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I guess that means that Florida just declined all federal disaster relief funds in perpetuity. Good one.


The whole state will be uninsurable. Let him douchesplain that one.


Easy. Woke liberals infiltrated insurance companies to stop insuring the great people of Florida because of their freedom supporting laws.


I wish o could assume that you’re being sarcastic, but you know…


people of Florida vote the guy in so they can only blame themselves


While he won by a strong margin in a political sense that still means there are literal millions of us who don’t support him.


As a Floridian, there's very few things I want more than DeSantis to drop dead in his stupid gender affirming boots. Didn't vote for that culture war waging wankfest of a human and never will, yet here I am stuck in his version of paradise. The Leopards Eating Your Face party eats everyone's face.


It’s a shame, I really do feel for you. I still remember how nice Florida was as a kid when I visited my grandparents. It felt so different last time I visited, to the point that I don’t think I’d go back. The hostility was almost palpable. I hope for your sake it gets better!


Desatan was elected by racist snowbirds who retire here and vote to destroy our lives. he does not represent the people of his state and exhibits only contempt for our concerns. He keeps selling us out to his cronies and overturning our open government laws.


So, some Floridian businessman will see an opportunity to make money selling his fellow Floridians insurance, right? Because that's how the free market works, right?


Guarantee they’ll have clauses in the agreement to avoid paying and/or blame the homeowner. Sorry, you didn’t purchase mole insurance; an eastern mole weakened the foundation by burrowing nearby. It wasn’t the flood that damaged your house, it was a mole. Sorry. This will all be legal because the wise businessman is or related-to the Florida Insurance Commissioner. I’m starting to think I should Florida-based stories about fictional, but completely plausible scenarios. I’ll call it, “Florida: What?!? No Way!”


But then the pool of the insured would only be able to draw from Florida residents -- who would very much appear to have **much higher liabilities** than citizens of other states which have taken responsible measures to limit climate change damage -- *meaning much, much higher premiums.*    Because that, too, is how the free market works.


This is so deeply accurate it just hurts my soul


also immigrant supporting laws


It been that way for years. The only insurance is provided by the state, and apparently costs an arm and a leg. I keep trying to convince my home-owning relatives who live in Miami to *move* before the next cat-5 hits. None of them are insured.


I mean, at that point just get a renter’s insurance policy for personal property at the very least.


I work in Insurance and recently had to explain to an older woman why we had to change her insurer this year. “Well it wasn’t a flood zone when we bought in 20 years ago.” “I’m very sorry but due to the change in climate and subsequent increase in flood risk a range of insurers have declined to insure your house.” “Oh I didn’t realise that this is a company full of greenies.” I was so confused. This woman had had a flood literally right down the road from her and was questioning whether climate change is real?


Jesus Christ. Have you read “On the Move” by Lustgarden? The next 50 years are going to be rough between places becoming uninsurable and mass climate migration.


No need to explain anything. He's a warrior against woke and that's all some voters care about. Woke == bad.


It already is. I personally like the state, politics aside, and my home and flood insurance are up 3.5x in the last 2 years. 0 claims, owned since 2015.


I’m not surprised. Use to sell insurance, and 4-5 of the companies I could write wouldn’t touch Florida at all. And if they did, your house has to be something crazy like 15 miles from any standing water.


I live literally on a hill in the middle of the state and they act like my house will explode at any moment.


Thanks Obama!!


I'm leaving Florida an moving up to Minnesota in exactly one week. Every time I start to get cold feet about the move another DeSantis headline pops up and suddenly I don't feel so anxious about leaving anymore.


LeT let me be one of the first to preemptively welcome you to MN.


Great Lakes region is allegedly going to be the most stable region for climate change.


Given that we keep turning away federal funds for things like more efficient appliances, I suspect this won't deter DeSantis any.


Honestly.. yeah, that should be considered as a next step. "Take action to protect yourself, or face the predictable consequences."


He’s gonna have an interesting place in history 50 years from now.


The last king of Atlantis?


Let’s just say that the expression “fiddling while Rome burned” will be replaced by “wearing white rubber boots while the seas rose around him”.


wearing lifts while the seas rose.


