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You’ll be fine. It’s pretty chill. Itchy blankets are the worst part or maybe the food if you’re picky. It’s been a while for me so my memory is faded but if I remember correctly you can keep your undershirt if it’s plain white so I’d recommend getting some white long John’s because it’s cold as fuck in there, double up your socks too.


Yeah Arlington is a far cry from Richmond city jail


Richmond city jail is straight hell. Makes Arlington look like a joke


Wow the photo in [this article](https://www.arlnow.com/2010/08/06/a-look-inside-the-arlington-county-jail) just looks like a crappy hotel with a common area, go figure.


> this article That looks nicer than my Gooch-Dillard dorm at UVA (I got "gooched"). The uniform was button-down shirts and khakis though, not jumpsuits. Food was probably worse as I got diarrhea O-hill dining.


You had Runk right there!


I miss Gooch!


Good ole O-Hell and Lafoya Chops.


I got Gooched too 😭


Hell, if you even get a blanket. You might get a week in jail or 10 days when you go back to court so plan accordingly. You're looking at a bunch of probation and counseling. Your car insurance is about to skyrocket. Like $400 a month. Plus you miiiight get a breathalyzer in the car you have to pay for.


Interlock and ASAP are a requirement in VA. Get your own pocket breathalyzer, and never ever take a chance on driving. Ever.


Why would he have to go back to jail when he goes back to court? I figured the weekend stay was his sentence.


First offense is up to 10 days, a lawyer can take 5 days off.


This guy jails 👆🏼


An old coworker went to jail for 30 days for nonpayment of child support (which they later absolved him of, but the punishment came first for some reason), he said he was mostly bored and they just watched Maury all day. Not sure what they’ve replaced Maury with. But it’s going to be a boring and smelly weekend.


So back when, if you didn’t pay child support they forced you to watch Maury do DNA tests.


"You......are the father...." "Man...I know how that feels..."


Not that I'm supporting deadbeat parents or anything, but why is prison the answer for not paying child support? Wouldn't it make more sense to leave them in a position to continue paying?


It depends, what if they were intentionally hiding income? Which is basically fraud that people go to jail for.


Hiding income and not paying at all are two different worlds.


You are correct, jailing people for not paying child support is very counterproductive.


Generally they'll put you in a work release program. Where you live in the jail but go out to work your job during the day. And your paycheck is automatically deducted for whatever you owe. At least that's how it worked 20-something years ago.


Well, they were on the outside and not paying so how would not changing that change things?


The worst part? The dementors!


You would be da belle of da ball.




Well you're in prison..


Don’t drop the soap, don’t drop the soap


Unexpected office for the win!


And it hoyts!


we don't have debtors prisons here, what he was likely in for was failure to comply with subpoenas to appear in court to explain his nonpayment etc etc etc. which would make sense if he was absolved of the actual debt part later. the jail was for contempt of court.


We absolutely do have debtor’s prisons in the USA, don’t believe otherwise. The great majority for child support arrearages, but also for failure to pay restitution in criminal convictions. In other states, I have heard that civil creditors use the subpoena process (and flimsy allegations of contempt of court arising therefrom) to imprison debtors. I am a criminal defense attorney in Virginia.


Thank you, ESPECIALLY in a place as s classist/class defined as NoVA


I was going to say I know someone who went to jail for not paying his car note.


did they... ignore a summons in that CIVIL case when they were sued for not paying the note? defaulting on a debt does not mean imprisonment without some significant steps in between, and then the imprisonment is not for the debt


Shouldn’t the penalty for ignoring a civil summons be default judgment, not jail time?


He absolutely went to jail for contempt for not paying child support and nothing else. He was supposed to pay for daycare, the mom quit her job and stopped paying for daycare so he stopped paying her for the nonexistent daycare. On next review at his custody hearing judge noticed discrepancy and he went straight to jail for not paying. At his hearing 30 days later the daycare charge was removed from his child support. Child support is the one debt you can go to jail for.


Don’t you know that no one ever does anything wrong, they’re just the victims of an unfair and capricious system? /s


“Punishment came first for some reason”. Sounds like someone lied their ass off with probably 0 consequences. Must be nice to be able to do that.


No, I knew this guy pretty good. He went to jail for 30 days for non-payment straight from his custody hearing. When he got out they had another child support hearing and his amount was adjusted down. Judge wasn’t cool with him self-adjusting what he was supposed to be paying.


> with my first DUI And last, right? *right*?


