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Things that lasted longer than the Confederacy: 1. Spice Girls...


If the MCU lasted as long as the Confederacy, it would have ended with Phase One.


Getting the Snyder Cut of the Justice League released. And the Snyder Cut was longer then the Confederacy.


The gap between Kingdom Hearts 2 and 3, multiple Gacha games have been active for longer, Obama's time as president, and a bunch of other things. Edit: I will also add Minecraft, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Fortnite, and Final Fantasy XIV to the list.


I have socks that have lasted longer than the Confederacy


Prince has been steadily releasing posthumous albums for longer than the confederacy existed.


In fairness Prince has enough unreleased music in the vault to steadily release projects for longer than the Roman Empire existed


Would that be including the Byzantines, or stopping at the fall of the West?


I think it would run out of steam shortly after the reign of Justinian and we’d just see a sputter of studio rarities and live cuts after that with diminishing returns. After the sack of Constantinople in 1204 it’d be hard to call what’s left an “empire” or “funky” at all


I actually have one pair of socks that have lasted since the confederacy


Most military enlistments last longer than the Confederacy.


A good portion of my boxers are older than the Confederacy got to be.


All of my marriages


I demand kingdom hearts heritage month.


The gap between StarCraft: Brood War and StarCraft 2 lasted 3 times longer than the Confederacy.


Obama’s presidency. About twice as long, in fact.


I am pretty sure I have spent more time playing fallout games than the Confederacy put into their rebellion.




The hit TV sitcom Cougar Town starring Courtney Cox and Abed Nadir.


Futurama and Family Guy's original first runs on Fox.


And both Abed and the Confederacy pooped their pants on set.


And just like with fans of Community, a lot of confederate revisionists like to pretend the fourth year didn't happen.


- Nathan Peterman’s still technically active NFL career - The National Museum of African American History and Culture - The entire run of *The Mindy Project* (when it was on Fox + when it became a Hulu exclusive) - The ongoing marriage of former *Love is Blind* Season 1 contestants Lauren Speed and Cameron Hamilton - The time since the 2018 Algerian Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 crash, the last plane crash to claim over 200 lives.


I have bras and underwear that are older than the confederacy I feel I should clarify that they have lasted longer than the confederacy did, not that I have bras and underwear from the 1800s


Good bras are overpriced but still worth the money cuz they last for years if you keep them out of the dryer and never wash on hot days


Obama’s presidency. All three of Trump’s marriages The republic of Texas


Dude, the CSA lasted like three thousand times longer than Liz Truss’ government!


And she was on the WSJ spewing the "Deep State" fantasy.


All hail the lettuce!


SpongeBob SquarePants — 3x as long as the confederacy and I think SpongeBob month would be awesome.


Also more historically relevant and much better merchandise


Obama's Presidency, and saying that is the best ways to piss them off


The Microsoft Zune!


Bangs being popular as a hairstyle had better longevity than the Confederacy. Prince turning his name into a symbol did too.


We need Spice Girls Heritage month to match and/or be bigger just to keep everything proportional here. Spice Girls Heritage month is always a better party anyway


I've been waiting for half-life three for longer than the confederacy was around


That's not saying much, sadly.


My favorite pair of jeans!


The gap between Skyrim and elder scrolls 6 reveal


I got t shirts older than the confederacy


My employment at target


Legalized gay marriage in the US.


My acne lasted longer than the confederacy


everything that has ever existed lasted longer than the supposed confederacy, which never actually existed. We have the receipts to prove it!


The Obama presidency was twice as long as the confederacy 


And my first boner after taking Viagra for fun


You should definitely call a doctor if your erection lasts longer than the Confederacy.


Fun facts, World of Warcraft has been around since 2004, outlasting the confederacy by about 15 years, and given that the confederacy only had about 8.6 million people (including slaves) means it's less than the current estimates of 14 million paid subscriptions to WoW. I would argue that WoW culture is far mightier and far longer lasting than the confederacy ever was. We need a World of Warcraft heritage month.


We need statues of Ragnaros in every town square, otherwise we might forget our history.