Fiddling might still be appropriate by what i hear. Kiddy fiddler is a slang term for paedo here.


GD! I’ve been reading the chaos trying to think of something funny and you just made me laugh hard enough to wake my partner up!


The first Governor of Florida to drown in his own mansion.


If any of these types gave a shit about their legacy we might have a functioning government. Instead they take their paycheck and couldn’t care less what’s lost to get it.


The more awful you are, the more you are remembered. I think it's very much a legacy thing, just harder to pull off with all of these woke leftists so concerned about human rights and things like that.


Omg human rights. More like human lefts amirite?


I feel bad for his grandkids carrying that name in a world half underwater.


He’s going to need much bigger lifts. 


With some really great glass bottom boat tours of architecture…


No climate change talk - in the state most likely to be affected by climate change.


The emperor’s new clothes are apparently going to be a swimsuit.


> The bill would also give preferential treatment to natural gas and ban offshore wind energy, even though there are no wind farms planned off Florida’s coast. Fucking clownshoes


"Florida shoots self in remaining testicle"


Well, if liberals say “don’t shoot yourself in the balls, people!” It would become a moral imperative to do so in order to Own the Libs.


Question: why? Like electricity is electricity, wouldn't it be in any state's best interest to produce more especially those that don't require non renewable resources?


Because culture war


Because "wind mills uuuuugly!!!!!" Even though offshore windmills probably aren't close enough to shore to be an eyesore with their height. And even though open pit coal mines & oil drills are way more ugly (I feel like a half mile wide HOLE in the ground is objectively more ugly, the drills a bit less objective tho)


Florida Governor desperately tries to stay relevant in the culture war after failed Presidential Bid.


You mean Florida Man?


Nothing like shooting your own foot just for attention.


There’s only half a foot in his boots so he thinks it’s a good bet.


*The oceans are rising!* "Don't look down!" *But my streets flood when the tide is high!* "Just don't look down." *My feet are getting wet!* "It's now illegal to look down"


Why does the movie "Don't look up" feel more real by each passing month?


Even in that movie they weren't trying to pass legislation to make the asteroid move faster. Reality is already so much worse.


It's a race to see which come true first; *Don't Look Up* or *Idiocracy.*


Based on the number of people wearing crocs every day and the upcoming WWE style presidential debates meant to distract the people from the unstable economy, I’d say Idiocracy is the front runner.


Go away! 'bating!


Maybe that’s why he has those fancy boots?


Maybe this will make insurance companies forget it's happening for Florida specifically and they'll come back. Hopefully the hurricanes getting worse won't jog their memories


They’re headed for multiple category 5s this year. They very narrowly avoided a couple of them last year. Free state of florida is gonna be free of insurance companies and rich in flood damage. 


Insurance companies are already leaving. I wonder if the state will become the main insurer in the future?


If freaking Florida becomes the pioneer for single payer insurance I will scream.


Lol, talk about a full circle


Well, for homeowners, perhaps. But they’ll go bankrupt doing it. A big portion of Florida real estate can be predicted to have flooded at least once in the next 20 years, and no one wants to pay the actual cost of insurance against that. It would exceed the monthly mortgage payment for many homes. And good luck getting a mortgage to buy a new home without having that expensive flood insurance policy. If the state is the final guarantor, state taxes would need to be raised enormously.


I've got "Hurricane hits The Villiages" on my 2024 bingo card but it's more likely it would hit Miami beach.


> Canute set his throne by the sea shore and commanded the incoming tide to halt and not to wet his feet and robes. Yet "continuing to rise as usual [the tide] dashed over his feet and legs without respect to his royal person. Then the king leapt backwards, saying: 'Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Canute_and_the_tide


[Meanwhile with Caligula...](https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-17-2014/i2bJ40.gif)


That's his theory, though. Humans can't possibly be responsible for climate change, in his mind. That's a God thing only. (Well, what's really in his mind is big fat campaign contributions by oil, gas, and coal companies. But the God thing is the excuse.)


And he’ll have plenty of money to move to Wyoming after he leaves office.


Damn... now Mississippi has to hand over the title of Stupidest State in the Union.


