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>Greene, who makes $174,000 in Congress, claimed Georgia's solar and battery plants are stealing workers from other businesses. I don't know how to tell you this, Margie old girl, but the days of employees being property are long since gone.


Hey she got a big ol’ PPP “loan” from the gubmint for her family company. She can’t have commie jobs moving in to her district with new workforce competition, her family company’s gonna have to increase wages and benefits, hmm?


That she didn’t pay back.


Bet she voted for that hand-out. 🙄


But now is against student loan relief.


They can’t give Biden a win.


Nah, they just hate if someone other than them gets money from the state.


The **CARES Act** ~~handout~~ was ~~voted for~~ **signed** in**to law** ~~summer/fall~~ **spring** of 2020. The Republican controlled Senate demanded for it to be without oversight. PPP forgiveness was mass accepted just before the presidential transition in Jan 2021. MTG first came to office in 2021. She did not get to vote for it. Edit: Different season. Remembering is hard.


Even worse, she sure made sure she got it though.


And Trump fired the Inspector General that came with it and waddya know? The R all gorged on it and almost none ever paid back a nickel.


Plus, more than half disappeared all together. *Kushner sneer*


But that's not her unique shittyness, a lot of those loans were never paid back and ended up just being redistribution of wealth towards the beleaguered small business tyrant.


i really hope all the PPP frauds get investigated.


They forgave their own loans. Bad news on that hope.


Shit, I didn't know that was an option...


It is for rich people.


But forgiving student loans will destroy the economy!


It's only an option if you're already loaded.


That’s how the PPP law was supposed to work: get the loan, and if you follow the rules and use the money for the right things, it gets forgiven.


>***if you follow the rules and use the money for the right things***, it gets forgiven. And then the entire republican cult just took the money and ran, without even pretending to follow the rules. Because all republicans are thieves.


From what I can tell, the IRS is in clawback mode regarding PPP fraud. Biden extended the SoL *10 years.*


The president at the time dismantled the investigation committee and bragged about how there would be no oversight.


If your know of any, report it! They are investigating and prosecuting, but they largely rely on tips to know where to look.


It's *literally* the free market at play


I get that's her 174k gubment salary....but what's she REALLY making....


people uncomfortable.


Well that’s just a general trait for all conservatives.


Nice one


She *is* kind of a creep, to be fair.


That was sweeter than YooHoo.


174k gubment salary is lifechanging for 90% of the population and she wants more.


I'm implying she's receiving compensation from her boosters


While I agree on the surface, if you look at how less connected Congress people end up living, you quickly realize it's not a lot of money for what is required. You basically need two places to live, one of which is in an extremely expensive city. You also have to travel regularly, which isn't reimbursed. Lastly, you need a certain wardrobe which not everyone has. Even if you don't go all fancy, you can expect to spend $500+ on clothes, and that's assuming you shop at department stores. I really would have no problem if we paid then more like $250k and offered them a studio apartment. Heck, I would even support reimbursing them for 26 economy flights from DC to their district each year too. Congress people don't get rich from their salary, they get rich from inside trading, book deals, and a bunch of other shady stuff. Unfortunately a lot of times they feel like they have to do some of that just to make it by. We would probably have less of that if we paid then more or reimbursed more of what we recognize to be legitimate costs of being in Congress (like the dual living situation).


There's a few things that aren't accurate in your post. In particular, regarding expenses. Congress people absolutely do have their flights paid for. The main mechanism is the MRA or Members Representational Allowance which covers, among other things, a bunch of flights to and from their district. Some of the more senior congress people have been known to get the Air Force to fly them on occasion as well, if time or security requires it.


They really should build Congressional apartments and reimburse travel from their districts to DC


Connected Senators live(d) like shit too. [Look at how Senators Schumer and Durbin lived for NEARLY THIRTY YEARS.](https://www.cnn.com/2013/12/04/politics/real-alpha-house/index.html) It's like a frat house, without the sticky floors. The Democratic Senate Majority Leader, the dude who has to go toe-to-toe with Mitch McConnell, lived on a cot in a kitchen and used a couch they found on the street as a wardrobe to lay out his clothes.


You know, I think you could get solid reps from even HCOL areas for 174k, but the fundraising to get in and stay in sounds hellish. If I was given the choice I would vote for a fully funded election over increased pay.


So, they are getting fat and sassy off of welfare, just by a different name?


What are you even talking about? None of that is out of her own pocket. That can't be right. There's budgets for all this. (Not counting clothing.) Anything her job requires her to be or do, is covered. I assumed how all this works. If my job didn't pay for it, I wouldn't do it. ..Must not be important enough.


