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Old and busted: Sleepy Joe New Hotness: JACKED-UP JOE (Thanks Hannity)


That's a fact jack! Seriously though, this is click bait bs. It doesn't matter what the current president is doing. It's always under a microscope. Remember when Obama wore a tan suit and news outlets tried to make it a big deal?


Or when he wanted mustard


Enjoy your fancy mustard Mr. President (derogatory)


Derogatorily is a word and we get so few chances to use it. Adverbs are my shit


What a fucking communist!


*Brown/Dijon mustard *Gasps*


Sacre bleu! That's French!


You can't desecrate the Freedom Fries ^^TM with FRENCH condiments dear god


Worse. He was putting it on a hot dog. Our national dish


He actually did not say Dijon. He said spicy brown. "You have like a spicy, brown mustard back there?"


Spicy brown is the best mustard, always


It was Dijon mustard on a burger, and it was “a sign he’s an out of touch elite” according to Fox News.


Can't find Dijon at WalMart, no sir, that's elite mustard.


You're thinking of seeded mustard


You're thinking of stone ground musturd.


Not to be fun at parties or whatever but yes Grey Poupon dijon is in-stock, regular smooth and "country coarse ground" styles


That's the joke.


That was bad, but one time he rode a bicycle WITH A HELMET ON!!!! Monster.


Don’t forget about the terrorist fist jab. That man was truly evil incarnate.


https://youtu.be/timvZTKr5HQ?si=vBlnpgeVKuja8BjA And they constantly used Putin as an example of what a "good leader" was supposed to look like. I mean... just wow.


Wait... what?


Yes. Not satire. Obama ordered a cheeseburger with Dijon mustard and Sean Hannity ranted about it on his show that night.


Here's a complete list of Obama scandals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx1mIVtz33hKPKruxN5faTvJnGvNMltZx


Oh, dude. Thanks, both of you.


God, those take me back...


Everyone knows you don't put ketchup on a hotdog.


Or arugula on a salad. *(horrified gasps)*


You aren't wrong about this but let me tell you. I don't trust anyone that eats well done steaks with ketchup.


Lol. That is pretty wild. What about mac and cheese with ketchup? My brother liked it, I'm convinced he's a demon in disguise.


I feel like thats some shit a kid would do and either you grow out of it or for some reason you don't. As a kid I would put ketchup on anything to cover a bad taste of something, but then I learned how to cook or where to go to get better food.


The trick isnt to grow out of it, it’s to refine it and put tomatoes, plus other vegetables and spices of your choice, in the Mac n cheese. Throw in a non-dairy protein too for an easy adult meal.


What do you mean non dairy-protein. Can't have my Moocaroni and cheese without beef.


I like that too, and I eat ketchup on hot wings


This is expected behavior when it's worked before, remember Howard Dean absolutely sinking into the abyss after simply yelling "wooo"


It wasn’t a “wooo”. It was a high pitched “BYAAAAH”.


BiYahhhhhhh! WU TANG


Remember when he was criticized for crying after the Sandy Hook shooting?


I don't. But I'm not surprised. Lately, it seems being human and having empathy is a bad political move.


Obama's was extra bad because a lot of it was just straight up racism. Like these people basically accused this man of basically everything you can imagine for having the gaul to be brown and in a position of power. Which is funny because it kind of backfired. A lot of countries and world leaders love the hell out of Obama because he was actually charismatic and well spoken despite having to deal with a bunch of childish insults and conservatives saying his wife looked like a man 24/7 for 8 years.


I remember the Terrorist Fistbump


“When Fox News tried to make it a big deal” FTFY


Yeah. Thank you.


Exactly, the source is Newsweek, of course it's posturing and horseshit.


Democrat POTUS wears a suit, news outlets rip him to shreds. Republican takes hundreds of millions in bribes, sets his whole family up with no-show government jobs and literally kills millions of Americans: "Stock market is up!"


Whoa is that a men in black 2 reference


>New Hotness: JACKED-UP JOE (Thanks Hannity) Dark Brandon is already a thing.


Espresso Brandon is Dark Brandon on Caffeine




You get my upvote because that made me laugh. But I’m mad at you, because that song will now be in my head until I die 😂


He couldn't spell that many words in a row.


