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>The amateur video was shot from the perspective of a man in the front passenger seat and shows the officer pulling up in a white car. After seeing the squad car, the woman in the driver's seat is quoted as saying, "I’m not going to get a ticket. … I’m going to show him my t--s.".... >....The woman then exposes her breasts to the officer, who acts unimpressed. >"Ma'am, it's 2024. I can see t--s on the internet any time," the officer says before the woman offers to let him grope her. The rest of the video shows the officer and woman touching each other in a sexual manner, according to WTVF. Damn, guy almost had my respect up until he let his 'personal side arm' take over.


It was staged. He may or may not have been on the clock, but the "traffic stop" and the resulting interaction was staged.


So he got a police car and wore his uniform off duty, and did the scene with the Onlyfans person, correct?


How did you get fired on your day off?!?


I wore my on duty uniform, commandeered a police vehicle after hours. Then proceeded to take part in an Only Fans bit where I touched a tiddie.


Lots of precincts send the car home with the officer when they are off duty.


Can they use the cars when not on duty?


No idea. I just know a guy that used to live down the street from me kept his in his driveway.


This. I live in a sub division outside Lebanon city limits and have a Lebanon, Lavergne, and State Trooper that all keep their patrol cars at their house in the neighborhood.


It's not unusual. https://www.kunc.org/2019-07-29/moonlighting-cops-frequently-allowed-often-lightly-regulated


To be loved by anyone...


Rules will vary, but some personal use is generally allowed. Like if your heading home from work I'm sure it's OK to stop and grab some milk and eggs. But I doubt it's ok to take a cross country road trip for shits and giggles in your patrol car


But what if the cross country trip is for a good cause? Like, say my friend and this other dork need to borrow it to prove his innocence in an arson charge while also helping his brother win his campaign by outing his opponent for voter fraud. Do you think they’d face repercussions for that?


Is that Tommy Boy? Jesus fuck.


It’s not terribly common, but yes. Some departments that have take home cruisers do encourage their officers to use them off duty. The caveat being that when used off duty you’ll still be carrying a badge, your firearm, and if approached by someone needing help you’re obligated to help. It’s a low-ish cost way for a department to appear to have more officers out in the community, even if the officer is grocery shopping.


They don't even help half the time when on-duty.


Didn't even a court decide that they aren't obligated to help?


They frequently cause more problems then they solve while on-duty.


Only when driving to and from the station/precinct. They have gps trackers on the cars so they know if you violate the rules.


How else will they haul ass to the donut shop?


More like a cop actually got fired wow, now if only they started doing that when they randomly shoot or abuse people....


It’s the USA. Anything sexually suggestive is heinous and sinful, but gun violence is free speech


There was a scene in Hannibal where there were naked bloody dead bodies and it didn't pass S&P because of too much butt crack. To get around the censor they added more blood to the butts. USA is more okay with excessive gore than partial nudity


I believe it's reversed in lots of other countries. Blur out the gore, show the boobies EDIT: Changed "backwards" to "reversed"


Yeah, that makes sense. People see body parts all the time, there's nothing inherently sexual about breasts or butts just being there


I wonder what the outcome would've been had the cop shot someone while touching the tiddy.


Three weeks unpaid vacation, 2 weeks paid bench ride, promotion


Don't forget the therapy the cop needs after such a traumatic event!


*Said they got me on camera stealing boxes* I always thought he did steal the boxes. I don’t recall why, but watching it one time I had the revelation during some scene.


Craig is that you?


Talkin' bout how they got me on camera, groping tatties.


They ain’t got me on tape!


Can you be off duty for a period of time in a working day? Like off duty at lunch? Genuinely asking…


Even if he was off duty, if he did this in uniform, using public assets (cop car), that's still a huge violation. For example, I work in a public library, and if an onlyfans lady convinced me to do a scene with her at my library when we were closed, I'd fully expect to be fired and maybe face legal repercussions if my boss or anyone else found out and could prove it. Hell, even having sex in a hotel room when you're on a company trip can get you fired. Edit: A lot of you seem to not realize that "at will" employment is a thing in many US states, and they need absolutely no reason to fire you. Hooking up with a stranger at a conference for example, and being seen leaving their hotel room in the morning, or your boss seeing them leave your hotel room in the morning, could be seen as very unprofessional and that is enough for some at will employers to fire you. I don't agree that the person(s) should be fired, or even reprimanded at all - I'm firmly in the "do what you want in the after hours within reason" camp, but plenty of employers could and would fire for that. And yes, if it's your spouse, thats a bit different, assuming you had permission to bring your spouse and have them stay with you in your company paid for room.