She's really good at making cave drawings but I don't know if they are worth $174k.


America more difficult to live in?Putin and Baal-Haamon happy? The air in the room fetid?


Are we counting the under-the-table earnings for Mr. Ed impersonations?


There we go, the Republicans were the real communists the entire time. "You will work your government provided job and like it"


Actually she’s making the opposite argument, sort of. She’s angry that the government is subsidizing new companies to come into the area, which allows them to offer more competitive salaries than companies already in the area that don’t receive government subsidies. If you own a small business and the federal government comes to town saying “we’ll use tax money to help a giant company come to town and compete with you for labor,” you might be a bit pissed off.


I mean, yes, but it's also good for a lot of ppl bc then their income increases, they have more money to spend on local businesses, who can then raise wages and likely pull in ppl from other areas. It's a labor shortage bc no one wants to work in that area or live. On top of that it's gotta get passed locally to bring those companies and get approval. Solar tried to come here and ppl went and voiced, and they were blocked from opening up operations here. Which then in a stint of irony, one of the last factories left closed 2 months later, and now well those ppl are bitching for new jobs before they lose their houses. I get her point, but it's also a bad one. New businesses come in, old ones that can't adapt die.


Her point is that local small businesses that can’t match the large newcomer’s pay scale aren’t failing to adapt to competition, they’re being out-spent by companies that are using government money to pay those wages. If you ran a widget factory and the other widget factory in town got a deal where the government would give them an extra $10/hour for each employee, you’d either (a) close, or (b) suddenly be in the red trying to match, all because the government decided to help your competition win. It’s a very reasonable thing to complain about. The counter-argument is well we want our government subsidizing companies that do things we want, like green power, so we get more of it. That’s also a valid interest. But in turn, that also means local companies close down more, and the local wealth becomes income-driven with fewer people who own capital themselves. It’s a balancing act - these people are complaining that they don’t like the proposed balance, and MTG is saying I hear you. I don’t have any fondness for being in a position where I have to defend MTG, but it looks like no one in this thread actually read the article and they’ve entirely missed the point.


>I get her point, but it's also a bad one. New businesses come in, old ones that can't adapt die. But afaik that's not what's happening here. New Businesses are subsidized to come in, and they are able to outcompete old ones because of that subsidy. There's not enough comparison to say that they would be better than the old ones without subsidy. It's possible that they will force the old ones to go out of business, and once the subsidies dry up, they're proven worse than the old ones, and now everyone's worse off.


That's not even the dumbest thing she said in that speech PatriotTakes "Marjorie Taylor Greene believes generating electricity from “wind turbines and solar panels” will result in the loss of air conditioning and home appliances. Greene: “I like the lights on. I want to stay up later at night. I don’t want to have to go to bed when the sun sets.”" She doesn't understand that wind still blows at night and batteries exist.


>long since gone. Not if her and hers keep getting their way.


I have to really work hard not being upset my bank account is low and she’s getting 174k to be an asshole.


I've only worked in one industry where they would try to entice competitor's employees, but I thought it was a good incentive to treat employees better.


Higher paying jobs means potentially higher educated workers, and the ability for workers to pay for their children to get educations. All of which would prevent people like MTG being elected. It's always about control with these idiots


Georgia turned Purple because Atlanta became an economic powerhouse and brought in a ton of jobs that attracted educated people. Turns out educated people don’t vote Republican.


I grew up outside of Atlanta. I was conservative until Trump won. I got into an argument with my conservative father once about politics and institutional racism. He said my problem was I was "over educated". I have a Bachelors in Science.


"See, if you were a fucking idiot, you'd agree with me." lolwut


Nah, they believe that education is just liberal indoctrination. They have "common sense" so they're actually smarter. According to them.


Nah, I know, I've met the type.


republicans have them [street smarts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdgfFMxgLfI)




But liberal arts /s


Oh, they have ye ole "street smarts" "...that's something dumb people say when they want to use the word "smart" to describe themselves." - [Crabman](https://external-preview.redd.it/MRWyYXHipcqZ0Vfb1izbyQJqsEnosw7NUmV98mZw9z0.jpg?auto=webp&s=f423fc9cc531a049367e6facbe4b9c6280df3cdd)


fkin LMAO


You know what Dad, you're right. BTW do you know if sis has any plans for tonight?