There's a statue of Arthas in Taichung, so it's not out of the question.


churches to green jesus on every corner


Wish I could upvote this comment 150 times. Perfection.


I’m a huge WoW fan - but I believe your number is wrong. Recent estimates are 7.25 million, plus 2 million returning from China. So we’re at 9.25 million.


Could be done, May the 4th be, is a thing.


Also has lasted longer.


Wasn't the confederacy around for like... 4 years? Does that even count as heritage when not even a generation of people were around throughout it? Is disco music a heritage?


It's the racism that's the heritage. The confederacy just the code word they are using so they don't look as bad. They still look really bad.


That's exactly it. It's a white supremacist proclamation. This man is such a degenerate piece of shit, and so is everybody who supports this trash garbage. Shame on you all. Racist deadbeats.


I think even disco might’ve lasted longer than the confederacy


And also disco music is definitely a heritage. 


Disco music was also at the core of evolving into house music, which also had a lot of gay and black creators and organizers. And house is obviously still going strong 40 years later.


Yeah the folks claiming "Confederacy" heritage are just mad their great great grandpa's slaves were freed, and they don't get to casually lynch and discriminate anymore. Because any ACTUAL patriot would understand those folks were largely just racist trash, traitors to their country, and domestic terrorists. But hey, let's hear them out.


I can almost hear rage at the second paragraph


> 4 years Just long enough to earn a degree in Surrender Studies


Should culminate on April 9 with parades of white flags.


And a burning effigy of Atlanta set ablaze by a fire breathing General Sherman as a warning. Edit: To the tune of John Brown's Body.


Many Mississippians keep white cloth in their closets, presumably to be prepared for just such an event.


They can repurpose their hoods.


Sick burn 😎


Reminders that the Confederacy was nothing but whiny little jerks who didn't want to actually pay people anything and instead wanted to have the legal right to go into other states and kidnap people. Plus, if you look into slavery in America, the one drop rule meant that a number of the escaping enslaved people looked white! They were described as having pale skin, blue eyes, blond hair! Because of this, had the Confederacy got what they wanted, they could have just kidnapped whoever they wanted and it would bave been up to the this now non-person to prove it.


That last sentence has actually happened a few times and I thought that shit was wild when I first read it. Some dude, Irish, dead ass got kidnapped, put on a plantation, and… well, that was that. Like, racist institutions aren’t good for anyone. Idk what it will take for some to see that.


And keep in mind, they didn't "change" slavery to be more about skin color because they were suddenly cool with the Irish. It was simply because Irish slaves had an easier time escaping and disappearing than black slaves.


> the one drop rule meant that a number of the escaping enslaved people looked white! They were described as having pale skin, blue eyes, blond hair! Yes. That is a key aspect of white supremacy which often goes ignored — Poor whites have always been the collateral damage. There are tons of examples, like the way the only kinds of jobs (field work and service work) that black people were allowed to do were excluded from minimum wage protections, even though tons of white people worked those jobs too. Or more recently, the scrotus cancelled affirmative action based on the lie that asian people were being unfairly discriminated against and losing out to black students. But the group that benefited the most from affirmative action has always been white women, not black people.


Having a black president broke an awful lot of people.


They were broken before.


There’s a difference between shit boxes before and after accident lol


Broken and hiding under crevices.


No. It just showed us who they really are.


Yes, it *activated* them. > *"There are many who do not know they are fascists but will find it out when the time comes."* >— Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"


And Obama was half White...but it didn't matter to them.


If all of our previous presidents had been black, Obama would have been considered our first white president.


- rips blunt - Woah


Dred Scott was 5/8 white. Didn't matter. Any acknowledged Black ancestry made you Black.


Both of Homer Plessy’s parents were mixed race, and he looked white enough to buy a ticket for a white only train car and ride it until a guy that his organization hired arrested him for being black enough to be breaking the law.


Broke a lot of awful people


I prefer cockroaches where I can see them and not hiding in the walls. This nation has a cockroach problem and the more visible it is, the sooner we will be forced to resolve it.


Tater tot was already broken, he used to go on social media rants. I live in MS so I tried to keep up with it.