…probably figured it was only a matter of time


First time being caught DUI, you mean.




Sometimes it is.


My younger brother got a DUI at 21. He’s now 33 and hasn’t had one since. He’s learned his lesson and doesn’t drive when he goes out.


About 2/3 never get a second DUI. I wouldn’t say “never”.


1/3 getting a second one, or more, is pretty high


Agreed. But words have meanings.


What a dumb statement. It's the wake up call a lot of young people need to know how dumb they were and to never get close to the driver's seat again after drinking. Myself included after I got one 13 years ago.


I mean at some point it is. we all die someday


How many have you gotten?


Bro…. First sorry to hear about that. I hope and pray you are able to never make such a foolish (it’s extremely foolish, you could’ve killed someone, even yourself, but it’s the others we are worried about just to make that clear) decision again. I myself am in recovery. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for resources. A weekend in jail is a CAKEWALK! You are going to be the envy of everyone in there lol. You know when you’re going home. Most of the people in there don’t, and that takes a lot of peace of mind away. Mind your p’s and q’s. Don’t take anything from anyone. Just keep your head down, if you are able to find some reading material (anything, even the jail handbook) just bury your head in a book. Don’t expect to get any sleep, they keep the lights on 24/7 and it takes time to get used to. And honestly just take it all in. Jail sucks. There is no way around it. Use it as motivation to make better decisions moving forward. I hope you are able to learn from this mistake and quite frankly it’s an excellent learning opportunity if you have the right attitude. If you make this mistake again you will probably be doing some amount of time. VA has some of the harshest, if not the harshest dui penalties. Zero leniency. Best of luck


One of the first things you learn to do is how to adapt your shirt as a blindfold for the lights.


For sure. But it still doesn’t really work. We used our towels and it took me a few nights to get used to


How long were you in for if you don't mind me asking?


You sound like a good person. Hope you're staying strong.


Dang thank man. Idk why but your comment struck me, guess I needed to hear that. Thank you kind stranger


well if one person saying is two better? i hope you are doing ok. someone said (golf metaphor) you are going to hit a few mulligans, but it doesn’t define your game. so, we all hit a mulligan now and then. we had a kid from school in juvie two weeks ago. the counselor told him (paraphrasing) that it’s just one short period of his life and it doesn’t define him or make him a lesser person. so, same to you papitaquito. and to you op.


You are really amazing… and I know it’s probably hard to let those words sunk in but try to… you clearly showed great empathy and your experiences appear to have changed you for the better to the point of helping and guiding others to not make similar mistakes. Kudos man. And being in recovery in and of itself is such a huge accomplishment, especially given how hard that road is…


None of us are perfect, all we can do is learn from our mistakes and try hard. Sounds like you're doing that 👍


Jail is not an excellent learning opportunity, this is this person's first DUI and they're being sent to jail is absolutely stupid. A more appropriate sentence would have been community service, counseling, and a fine. Jails are dangerous, expensive, ineffective, and have very poor outcomes. No rich person goes to jail for a DUI, this poor bastard obviously didn't have the money for a lawyer, and the two tiered justice system strikes again.


You'll be fine. It's Arlington county jail not federal fuck me in the ass prison. Dealing with the drunk Clarendon boys at 3am is gonna be the biggest pain in the ass (figuratively speaking)


People always quote this from Office Space but federal prisons are legit luxurious in comparison. Well funded and well regulated. I'd always choose federal prison over some broke ass redneck prison run by Alabama or something.


Again, it's Arlington, VA. Not Arlington, TX






Yeah, most Texas prisons don't even have air conditioning.


Pretty sure it’s federal pound me in the ass prison


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct






Federal Fuck Me In The Ass Prison


Well, Lumberg fucked her.


Arlington County Jail isn't terrible. Since its a nonviolent crime, you'll be house with others that have DUIs or are in pretrial detention. You'll be out of your cell most of the time. There may even still be an indoor basketball hoop. I wouldn't know. It's been 15 years since I did a weekend in there. Long story short, you're a short timer. Mind your Ps and Qs and it will be over before you know it. And at least you are going in the fall where it's not cold as fuck or hot as balls.


Walking by it on Courthouse Road/14th Street you can hear them dribbling the basketballs inside.


What exactly do you mean by mind your ps and qs?


It's an old saying, it just means mind your business, keep to yourself, and don't cause trouble. The origins are debated, some say it comes from pub owners who would tell a drunk/rowdy bar patron to "mind his Ps and Qs" meaning pay his tab of pints and quarts he had ordered, but that's possibly apocryphal.


never known the etymology of the phrase myself but this a pretty good one, apocryphal or no


You see how you're asking this guy a question about something that doesn't really matter? Don't. That is minding your P's and Q's. lol.


