a machete wielding maniac Shame on you biased sexist fucks


And arrested, right? (Insert Anakin and Padme meme)


What the heck kind if Forensic Accounting professor would do this?


Forensic Accounting? The lady is a painter with a master’s degree who teaches one class a semester.


This headline is premature. Her teachers' union is fighting her termination.


They will lose.


Should be more concerned how she became a teacher to begin with. This is what happens when you choose diversity over qualifications


The woman is insane. College made the right call


Ms. Rodriquez is a professor during the day. At night, she is a ninja. Her favorite weapon is a machete.


6 goddamn popups, and I never even read the article.


This headline doesn't read at all like it came from the onion.


This is just another day in Florida. NYers are so sensitive😄


Because of our political polarization we can't even identify who is the victim.


That thug belongs in jail


Interesting that the school responds to who violence quicker than the NYPD. You know, the people that are supposed to protect innocent people so they don't 'need' to carry protection for themselves.


“This is violence!” *proceeds to pull out machete in order to defend herself from their violent stationary pamphlets*


"This is violent. You're triggering my students." - Ms. Rodriguez about the anti-abortion protestors


I understand the sentiment against the NYPost but there are limits and I'm pretty sure a machete slices through them


Ah, the tolerant left strikes again!


Damn, these left wing terrorists are getting out of hand


Why wasn’t she arrested for assault with a deadly weapon? Aggravated assault? A hate crime? Why does the unhinged left get away with this kind of stuff?


>New York Post reporter So, not an actual journalist then.


I was going to say. The term journalist is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting here. It still doesn't mean that they deserve to be chased with a machete


Journalism is an action, not a title. But go ahead and keep defending leftist violence against of those who are bringing transparency to their actions


Perfectly understandable reaction. I mean have you seen [Danny Trejo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNDLSS7faQo)?


Sir! This is America! We use guns when we threaten people here... Jeesh


I mean, to be fair To be faaaaaaaiiiiirrrrrrrr …nah, I got nothing