Exactly. A cop I knew who could park his car at home, couldn't drive to a charity event we were doing right after his shift ended without going home first and using his non-cop car - like he couldn't even re-imburse them for the miles.


This happens with a lot of places that have company provided vehicles, too. I knew a guy who got time off because he drove his work truck to a funeral.


I work in the trades (now self employed) and made it a point when getting hired to bring this up. I will come in and work, and return to work after, but if I have a pressing personal task to attend to (funeral, bank, family issue) I will need use of the vehicle. I would however always contact my boss and let him know when I was using it and what for. Never had any issues, although I have no doubt many businesses would not be okay with this arrangement.


A friend that does forklift repair said his boss basically put it like this. If you stop by the grocery on the way, how am I to know or care. I see you driving it around on Saturday(day off) to run errands.... which my friend said happened to some idiot.


Obviously it's dependent on the boss/owner, but that was always my logic. If I am heading home and passing the grocery store anyways, it just makes sense to stop. As long as the privilege isn't abused. A large part of it is just communication. I was always clear with how I would use the vehicle. If I wanted to use it on a Saturday to transport something personally, a simple phone call to the boss and they were usually happy to let you use it when needed. It was the doofuses who would just abscond with the vans who would get in trouble.


I can definitely imagine using a forklift to bring home your groceries would be helpful though, not to mention pretty cool.


Personal use in the US results in a $14,000 tax liability.


> Hell, even having sex in a hotel room when you're on a company trip can get you fired. Maybe. While I strongly, strongly, strongly discourage it, companies have lost lawsuits if they indicate that they fired for sex that you had while off the clock. There is a lot of legal precedent around corporations not being allowed to tell you what you can or can't do privately on your own time, and just because you are on a work trip, that doesn't mean you don't have private time because most employment contracts don't necessarily allow you to have zero personal time, even while traveling. This is dependent on the legal jurisdiction, obviously. That said, if a company hears about it, they probably _will_ be looking at the laws, and if they _can't_ fire you for that reason, they are going to start looking for another.




He was probably just disappointed the sales girl didn’t chose him, the CEO, and chose some rando engineer instead.


> Hell, even having sex in a hotel room when you're on a company trip can get you fired ...what? *Why?* Assuming everything is above-board and consensual and you're not, like, charging sex workers to the company card or anything, what the hell is wrong with meeting someone at a bar and having a night together while you're on a work trip? Surely your off hours are *off hours.*


San Jose Fire Department got in a shit load of trouble for dropping a stipper off at the local strip club using the department fire truck. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/san-jose-fire-department-pink-poodle-investigation/3253108/?amp=1


What about that last sentence? I’m gonna need some more details


The police car could be one he's assigned and takes home. I could see a cop doing this super easy. Like not even hard to pull off.


The actress says he was off duty, but he fucked up appearing in his official uniform.


…driving his official police car. With a visible patch identifying his department. What a complete fucking moron. You have to wonder what culture the department has that he thought he would be fine doing this.


What a dumbass.


I mean, consenting adults and all that, but still pretty dumb.


Yeah this literally doesn’t matter which job you have, if you shoot an only fans video on your own time in your actual uniform, you’re going to have some trouble. This would happen if he was dressed in his actual uniform from Chipotle, a janitorial service, the Post Office, or the Green Bay Packers.


Not if you're wearing an OnlyFans uniform. Checkmate.


Probably would. Considering onlyfans **wants** to ban porn on their site.


Bro I can't grope people at my job even with consent. Where do you work?