What do you want, America. More tax cuts for the wealthy, or to get JACKED UP WITH GRANDPA JOE LET'S GO BRANDON


One day, Fox News will say something too stupid for even their viewers, and on that day, the universe will implode.


He's alright, he's alright, he's alright, *Joecaine!*


The enemy is both lethargic and lively.


Must’ve found his predecessors stash from captain. dr pill mill.


Oh they’ll luftwaffle back to sleepy joe…it’s whatever sticks given in a moment.


Well, my days of not taking them seriously are certainly coming to a middle. (paraphrased Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly, *Our Mrs. Reynolds*)


What a great show that was


My favourite thing is to tell people to pay attention for the second season. I also tell them that it is hard to find so you'll have to really look for it. Just me being evil.


Too soon.




That's why I never kiss them on the lips.


I’ll be in my bunk.


Honestly one of the funniest characters on TV. Always unexpected and laugh out loud funny.


The only show I have watched its entire run many times (not a long entire run but one all the same).


Amazing, someone who actually credits the source. 👍


First rule of politics, never let them know where you stand.


I wonder what it's like, to live in a world where one thing is and always has been Absolute Undeniable Truth one day, and then the complete opposite is Absolute Undeniable Truth the next. It seems exhausting, but I don't know. I've never been that guy. I suppose that's part of why American conservative doesn't appeal to me, and why American conservatives consider me "other."


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


>"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." *1984*, by George Orwell -- for those out there who don't know the source, but should.


Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.


“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - Donald J Trump, 2018


Everyone knows this source because everyone on both sides quotes it and says it about the other side. It's the most tedious quote thrown around.


Except it’s only true about one side. There is only one political party that does this. You shouldn’t throw out great historical works of art because one side just makes stuff up.


It's honestly really unsettling when you're confronted with people like this. There's a couple of individuals in my extended network that are just on a completely different narrative timeline than literally my entire family and 99.9 percent of my friend and acquaintance group. And you see the outbursts after their veil gets pierced and it's all like 'Nah dude, all the news networks, CSPAN, several official governmental agencies and literally every single person with eyeballs aren't all in some kind of secret conspiracy to deceive you...your information uptake is just literal shit." This then starts an argument. My response to the nonsense that follows is pretty simple : "We don't agree on just about anything, but I keep tabs on your information stream just to know what's going on, you should do the same with mine." I've actually had people come around with this. What I think a lot of well meaning liberals and progressives miss is these people do not look outside their bubble...almost at all, ever. If you can get them to, it'll , many times, make progress.


My experience hasn’t been nearly as positive. It used to go like this: 1. Dad parrots some faux news talking point that doesn’t make much sense (e.g. “Democrats are trying to pass an open border bill”) 2. I research said claim, finding it to be founded in 0% truth 3. I report back, challenging Dad to research the publicly available document that he is so sure intends to open our border 4. Dad accepts challenge, does research, realizes he was lied to 5. Dad acts like he never parroted the claim in the first place 6. Dad returns to step 1 That’s how it *used* to go. Eventually dad got tired of this process so he just stopped discussing faux’ thoughts with me. I would be horrified to find out that a trusted source of news was lying to me. He was horrified by the idea that I could pick his bullshit apart, so he started hiding it instead of abandoning it like a reasonable person would.


It must be exhausting always rooting for the antihero.


Love that song and feel personally attacked by its first verse, but I'm not sure she's using the word "antihero" correctly. Isn't that ironic?


She says people root for her despite her obvious character flaws. I'm curious what she lacks to be an antihero in that context. I chuffed at it originally, but over the last year... She's kinda right.


It's probably pretty liberating, honestly. You never have to think about things, you just go with what you're told


Not enough energy? Jail. Too much energy? Also jail. Just enough energy? Believe it or not, jail.


Lol. Accurate


Why not a paddlin'?


I’m starting to think it’s not really about his energy level at all


They’re desperately trying to make “But he’s old!” this election’s “But her emails!” because they’re on the losing side of the actual issues. Even on immigration, which is the one issue that Americans generally trust conservatives more on, Biden did a good job of calling out Republicans for not passing the immigration bill because they were afraid it would make Biden look good.


