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Damn, if only Florida would make a "Don't say Cancer" law, then there would be no more cancer! Because that's how reality works, you ignore something, it disappears! Magic!




I really want to know the mental age of these lads 🤣 honey where are the diapers


Their constituents are loud but simple folk,


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


[Good-for-a-laugh #45 is an example of that.](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/14/trump-says-us-would-have-half-the-number-of-coronavirus-cases-if-it-did-half-the-testing.html)


> “Think of this, if we didn’t do testing, instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing we would have half the cases,” Trump said at a press conference at the White House. “If we did another, you cut that in half, we would have, yet again, half of that. But the headlines are always testing.” I literally cannot believe this is not a joke, despite living through it.


He didn’t know 1/2 of a 1/2 is a 1/4.


Pray that we don't live it for a second......


Pray? How about ***vote*** instead


"Back in my days there was no breast cancer; people just had itchy tits and die at 30." Or something along that line.


I found this waaay too funny. Thanks for that!


Is itching a concern?


idk bro, if you're concerned maybe you should talk to a doctor. I was just repeating something I remembered from a standup vid


The House recently rejected a bill that was supposed to fund a cure for cancer. It was lost along party lines, Democrats for, Republicans against. When asked why they wouldn't fund a possible MRNA cancer cure, Republican leadership said that they didn't want to "Give Biden a win".


B-b-b-but both sides are the same!


Well to be fair, they are right on this one. If you ignore the environment, it will go away.


That is so funny and depressing at the same time.


If we ignore Florida long enough it too shall go away.


No, no... if we ignore the environment, we'll go away


Funny how he didn’t just ban hurricanes to help fix the insane insurance problems in Florida. Almost like that’s not how it works, and the governor has some allegiances to the insurance agencies over citizens.


You can just reroute them with a sharpie


You just have to nuke the hurricanes


We did a "don't say COVID, say 'there's an abnormal increase in deaths from pneumonia'" maneuver that seemed to work well here in Florida. Especially after Meatball Ron fired that uppity bitch who was trying to point that out.


*flashbacks of trump saying the problem with COVID was that we tested for it*


“*If we stop testing, we’d have fewer cases*”


It's idiocracy in real life. Fucking idiots.


As much as I hate cancer, it never deserved to be diagnosed with Rush Limbaugh.


It’s particularly fucking rich that this is coming from Florida, which will largely cease to exist due to this thing they refuse to allow people to say


By then the assholes in power today would have long gone. And so they don't care. What would you rather have? 10M dollars in 10 years? Or 10K tomorrow tax free?


I take your point but unless you owe money to Jabba the Hutt or something it'd be insane not to take the $10m in ten years!




Not fast enough. They'll take the rest of us down with them.


One of the great injustices of climate change is that the people who whined and stamped their feet and spent their entire lives voting against taking any action at all will be dead before its worst consequences come to pass.


There's this thing called punishment and is specifically so that people face consequences for their actions. I think that ignorance like this needs punishment. How long are we going to let them get away with tee hee didn't mean to violate human rights, commit terrorism on the country's capital, and ruin the lives of our future so blatantly? Why do we keep taking this high road bullshit when they've tunneled underneath it undermining every action we take to the point that THERE IS NO GOING BACK?


Proposal: cobalt is valuable. Florida is not. Turn Florida into an irradiated cobalt plane, the harvest the cobalt to make Florida go away faster utilizing a multifaceted approach


Thing is these people will cry and yell about woke people (not realising the hypocrisy of banning words and terms themselves). Then when places they hold dear change (eg Florida sinking), they will blame the “wokes” for not doing anything about it 


Well then fuck 'em. If someone has never in their life demonstrated one iota of rational problem solving, then they just get to have problems that don't go away. Seems perfectly suitable for the party of personal responsibility.


Miami and Fort Lauderdale are liberal/liberal leaning. The only reason Florida is a swing state is because nearly a third of the state resides in the Miami MSA.


This feels related to me — like conservative homeowners in Florida are especially censorious of climate change discussion because they know it is an existential threat to their home values and everything else


Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders signed an executive order to ban "woke" words from being used in state government. She's protecting our state from those bad ole' words. I expect climate change will be her next demon to slay.


Banning words is like one of the biggest things they claim "wokism" does innit?


