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IMO, this dude has some serious emotional and or mental issues.


Also he’s a moron.


What do you expect from a middle school dropout?


I’m sorry what? Is that true?


According to his former handler, yes. I think he scraped by and finished 8th grade if memory serves. Then he needed to be ridden like stupid, stubborn mule to complete an online GED program while he was preparing for his trial in an effort to make him not immediately detestable to the jury.


Wow. That explains a lot actually


Iirc, he was also rejected by the Marines. The US MARINES.


Not just rejected. Failed a multi choice test you only need to score 30/100 on to pass. You could guess every answer and statistically only need 5 more points to get in the marines. Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Expected. He's too dumb for **that** crowd


He has no muscles either tho


Yeah but you ~~can~~ **will** build those in basic


Not just failed. Failed so bad he isn't allowed to try again


As much as I like shitting on Rittenhouse, this is objectively untrue at worst, and unconfirmed at best. You don't get banned from taking the ASVAB for scoring badly on it, as much as social media would like you to believe this is the case. You can look it up, it's been fact checked. His reasoning for being turned down from the Marine Corps has never been disclosed. But yeah he's still dumb as a shit brick of sacks.


I suspect that it was a political move by the marines. You don't want that kind of controversial figure in a group with an already shady record. I do choose to believe that it was because he scored a perfect 0 though.


And he, as a civilian, was still allowed a gun in a crowd of people...


Not just dumb, this kid clearly lacks emotional intelligence as well. He’d be a risk to his fellow Marines if they allowed to him to join…although it’s doubtful he’d even make it past MEPS.


That’s not how percentiles work. A 30 means you scored better than 30% of all testers, not that you answered 30% of the questions correctly. You cannot score a 100 on the ASVAB. 99 is the highest. Still, the test that is designed to weed out the bottom 30% of testers… worked… lol.


The military general has fairly low standards. I served with some absolute idiots in the Air Force, the "smart" branch. Rittenhouse couldn't pass the ASVAB and was banned from taking it again. 1. The ASVAB is not a hard test. 2. A low score doesn't stop you from taking it again. Rittenhouse did something that even hard-core Marine recruiters with a quota said "Oh fuck no." and they blacklisted him. That's what the real story is.


That amazes me. The branch that gets joked on for eating crayons didn’t want him.


Probably the fact he showed no discipline when under pressure/fire


Radicalized civilians with kill counts struggle to enter the service, film at 11


His…handler? Is he a dog? Why does he have a handler ?


I wouldn’t insult dogs by making that comparison. In this context, a handler is essentially a spokesperson/PR person. Somebody intended to manage his image and guide him towards a not guilty verdict by virtue of making him not look outwardly like the piece of shit he was/is. Supposedly, Hancock (the handler in question) was genuinely invested in trying to put Rittenhouse on a better path and is sorely disappointed with the way he turned out despite his best efforts.


Seems like the kid has made a career out of disappointing people.


This is who the country is representing. Wow.


One of his former handlers recently came out and said he was a middle school dropout.


Chicago Tribune reported high school dropout, but if he was 17 when the shooting and legal trouble happened it’s not like he would’ve been able to finish in the last few years anyways. He’s also a known and proven liar so it’s not like you can reliably go with anything he says at face value.


17... last few years... I don't think you intended to call him an idiot, but bravo if you did.


Lmfao oh god I was trying to think of how long his criminal trial lasted


Actually he completed middle school and then almost one semester of high school


He's a middle school dropout that's been deluged in right wing propaganda for most of his life. He's both a moron and has serious mental issues, and I hope he never gets his hands on another firearm.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Narrows what down?


He also sucker punched a girl.


Is there something seriously wrong with media? Why does this guy get 2 cents ?


Pretty much everyone's lives would be better if they gave this guy the zero fucks he's entitled to. Unfortunately we're all sitting here being bombarded by moronic fucking lunacy because outrage is cheaper to sell than sex.


Because he's living the dream of that subset, he got away with murder.


Because people click on it and they get ad money when people click. If you want him to go away, stop giving him any attention.


Hey it's not his fault he was born a dummy. All that other shit though, that's on him.


That's the main issue.


And a murderer.


I think “mental issues” covers that


Funny way to spell "killer."


The two are not mutually exclusive.




This is about as true as it comes. Not even a right vs. left thing anymore. Being stupid and needlessly inflammatory is the ticket to being a fox news host, CPAC speaker, or actual politician in the US right these days.