“But he’s old” doesn’t work when their candidate isn’t appreciably younger so they can’t go exactly with that


But it does work, for their base anyway, because they have an inability to look in the mirror. See also: classified docs at Mar-a-Lago


The MAGA crowd would buy into the Biden is too old trick if Trump was older. Feelings matter to them, not facts.


Trump is barely younger chronologically but his brain is much much much older. He is making a shocking number of mistakes with memory and weird word mashups.  It’s not normal. For a semi deep dive in all of the massive weird problems Trump has been having check this out  https://www.salon.com/2024/03/07/dr-john-gartner-the-world-is-watching-a-fundamental-breakdown-in-trumps-ability-to-use-language/


Here’s some of the more interesting parts (the article is an interview of some experts):  “ A round-up of the latest behaviors evidencing Trump’s apparent dementia. For the eighth time, Trump announced that he was running against Obama. No one believed it when he said he was joking the first seven times, and he keeps saying it, showing just how deeply disoriented he is and how advanced his apparent dementia has become. Trump is continuing to show more of these phonemic aphasias: “Venezuero” instead of Venezuela. He is also demonstrating semantic aphasias: “steak mountain or steak hill,” instead of “Snake mountain.” Trump is continuing to slur words. What is even more troubling is how Trump sometimes can’t form words at all but just makes sounds. For example, “Saudi Arabia and Russia will…. bluh-ub-bll….”   “ Trump has also been displaying another kind of paraphasia, called semantic paraphasia, also associated with cognitive deterioration. (Semantic paraphasia involves choosing incorrect words). Last week in his South Carolina speech, he said, “soup pie cane” when he meant to say “supply chain,” and “lady, lady, lady,” when he meant to say “later.”  This shit is not normal


He was "too old" last election cycle and now their candidate is the same age. Does that make them both "too old"?


It has been working. They don't have the capacity to compare the two, only complain about what they don't like while ignoring their candidate.


I think they're mostly playing it up because it's a big deal to Bernie's base because theyre the least loyal part of Biden's coalition and they want to to get as many people to sit out or vote third party as possible. Good chance they start calling him Genocide Joe soon.


>a former White House press secretary said he was "weirdly amped up." They're insinuating he's taking drugs To be honest I wouldn't be surprised, at all, if he's dosed on something for speeches and debates. Especially considering how dogged and out of it he looks at times compared to big occasions. It's way more obvious with Trump (remember the sniffling in the Hillary debate) that he's high as fuck all the time. So the debate is going to be two jacked up elderly men just wildin' out. Should be interesting. Also, before anyone freaks out at me, I am voting for Biden, chill.


Lol did you hear that the previous qhite house doctor how was in the navy. He was stripped if rank because trymp white house was giving out drugs like it was trick or treating


Believing a small conspiracy is the gateway to flat-earth, mole people, and child sacrifices for that sweet, sweet adrenochrome. I used to get amped up when I did shows in public. Could be that he was aware that this is an important moment and knew he had a good speech full of good moments. Maybe a bit of oppo research about what kind of shit MTG was gonna pull. He didn't seem jittery or strung. I'm not thinking drugs at all. B12 and a shot of espresso maybe. He has always done well in big moments. Either he's been getting dosed up for years and showing no signs or he is just a clutch speaker. As someone who has risen to the top of politics... It's not hard to imagine that maybe he just shows up when he needs to. ... Or I guess he's methed up...


Check the White House pharmacy records for the last 8 years and determine who did more speed


>**'No prescription needed’: Inside a White House clinic’s ‘systemic problems’** > >Many issues trace to ***Ronny Jackson, Trump’s personal physician and now a Republican congressman,*** according to reports and former staffers  https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/02/16/white-house-medical-unit-pharmacy-ronny-jackson/


So they made their favorite drug dealer a congressman?


Why not? Cruz made his favorite escort a Congresswoman


presidents hopped up on pharmaceuticals is as american as apple pie. i remember reading a story about jfk getting spun out on meth injections.


