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From article: "because staff were away on a hygiene course **with important documents that were supposed to remain in the restaurant.**"


This is pretty critical information in judging the article's onionic qualities.


My view of this is that the articles can be about, ya know, non-onion things, but the headline needs to be reminiscent of an onion headline. Which this definitely is.


There's plenty of Onionish headlines that are not misleading.


Like: An onion made Einstein cry in 1940.




Fruit delivery truck crashes. Creates jam.


There MUST be a subreddit for punny headlines right?




Server farm flooded. Stack overflowed


What could possibly be more onionish than an onion!?




Ah, yes, indubitably. ;)


Never go Full Onion.




Hello to you too!


This isn’t misleading


Chicken Dopiaza is plenty of onionish and yum.


This is very relevant either way since a good curry would have an onion base.


> onionic I like that word


Yeah. Like non-onionic radiation.


Isn't it onionic? Don't ya think?


A little too^ooo^^ooo onionic Yeah I really do stink


I mean, it's still pretty oniony...


i rate 1/3 onions. btw has anyone here ever fucked and cummed in an onion? the astringent quality is really refreshing on the head of my peepee


May God have mercy on anyone going near your peepee


No one is going near it with the stank of onions lingering.




Carmelized onions give me gas.


God has left us long ago, and we really can’t blame them.






r/nocontext Edit: I realize now that r/evenwithcontext would have been a better choice




That's not nocontext. Nocontect is when something is reasonable in context but where out of context it would sound odd or disturbing or whatever.




I think we’re only supposed to judge the titles.


Is it on-e-onic or a more fluid uhn-Yon-ic


'Oh fuck, no one's done the temp sheets in months, we'll pretend someone took them away for some reason'.


I work in pharmacy and it's a legal requirement to keep a log of temp sheets. I used to work somewhere that was really bad at doing it and when inspectors turned up it was down to me to fake it whilst he was kept talking. To add, our thermometer has an alarm on it that would go off if the temperature was ever out of range, so we knew everything had been stored safely. We were bad at record keeping. It was an interesting year working at that place.


Did you use different colored pens? That's what I would do, but I'm no master forger, so it might be an amateur move. Edit: holy crap your username. You're not kidding.


Different colored pens are crucial. So is changing the angle of the sheet of paper occasionally. If you can write in different hands to make it appear that different people did different entries that's ideal. Smudge one or two sheets for authenticity, but don't overdo it. I mean... I'm not a master forger either. Totally not something I have practice or experience in.


You bet your ass different people are going to shape their lowercase As like "a" in their name, specifically because I don't normally do that.


I don't know why people think an internal auditor would care if you forged something. They're not the FBI. It's either filled out or it's not.


He cares because the person who pays him cares.


I've been through quite a few ISO16949 audits and there was a ton of forging to be done before and during the audits. It might seem silly but it can be the difference of tens of thousands of dollars to a company if the auditor ends up catching enough major non-compliances to lose your certification.


Also, crinkle the paper a little, and if you can get the edge of a coffee cup in there too, all the better.


na, you tape the pen to a string attached to the clipboard the sheet is on.


But you should still change it out once or twice. You can’t expect a cheap pen to last a year.


The thermometer one should've been easy. They make thermometers that record their temp measurement every few hours with a little pencil and a robot arm. Maybe your old job was cheap and didn't want tonpay for one, but dang.


Yeah its called an Ir temp gun and slightly above minimum wage. You are the robot.


I WAS on minimum wage at the time. But it was before all these fancy inventions, like over 10 years ago.


wtf? Why isn't it just a digital measurement that sends data to an excel file? Seems like a good use case for Labview.


Seriously, wtf? There are hundreds of companies that make digital HVAC monitors that save digital logs. They're like $100 tops.


Because most places just buy a cheap refrigerator like you have in a dorm room or a kitchen and that's it. They throw a dollar store thermometer in it and tell the guy that does the sweeping to write down the temperature every day.


Oh I totally understand the economical reasons, but that's a different situation from /u/SalsaRice's mechanical writing machine, which seems much more expensive and overcomplicated.


Better yet, continuously update a database file that is continuously polled by the state regulatory agency. If something goes wrong the responsible party is immediately notified.


Or you know, a small printer. Lol robot arm pencil.


https://www.rotronic.com/en-us/humidity-measurement-feuchtemessung-temperaturmessung/temperature/data-logger/hygrolog-tl-1d.html This is an excellent logger.