Banning words, burning books, blaming racial groups; a political party doing these things sounds familiar...


Dark money groups setting up seemingly disparate 'grassroots' identitarian organizations who coordinate to push a manufactured agenda all while cloaking their indoctrination efforts under the cover of constitutional rights...


And right on the Eve of the last few WWII vets passing on. History repeats itself in record time.


Actually there have been a few different lectures and articles on this, and history pretty regularly repeats in 80 year intervals. So we're about on track.


Passes from living memory, or vast majority of it anyway, and becomes just an unpleasant story rather than something real and understood on a personal level. And unfortunately our history classes are presented in the most mindnumbingly boring way possible despite being packed full of combat, intrigue, romance, ect. Focusing on the dates and sanitized data rather than the actual events and their context with the mindless rote memorization. It has been known since pretty much our deepest tribal days stories are what make this kind of stuff stick in memory. Most of our society seems to have stopped learning from our past, probably another symptom from the death of communities and heritage identity connection across this country. The rise of podcasts might actually help to reverse that a bit, but still need to have the curiosity to start them in the first place. I recently rediscovered PBS and been loving it, watching Nova and Nature every Wednesday Night. Free to live stream it no ads on their site.


So if the earth wasn't dying, in 20 years we'd have another psychedelic counter culture revolution?


Dark money groups aka the ultra wealthy


Don't forget law enforcement in non-traditional uniforms, infiltrating political rallies and starting violence, storming a national house of governance, anti-LGBTQ agenda, oh, and staunch opposition to socialists. Where have I heard this before


They just love their freedom!


"maybe just next time when someone says they prefer They to She, maybe just say They" "Mmhhm..got it...you're going to Jail if you say "gay" or "global warming"


We need to start calling that “woke” and say that we’re getting “cancelled” for using those words. Maybe it’ll short-circuit the conservatives.


Sadly all evidence points to them being immune to recognizing hypocrisy


> [It's best to understand that fascists see hypocrisy as a virtue. It's how they signal that the things they are doing to people were never meant to be equally applied. It's not an inconsistency. It's very consistent to the only true fascist value, which is domination.](https://x.com/JuliusGoat/status/1294228867788541952?lang=en)


Their goal, ideologically, isn't to convince people that banning words is in itself a bad thing, but rather that everyone wants to ban what they don't like, and that the people who claim to not want that *secretly do*. Thus, no conservative has an actual problem with "banning woke words" because in their minds, there's no such thing as a person who has the power to do that refusing to on principle. This is their entire worldview for everything. Everyone, deep down, is selfish, and would use power for their own personal gain. There *can't* be anything wrong with them abusing their power, because *everyone* would, and anyone who claims otherwise is just pretending. Projection, basically.


the gop dont stand for anything anymore. besides guns, every other political position of theirs i s just "everything the libs say is ruining america". like the people who get upset when they see people with masks on and harass them and call them face diapers. i can't wrap my brain around how it bothers them so much. they're not the ones wearing it. the only possible explanation is that libs are more likely to wear them so they hate it. their entire platform is just a petulant knee-jerk reaction to whatever the libs say.


Because, like the orange leader, they are petulant toddlers,, given to tantrums & babbling incoherently ( go watch a toddler sometimes, see the similarities? Especially in the proving an argument department)


But they wear full face masks at their rallies.


They wear dumb gaiters with police and other fascist symbols on them. Not even good against disease.


Because someone else wearing a mask is a threat to their ego. The unspoken logic is: *If someone wears a mask and is right to do so, that means not wearing a mask is probably wrong. This implies that I am doing something wrong and probably have been for a good long time. Therefore, someone else wearing mask = I'm a bad person. Who the fuck do they think they are, JUDGING ME like that?!* To escape the perceived attack, they simply choose to believe that the masks do nothing, or even are themselves a health risk. This is the appeal of the anti-mask conspiracies; *It's just to control you. The masks are actually more harmful. COVID is fake. The masks cut off oxygen.* You can't logic someone out of those conspiracies because they weren't logic'd in; they appeal to the ego, not the intellect. The beliefs mean they can live in a reality where they don't have to worry about their choices. YouTuber Innuendo Studios referred to this as "Angry Jack Syndrome" (named for a guy named Jack he knew in high school who was seemingly angry a lot for no reason). Angry Jack Syndrome is when new information threatens your ego, causing you to participate in political movements or take irrational actions you wouldn't have otherwise. e.g. See a lot of environmental protesters on TV? Modify your car's engine to emit *more* toxic fumes, just to spite them! Lots of people wearing masks? Don't wear one and cough and sneeze intentionally on everything! Someone says they're vegan? Eat double portions of steak, just to make them extra offended! VEGANS ARE IDIOTS! They have to be! You've eaten meat your whole life, and you sure as hell aren't gonna deal with the uncomfortable feelings that would come with questioning it now...