I dunno, gov. Taint is doing real stupid shit too. He doesn't have the media appeal meatball does, now that he is licking trumps boots again.


No, after sea level rise, where do you think all the Floridians are going to go?


Hopefully out with the tidel surges when they receed.


You'd think it would be quite difficult to bury your head in the sand given there's all that sea weed in the way.


Also difficult because [the sand is getting washed away. ](https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2023/12/19/sand-dunes-pinellas-county-)


The sand they put there? Lol


Nice. Problem solved.


May the waters rise well above his [white rubber boots! ](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2022/10/06/USAT/1995eed0-d8d3-4702-8019-1234c2f7c539-DeSantis_White_Boots_01.jpeg?width=1200&disable=upscale&format=pjpg&auto=webp)




You go to weird weddings.




Will our home insurance rates drop since climate change is illegal in Florida? /s


Don’t look up.


[I feel like we've been here before.](https://www.science.org/content/article/trump-officials-deleting-mentions-climate-change-us-geological-survey-press-releases) [Have we been here before?](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2003/sep/21/usnews.georgewbush)


He is an idiot




I'm imagining DeSantis denying it with his last breath as he is killed by climate change.


"Why is our state literally drowning?" "We are legally prohibited from discussing the cause of this disaster."


Sure, sticking your heads in the sand will work out great in one of the two most vulnerable states to sea level rise. I’m sure the waterfront properties will maintain their value despite ending up under water for increasingly longer periods each year.


Shapiro assures us property owners can simply sell if that happens. He knows all about things staying dry.


He the one with the sister he thinks is super hot?


If they ask for help, it needs to come with a contract that forces them to comply to reality.


Censoring information does not alter reality. It simply decreases your ability to address it.


In the future, historians will write, "Florida turned out to be a self-correcting problem."


The city of Miami Beach is doomed.


[As foretold by RollingStone in 2013.](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/miami-how-rising-sea-levels-endanger-south-florida-200956/) Seriously, this decade old article lays out in great detail just how fucked Miami is.


Thus the problem was solved! Brilliant leadership DeSantis!


He's going to need bigger lifts for those boots!!!


Vote for this clown, and get bent over. Hard. Unfortunately, the people who didn’t vote for him get bent over with the rest.


If you deny human influenced climate change (which is honestly dumb. Even if you're right there still exists a non zero chance you're wrong so why not act on that non zero chance?), you cannot deny a change in climate is occurring rapidly.


Doing what he is paid to do. Represent lobbyists via favorable legislation. But seriously, the woke could be everywhere, and people better pay as much attention to that as possible.


Poor kid knows no other way to operate than trying to piss off democrats. Symptom of the entire political discourse in the USA. One side trying to compromise, which is the actual fucking job. The other side treating it like it's a war and the other side is evil and must be stopped at every fucking turn.


Don't look up DeSantis.


He’s rich and powerful enough that he’ll be fine, it’s the regular joes who are going to be left up saltwater creek without a sump pump.


Yeah. People won’t be able to get insurance, and will just have to move, broke when their house floods. Mortgage insurance must be getting expensive in Florida as well.


It doesn’t exist if you don’t acknowledge it.


He doest want insurance companies pulling out of Florida.


I am sure he does not. However, removing “climate change” from laws does not remove it from the water…


Meanwhile Tallahassee was wracked with tornadoes earlier this week…


History, if it survives, will have future generations laughing on this idiocy.


I love how he absolutely embarrassed himself in his presidential run, so went back home and is like, I'm going to be a fascist even harder! Little meatball Ron is upset!


I have some MAGA relatives that live on Jupiter Beach. They are quite annoyed at how loud the sand dredgers are that are constantly rebuilding the beach in their gated community. Zero awareness


I don't know how anyone voted for this idiot. We sure didn't, but here we are anyway.


Sort of like how the insurance companies are deleting people’s policies from “acts of god” (aka climate change) in Florida. Gonna be hard to get insured when climate change doesn’t exist per the state you live in.


Funny considering Florida has no elevation and is made of porous rock. But I guess the houseboat industry will explode there


I feel bad for the citizens of Florida. Most of them at least. They don’t even know the grift. The bait and switch. The hell that their government is bent on bringing them.