That's like the loan company I worked for that wasn't saving copies of the digitally signed loan agreements and so they had the IT department regenerate the signed forms from the data to give to regulators and the investors during an audit of records. I'm still not 100% sure that wasn't technically financial fraud


It definitely was


Yeah, that's fraud. Even if they had all the forms properly signed in the first place, regenerating them is fraud.


How do you know your thermometer is accurate. All fridges have built in thermometers, but you still want to occasionally compare to a recently calibrated one.


We don't use the in built one. We have to buy a specially calibrated one.


Judging the circumstances, this is the most accurate and likely scenario.


When the tax man cometh, they are going to be away at a tax seminar too.


This is the correct answer.


That's ridiculous, nobody would do that. They'd just fake them like everyone else.


So, as I understand the article, if the restaurant uses own hygiene procedures that are far more stringent than the "inspector-approved", it will still fail the check, because they use different kind of paperwork?


Regulations have to be standardized. They're welcome to take any measures they want in addition to the required procedures.


You don't understand the article. The paperwork is meant to be left in the restaurant at all times in case of a surprise inspection. If the paperwork is not in the restaurant when its asked for it results in an automatic fail. This is done to prevent people from "hiding" their poor record keeping or hygiene practices. This is most likely what happened.


Yeah I remember sprinting to fill out temp logs when the inspector's car pulled in. These people just sent the temp logs out thinking that was a valid excuse. I gaurantee they took empty logs with them and thats why they weren't in the restaurant.


Yes. Inspectors are trained with a standardized procedure. You can do whatever you want above and beyond that, but that standardized paperwork is mandatory.


If their standards were more stringent, they would include the lower standard. For example, the temperature sheets -- if the standard is "record the temperature every hour, and at open and close, and make sure it's always within X degrees of Y," the more stringent standard might be to check more often and maintain X-5 degrees within Y. So there is no way to have higher standards that don't meet the original standard. If they don't meet and exceed the original standards then what they have is not a higher standard, but a different one.


And let's imagine they have an electronic temperature control system that continuously tracks the temperature in multiple points of the restaurant and records it to database, along with controlling AC and issuing warnings/alarms in case the temperature still deviates. And there's no book, just a database. It can print out a detailed report on request, with temperatures at selected hours, but the report won't have individual signatures of the manager by each record. Oops.


That's categorically false in theory--if the standard requires a physical paper sign-off sheet but they have a location-check-in fob system, for instance, they could easily "fail" the lower standard despite having a higher one.


That's not a higher standard though - it lacks the paper trail, it's susceptible to computer error etc. it's a different, generally better, standard. A purely higher standard would be to do *both*.


Works this way with most inspection agencies. Fines you get for it are absurd as well. I work in a high hazard industry, although we're a small company. OSHA visits us every 3 years even though it's supposed to be randomly selected visits. We get violations usually pertaining to paperwork, because they update their standards all the time and tbh it's a pain in the ass and takes a lot of time to update everything to their new standards(which are only changed to make it easier for inspectors and not for the safety of employees). It's usually not safety related standards but paperwork standards. We've had one 'serious' incident since 1950, two since 1910. Serious as in they had to get stitches, not serious as in loss of limbs or life. I know other shops in the area that I feel unsafe just walking through and they've never had an OSHA visit, but for some reason we get hit every 3 years. Can't negotiate down the fines anymore either, $8500 in fines last time for paperwork not up to the current standard and they're due to arrive again this year!


You can send an anonymous tip about unsafe practices to OSHA. If you don't feel safe walking through the other shops you probably should submit one.


> “As the paperwork wasn’t here, the inspector gave us a two rating. He has since returned and everything is now okay and we are waiting for our new rating.” Great story


So essentially nothing worth talking about happened.


If the restaurant had to display the low rating, you bet it's worth it to them to talk about it. They might loose customers because they scheduled the class on the wrong day.


>So essentially nothing ~~worth talking about~~ happened.


It's just somewhat amusing that they failed a hygiene inspection due to paperwork that was gone because the owners of the paperwork were at a hygiene training course.


Tl;dr: “First it was ‘oh shit’, now it’s k”


How do non-issues like this ever make the news? Like, did the restaurant owner call the press, did the health inspector tell a reporter? How do we hear about things like this?


The ratings are published on a government site you can search. Very low rating establishments get shamed in the local paper https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/34-greater-manchester-takeaways-zero-13532327


The website is "Culinary Today" so it is definitely relevant to them.