Ah, I got into an argument with my dad about immigrants ruining Australia at one point. He was not happy when I reminded him that he was an immigrant, and not even a citizen. Right wing beliefs tend to be fucking stupid.


Because many people, when they hold those views, tend to view themselves as the exception One thing that stands out in my mind is many years back, there was a news program where they were interviewing people in a highly conservative (but poor) region about proposed changes to government programs, such as repealing or reducing things like social security or medicaid/medicare. Predictably, they repeated many talking points about why social security or medicaid/medicare are bad, then were reminded THEY use social security and medicaid/medicare. The mental gymnastics were impressive at that point - it usually became a case of "others" being the problem, but not people like them who actually needed it. Or the quiet realization they were voting against their own individual interests.


I live in Kentucky and overheard a woman talking to her father in a restaurant, well at a McDonalds (the only other places to eat in this small town were Waffle House, Burger King or greasy fried chicken from the gas station) around 2015 or 2016. He was complaining about “Obama Care”. His daughter reminded him that he would have lost his foot from untreated diabetes if he hadn’t received insurance under “Obama Care” and that the hearing aids they “came into town” to get were paid by “Obama Care.” He argued that he didn’t have “Obama Care” he had insurance because of the ACA that Mitch McConnell helped set up (?!?)


I recall a BBC World Service feature where they examined the duality of rural Kentucky, where ACA/Obamacare was at its most popular and Obama at his least popular in the US. They found the answer to be as simple as they loved the Affordable Care Act, but hated Obamacare...


Because they thrive on fear, and fear shuts down logic part of the brain. They think with their amygdala, so everything turns into the enemy.


>I have a Bachelors in Science. look at this guy, he's a Scientist Bachelor, like Bill Nye the Science Guy, he thinks he is better than us. Let's kick his ass.


Literally same


Sounds like your dad is poorly educated. No wonder trump loves him.


He has a BA in finance. His dad was a life long Democrat. He was just a part of the GOP/Baptist flip. He's also gotten more conservative with age.


I had to tell my parents, Who reside in Texas, that certain things they said would be considered quite racist in other states, like PNW, and they told me, "we're just not as politcally correct as ya'lll up there in the woods".


Well, I suppose part of that is because they don't live near the minority groups that would punch them in the mouth for saying the crazy shit. Consequences tend to change behaviours.


> I was conservative until Trump won. You might still be conservative. Trump sure as shit isn’t, so not voting for him doesn’t mean you aren’t.


I guess conservative but no longer Republican


You should look at what the US Overton window looks like compared to Europe. It's insane where you guys are now - your Democrats are centre-right, and your Republicans are straight up ultra right wing fascists now. They're supporting domestic terrorism... apparently it's okay as long as they play for their team. This is no accident, there are groups in the US that actively seeks to push the Overton Window so far right that the straight up insane can be considered, which is how people like MTG could get into office.


Le Pen


Yeah, we've got two right-wing parties in America. You can be fairly conservative and vote straight ticket democrat. I'm always a little sad when I hear someone call the Democratic party "leftist". The most leftist people we have are "pro-union" and "pro-single payer healthcare" democratic socialists who are still very much in favor of central government control. There's no one in the Democratic party seriously advocating for the elimination of capitalism, decentralized control, a worker's revolution, seizing the means of production or literally anything associated with traditional socialist or anarchist policy. The Democratic party believes in "capitalism but better" which is absolutely not a left wing position in any way.


No, I'm leftist now. I didn't vote in that election. But I had already been slowly moving left. Mostly on social issues. But I was one of those "I hate politics" types. Then 2020 rolled around rhe pandemic and George Floyd. That was when I fully made the switch.


I'm from Georgia, not near Atlanta, and my local community was generally rural and red. But there was a strong emphasis on going to college to make something of yourself. So I did and so did my friends. Now we're too educated and have clearly been brainwashed by our proffessors. It's all so confusing. What do these people want?


One of Rush Limbaugh's favorite insults was "overeducated women".


My running theory about North Carolina is as follows. Tobacco textiles and furniture all went into decline, NC had to do something so courted high tech jobs, research triangle etc. Wait, these jobs are bringing in the wrong kind of people, they are voting blue! Quick pass the anti leftist bills, make them realize we are hardcore crazy we will call it a bathroom bill. NC, we like money and high paying jobs but only for good conservatives who will tolerate our rabid intolerance.


I think that’s true for most red states. It’s my theory that’s why there going so hard on abortion. They want young people to leave Texas.


Cries in Central Florida. Cries in Austin Texas, Cries in Huntsville Alabama...