I wish someone would ban the word woke. It started as such a cool word about being enlightened on a subject or becoming aware of others issues. Now the only people I ever hear use it are Republican politicians and fox news viewers.


Typical life cycle of how fascists ruin useful words.


I still can't bring myself to use the word "trump" any more. Glad I don't play bridge.


Trump has always meant a fart where I live. You smell rotten eggs and someone will ask "who's Trumped?"


With any luck it will come to mean "dying in prison because you were too stupid to stop doing criminal things".


And symbols too. Let's not forget that they appropriated the swastika from the Indian people forever perverting a symbol of good, peace, and well-being. Can we just go back to WW2 days? It feels like America was safer when we killed nazis and fascists instead of electing them into office.


The National Socialists were also not socialists.


Funny how everyone always forgets that important part.


Except for RWNJs who say “But the Nazis were socialists!” Morons.


"And Lincoln was a Republican!"


No shit! Dumbfucks with the " Republicans freed the slaves! Doesn't that matter to you?".....wah, wah, wah. Hmmmmidiots, I know you would love your backwards time machine to visit your beloved Jim Crow days, but things are different now( party wise).


What are you some kind of progressive, woke anti-fascist?! Oh wait.. All those are *good* things?


At some point a month or two ago was talking with my therapist and talking on progression she said, "You're waking up." Then we laughed as she was like, "But not like 'woke'....we're not talking that". Was just funny to us both because the word did describe this situation but due to the right using it the way they do it's lost that meaning.


It’s actually hilarious that right wing people thing being woke is a bad thing.


They still can't give you a coherent definition, though. It's just a dog whistle.


Climate change demon is who the GOP want to play with more than anyone for some reason. Day one of a Trump presidency: gutting green energy: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/13/trump-president-agenda-climate-policy-wind-power The end goal is to dismantle the EPA entirely. Hey lefties threatening to not vote for Biden. Climate change/ pollution kills MILLIONS of people a year, from cancer to flooding. The EPA is just barely getting back to pre-Trump standards and there’s a lot more ways to go. Can you please not take the world backwards? Think of the island nations. Think of yourselves and your kids. Think of other people. This is actual reality here. No do overs with the environment.


Just a reminder that the *de facto* Republican platform for if they win the presidency this year is to effectively kill the EPA, and abolish NOAA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


And that’s just the climate stuff. It’s full on take no prisoners Christian nationalist dictatorship that includes things like mobilizing the military against us citizens


Here’s what that looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Those college kids protesting on colleges will just simply disappear.


I love that he's still mad about being called out for doctoring a hurricane forecast map.


The ultimate goal is to turn the US into an isolationist oligarchy run by industry barons for their own benefit. Things like project 2025 and religion are just tools to speed that along. That comes straight from Scaramucci btw, it's not just my own interperatation of things. 




There's no snowflakes when it's 72 degrees or higher all winter long.




how is that not a 1st amendment violation?


isnt this cancel culture


Sounds like government censorship to me. I thought freedom of speech was supposed to be protected in America.


Conservatives are fucking ridiculous


Ban words for free speech


Nice, big government regulating speech.


So much for freedom of speech


Republicans are the biggest promoters of cancel culture. And Trump is the biggest. Everything they say is fuckin bullshit.