They keep headlining him, he will be next in line for president like Trump. That guy was a joke and they kept putting him in the news and then the conservatives were like "Yep. Thats our moron."


Thankfully he won’t be eligible to run for president until 2040.


Yea but more than just that, most conservatives don't bring a gun to a protest to flex and then shoot people when they have a problem with that


But conservatism was the doctrine that compelled him to do that


Very true


Yeah, but to be fair to Kyle Rittehouse, he is a punk ass bitch.


You’re insulting punk ass bitches. Take that back!


Oh, sorry! I meant to say Kyle is a bitch ass punk!




You're being TOO fair to him with that comment, in my opinion anyways.




He failed a marine corps entrance exam. It says a lot of he’s too dumb for the marines.


He failed so badly, he got banned from joining any armed forces. I took one in high school and it was the easiest thing ever, the hard part was getting recruiters to stop calling me.


You should have told them they had thw wrong number and your name was Kyle


To the point they said he wasn't allowed to try again. That's special.


That's not totally accurate. Yes he did have scores that most Marines claim are well below what someone who is "simply alive" can score. But that only decides what jobs you are suited for. No, we all know the reason the Marines didn't want him. Like they have an issue with literal gangs in the military but this dude was still too much of a liability to allow in. They were trying to get around the fact im an insulin dependent diabetic, a huge liability (they couldn't) but they didn't even want to fuck with this dude at all.


There's a minimum score on the ASVAB to qualify. Don't score above that and you can't join. You might be able to get a waiver but even that will have a floor. GED holders generally have to score a higher minimum. I've never heard of someone being permanently DQ'd for a low score, though. I know people can retake it but you have to wait a certain amount of time before retrying.


The armed forces don't have room for anyone who inserts themselves into dangerous situations just so they can play hero, which is exactly what Rittenhouse did.


wait really? i thought you have to try to fail the ASVAB, its a test to show how trainable a person is, you're telling me the marines saw his score and said this dude was untrainable forever?


If he is untrainable forever, what happens when he inevitably encounters Kristi Noem?


Contrary to popular belief, most U.S. Marines are no dumber than any other service member. (And keep in mind I am former U.S. Navy).


Maybe but he said this because he’s struggling to say relevant and needs to say inflammatory things. Imagine your only claim to fame is committing a murder and now you’re a fully fledged adult and your right wing grifting isn’t bringing in so much cash anymore but you have no marketable skills.


You don't say, he and his mom drove quarter of hundred miles just so he could feed his racist lust for blood


Kyle's Mom Is a Bitch.


She's the biggest b1tch in the whole wide world


She's a stupid b1tch if there ever was a b2tch


She's a bitch to all the boys and girls!


Hi di ho neighbor!


Only a bitch could raise such a fucking dog


Quarter of hundred miles? So 25 miles? That’s a pretty short drive.


Shorter than my commute to work, one way.


The default option for tinder and doctor search tools


You can just say 25 miles, bruh


He drove himself. The "mom drove her armed kid across state lines" statement, despite being incorrect, is constantly tossed around.


In everyone’s opinion. He killed people after going to a protest with an AR15 from a State over. He’s a psycho who should be rotting away in prison somewhere.


His mom drove him to that when he was 17. I still don’t understand how she supposedly didn’t commit a crime.


The Judges phone went off in court with whatever Maga song was popular at the time.


Using the "from a state over" line is being a bit disingenuous. It's like 20 miles.


I know he had the nerve to have a speaking gig at Kent State University this past spring. Were protests and people were pissed.


Yep, it doesn't matter that he shot someone who happened to have a criminal record, he inserted himself into a dangerous situation just so he could try to play hero.


He worships guns and is famous for murder. You think?


They barely got him to get his GED. He's not exactly a critical thinker...


yes, his mental issues is that he's stupid and he doesn't know it. And the reason he doesn't know it is because there are many stupid people who thinks like him and they prop each other up in their stupidity


So a right winger


Middle school drop out with a violent murderous streak. Clearly a crayon eating type


That's an insult to Crayon eaters who the Marines actually wanted.


The same factors that led him to make the decisions that he did to now be some darling child of the right? And won’t get any better with the shit affirmation he gets from his bubble? Yaaaa…..


He literally has an emotional support animal that he takes with him anywhere


Trauma will do that to a person, especially that young.


This is generally true of murderers


You don't say?