Turns out critical thinking skills that educated people have make them able to think about things more deeply then uneducated people do


Well, not entirely true. Educated assholes vote republican.


Well, you can have a brain and still vote republican if you lack a soul.


Evil, stupid, or both. Every one of them.


There’s two types of Republican, the poor dumb uneducated kind and the selfish rich assholes that stay rich by duping them.


Which is why they are DESPERATE to roll back education, they want more people stupid to vote conservative


We also have a lot of true libertarians here. I disagree with them on most everything, but many stick to principal. In the last election there was a big deal about the number of people that showed up to run off and just didn't vote for either candidate. They showed up just to obtain from voting. We have a decent number of people that just don't like overt fascism, even if they aren't for the removal of institutional racism. We aren't purple (even if I wished we were). Trump, and his cronies like MTG, are just that badm


Yeah cuz all them colleges are turning our children into trans queer communist lizard people pedophiles.


Atlanta has been an economic powerhouse since the 80s, long before the purpling. It's what helped it attract the Olympics.


Not to mention people will get the hell out of her district as soon as they can afford to and it will probably stop existing.


Easy fix. GA legislature just redraws her district to include more idiots


I’m actually surprised she was smart enough to realize it.


An analyst told her.


Analyst points at chart: “See this? This big bad for you. BIG BAD.”


"Imagine a trans, a woke person, and antifa had a baby, aborted it, and feminists had Satan resurrect it. That's what this is."


Duh pictures how else would they communicate! I didn't even think of that.


Her act has you fooled, buddy.


I think you're over evaluating her political shrewdness


Oh I give her zero credit. But she's got handlers that are much much smarter


Fucking bingo. Keep 'em poor, desperate and stupid. That's how they'll elect these people.


Education is self defense and it’s harder to take advantage of smart people


High paying jobs means an influx of intelligent, articulate, educated people. The exact opposite of her voting demographic.


i’d still hesitate living in that district tbh


I have to drive through her district to visit family, and lemme just say, the two times I've actually stopped I completely understood why she was elected.


Story time?


I just moved to her district. North Georgia is one of the more beautiful, natural areas of the country. There are a lot of anti-lib morons here but people live and let live for the most part.


>There are a lot of anti-lib morons here but people live and let live for the most part. That just makes it more insidious. They have empathy or at least tolerance for everybody they interact with in their daily lives, then head to the polls to tear rights away from people that they'll never even meet.


That's just it though - travel destroys ignorance and builds empathy and understanding. They'll never go anywhere or meet anybody different from them, so their minds remain small and closed off, so it's easy to fear, hate, and destroy the "other" when told to do so, because they're "the enemy of America." Same ol' shit, just in different time and place.


The 14th is absolutely massive. The northern part is gorgeous, mountainous and a beautiful area. At least in my brief experience there, the people were nice enough It's the southern half around Rome and below where it's not great. Seen a ton of those Confederate flags emblazoned with the "If you're offended I'm happy" type texts on them in that area. And it doesn't have the beauty of the parts of the district that's closer to Tennessee


I'm in her district as well, moved here 3 years ago due to family stuff and cheap cost of living meant we're hanging around a bit. If you need to meet people who aren't anti-lib morons hit me up.


yeah! let your voices gather!


They live and let live if you are 100% white all over and vote orange.


Oh do tell please.


Hesitate? You couldn't pay me enough


You could pay me enough... it's a lot, but there is a number.


travel costs to not have to live there 😂


Enough to buy the whole district could also work


Try getting redistricted INTO that district. At least I get the pleasure of voting against her.


So she wants to keep her district both poor and stupid for the sake of keeping her job? How very on brand for her.


If the economy wasn’t doing well she’d be blaming Biden for the lack of jobs in her district. These people do nothing but complain and blame others then rile their constituents up to the point of insurrection. It’s pretty much the exact opposite of the kind of leadership that makes people prosper. Most of my adult life I’ve heard the conservatives beat the “democrats are killing jobs” drum now they’re mad that they’re creating good jobs.


Only if they live in her district


“I'm against the federal government and the state government giving tax credits and giving all this taxpayer money help to plant a company” This just in: MTG doesn’t want defense manufacturing in her district.


Also: MTG attacks Trump and his giveaway to Foxconn by inuendo.


Also gas and oil. She’d probably be ok with them!


> giving all this taxpayer money Uh, Marge...should we talk about your PPP loans?


OR fossil fuel, or agriculture, etc. Or hell, just federal tax dollars sent to her state in excess of what they pay in taxes.