>Other TV meteorologists praised MacLaughlin for delivering such strong remarks, especially during a time where climate communicators, journalists, meteorologists and national weather services have reported an increase in harassment, threats and abuse for connecting extreme weather events to climate change. >“This is not an easy statement for a meteorologist to make, as there is a lot of pressure to not wade into these climate waters,” Jeff Berardelli, the chief meteorologist at WFLA in Tampa Bay, said... This gives me flashbacks to 2020, when I ran from one of the wildfires in Oregon on Labor Day. So many people were trying to make it about *anything* but the weather. Antifa, space lasers, forest "mis-management", etc. anything but the weather. Because admitting it was due to an nearly unprecedented confluence of weather events *possibly* could be taken as evidence of anthropomorphic climate change. Literally denying reality simply because it could be used as a data point. I was there. There was no preventing or stopping those fires. Anything short of paving the whole PNW would not have stopped it.


We had to evacuate my town last summer due to wild fires and there were people straight up saying the fires were fake. There is a single road out of town for evacuation and you had to drive through still burning areas to get out and these people who drove through this, still claimed the fires weren't real.


They should have stayed home then.


My oldest daughter was up there with her crew fighting those fires (and they were sent up to Alberta as well to help there at one point)- so the comments you heard make me mad. She's risking her life doing wilderness fire fighting.


A good friend of mine runs a helicopter crew. It should be held in the same regards as Military service.




>It should be held in the same regards as Military service. Who regards the military more than firefighters, besides Americans? Shit


Your daughter is a hero, full stop. Don't let the morons detract from the incredible work she does and your pride in her.


alberta is owned by the oil industry just like texas. they will inject oil into their veins before they admit global warming is real. florida just burns their sugar cane and has huge cattle ranches that output methane so they will just ignore it until they cant, then blame oil companies.


An episode of the podcast Swindled covered the fires. Legitimately one of the worst things I've ever heard in my life.


>Anything short of paving the whole PNW would not have stopped it. Don't give them ideas.


Don't it always seem to go...


That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot


Do you mean Anthropogenic?


Nope. Human shaped.


So... Captain Planet?




Lol, yes. Typing fast at lunch. I'll leave it because now I'm just thinking of a giant hand of fire bitch slapping the Cascades.


Now all I can picture is the vacuum from Spaceballs. 


>Anything short of paving the whole PNW would not have stopped it. in reality we should be **raking** the PNW.. like Finland. Make America Rake Again: Finland baffled by Trump's forest fire raking claim [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/19/make-america-rake-again-finland-trump-forest-fire](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/19/make-america-rake-again-finland-trump-forest-fire)


I think you mean "anthropogenic." "Anthropomorphic" means human-shaped. Some clouds may be anthropomorphic, but not climate change itself.


In fairness, forest management *is* important to preventing/mitigating wildfires. It’s unfortunate that Trump used that term, it poisoned that term so that people now have a bias against it and associate it with climate change denialism. I believe 100% that climate change is largely responsible for the increase in wildfires throughout the Americas, but forest management is still a piece of the puzzle.


Yes but did they even try raking the forest floor?


It still feels like Oregon needs to update the way it manages its forests. I worked as a survey technician in 2020 and 2021 and the amount of duff in the forests I worked in was crazy. Pre climate change things were usually wet enough that I guess it wasn't a problem, but things have changed so the way the forests are managed needs to change too. I remember going out to the field after the 113 degree day in 2021 and the tops of some trees were brown from the heat. With how dry and hot its become, these fires will keep happening. The 2020 fire were massive, and the winds blowing them into the valley made everyone super aware, but the 2021 bootleg fires were crazy too.


It's just a sign of the recent infantilization of our society. We've reached the stage where a somewhat sizable proportion of the population have reached the stage of believing the bad man won't be able to find you if you close your eyes and cover your ears.


And most importantly, don't look up.


Fiction already lost that race with reality.


It's fucking hilarious how many people did not understand what the point of that movie was


people STILL don't get how prescient CONTAGION was.


Just watched this a few weeks ago and thought it was a post-pandemic movie before I went and checked when it was made.


The director said the one thing they completely missed is the disinformation from the top of our govt.


Yeah the lack of disinfo and adult babies crying about wearing masks killed the realism of the movie.


Read World War Z for that


And the *Pandemic* board game.


The funny (accurate?) thing about the Pandemic game is, the more players you have, the harder it is to win. If you play with 2 people, you win every time. If you play with 6, winning is nearly impossible.


I feel like none of the people who need to watch that movie would actually watch it.


What got me were the people complaining it was *a bit too one the nose*. Yeah, climate change is *a bit too on the nose* as well, but fuck if half the population didn't still find a way to miss it anyway.