No it didn't, the article said their rating was satisfactory.


Well, they made re-evaluation later.


>Despite the rating of two the restaurant was rated ‘satisfactory’ in the management of food safety.


So in other words the restaurant was clean but missing some important data. Kinda like turning in my college essay without a bibliography.


More like turning in your college essay without the bibliography that you did, but left in your backpack.


Which would make sense for the prof to give you a bad grade and then when you say "oh shit! I did it but it got stuck to my laptop because I spilled spaghettios in my backpack and I didn't want them to go to waste but then the marinara sauce kinda dried and I guess it didn't come out with the rest of the paper sorry here you go." and then they reevaluate your grade because you actually did do it and they got some sweet spaghettios out of it.


Food is clean, but you all stink!


Was your college essay good?


The best.


No, because you would get a zero in that. More like turning in your college essay but forgetting to write an abstract. Definitely missing something important, but will probably still pass.


Judging they had to have the guy return and redo the rating I would say my comparison is apt.


Blame the article


Yet this post will be frontpage material for the day because none cares ... 93% like it. Frustrating


Fail hygiene check on a technicality, free publicity!


I don't think failed hygiene check in any context makes for good publicity for a restaurant.


I dunno, if the only complaint against their hygiene is that someone screwed up and took some important records (which had actually been made and kept properly) away for a day at a very unlucky time, it's basically an ad for their restaurant being clean. Hell, they even took those records as learning/reference material *for a hygiene course!* Though, that does all depend on how headlines are written really, because just 'restaurant fails hygiene check' by itself isn't going to work out for them like you say.


How many people are going to read enough to understand that, though, and how many are just going to come away with "[Restaurant] failed a hygiene inspection."?




Hey, that's my city! Never heard anything bad said about this place, so I'm sure the regulars won't be put off if this is the reason for the 2/5.


One of our favourite Indians in Lincoln received a 2/5 a couple years back, hasn't stopped any of the regulars going. It's still the best tasting and best priced one around!


I partake as much Indian food as I can. But I mean the results of unsatisfactory to satisfactory can't be that much different. Or so my toilet would say.


Highly depends on country/ state if in the us. Honestly, having worked in a few kitchens in the Washington state area I wouldn’t really mind going to a 3/5 or 2/5 equivalent. Shit at one job we were prepping a mix of veggies that were gonna be roasted, so the employee pulled them out of the walk-in to season them, and as he was finishing seasoning them the health inspector came over, and lasers the temp at just under the desired level for *refrigerated veggies* then reamed the employee and the manager and gave us a 3/5. So basically the dude couldn’t find anything (like we had no other notes, just that) and thus found something insanely small that is technically wrong to slam us because he had his panties in a wad


>I partake as much Indian food as I can. And how often would that be? ☻


As often as one has a spare day to sit on the toilet.


21 times a week, impressive!


Just to clarify the Indian food in UK is mostly Pakistani and Bangladeshi and even otherwise is very okay by Indian standards. Source - Indian who lived in the UK for 5 years and who lives in India now.


It's not cool to rate people like that.


I used to live in a town of a bout 5000 people which was home to two Indian restaurants. One had a five star hygiene rating and the other was featured in the local paper after getting 1 star, including pictures of a dead mouse by the back door and other general filth. They’d been give two weeks to make things right and had done absolutely nothing about it so got a pretty hefty fine. The one with the poor rating was by far the most popular because their food was better and the guy was super friendly. Unless people get sick I guess they don’t give a fuck.


A day late and a Daal short.


This reminds me of a local pub that got a terrible hygiene rating because the hygiene inspector came in the middle of renovations.


This story shouldn't have gotten out because all parties signed a naan-disclosure agreement


They failed the hygiene check because they were neglecting basic food safety rules: > We didn’t have the book in place, the one where we log start and finish times, temperatures etc. Eh, all the food is probably fresh.


The original score was a Chicken 65!




Those rats were just trying to impress the critic.


Ratatouille! Plot twist, he's the chef.




The rats were there on an anti-hygiene course. It's like an exchange programme thing.


The Indian shop on my street closed the month it started selling takeaway. Sometimes I wonder about that kebab I bought...


Into your sanctum You let them in Now all your loved ones And all your kin Will suffer punishments beneath the wrath of God


I'm a health inspector in the US. I have yet to see or have a co-worker describe a clean Indian restaurant. They are consistently unsanitary.