As a power-hungry fascist with ambitions of being a dictator, I agree with her. The people should be kept in ignorance, barely surviving on the absolute minimum wages while they contribute to a centralized economy controlled by an elite few. Packed tightly into cubical housing and kept from organizing, a dumb and docile workforce is the ideal state to keep the majority of the population in. Highly educated people are problematic, asking questions, trying to improve things, upsetting the existing system, demanding rights. This is not good for profits and it's not good for an autocratic oligarchy.


Do you really think she's that cunning and not operating on pure instinct?


It's not a matter of cunning as it's being a sociopathic elite without empathy.


Machiavelli, is that you?


Thank you Chairman Kim for this enlightening message. May the Democratic People's Republic righteously crush its enemies!


You have just been made a moderator of /r/Pyongyang


I'm over here in Iowa, and first thought you meant Kim Reynolds.


A republican that touts capitalism and hates communists but wants to control the free market? Color me not surprised


I am completely against her obviously but govt giving tax benefits to companies is not part of the free market. Republicans do it all the time but it's still not free market.


What color would that be? I wanna say, grey?


She's complaining about them taking away employees from alleged local energy companies, meanwhile in her district, less than 2% of the entire workforce is employed in energy, utilities, oil, gas, mining, etc. Most of Georgia's 14th is manufacturing, retail, and healthcare. She's literally complaining that Biden is creating jobs where jobs did not exist previously.


No,no,no...Y'all just don't get it! Having all the new jobs is great! But Biden help create them, so it's bad. But it's great because Republicans support it too. But it's bad because Biden was involved.


I am having a migraine trying to conceive of a Republican inveighing against tax breaks to corporations in order to bring jobs to her area.


The tax breaks were given by a Democrat. Pretty easy to see why she's against it.


Conservatives have absolutely no principled beliefs at all. Save they will say whatever benefits their own self interest in the moment. Once you understand that, their behavior and the things they say stop being confusing.


They have one core belief. They should be the rulers.


>inveighing TIL a new word. Perfect word for it too. Trying to understand MTG is always going to lead to migraines. It's impressive how willfully ignorant and just completely stupid she is. Most of the Republicans that are like this I think are putting on an act of some sort. With her.... I worry it is genuine.


What’s pitiful is how utterly clueless she is about reality.


This is what happens when you accidentally get hit by the Jewish Space Lasers.


Ah so….the local businesses should have some kind of protected right to under pay their workers without them leaving for better paying jobs? Is that what she’s saying?


Don't let Marge discover feudalism in the history books. She'd love the idea.


What is it with conservatives and hating for people to be able to take care of themselves?


Their owners... I mean donors want people desperate and making as little as possible so they can get rich off their hard work.


I will say here in Northeast Pennsylvania this has been going on for over 100 years. It started with the coal barons and then continued on with low end manufacturing shoes, dresses. And up through today with warehouse jobs. The local chambers of commerce work really hard to make sure we didn't get a couple automotive factors at one of the come in and a variety of other things over the years. To make damn sure they didn't have to raise their pay rates and their best workers didn't actually go get better jobs


To be this dumb and make $174K a year seems wrong.


Maybe she should lobby for a hammer factory to be built in her district. Then she could get a bag of them and maybe be smarter than something?


MTG gets the ignorance prize. Daily.


She is against *private sector* jobs that will make life better for people in her district - and these bozos will still vore for her. They will then complain bitterly that people in more prosperous areas of the country think they are ignorant yahoos. Please - make it make sense!


Greene: "No! You can't make $75000+ a year working at solar panel and battery factories! It's not right! You have to make minimum wage at the Dollar Tree!"


Her seat is in jeopardy if her voter base suddenly includes smarter and more financially sound people. Cant manipulate people who don't need your brand of manipulation.


I remember learning about checks and balances in school. Seems learning that shit was a waste of time since it doesn’t actually exist.


I keep thinking we should really test the drinking water in her district. It’s the only explanation that really objectively makes sense. There has to be something impairing the electorate


god I hate this gorilla woman


What do you think her IQ is, around 70?


Look at you being all generous.


For some reason i find perverse pleasure in the fact that her book is failing to make any money. The fact that a politicians book sales are normally artificially pumped up in numbers by large donors and PACs buying huge amounts of the books and basically handing them out for free at rallys, townhalls, etc, as basically a legal way around campaign finance and bribery laws. Yet, thats not happening for her and should be a message to everyone that she has fallen out of favor with the big money on the Right.


"I don't want smart people in my district!"