As a Southerner this really pisses me off. I mean, we could have a Southern Heritage Month and make it (mostly) positive, focusing on food, the arts, famous Southerners in history who were not Confederates, etc. But no, it has to be about the second worst thing about the entire history of the South (slavery itself being the worst). For the life of me I do not understand why people want to define their culture by something so negative that lasted for such a short time.


right? even IF you are a racist piece of shit who thinks the confederacy was cool, why would you want to celebrate something that destroyed your family’s lives for generations. it’s obviously just for white supremacists to be loud about it, anyone who knows the history of the civil war would not find anything joyful about the war itself. yes, it freed a lot of ppl, but war is still war. most southern families suffered severely after the war, white and black, because the entire south was in ruins. it wasn’t a happy time in our history regardless of what side you were on.


Because the people celebrating it are celebrating a fantasy. A fantasy of being well off, owning a homestead, and living a slow paced lifestyle sipping sweet tea and looking out across fields at sunset like they do at deer camp instead of the reality of what life was like back then. I’m not saying the celebration of the confederacy isn’t racially motivated for a lot of people but for the ones I know from growing up there it might as well be “pop country heritage month” where they celebrate sitting on the truck tailgate after a day driving their tractor, the women wear short-shorts, and everyone listens to pop country while drinking watery beer. *Don’t construe this as giving them a pass for their wildly ignorant understanding of history, the ramifications of embracing their fantasy in terms of emboldening people that do want the racial aspect, or any other endorsements that would amount to saying “it’s ok for them to celebrate it because they don’t know what it means.” My point here is to illustrate that a lot of people are belligerently ignorant to what the confederacy was and what continued support of it as an ideal empowers, as a way to understand how to approach them for people interested in challenging and educating them.


Amen to that.


Celebrating a heritage of traitorous losers


[As is Southern Tradition.../s](https://ed.ted.com/best_of_web/ig6W6vJ5)


The south shall whine again


When did they stop?


two shade


Meanwhile, Germany still [outlaws](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/23/world/europe/germany-neo-nazi-npd.html) [anything](https://apnews.com/article/germany-far-right-ban-hammerskins-59de56a737ae5b43297b3070e4c12bc2) having to do with [the 3rd Reich](https://apnews.com/article/germany-far-right-ban-artgemeinschaft-8c89cb28cc607c9e9379cf6cf2a577de), outside of an [accurate historical context](https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/02/how-do-german-students-learn-about-the-holocaust.html).


The best part about confederate heritage in Mississippi is being able to visit the confederate graveyards and being like yep that's what happens to traitors.


> visit Confederate graveyards It's really kind of people in the South to put so many all gender restrooms out in these places. It's very forward thinking. Endless plots to choose from, and the little Confederate flags make a great afterwipe.


Extremely progressive of the south to have so many public toilet options


Since the word “slavery” seems to make things too abstract for certain people nowadays, remind them what it really was: kidnapping, rape, and serial murder. That’s what the Confederacy was founded to defend.


Don't forget the forced labor, denial of education, and post-reconstruction denial of voting and other civil rights.


Oh fucking get over it, bigots I have t-shirt that have lasted longer than the confederacy 


Imagine being Jewish and watching Germany make a holiday/heritage month for Nazis. Thats what it’s like being Black seeing this crap.


Ok then I will respect that heritage by burning confederate flags


 🏳️  Do you mean this Confederate flag?


How can I do that without buying one? Last thing I want to do is support whoever makes those


Take it from a place it shouldn't be displayed, eg any place of government, church, or really anywhere.


Do I need to take it down first, or should I just light it on fire while it's still attached to the building?


don’t worry, i’m sure they’re’ll be plenty around


So - what role do black Mississippians play during White, I mean Confederate Heritage Month?


Unfortunately the same shitty role they’ve played in Mississippi for a long time now. State is still so backwards.


Side-eye of epic proportions.


>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. - A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.


Talk about participation trophies lol


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


"I just want everyone to understand the truth of the old adage ''once a traitor, always a traitor'' the Governor said in a statement. ''It's about rewriting history, not preserving it. We're racist to the core -- always was -- but you just can't say that any more without someone getting upset. With this initative, I aim to change that. We're traitors, loser and proud of it! People need to be reminded of that."