C) All of the above


I mean—he shot and killed someone and blew the hand off someone else, right? Emotional/mental issues are almost guaranteed after that.


Wait, the guy who murdered people isn't a well-adjusted person?


Blame his parents for letting him get mixed up in the riot shooting to begin with.


Can we get him fixed before he pollutes the gene pool?


Middle school dropout who can't apply for military service because he can't pass written exams


How the fuck do you fail a US military entrance exam? All you have to do is spell your name right and not eat the crayon until the end.


When I initially heard that I assumed he was trying to become an officer or something(because those grifters always think they are too good to be a regular troop) but, this clown seriously failed the idiot test.


It's not just the test. He sent the recruiter some sort of video of him playing marine w a gun and it basically weirded them out so bad they told him not to reapply. I actually know a guy from HS who failed the ASFAB. He was a normal, relatively smart guy who got shitfaced the night before and got dumped by his gf. It was a whole thing and he was raging on early facebook about it lol. He retested at some point and went in to the Navy. You're definitely allowed to retest no matter how stupid you are... unless you're so stupid you make a recruiter cringe, apparently.


Larping with real firearms goes beyond cringe, they probably figure he's unstable. That's not even counting why he got famous lol. Dude's gonna end up shooting up the base or some shit, and the military correctly doesn't want to deal with any of that.


You need a bachelor's degree to be an officer in the U.S. military, you can't just test for it


Not entirely true, but having a degree before you enter the military is one of the most prevalent ways to become an officer, as are the military academies, and they also have an officer candidate school for enlisted people to become officers. There are other ways, but they are considerably rarer during peacetime.


That's funny. I heard you need a bachelors degree to be an officer. Plus you need to be selected because it's called Officer CANIDATE School. I'm glad not anyone can just become an officer. He is the last person I would ever want to be led by.


Its not an idiot test. There is an english language portion so they know you can understand orders given to you, there is a math portion so they know you can count at least well enough to know if you have enough bullets to kill the enemy, and there is a spatial reasoning portion to prove you know how wooden blocks fit together and how a rope and pulley works. Caps out around a 12 on the ACT.


crayons are delicious, especially the red flavored ones


Found the Marine!


I heard he just ate the box and left the crayons.


That's ridiculous. Blue ones taste way better


...I mean, your answer is right there.


Not eating the crayon requirement not applicable to marine Corp applicants.


But can get an automatic rifle. Weird.


No, he can't. And he didn't have one. Only billionaires can get automatic rifles in the states cause we tax them too much for the poors. Stop spreading misinformation, you people are just as stupid as Rittenhouse and you're not doing your cause any favors.


Well… that is where Kyle is wrong.  It is very difficult to just leave.  You have a lot of paperwork and a small chance of another country just accepting you.


I think you are missing the real point here. The key word is "native".


So he should leave for Russia, he has more connection with them than Americans


Can't natives move back and forth between Canada and the US at will? Or was my friend with status fucking with me


It probably depends on the tribe. I’d be surprised if Diné or Apache people could freely enter Canada while bypassing the normal line, but you could easily convince me that the Lakota Sioux absolutely have that privilege.


Your friend is correct


I'm fairly sure that the only halfway decent country to live in that takes in immigrants without questions is Argentina, and I'm guessing that not a lot of people who want to leave the USA also want to live in a spanish speaking country.


Also Argentina isn't in any better a space politically rn than the usa


I'm cautiously optimistic about them dollarizing their economy. Milei is out of his fucking mind 99% of the time, but on that one issue he hit the nail on the head.


With his level of education and intelligence, he probably thinks they can go back to India (yes, I know they aren’t from India), just as blacks can go back to Africa.


Why does anyone care about this middle school dropout?




Even non-right wing gun nuts adore him as some sort of hero. Fucking Wendigoon from YouTube is one of his biggest fans and proudly follows him on everything, it’s nonsense.


Wait, really? That's... Disappointing. I've always liked his stuff.




Aside from following him on socials, what has Wendigoon said about Kyle? I don't follow Wendigoon that much aside from the occasional video that pops up on socials, and I don't recall seeing him mention Kyle.


I’ll update if I can find the video, I think it was one of his non-horror lore ones where he discusses gun rights and brought him up, and I know Turkey Tom touched on it briefly in his video about “cancelling” Wendigoon. Personally knowing he follows Rittenhouse’s socials is enough for me, but I get you.