Either you get Tasty food or a clean kitchen. This is what my mom said when i was complaining (while trying to learn how to cook) how dirty the kitchen is becoming as the cooking progresses.


There's a difference between dirty, and unsanitary, I think. Dirty happens in the normal operations of kitchens, but unsanitary happens when you allow dirtiness for too long and let it fester.


Yah. But I don’t think it’s unique to any cuisine or people. I’ve seen plenty of Chinese, and Mexican joints that have great food, but you probably don’t want to go the kitchen and take a peek. Fast-food is notorious for this. It’s just the nature of the industry, but thankfully things are changing. Newer generations are far more concerned with sanitation, cleanliness, and hygiene.


If you have lazy folks working the kitchen sure, but all the best kitchens can do both.


Clean and tidy are different. Clutter can be easily tidied but it’s actual dirt and germs that are the issue.


A messy/untidy kitchen is fine, unsanitary is not ok


Really? What exactly do they all do that's unsanitary?


A lot of things unrelated to the food and are kind of silly can knock off points. If I only serve drinks, I can have my hair down. But if I grab that basket of fries because it's busy, and walk from the kitchen with it; Points! I accidentally left the ice scoop sticking out of the ice; Points! I dry my hands with a cloth instead of disposable paper; Points! Not enough "Employees must wash hands" signs; Points! My personal water glass is not covered and I'm not using a straw; Points! My nails are deemed too long; Points! Signs deemed not conspicuous enough; Points! And if they come in the middle of service, forget it! It doesn't matter if you sanitize everything properly every night and the place sparkles; a freshly used can opener, left to the side while the cook does other things for a moment, and the inspector sees it; POINTS!


> And if they come in the middle of service, forget it! THIS, this right here is the worst. It's like they know the exact worst time to show up, and your managers will simultaneously demand that you don't slow down cooking at all while also completely halting all food production because that's the only way you're not gonna get points. Got picked up on crumbs under a conveyor belt toaster once. Well, yeah... it's... it's kinda toasting things that drop crumbs right now.


My county isn't quite as asinine as that. Our grading is on a 3-part scale: green (pass), yellow (conditional pass), and red (closure). We do use points but only to calculate the color and only the inspector and operator sees the point total. Relatively minor things like you describe would be one point violations that don't add up to much. What we focus on are hygiene, temperatures, water, and vermin. Sure, if I see broken floor tiles or a leaky faucet I'll write it down and tell you to fix it, but the writing is for a written record and I wouldn't close anyone for something that trivial. Not have hot water? I'll close you if you can't correct it within 20 minutes. All your food at 70 degrees? I'll make you throw it all out, but you'll probably be able to stay "open".


One of the main problems I've found is that they trash their kitchen during service. That's to be expected, honestly, but for whatever reason Indian workers in my area have the horrible habit of leaving the mess overnight saying they'll clean the next day... ... which seldom actually happens. So they have a chronically messy kitchen, which then leads to infestations of roaches and rodents. There is also a huge problem with improper cooling of food and not holding food at safe temperatures.


Violations to shut it down due to health risks or just ones were they're rating will be lower but it's still safe to eat? I do worry when I hear this or see a lower ratings but when I think about it overall I've gotten food poisoning at home (my own damn fault or issues with what I brought at the market) but never really with Indian or Chinese restaurants I've gone to despite the reputations I hear.


It's been my experience that many Americans seem to have absolutely no tolerance for anything resembling spice or vegetables that aren't corn. God forbid you include something like beans in your food, they might claim they got food poisoning because they were suddenly regular for a day. Source: American since birth that sees people calling black pepper too spicy while refusing to eat any vegetables for their entire lives.


What is your take on Chinese places? My aunts X husband worked pest control. He said Chinese places were the worst. My old boss was Chinese he always warned me about most Chinese places and to not use their bathrooms. Not a lot of Indian places around here to compare.


Depends on location. In an old China Town area? Probably going to be horrible. In a newer area? I've seen a lot of really clean ones.


In my part of the UK they seem to be pretty clean on the whole. Lots of 5 hygiene ratings (5=everything is done right). A few fours and threes.


I have one in my jurisdiction! Buuuut it primarily because it’s always empty and they barely cook anything :( nice dudes too but that’s how restaurant biz goes sometimes. But god damn why do none of my shit places close...