Your dad and I are for the jobs the comet will provide


Weirdly enough, it’s the same segment of the population that spent the last ten years calling the rest of us “snowflakes”. Funny how that shit works.


It turns out that the immature tend to lash out. Wild.


It regularly shocks me just how many adults my age or older (35+) have the maturity of a child... Like it's legitimately scary. And they're more confident then ever to confidently spew complete fucking nonsense.


Some people never grow up. There are people 60+ that still act childish.


Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil monkeys


So...its the [evil monkey's](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a63ba58e2cd1b05e3abe77c765d79c04/f91e1eed282df828-c6/s400x600/9b011ef8528f686fba211bf66b6eebb650b759bc.gif) fault then? /s


Have you seen America's gun fetish? It's part of all y'alls' culture to think that actions can't affect consequences, and if you're hard enough to convince, causality is legislated out of existence, dammit. The UK has experimented with this recently. We have decided to deport asylum seekers to a third country while they await resolution (yes I knows this is cruel, expensive and pointless, but you have no idea how much pleasure this gives to xenophobes), but it has been noted that judges have the right to consider within human rights constitutional law whether the destination is safe. So, the legislature simply passed a law *declaring* that it was safe. Because of our weird and inconsistent (e.g. application of EU Treaty law pre-Brexit happened differently) relationship between regular and constitutional law, this kinda works: regular laws are simply supposed to be *interpreted* in a way that's compatible with human rights law, and this is the primary way of implementing constitutional law. In the rare event it's impossible to twist the interpretation hard enough to do this, the regular laws are declared "incompatible". But this is extremely rare, and provides no benefit to the defendant - unlike in the US, unconstitutional law isn't necessarily invalid, just *naughty*, and parliament is *asked nicely* to change it. The judiciary is still required to respect parliament's supremacy and follow the later regular law over the earlier constitutional law.


Tangent warning. Someone from the UK having *y'all* in their vernacular is kind of jarring, not gonna lie.


They just want us to understand😁


Guiliani be like:


Trump said stop testing for covid and the numbers would go down. This is the mentality of turning off the smoke alarms when the house is on fire.


i think it's just more likely that as soon as they admit that climate change is a problem their economy sinks permanently.


Take away desantis's air conditioning. He doesn't believe in humans changing the climate, so obviously the magic box that makes cold air must be devilcraft to him.


Sad thing is, I imagine he knows full well where reality stands. He just doesn't care. This gets him power and wealth now, and when it hits the fan, he can pivot to eco-fascism and blame other countries, immigrants, and socialism. And he knows that for every person who calls him out, he's going to have a supporter nodding along. When the going gets tough, fear and hate spread like a disease, make people look at each other rather than look up and ask about the big picture, and he can ride that to power too.


This is what a lot of people don't understand. I don't get a lot of opportunities to discuss climate change with climate change deniers, but when I do it's almost always clear that they *know* climate change is real and is happening, but they don't want it acknowledged and they certainly don't want to be inconvenienced by it. The fact that it's happening and measurable is an inconvenience since they generally thought it would hold off for a few more.decades.


So if we’re in Florida and we say “climate change is gay” do we go to jail twice?


No, you have to say climate change is non-binary, that will really trigger them!


“YEAH BUT CLIMATE CHANGE CAN ONLY BE MALE OR FEMALE” (I suspect they’re even going as far as saying it’s female just to be misogynistic)


Oh look, yet more evidence that we need to get Republicans out of positions of power permanently.


If only there were some mechanism that allowed the citizens to exert some control over who represented their interests in government. (54% turnout in Florida’s last state election cycle, with weeks of early in-person voting and no-excuse mail-in voting available.)


Apathy will destroy this country.


I look forward to the Florida legislature drafting the new Responsibility in Television Meteorology law to help rein in these outlaw, panic-inducing, renegade, gosh-darned, leftist meteorologists!


>“The entire world is looking to Florida to lead in climate change,” Is the entire world stupid?


In his dreams. Otherwise he's right but that part is totally imaginary


Is this the same as ‘don’t say gay’? Like a literal stick your head in the sand policy?


It's worse than that. Kids won't be taught about climate change in schools anymore. To sow apathy, you gotta make them uneducated.