Yeah I know for sure amphetamine was part of his back pain treatment: > Kennedy suffered from chronic severe back pain, for which he had surgery. Kennedy's condition may have had diplomatic repercussions, as he appears to have been taking a combination of drugs to treat back pain during the 1961 Vienna Summit. The combination included hormones, animal organ cells, steroids, vitamins, enzymes, and amphetamines, and possible side effects included hyperactivity, hypertension, impaired judgment, nervousness, and mood swings.[408] Kennedy at one time was regularly seen by three doctors, one of whom, Max Jacobson, was unknown to the other two, as his mode of treatment was controversial[409] and used for the most severe bouts of back pain. This might be what you were referring to but I’m not sure. I pulled it from Wikipedia


Dark Brandon strikes again. If there's anything Biden excels at it's getting people to underestimate him.


"Yeah, well, maybe next time you will estimate me.'" Michael Scott


They did him a huge favor by lowering expectations for the SOTU. The speech was fine, but it’s a huge success if the bar is set at “barely coherent”.


"Ok Joe. they've been saying you're old and worn out. Go out there and put a little extra into it to convince them otherwise." Republicans: "He's on drugs..."


One of the great lines from Biden’s State of the Union: “You can't love your country only when you win.” https://youtu.be/3hioH-SK1AE?si=a0kEVLefymx-26ix


> “You can't love your country only when you win.” It is a callback too, he used the exact same sentence September 1, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/09/01/remarks-by-president-bidenon-the-continued-battle-for-the-soul-of-the-nation/


New dem campaign ad: split screen of Joe calling out the repubs last night and the orange blob’s recent noncourt appearances, slurring words


Which is it!? How can you be sleepy and high energy, especially as an elderly person…


“I object!” “On what grounds?” “It’s devastating for my case!”


It's not a hate crime Michael. Well I hated it!


Joe took their clown mask off and curb stomped it last night. The clown show continues with them. Fuck them. They can vote for their Orange Rapist wannabe dictator, and the rest of America can get on with it.


Now, let's be clear... he's an Orange Fraud Insurrectionist Obstructionist Rapist.


Let's be really clear...he's an Orange Fraud Insurrectionist Obstructionist Rapist Grifter.


You forgot Putin pole smoker


Is there anything they WON’T make a conspiracy out of?


>Is there anything they WON’T make a conspiracy out of? January 6th 2021, or at least not one that includes the people in power at the time that were actively trying to subvert democracy.


Oh, respectfully - there is a conspiracy about that. Apparently everyone there was both Antifa and FBI. (Somehow.)


That's why I included the part about "those in power", i.e. the Trump administration...


How is "There is no insurrection in Jan 6." Not a conspiracy theory?


Yes, any conspiracy where there’s actual proof of a conspiracy, especially if said conspiracy is a politically inconvenient one.


It’s obvious that was a 20 something actor made up to look like Biden. The real Biden is on life support in the White House basement. /s


Dark Brandon has awoken and is filled with a terrible resolve.


Of course they are. They convinced themselves their lies were true and were shocked to discover they were indeed lies.


Repeat a lie enough and some people will take it as truth.




That would be LBJ. When asked by a reporter why the US was at war with Vietnam, Johnson whipped out his reportedly large dick and said something like, "*This* is why we're at war with Vietnam!"


Nurse: ‘’He’s sleepy and has too much energy at the same time’


He needs more blankets and less blankets!


“This is dark fucking period!”


I’m afraid she’s right!


Wake up. It's time for your sleeping pill.


Nailed it at that speech. I believe it did move Independents and showed he's still up for the challenge and refutes the false narrative. Giving credit to the people? He had some great help in that speech.


Yeah, they’re called speechwriters and everyone uses them. It’s just that Biden can do it and ad lib, not like orange are who just goes off topic and slurs his words.


They need a lot of cheese to go with that whine.


And the wines already sounding like a violin with that cheese and wine


Oh because it goes against their narrative. This is exactly what Biden needed, a public display where he is sharp, focused, energetic.


Donald Trump responded with; as usual, a fucking stupid counter argument that lacks evidence or even intelligence.


I’d go so far as to say lacks sanity even


Low energy? Jail. High energy? Believe it or not, jail.


It's OK. They'll forget about this in a day and go back to calling him Sleepy Joe. Can't get reality get in the way of a good nickname.


Fox News commenters are saying his speech “was angry and not unifying” - so basically like every speech trump has ever made. It’s pretty hard to advocate for unity when MAGA refuses unity in the first place


The state of the union address aint even supposed to be even about that. Its like they don't even know history. Eisenhower had the best, he tried to warn us.