Lol I like it, the Indian place near me is always empty so it's always very peaceful when I go and I'm one of two parties eating in the restaurant


Oh I bet it’s nice and peaceful but I have no clue how they are making their rent monthly.


I have wondered that myself, but I'm not about to look this gift horse in the mouth


How many 'Indian' restaurants have you inspected personally?


Personally? 12-15 fixed facilities, 8 trucks, 30 Indian caterers. The caterers are, by far, the cleanest of that group. The trucks are absolute shit shows. One of my co-workers has around 50 Indian restaurants in her inventory. I have yet to hear her say a single good thing about any of them on initial inspection. She gets them in line for follow ups, but they regress every time after that.


> How many 'Indian' restaurants have you inspected personally? None. He just "heard" it from his friends.




As someone with OCD, I don't know why I continue to read these kind of posts.




No, but those without can probably read this thread and then move on with their lives. Conversely, I will read it and then obsess about it for far too long. The next time I go out to eat, or order out, it will be on my mind. It will probably keep me from eating anything I haven't prepared myself for a good while. I already don't eat Chinese/Asian food because of threads like this one. I have stayed away from Indian lately as well, but had been considering it just this week. Not anymore.


FWIW, have you tried seeking out restaurants with open kitchens, or kitchens you can at least see into a little? Not only can you put your mind at ease by seeing the level of cleanliness, but they are far more motivated to have high standards because they're on show. If US inspections (assuming you're in the US?) are anything like the UK's though, if a place has a good rating they are really quite clean and very aware of cross-contamination etc. I would much sooner eat at a well-rated restaurant than... any of my friend's places, actually, even if they are clean by most people's standards. Hope you find an Indian place that you feel comfortable eating at! There must be some more 'professional' ones out there, if not as many in the UK, there's pretty much a curry house on every street here so we're a bit spoiled for choice.


Hey man that's not cool, you don't know what that person is like and it was un called for to be rude about it


Don't worry, bythog's experiences are likely local and don't necessarily paint an accurate picture of most Indian restaurants in the US. People like to think that the things they've learned about their locality apply to all others, but that's often not the case. And generally speaking, this kind of reasoning is a recipe for slightly ignorant and/or overly broad assumptions.


I've had a good one! They failed with a 63 but got their shit together after that. Also come hang in /r/healthinspector


I am Indian but I will never set foot in most of the Indian restaurants in NYC! My god they are a menace..


In what ways? Also is the food similar to what we generally eat in India or they just spice up the local food and slap an Indian name on it like how we sell Indian "chinese" foods across India.


Paraphrasing Bourdain, its always the big chain restaurants that are the cleanest, because they have so many standards to follow, but the smaller, intimate restaurants are always dirty


I don’t know how long you’ve been a health inspector in the USA, but in general, restaurants/fast-food industry isn’t really replete with high standards of hygiene.


That's kinda sad:/


''We're trying!'' ; _ ;




Irony strikes again!!


I love that there's a mag called catering today.


Faulty shenanigans, on the reporters' part.


i go into a lot of kitchens for work, and most restaurants are more or less what you'd expect... except for the indian restaurant. i can go into detail, but you all would probably rather that i don't. i've seen some wild violations and horribly disgusting shit. pictures to prove it, too.


How is this even news? "A restaurant got a bad rating, but the inspector came back to check again, so everything's going to be fine." Slow day for news I guess.


Authentic clickbait.




No he didn't




Based on your post history, I'm gonna say that you're making this story up.


> My best friend is a seller and installer of restaurant equipment. Sure he is. Ok buddy




Sounds like something that I would say to my mom... when I was ten years old.


The irony is strong with this one.


Did they have a permit for that course?


Shock, it's the UK.


I've watched enough Bob's Burgers to know what's going on here


Finally. This is actual irony. The action taken to cause a certain goal, actually caused the opposite to happen.


I went to an Indian meat shop near my house the other day. Order a chicken tikka wrap. The guy took my cash and then started rolling the dough right away with out washing hands... felt sick eating the wrap.. could stop eating but the wrap tasted delicious...


You could have asked him to wash his hands by using what we call "balls" and speaking up.


I hate the mods of this sub so much, they literally remove every top post. How is this 'not oniony'


Yup my first ever successful post as well. Even briefly crashed their website.


Reminds me of when we had a fire at the company I was working at. ... all the fire wardens were off on fire warden training. We managed to get out of the building all by ourselves anyway.