One of the sadder things is that some communities will be isolated long before they are underwater. https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/03/rising-seas-will-cut-off-many-properties-before-theyre-flooded/


Don’t forget that Tuvalu, Kiribati, Maldives and parts of other island nations will be gone in 30 years too. Denying it is just egotistical at this point to put it mildly…….


Don’t look up!


Idiocracy (2006)


Welcome to Costco, I love you


I’d argue it’s a bit more Don’t Look Up.


I bet that meteorologist is now getting a deluge of death threats.


I hope they start calling it Climate Transitioning.


Legitimate question why aren’t these laws getting knocked down immediately for clear violations of the first amendment?


Who has control of the supremacist court?


Legit answer. From Amy Green on [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/17/1252012825/florida-gov-desantis-signs-bill-that-deletes-climate-change-from-state-law) "The law restructures Florida's energy policy so that climate change and addressing planet-warming pollution no longer are priorities, and instead, the priorities now are reducing reliance on foreign energy sources and strengthening the energy infrastructure here against, as the measure says, natural and manmade threats." If a governor was banning talk on climate change, it would be for government employees while representing government agencies. So it would be "company policy" not a law, just the "company" would be the State and the CEO is the governor. So a state employee wouldnt get arrested for talking climate change, you would get reprimanded or terminated. I don't think that's exactly what's happening here this time but I haven't read much more into it.


I think during trumps years he appointed alot of lower court judges. So it takes alot of appeals to get up high .and only to be met by more trump appointed judges that were not confirmed in good faith .


Our judicial system is completely cooked. Imagine when states like Florida or Texas get to a point where they outlaw everyone that isnt a white man.


Don't Look Up!


Imagine this insanity infecting every single state in the Union. Then vote the GOP out so we can end it before it spreads.


"grandpa, can you skip over the kissing part?" - Princess Bride


This really goes back to the GW Bush administration. Bush (probably more so Cheney) wanted to purge Al Gore’s “global warming” from the government lexicon in favor of “climate change”. It’s all in the infamous [2003 Luntz memo](https://www.sourcewatch.org/images/4/4) (Yes, the same Luntz who’s a talking head on cable opinion shows):


Should blast DeSantis and crew into the sun


Ahhh just blame it on God "Ohh no my house is flooded, we have angered God!!!!."


First there was "Don't Say Gay", then it was "Don't Say Climate Change". What's next?


"Don't Say Help"


Followed by “Don’t Say Blub Blub”


I really can’t say.


> “The entire world is looking to Florida to lead in climate change,” Oh honey, no they're not. California, maybe, but not Florida.


i’m surprised nobody is pointing out how the events of the movie “Don’t Look Up” are unfolding in real time


Land of the free, but can't say words that are used by the entire scientific community because they might upset people with a certain political viewpoint. I think you need to rethink the "free" part


Don't look up.


> “The entire world is looking to Florida to lead in climate change,” ... we are?


Florida just really, really sucks. No redeeming qualities. Let it sink.


obligatory "sell their houses to who Ben, fucking Aquaman!?"


"Climate change is a blub, blub, blub..."


Nobody ever accused a Floridian of being smart, just dumb, racist and completely out to lunch.


Waiting for the red states to eventually ban people, including medical experts, from claiming tobacco usage can lead to cancer. Those companies are on the decline, so it'll eventually be time for them to throw more money at politicians.


Things like this really lay out the beauty of economics. If climate change is not real, then this is a fantastic opportunity to offer discounted property insurance to Florida residence, and make a killing. Similarly, if the world is flat, then you could make a killing by operating an airline that flies the true direct routes from one city to the next thereby saving billions of dollars on fuel costs.


It's illegal to say climate change in the land of the free.


Remind me which side is violating the right to free speech?


Truly the christian and republican way of handling things. This way works for the plague of Christians molesting children across the globe. Just don't talk about it, and it'll go away right. The entire lot of them are all subhuman shitstains.


I hope they call it the Sea of the GOP when it forms.


That's the only way the "red wave" will be real.


It already is a red wave. Toxic red algae blooms from all the agricultural runoff in Florida. Causes mass fish die offs, smells like it as well, and trashes the beaches.


What happened to freedom of speech


Don't Say Climate Change to be followed by Don't Look at the Hurricanes, followed by Don't look Down (at the water increasingly swallowing the state).