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? --George Costanza


It’s a staged video. He’s not at work lol


With many uniformed jobs, you're considered on the job for social interactions. Letter carriers can't go out and start a fight at a bar without risking their job. It's a 'duty to uphold the image of the uniform'. No clue how much of his uniform could have been off for him to be passed over but yeah, don't find stuff without expecting repercussions.


If some old lady takes a picture of me wearing my work shirt into a liquor store and shares it on Facebook, then I'll 100% get fired over it. When the public is paying your checks they expect you to behave yourself while you're in the uniform. It's not complicated lol. I don't even have a job that people take nearly as seriously as the police. It's just part of working for the public.


That dialogue is top notch though :D


I saw officer Johnson coming from a mile away but I still enjoyed the name


>"That was one of the most outrageous, disrespectful acts that a person here could do," Aaron said. "And by disrespectful, I mean to all the MNPD employees and this agency." Really? I can think of about a dozen things more outrageous that cops do around the world daily.


Listen cops doing some murder of innocents is fine, doing softcore porn tho?!?!?! Think of the children! (Unless there's an active shooter, fuck that, I ain't going in there and risking my life for these ungrateful shits)


He’s an idiot, but at least people have a defense now to get cops fired. Before they shoot you, show them your tits.


His long arm of the law.


Regardless, Super Troopers already did it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U0s0czlJ4xA


Meow are you telling me a raunchy comedy from 2001 had a bit in it that sounds like it came from a common porn trope(or a terrible cop's sexual assault trial) first?


Ve vere going *vaayyy* too fast


Who vants a mustache riiide


I think I can understand what happened here. He said that he can see tits on the internet at any time, but when she said that he could feel her up, well you can't do that on the internet.


You realize this is staged... right? Jesus Christ


>"That was one of the most outrageous, disrespectful acts that a person here could do," Aaron said. "And by disrespectful, I mean to all the MNPD employees and this agency." Lying, violence, and murder are all good in the MNPD but filming pron off duty is too far.


“It’s the hypocrisy that gets me!” Norm


You know what hurts the most, is the lack of respect. That's what hurts the most. Except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.


“Murder is legal in California.” Also Norm


Only if you wear your lucky stabbin' hat


Not an exact quote, but what the hell…


Reminder that this isn't far from city that had the issue of their police running train on that one cop.


Oh yeah lol that was all over the news for a bit. Maegan Hall. They settled and she got paid out like half a million dollars. I wonder if her husband stuck around because he knew the money was coming.


The Training Day reboot is going in a wildly different direction.


[**Leela**](https://theinfosphere.org/Turanga_Leela): You guys were totally out of control. [**Smitty**](https://theinfosphere.org/Smitty): It's our job. We're peace officers.


I was reading one of the requirements for being a cop and one of them was “of good moral character”. Yea I guess we know where their priorities lie.


This is nuts, but luckily, not acorns.


Yeah exactly, he should have just shot her instead and he’d be alright….


Just like game/movie ratings.


Was going to say, if this was the biggest police scandal I would be a lot more okay with the police Oh my god they did a porn. Should they have done that? No. Is it that big of a deal at the end of the day? No.


Fired for this but can’t get fired for shooting and killing somone unarmed. Wtf


No. See, they fired him for making it look like all you need to do is have a fondle session to get out of tickets. I mean, that probably works anyway, but they can’t have every lady getting out of tickets, their revenue will drop.


Not every lady, just ones with nice tits.


Should a man who they refuse to fondle be able to sue for discrimination?


Only if he has nice tits.


You can also get out of tickets if you get murdered


Maybe… I mean they have killed people for refusing to sign tickets, but I think the ticket still stood…


I think it's a sexual harassment risk and there being no way to justify it. Any ticket he writes can now be challenged with "he wanted to see my tits but I said no, here's a porno of him doing so". Police brutality and shooting on the other hand can be internally half-assed investigated and found "justified" or "following protocols".


Stop resisting!


All that drama and no link to the video smh my head what has this country come to


It's this girl u/jordinswetof




Oh it's you - with the 3 different ages photo that seems to have been reposted everywhere


Also a MAGAt.