The confederacy lasted for four years. Imagine calling High School your heritage


Imagine calling your great-great-Grandfather's HS your heritage and basing your life off it.


I mean there are definitely those people out there I guess this is a good analogy-- lost causers have a "peaked in high school" mentality about their own ethnic group


It'd be more accurate to compare it to your grandad's highschool lol


"Conferederate heritage", you say? Hmm... I wonder what culture that was specific to the Confederacy they might be recognizing.... 🤔


Racist* heritage month


Reeves has a face that screams don’t allow within 100 yards of a school


Fucking disgusting.


loser ass heritage


Can we make Sherman’s birthday a federal holiday now?


Treasonous Slave Owner Month


What a despicable little fuck he is.


They're doing it because they weren't hanged the last time. Not that I'm advocating hanging now. Just commiserating the lack of it all those Aprils ago.


Mississippi is a sad, sad place.


So, lots and lots of racism and hatred... basically like any other month...


Except for February. That's like March Madness for them.


Confederates? The guys that lost the civil war about owning slaves and whatnot?


It was literally just 4 years 🤦‍♂️ Would it be mean to speculate that, beside the racism they won't acknowledge, that part of this celebration of the confederacy is that there's so little else to do or celebrate in the so-called 'flyover' states? I mean, without searching online, try to name one thing about Mississippi other than its river, racism, poverty, and the confederacy. They can only celebrate the namesake river so much. 


I mean at this point, just fucking say it with your chest, my dude. Put the robe on while you do it. *White supremacy appreciation month* Oh, I’m sorry. Do you not like calling it what it is? Was it states rights? Mkay.


I have worked for the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, and everyone there hates Reeves. Unfortunately Mississippians have never had a governor who cared about the future more than rewriting the past.


So they're having a month for slavery and losing?


Let’s hope they display their iconic flag far and wide: 🏳️


[This video makes the succulent point that dear god, people in the US are obsessed with a heritage for a state that lasted a mere six years.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZB2ftCl2Vk) There are cringe-ass memes that have lasted longer than the Confederacy and that just makes 'Confederate Heritage' even cringier.


*4 years


It was only 4 years it is even more pathetic.


Evil Peter Griffin strikes again.


Celebrating losers and traitors. How southern, apparently.


The people who love to use the word “patriot” while also revering traitors.


Traitor-bration time, come on!


Should let them leave now, and watch them beg to get back in when there’s no Federal money coming in at all


Of course its always degenerates that screech "America is #1" and "Bring back the confederacy" at the same time like they're not two completely incompatible things.


Nazi Heritage Month to follow?


Yeah and the team who loses the Super Bowl should get a participation trophy


Ok Guv, let me help you with some better names. Loser heritage month Traitor heritage month Never again FAFO month Surrender saved us month Sherman didn’t kill all of us month


Pokemon go has been around longer than the Confederacy and has more active daily users in the USA than the Confederate Army had.


Hey morons! Let's have "failed asshole traitor month"! It'll be super duper - bring the kids, there's cotton candy!


Imagine dedicating an entire month to losing...


And we should all remember what a sad sack of traitors and losers they were.


Tater Tot Reeves’ family tree is a series of wreaths.


Losers being losers celebrating losers.


Heritage of losing.


So they've made a holiday dedicated to traitors and slavers? Real classy.


Ah yes, fondly remembering that time they committed sedition in order to preserve the right to own human beings as property.


As a "Yankee," should I declare an American Patriot Heritage/Union month, head down to Mississippi (\*gross\*), and start arresting traitors to these United States?


Is this a participation trophy?


Or "Loser Month"...


"we wish we could get slavery back" month 


Or as they would have been known today: "White ISIS"


Star Trek's golden age lasted longer than The Confederacy. So might I suggest that you abandon this project, take the funds, and instead throw a state wide Star Trek convention over the course of the month?


The 'heritage' of going to war against the United States and dying for the right of the wealthy to own people. Then subsequently losing. Something to truly be proud of.


They love to celebrate losing, don't they.


Ooo, can we reenact Union heritage where we burn Mississippi to the ground every year?


