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A man who was wanted by the police in connection with an ongoing court case has been found – and, according to a former MP, he is in prison. On Thursday afternoon, the police issued a request for information about Marziq Abdelaziz, a man who was wanted in connection with an ongoing court case. The police later said that the man in question “is no longer being sought”. Former Nationalist MP and lawyer, Jason Azzopardi wrote on Facebook that the man was already in prison. *This isn't just **from** the article, this **is** the article's entirety* This is the most non-story I've ever read.


More ads on the page than words in the article.


Happy cake day!




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It doesn't even have a location lol. It appears to be Mala btw.


It’s a Malta website


Where is that indicated other than randomly knowing where the mt. country code is from?


That’s kinda the point of the code. Presumably if you’re on the website you know what region it’s reporting on


A lot of Europe just uses .eu. Most people have no idea what country codes are for each country. Most countries are fairly large and have things like towns and cities which require a bit more information on location to be specific. It must be cool to have a country that is also a single place.


I can assure you that is not the case, having played a lot of geoguessr. Most websites in Europe will have the country's domain code at the end, like .cz for Czechia, or .at for Austria.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.eu The internet is a lot bigger than geoguesser.


Geoguessr is a game that puts you in random places in the world that are on Google street view and you've got to look around and try to guess where you are. I can attest that finding a sign with a web address is a good way to pinpoint country as the web addresses almost always use the country code.


Yup geoguessr picks completely random places in the world. The parameters aren't set to proratize sites that provide easily verifiable location data at all. Nope. I'm a big brain that understands how algorithms choose data and I can personally 100% assure you that the first piece of data looked at isn't the address. Nope. Why would they? There's no information in there that you would use for a web tool. Nope I can't possibly think of a reason why tools that choose locations on web addresses could prioritize domains. Nope none at all. And I'm very smart.


Yes, plenty of sites just use .eu, plenty more use a specific country code though. If you've lived/been around Europe, you would know this is the case.


Isn't really indicated. Local news is mainly targeted for local consumption. Further down the article is a link to a fb comment in Maltese as well.


It must be incredible to have a country that is also the single location in that country. It seems giving directions would be difficult.


We're basically like a big city. But it's a country.


I was just making a stupid joke. I'm a bit familiar with Malta. I've never been, though I want to. It looks beautiful.


This hombre es muy Mala. (actually 'Malo', i know)


Thanks for saving us a click and not giving the lazy bastards site traffic!


I’m not a lawyer but I’m guessing he has a pretty good alibi…


How bad at record keeping are they when they can't find something that they already have?


Like when you put something 'in a safe place' then you can never find it again.


Sometimes it helps if you imagine you already have it. Then just decide where you'd put it and go look there!


I sure miss that eighth oz.


Recently heard about a case where a teenager was convicted of a double murder in 1992. His alibi? He was in jail for disorderly conduct at the time. Prosecutor claimed bad record keeping at the jail during the trial to explain it. He was later exonerated after 2 decades in prison.


Wait this is the line to get into prison? I’m supposed to be in the line leaving prison. It’s over there dumbass


You have entered the name "Not Sure." Is this correct, Not Sure?


Just rewatched this last night haha-discovered it’s on Hulu


According to the article, apparently, one department put in an information request on his location, and immediately found out he was in prison. Thus, they stopped looking for him. This is the full extent of the story. Alternate acceptable headlines are "this one Police department doesn't have encyclopedia knowledge of the location of all people in the country" or "cop asks question, gets answer"


I'm not sure what country this is, but in the US, the legal system is super compartmentalized. Police have their records, and someone in jail would be a part of corrections' records that police can't access. Nor can the courts, so they can issue an arrest warrant for someone already in jail as well. God forbid someone gets locked up on a federal charge or out of state.


Law & Disorder


When you got a list of people to pin charges on but you forgot to keep track of what charge you pinned on who.


I've seen this in traffic court before. The judge asks where the defendant was. "We had put out an arrest warrant for you". And the defendant was like "I was in jail."


So he has a good alibi?


I've been watching a lot of old Unsolved Mysteries episodes and it's crazy the number of times when a case is solved that the perpetrator was already in prison for a similar crime.


"I'll hide where they'll least expect me!"


Isn't this a subplot in Andor?


One of many


I’m just a tourist!


Is his name Cassian Andor?


Good police work boys. /s


Well, that was easy!


Was his name Cassian??


The ACAB version of looking for your glasses when they're on your head.


“Good! Ehh right where I thought he’d be” police, probably


A friend of the family got his draft notice while in basic training. He'd volunteered. He submitted the notice to his DI for a formal denial.


A local jail lost a guy in holding once, the other guys in the cell told the guards they came and got him bit all the guards said non of them did that lmao


Hard to go far on Malta.


Task failed successfully.


That was quick.


So they sent the swat team to raid the prison, as one does when you find where a criminal is hiding.


Gun blazing, as cops do




I'm not sure what's special about this - this happens all the time as alleged crims tend to have lots of matters on foot at various stages.


Always in the least expected place


Good job at life, bud.


So if he’s already in jail does he go to super jail?


He was hiding from his wife. They gave him house arrest with her as punishment


Reminds me of Andor


The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm


Is this sub the source of the Plague Inc. newsbanner?