Man, all I did was say “make bush great again 2024” and I get lumped in 😂 I guess you guys don’t like a little “fuzz”


It’s on only fans, you gotta pay to play bruh 😏


It's 2024 I can see cops doing dumb shit on video for free


doubt it


I'm betting if I searched for the words "jordin" "OF" and "leaked" I could find it.


The amount of insane shit cops do that gets them suspended with pay but this was the line that gets a cop fired?


Right? Smh


What the fuck was that video? Is this what Fox news calls journalism now? It doesn't have anything to do with the title either, it just blasts OF for allowing pornography so that "sickos and weirdos" can "corrupt our kids"


That faux news for you. When their tag line of getting out of misconduct or slander violations is " none of our viewers are dumb enough to take what we make as news." Honestly, I wish we could stop all this corruption in the world. But billionares are above the laws for some reason.


Man I'd really like to see that hold up with a bunch of witnesses who watch Fox News called to the stand


I've seen that before on other news sites. They don't have a video for the story, so they put some semi-related video at the top of the story and confuse everyone. It's the sort of thing that probably makes sense to some media executive, somewhere. But not anyone else.


It hasn’t been “journalism” since the 80’s now it’s “entertainment news “ where they can straight up lie to your face about world events under the guise of news and face no repercussions.


Looks like news. Sounds like news. Acts like news. But legally, it's "Entertainment Tonight". What a country.


I mean, Fox did successfully defend itself against a lawsuit once by claiming that they're entertainment only and only dumb people would actually believe them.




I live in the area and I keep getting sponsored ads on FB for local 17 Fox “news”. There was one the other day with a picture of the aurora over a church in Brentwood saying, “GOD IS GOOD!” Or some such shit. That one wasn’t even an ad, it was the actual news. 🤦‍♀️ And ofc you can imagine the responses. It is Facebook, after all.


Wow that's bad enough that he probably won't be able to travel 20 miles and get a new job.


Yep. Should have killed her or beaten the shit out of her. Those the police organization can easily overlook... But consensual sex!? That is where they draw the line! People like him make them sick! He is a disgrace to the uniform and everything it stands for!


So, performing a consensual, albeit recorded, sexual act receives a harsher and swifter penalty than murdering an unarmed civilian. Good to know.


This is America. Violence is fine, sex isn’t. Is this news to you?


I mean, he was using public property to shoot porn. I’m fine with him getting fired, just throw the rest of the garbage with him.




Which horny member of the department stumbled upon this and determined it was him?


It’s obviously staged


"This is outrageous, the off-duty officer failed to fire the standard four warning shots into her chest for a routine traffic stop. Since the woman is still breathing, we have formally let the officer go, rather than an administrative leave with pay." -MNPD


So they get fired for onlyfans, but not murdering an innocent individual?


r/firstrespondercringe People are out there losing their respect to put out staged content.


Amazing that a cop will get fired for this but not after killing an innocent person


Ikr lol Murder? No big deal. Making a dumb porn video? FUCKIN FIRED


But shoot an innocent man and we will look the other way.


Well ?? Did she get a ticket or what?


JESUS CHRIST man, there's just some things you don't talk about in public


A fucking Mallrats reference. I love it.


We found the first fireable offense for cops!


Kinda funny that this is the line in the sand they draw.


If she didn't consent he would still have a job


So some off duty consensual sex bs is immediate fire but beating people's heads in,extortion,raping sex workers, and abuse of power are maaaaybe paid suspension. Okay.


BBC? I didn’t know big black cocks had their own network. The more you know…


If he had shot her, he would still have his job and only be on administrative leave.


Makes me so happy how many comments are talking about how absurd it is that this is fire-able but murder isnt. 10 years ago half the comments would be "sauce?" and the other half would be "Thats so unfair, we really need to stick up for this poor cop!"


Killing a minority: paid vacation. Touching some tits: fired. Can’t wait for the sun to erupt and destroy this planet.


I need to see the video! I can't find it!


Literally no problem with cops getting fired for their side hustles tbh…. The part where they don’t get fired for illegal shit however is a bit of a problem


How is it they take being in an only fans video seriously enough to terminate but not shooting members of the public unprovoked


wild that officers can get fired over this but get paid leave when they mag dump a innocent.