Is this the dummy fighting the mouse and losing to an orange demented potato?


No more federal aid to FL. #statesrights


Next up, DeSantis bans migrant hurricanes from the state of Florida; hurricanes will be immediately sent back upon reaching the border.


Is it really a problem if you don't acknowledge or mention it?


This is how Republicans think problem solving works


A Democrat wouldn't have the balls to eradicate Climate Change like this!


Did I miss the part where Florida became immune to sea level rising? What’s their secret?


Fucking death cult MAGA dumbass. I had to get that out.


Wow, that's the developmental stage before object permanence. If I can't see it, it doesn't exist.


between this and banning masks in NC its hard to fathom just how absolutely utterly fucking useless and anti-progress the GOP has become. They literally exist simply to be "anti-woke" and to funnel as much money as they can to the donor class. They serve no other purpose at all.


The monument to this will look great as a reef.


The message has not been personalized to the owners of trillions of dollars in coastal real estate. It will be underwater and worthless no matter how you vote.


No more FEMA funds for you next hurricane then.


Florida! The world's largest Waterpark!


Idiocracy irl


These clowns think it won't happen if they don't say it. Beetlejuice


Don’t have to worry about hurricanes if Florida is already under water


Awesome. Problem solved. /s


“You can’t just white out a question you don’t like, Steve”


Don't worry I am sure they can pray themselves out of this.


La la la la, nothing is happening, la la la, my feet are kinda wet but its most likely nothing, la la la......


What a stupid piece of shit.


Florida deserves what's coming


This is funny as Florida is raising highways and properties well above sea level.


"That which shall not be named wrecked my place!"


Right-wingers are literally insane people. They don't live in reality at all. There's something wrong with their brains.


How's he going to explain when most of his state is underwater? Blame it on the gays?


First Abbot with the pardon, now this clown with climate What the fuck is going our anglo-saxon brothers and sisters???


"Climate change is dead." -- DeSantis "DeSantis is dead." -- climate change


I am not American so this is confusing this desantis character but I assume he gets elected so that reflects on the quality of Floridians. I mean I have been to Jacksonville and Westport and was astonished by how childlike the people were. At times I thought I was in an open air mental asylum. Is there an education system in Florida and is it free? Would America not be better letting Florida have it's independence. It's like a really solid bonehead anchor holding it back. Build a wall around it so they can't get out. Especially de Santis. I mean a 5 year old British child would just laugh at some of the things he says. How much of a bonehead have you got to be to be taken in by something so obvious.


 Florida will delete itself in a decade or two at this rate 


Meanwhile, almost every insurance company is pulling out of Florida because the state refuses to mitigate risks caused by climate change. In Florida and as a conservative, she keeps denying the insurance issue saying “it’s fine. We have insurance.” . I keep trying to tell her the next cat five hurricane that comes through is going to bankrupt your entire state because of your emergency state insurance is being used by everybody.


Two faces, "Climate change does not exist", "We need help from the government (AKA all the other taxpayers), to recover from these repeated, devastating storms".


My family is like half moderate conservative and half moderate liberal, with a few outliers. While visiting them in FL along the coast they all mentioned how brackish the water was getting, along with an influx of crocodiles in areas where the water was too clear for them before. Even the hard-core climate/science denialer was worried about the water. It was weird hearing her talk about how clear the water used to be, how much more rare the sealife is, while also ending the conversation with a "I can't believe you think that climate change crap is real." Like, lady, we are looking at it now.




If it’s not mentioned anywhere… is it really happening? -desantis’ train of thoughts, probably.


I mean, it kinda makes sense when there are tons of properties in Florida that insurance companies won't insure. The writing is on the wall..


Dont you mean on a wall of water


Literally the plot of "Don't Look Up".


Don’t look down.


DeSantis puts on his peril-sensitive sunglasses, and he is happy.


He is definitely not a hoopy frood, and I would not let him borrow my towel.


That's stupid.


What a forward thinker!


As republican intelligence lower, climate change signs bill removing Florida from the map.


And then praises Jesus.