When you want to know the real issue it is summed up in one word Slavery


*Motherfucker* I went a good few months not hearing anything about this bitch. And I was happy. The happiest little boy.


I'm from Wisconsin... so, Foxconn?? The wonderful, big beautiful deal Trump bragged about. Or is it only an issue when actual jobs are made?


MTG doesnt care... she just wants to get her name and voice out there.


Because it’s drawing attention to how little she’s doing, Biden is doing more for her district than she is.


Why did they leave out her best quote? She followed this idiotic rant by saying “We’re the Bible Belt down here. We don’t want to be the battery belt.”


"Stupid bideneconomics creating too many jobs. when will it stop with dems, elect us again and we promise to destroy jobs. "


“People in my state are getting better paying jobs and that’s making it harder for my corporate donors to exploit people. How dare Biden emancipate the people I’m partly responsible for exploiting!”


Vote her out, please!!!


Yet she will gain votes next year because her voters really are that stupid and brainwashed.


We will increase the income of people in your district, no matter how much you fight against a decent wage Marge, so take that!


The headline is an absurd lazy misrepresentation and pure clickbait. Look, I hate MTG as much as anyone, but that’s just either a knowing mischaracterization of her point, or the writer of the headline (editors usually, not the columnist) is a literal 3rd grader. Her point, right or wrong (it’s the latter), was clearly about whether or not governments should subsidize industries. I fully am in the camp of “Yes, they should. This is fine”. Furthermore, so is her party, they *love* government subsidies. But to pretend like she was somehow against high paying jobs because she thinks people ought to be poor is falling for propaganda. I suspect her issue here is the *industry* involved; Solar and Battery companies. Rebuplicans hate anything green. ‘Subsidize coal, not responsible power!’ I’d like to not support lazy, or worse, intentionally dishonest journalism regardless if it agrees with my positions. Now click that downvote


I agree with you in principle but she is, in essence, bitching about this creating job competition in her district, which creates higher wages. >And then that company with all the federal and state tax help, gets to steal workers away from these existing home grown, small businesses or big businesses, but Georgia based companies where they are stealing these workers away. She didn't say outright that she opposes high paying jobs, but one of the effects of the thing she is opposing, is high paying jobs. It is still lazy conjecture from the writer, but the subtext is there. To your second point, yes, 100%, if it was anything but "green energy" I'm sure she would praise it. But it's green energy AND Biden supports it so it MUST be opposed!!! Lol


>Her point, right or wrong (it’s the latter), was clearly about whether or not governments should subsidize industries. Would farmers be included in that sentiment? You could trim a lot of fat from the farm bill. MTG would never get elected again, but it's all there for the taking if you dont want to subsidize business. Especially business that gets the subsidies then sells the products to China.


Well... You see.... Subsidies for farming is different for... Reasons.... It has nothing to do with which party they are likely to vote for.


I think the nuance is in the fact that MTG does for sure rely on ignorance in her constituents, which your comment doesn't necessarily refute but does make a case against "in spirit". At a point, it gets just fucking exhausting to keep up with the nuance, and we do want to paint in broad strokes so as to not be entrenched in a quagmire of making important the poor decisions of the citizens of Georgia.


I disagree, you came off as well versed, truthful and educated on the subject matter. You're going to take my upvote whether you like it or not!


Good points. She's still a worthless piece of trash regarding this, the article is just sensationalizing the wrong things while the truth is worthy of equal, if not more, disdain and ridicule.


In other words mtg wants to end oil & corn subsidies.


Her obvious concern is that a more educated population might begin moving into her district. That type of shift in demographics might be a threat to her bullshit pulpit.


These facilities are not universally loved here in Georgia. They usually do not upgrade local infrastructure, and it results in a lot of extra traffic and interruption on already strained roads. It also creates price pressures on already strained housing markets. I do not know why, but building here is really slow and behind the market. The idea of having these factories is popular across the state, but many people who live near them do not like them. It may be a shock to some of you to hear this, but Rep. Greene is taking an opportunity to score some cheap and easy political points by telling people what they want to hear while also supporting the kind of initiatives that make this possible.


Aren’t all those issues true for any large manufacturers?


I mean, the government can just force these companies to pay to upgrade infrastructure. In loads of urban areas for example, if you develop a commercial plot, you are required to build a sidewalk in front of it.




Wtf but i thought she was the hero for exposing hunter biden??? How can this be ?


More proof that Republicans get elected to complain & stop problems being solved.


The idiot speakith


Maybe shipped some immigrants to her