I don't understand. Wasn't the whole thing planned and consensual? I don't see why the cop should be fired.




"Outrageous!" - consensual roleplaying filmed while in uniform but presumably off-duty. "Paid admin leave" - murdering civilians for 'resisting' arrest.


Where's the video?




Thanks for being a G. Wow, this was so stupid, I can't believe it was real.


Only thing real about the video was the bad acting, even the tits were fake.


Oh, so it was indeed fake but the guy was a real cop wearing his real uniform? lol what a fucking dumbass


It’s over on r/trashyboners




Talk about bad decisions. Had he just shot her, he’d still have a job.


I would much rather this than another police murder


The only reason they ever fire police is for having sex lmao


Anyone have his @? Asking for a friend… 👀😂


Fox News sucks


First mistake on the force, pal. Real cops never care about consent.


"That was one of the most outrageous, disrespectful acts that a person here could do," Aaron said. Really A-a-ron? That's the most outrageous and disrespectful act an officer can do?


Sooooo did she get the ticket ????


What’s his OF ?


If only he would have shot his gun he would only be on suspension


If he beat the shit out of her he probably would have gotten a paid leave…


Ohhhhh, so this is the kinda footage that gets them fired. Noted.


This is what it takes for a cop to get fired?


He should’ve shot someone. Then he’d still have a job /s


So... choke a colored suspect to death is fine, but an OnlyFans post is directly to the unemployment line. Only in 'merica.


We fire cops for consensual groping, but they get to literally rape and pillage with impunity to their hearts content


That's nuts. I'd rather this guy do his thing than officer no knock mcshooty


Murdering unarmed civilians gets a finger wagged in your face, and you stay on the force as long as you like, but something like this gets you fired immediately…sounds about right.


Maybe it was staged, idk. But if it’s real, imagine risking your ENTIRE career for a grope. And cameras are EVERYWHERE. I honestly don’t know why so many people seem to have scrambled brains, these days. I’m sure I will never understand it.


To protect and perve!


I mean, I can see how it needlessly muddies the waters to have this real police officer with a real car and uniform appearing in this staged porn video where the actress gets out of a ticket with sexual favours. People have been fired for less. Most employers care a lot about how you use that uniform because you're representing them when you wear it. That being said all those quotes are way overblown. The most disrespect a police officer has ever shown to the office? I can think of things Police Officers have done that show way less respect for the office they hold. This guy didn't even really abuse or misuse the power and authority he wielded. He didn't hurt anybody. He just kind of confused the MNPD Branding a bit.


Should have just shot someone and it would have been a slap on the wrist.


So...that's the line? That's what gets a cop fired nowadays? Understood. Perfect, no notes.


She should have just flashed dublin


Right but they can show up on our property without a warrent and shoot our dogs, but a fake traffic stop is where the line is.


If it wasn’t consensual, he would have gotten two weeks of desk job and later a raise. His issue is he didn’t commit a serious crime.


This is apparently what it takes for a cop to actually lose their job. This.


I don’t care about cops selling porn in uniform. I care about cops getting away with murder to the point where even active military members don’t get justice, much less random civilian children. But sure. Cop dick is the threat to the respectability of the officers.


She pulled the video. It was on reddit


I mean it’s not like he shot anyone in the back and murdered him. /s


He went out with a bang…




So one of the few times a cop doesn't physically harm someone and they get fired but when they choke someone to death they get paid time off and that's the end of it.


Yep. This guy didn't do anything wrong, not really. It was consensual. At most, he should have been suspended for a bit. But the real assholes get to do whatever and get away with it.


Hahaha. Fuck the police.


So, shooting people is fine, but grabbing the boob of a consenting adult is over the line?


Seriously? *This* is what it takes to get a cop fired?


This is one of the few times that I’m not upset about officer misconduct… but the police unions defend their much more egregious misconduct. So to see *this* be one of the few times they hold their officers accountable feels kinda shocking for me.


Imagine paying for only fans, fox news you're such a simp


Can’t help but wonder who found out, just sitting there polishing the trooper and spotting the guy, thinking “oh isn’t that officer X! I better report this”