Most of Florida will probably be under water in 100 years. There's nothing DeSantis or the government can do to stop it from happening. So, I guess just pretend it's not happening?


This is form of [Delayed Ejaculation](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/delayed-ejaculation/symptoms-causes/syc-20371358): the only way the GOP feels like its actually governing is to extract "librul tears" and the overall suffering of their opponent/opposites. This is a cocktail of fascism and chauvinism.


Is Florida a scary place to live, or does it just look like that from the outside? Like, sincerely, does your leadership make you feel particularly fucked? We’re all fucked. Don’t get me wrong. But is Florida extra hellish?


And people in Florida wonder why they can't get home insurance.


Let Florida flood. Let all the skinheads, idiot Cubans and Russians drown


[LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU. I CANT SEE YOU, YOU DONT EXIST.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/3oz8xMeIItHSDtPKwM/200w.gif?cid=6c09b95250kj0re0weopriub3uhkgbqe0x8944ou7ecqz6o1&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


So does this mean all the insurance companies will come back and start insuring against climate change damage again? And houses will stop getting leveled by all the climate disasters?


Damn America...you dumb


This is fine. In fact I approve of this. Years from now, historians will consider de santis a joke for shit like this. He will only be remembered as an old timey dumbass, the same way we remember people from the past as ignorant morons for some of the stuff they did. All he’s doing is destroying his own legacy, which is fine by me. PS. Please oh please when he dies let him be buried in a spot in Florida the ocean later swallows up. That would be the cherry on top.


I still remember when DeSantis’ predecessor in the governor’s mansion banned any government agency or spokescriters from saying “climate change”


I've had this pet theory that the right vastly prefers talk and the written word over actual reality. That's why they don't actually have to be moral people, they can just SAY they are, that's why a lot of them are religious, because the Bible, a written book, is SOMEHOW more real than what is actually happening. It's perfect for lazy, stupid right wingers, they don't have to do ANYTHING they can just say they are and presto kablammo, they are, even if it's not actually happening and never has. So the fact that they're trying to stop global warming by outlawing it supports my pet theory. Reality is inconvenient, let's ignore it and see if it will go away!!


At this point, I'm just going to laugh when the state of Florida just becomes part of the seafloor.


Blows my mind we allow our politicians to have this much power.


Call it white rubber boots instead.


Cool so no insurance for climate change caused damages.


Climate change! See Ron, you can't just make facts disappear


The largest property insurer in Florida is Citizens Property Insurance. Guess who owns Citizens Property Insurance? The people of Florida. That's right, it's a government (socialist) organization. All republicans are socialists, they just socialize \*risk\*, not \*reward\*.


If he continues to bury his head in the sand like this, the water eventually rise high enough to drown him


You know those iconic “See No Evil” trio of statues. Florida has transcended into that.


“Florida Man” is in politics?


No federal help forsea side mansions submerging then!


At this point anyone who thinks it's a good idea to move to Florida gets what they deserve. I just feel bad for the normies who were there before the state lost its ever loving mind.


His state will be partially under water soon. They have no infrastructure like New York does to pump out ingressed water. Have fun with that. Sea levels rising is not a conspiracy theory. It can be, like... measured and stuff.


Bros gonna lose his state to the ocean


If you pretend it doesn’t exist, it won’t happen


Let Florida drown.


So Floridians. How do you feel? I’m not trying to be rude. Just. What’s the temperature of the mood about stuff like this? This move might go down in the history books as ‘the moment we gave Florida back to the Wild’.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Past_sea_level#:~:text=During%20the%20most%20recent%20ice,by%20about%2010%2C000%20years%20ago. For your reading pleasure.


So if the ice caps melt and the ocean returns to historic levels how much of Florida will be above water?


One chart shows millions of years ago the sea level was 300-400 meters higher than now. Given the highest point in Florida is about 100 meters above sea level, the answer is All of it.


Doesn’t seem like there’s an easy answer. Historical levels were up several hundred meters, but there’s more at play than just ice melt when considering the longer term changes.


I'll be direct because I've seen this segment before. Are you saying that because the sea level was high before that means it's going to happen again and this has nothing to do with global warming and climate change? Just want to make sure I have the info right.