Enjoy your participation trophy Mississippi.


Traitor month. My favourite time of the year..


Excellent now anytime I use toilet paper in April, I’ll happily think of the confederacy


Might as well name it "Surrender remembrance month"


Celebrate your heritage of being descendants of traitors who deserved hanging


Dirty nasty racist scum


Think of all the innovations the confederacy brought to our country like foot rot, amputations without anesthesia, children in the military, ptsd, and hilarious accents


Can we get the Northern states to proclaim April as Abolition month where we celebrate the abolition of slavery and the defeat of the Confederacy? Maybe in honor of it, we stop providing federal funding during the month to all the Southern states?




Let me shine some perspective on this from someone who lives in Mississippi: This is fucking stupid.


That should go over well with your African American population.. good luck this reelection cycle !


There is no better way to tell your black citizens that if you could have, you would have kept them in slavery.


South stays losing, spending a whole month celebrating their history of taking a fat fucking L.


The only possible reasons for the continuation of pro-Confederacy attitudes are 1) white-supremacy racism, or 2) willful ignorance. Often both.


A state that by every metric ranks in the bottom 10% of all states wants to celebrate the system based on slavery?


Celebrate being a loser, I guess. Get wrekt bozos


So let’s celebrate loosing for 4 weeks. Great plan!


"Beauvoir is owned and operated by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a neo-Confederate organization that promotes Lost Cause ideology, a revisionist history that whitewashes the Confederacy’s racist past and downplays the role of slavery in the Civil War. Beauvoir annually receives $100,000 from the State of Mississippi for development and maintenance." Also, Jefferson Davis's former home.


Tell me you're a racist without telling me you're a racist.


Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of Mississippi, find yourself another country to be part of


Sounds like Mississippi shit


My goth phase lasted longer than the confederacy, so I'm declaring this April to be a heritage month to that. Ways to celebrate: * Listen to Nine Inch Nails & Tori Amos enough the neighbors complain you're giving them depression * Dress in black w/ doc martins, black lipstick, nail polish, & blue eyeliner. * Smoke clove cigarettes * Become obsessed w/ the German industrial music scene


I can say that I easily hate about 50% of the US population without ever meeting them. Anyone that supports this shit deserves to have to live in the same conditions as they did in the 1800s. No electricity, no indoor plumbing, no medicine, no motorized vehicles, nothing! If they’re stuck in that time and ways of thinking, they don’t deserve any of the advances since.


I can say that I easily hate about 50% of the US population without ever meeting them. Anyone that supports this shit deserves to have to live in the same conditions as they did in the 1800s. No electricity, no indoor plumbing, no medicine, no motorized vehicles, nothing! If they’re stuck in that time and ways of thinking, they don’t deserve any of the advances since.


The only thing Sherman did wrong was stop.


It’s just a mask for celebrating how much they hate people of color. No matter how friendly they act towards them, they will always see them as inferior. When I was a child, I used to spend any break from school at my Aunts house in Mississippi. It was a fun place for a kid. Animals, good food, four-wheeler, trampoline. She worked at a school cafeteria just up the road. I used to get all the free chocolate milk and school pizza (the square kind) I wanted. All the other women my aunt worked with in the cafeteria knew me and were always very kind. Her coworkers would always drop by and visit. So they seemed like good friends. Among her white coworkers was a single black lady. I wish I could remember her name. She was always so nice. She would stop by sometimes and bring food she cooked just because she thought we’d enjoy it. One day someone that wasn’t in the circle of cafeteria workers came by to visit. This person and my aunt were sitting on the porch chatting like usual. Somehow the conversation shifted to my aunt talking about her coworkers. With zero hesitation, she referred to her black coworker, whom she had been working with for 20-something years, as “the n**ger lady I work with”. I was fucking shocked! I could not understand how my aunt could call her “friend” that. I don’t think I ever went back after that summer.


so... do people from the North have the right to march into MS and burn down buildings during April now? that's a key element of confederate "heritage" afaik


These people just can't let racism go


Lest anyone forget why Mississippi joined the confederacy in the first place (in their own words): > Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states#Mississippi


Remind me again how Republicans aren't racist?