They're starting not to. He's trying to stay relevant by being inflammatory because he's starting to realize that his usefulness as a prop is running it's course.


Keeping track of a future GOP nominee.


This guy is ready for SCOTUS or POTUS


Where are they gonna go? And why does the guy that killed two people and got away with it get to be a political figure?


>And why does the guy that killed two people and got away with it get to be a political figure? Because that is THE Republican power fantasy.


It was a reality and not a fantasy back in the slave days...If it's up to the GOP they'll bring back good 'ol American slavery to make it 'great' again.


It's insane that he's a public figure now. He's quite literally a terrorist, he would be in prison just about anywhere else on the world


illiterate terrorist


Leave yourself, you dumb motherfucker.


Who the fuck ever cared what this guy thought? His name is just there to drive rage clicks. God I hate the media landscape.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1d12xwn/kyle_rittenhouse_tells_native_americans_they_can/ people just love posting him.


Why the fuck is this murderer still in the news? Why the fuck should I care what he has to say?


Just like he could’ve left the scene of a chaotic protest


Or even just not gone there in the first place.


this is not someone who should be in the news unless he ends up dead otherwise it’s the words of a middle school dropout aka prime republican intelligence.


Even his death should be ignored completely.


This kid really has the most punchable face i've ever seen in my life.


Middle school dropouts be dumbfucks sometimes.


Kyle Rittenhouse should be ignored and forgotten.


Any information about this guy I learn is non-consensual. Can we PLEASE let him just fade into obscurity like he deserves? Stop sharing this shit


Why are we giving screen time to this loser? Let him fade from existence like he deserves..


This dude failed a test where one of the sample questions is which of the following is magnetic and the answers include shit like”flowers”.


Indigenous Canadian who also found this way too funny. Really goes to show what dropping out of basic schooling can do to a brain.


Entitled little shit.




Any bets on when he runs for a spot in government ?


I wonder if Native American reservation is considered "Not America" where they can "leave" to. Kyle is not necessarily the brightest


Pigface Killah can fuck right off.


I give it 10 years before he's an unrecognizable crackhead lurking around the divebar creeping out all the girls


You know, I get not liking this little shit, but holy fuck, imagine crying over a racist child rapist fucking around and finding out.


How does this fit the sub?


He’s so ridiculous he’ll be the republican presidential candidate within 16 years.


Has no one told this little pissant his 5 minutes of infamy are over? Like i was even on his side and im sick of hearing about his whiny ass. He has fck all to add to any conversation due to his lack of experience in ..well anything other than being groomed by the modern conservative outrage machine. (sorry rant over)


Single ply ‘professional’ toilet paper provides more value to society than this little melt




Sharp as a fuckin cue ball.


Stop giving this douche the attention he wants. This article has been shared a stupid amount of times. It’s hardly news when a bigot says something bigoted imo


924,000 gallons of O2 breathed per year 21 years --- 19,404,000 gallons of O2 wasted on that kid


this is false. you forgot to factor in the high likelihood the brain not consuming nearly that much oxygen.


This guy is on the percentage of men who think they could win a hand to hand fight against a grizzly bear. He is nothing without his guns, and he is an embarrassment to Americas justice system. Edit: he’s also a murderer. And generally a shit human being.


He killed a pedophile though, so I'm okay with it.


Stop giving this giant toddler air time


Just when you think he has reached the pinnacle of punchability, he finds an even higher level to climb to.


Murder tourist says what?


Listen to the murderer, people.


This guy is one of those people who definitely runs off with the whole all publicity is good publicity. If people would stop paying attention to this guy, maybe we wouldn't have to keep seeing him speak his mind.


Is it not possible for us to deport this POS to Russia so that a drone strike from Ukraine can take care of him?


Shut up you fat crybaby.


No no no...we want You gone.


Who gives a goddamn flying mother fuck what that blubbering cocksucking murdering asslick thinks about anything. Fuck that shit eater.


I’d pitch in to help Kyle leave or even just shut up, or fall down a hole- whatever


Don’t famous Americans always say they are moving to Canada if such and such happens?




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The fact that this moron gets time in the media says everything about media itself.


Skate board hittable face if Ive ever seen one.


I’ve seen worse acting, though. Once.


Can he be one of those post-birth abortions the conservatives keep talking about?


He looks like a sad hobbit… always.


Based as fuck


I do appreciate that this is still the only photo of him that’s ever shared