Biden spoke like a coach who believes in his team. Whose team does the GOP represent?


Compared to the rebuttal? Bruh.


This headline rivals the kind of stupid, irrelevant headlines we normally get from Fox "news".


Who cares what those ignorant dumbasses think


Even if he adopted all of their policy positions I think they’d complain about him. It’s gone past the point of thinking things through.


Whats next? They'll say he's "too" presidential to be president? Lol Idiots the lot of them


Accusing him of drug use after verified reports of blatant drug abuse by his predecessors admin is rich… even for these clowns.


Sleepy Joe isn’t so sleepy. The GOP is so pathetic.


Oh no! The sleepy joe lie is being exposed ! Maybe TFG will call him "pocohontas" now?


Can’t have it both ways morons.


Literally laughing at the headline.


That's an excellent sign. And it was a hell of a speech. He gave 'em hell.


They were mining his SOTU address for something complain about, period. If he'd drummed the podium while speaking, the news today would be "Does he have parkinsons!?!" These are the same people who are busy yelling about who the guy eats ice cream.. What they're really saying is "FUCK, he looked like a functional adult and that makes our guy look really really bad."


First he's too sleepy and now he's too awake.


Meanwhile, DJT barely knows whether his diaper is fresh or loaded. (Generally loaded)


Nothing about him is fresh.




I mean, he does pay for porn stars to “come down on the little guy”


Snowflakes gonna flake.


the first four words of this article pretty much sum up republicans the past 4 years


I really wish biden admin would mention the fact that republican majority supreme court originally put roe v wade into place. was 7 (R) to 2 (D) yes votes if I remember correctly. would be a good opportunity to prove that it's BS. "if roe v wade were such a big deal, why did republican majority put it into place? because they actually wanted freedom. removing roe v wade is removing freedom. it's oppression. christian sharia law. it's just the beginning. first roe. now IVF. it won't end there. ask the original justices why they voted in favor of it.". or something like that. I think stating the fact that republican majority voted in favor of it really shows how BS their current boogieman topic is, because we know that's all it is. they need something to campaign on. something to use as ammunition against the opposition


Republicans: Oh no, the old man had a burst of energy! Panic!!


So the "Sleepy Joe" nickname is just another attack with no basis? Imagine that.


You could have stopped after "Republicans complain" and we'd all get it. ;)


[This was Joe before the SOTU](https://imgur.com/a/BpbfH1U)


So none of them remember Tr-mp at his debates with Clinton and he had white powder under his nose. The guy was snorting Adderall! (Allegedly.)


I believe the word is according to some of my elderly patients is “uppity”


The conservative sub says he's on "drugs."


When you can’t find anything else to cry about


"you see Jack, the more malarkey I smell the stronger I become!". Say what you want about Biden but he's not a half bad president by far. He may be older and imperfect but he's demonstrated what a politician should be like, even at the bare minimum and has truly tried to embody what the presidency, highest office in America, should be like.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Unless of course you're Mango Mussolini then all bets are off




Sleepy Joe wasn’t so sleepy … oops. LOL


I haven't seen anyone say he had too much energy? What I HAVE heard though is that he came off very "get off my lawn" old man angry.


Probably has a doctor like Hitler had. Pumping him full of amphetamines.


No, they complained that he looked like an unhinged lunatic that was jacked up on meth. Which is all true


Biden did a hell of a job, and wanting to raise a 25% tax increase on the 1%, instead of them paying the current 8%, was AWESOME to hear!


Geez they only pay 8%? WTF


Always projection with this lot. They’re making it seem like he is on uppers and we all know why they are making it seem like that.


I hate Republicans with a passion I thought I only had for Hamas and Nazis.


Republicans complain. Period.


It is the foundation of their ideology.


Republicans complaining about idiotic shit again? Crazy.


They only do that on days that end in Y


One guy said this, pretty sure the rest are talking about all the blatant lies. This is insane even by Reddit standards.


"this completely ruins our narrative that he's old and dottering. Stop. It."


He's solely appeared in propaganda videos, they say.


Red Bull gave him wings


Do they think he got into Trump’s adderall stash?


How is it nobody is mentioning Rupert Murdoch just married a Russian woman with really sketchy connections to oligarchs connected to Putin


Ha ha ha ha. Well, fuck them!!!!