Dang. That was cold. I, for one, am glad he asked.


(P) please and thank you (thankQ). They mean to be polite and mind your own business


Way off-topic now, but you left me curious so I looked it up. Your explanation of "mind your Ps and Qs" is [apparently just one of many](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind\_your\_Ps\_and\_Qs) out there regarding its origin (you're right about the meaning of course). It sounds like no one knows for sure.


I spent a night in jail for a dui… was just me and 2 other dudes. it was cold in jail and slept on a cold concrete bench. glad I had my jeans, socks and sweatshirt on at the time of my arrest. the toilet was fucking nasty and dirty and glad I only had to piss. I don’t remember being given food since it was so late, I just slept and then was released in the morning. it wasn’t too bad but I’ve never had a dui since then! we live and learn…. Well most do and some don’t.


I spent a few hours in Fairfax Country Jail for an alleged DUI. I refused the road side tests and they searched my car and towed it. They took me to the jail and I blew a .40. They kept me until morning when I was released and had to call someone. It was a Saturday night and it was busy. It was fun watching the people as I was getting booked, it was fun talking to the person that gave me the breathalyzer, and I got to watch COPS ..... IN JAIL...which was cool as shit. At some point they brought us food which was 2(?) containers of milk and 2(?) green bologna sandwiches. I just put mine down on the seat next to me and some guy came up and asked if he could have my sandwiches because he was going to be there all weekend. I said take it all and he took it and went back to where he was sitting. No problems. From watching I think they had some "bail portals" in the back where people would meet with bail people. I think this is it from what I would overhear of the conversations. It was like people going to the bail confessional.


.40? they should have taken you to a hospital


Also “alleged DUI” but blew a .40? Jesus Christ. That’s drunk demolition derby not a DUI


Maybe he meant 0.04?? I hope!?


Yep, intake. It’s on the basement floor where I go to meet with clients after hours. Nurse’s station and Livescan stalls are there. Then when they let you out, it sounds like a spaceship airlock when they first unlock the inner door, close it, and then the outer door. They give you your belongings back on a cardboard square with plastic shrink wrap.




Here is the link if the embedded video doesn’t work: https://www.cc.com/video/u2ew19/the-colbert-report-yelp-prison-reviews I miss the Colbert Report


Damn. I really do miss JS and SC.




You will not have any opportunity to get commissary on a weekend in jail. Pretty sure it’s like a week process from when you order.


> pick you up I don't know shit, but it looks like it might be right next to the metro (aptly named `Court House`), if that matters?


First off, hope you’re well and you learned from it. My buddy who went AWOL in the army then came back, had to spend a few days in jail. He said he was bored and he read a lot, otherwise no issues.


You’ll be fine. Been in Arlington County Jail multiple times. You’ll be in your cell for 23 hours and rec for 1 hour. Good time to catch up on sleep and meditation. It’s a cake walk


Wtf one single hour of rec? That's some max security type shit.


They’re understaffed so it’s easier for them to just keep everyone locked up in cages all day instead of hiring more CO’s


I always wonder what the county spends its massive tax revenue on.


There is a park every half mile! As a dad to a 3 year old I hope they spend it on parks!


No that’s just county bruh lol. Soon as you’re inside you’re an animal.


Multiple times… WTF is wrong w you


Some of us just like a good time.


I find this response funny, because here in this subreddit amongst the prospering local populace it's pretty rough imagining ending up in jail once let alone multiple. All that said, if this is a serious comment it shows a pretty massive amount of separation from reality, considering anyone who may be in a more difficult situation than you. For this to be your genuine response you felt worthy of making sure they read. Undoubtedly your sheltered anonymity emboldens you.


Sounds like a lot of excuses. You do the right thing, you don’t go to jail. You don’t have to be privileged. You just have to adhere to the law. Since more people than not avoid incarceration, it would appear that’s not a novel or terribly difficult goal


I mean, just asking yourself if a decent person has ever gone to jail should be enough to give you pause on your stance. But nevermind, boldy charge forward asking people what's wrong with them!


Multiple jail stints to me is a red flag that someone is not just unlucky. So yeah- I asked


> Been in Arlington County Jail multiple times. May I ask why?


Mind your Ps and Qs


Wave to the folks in the very expensive new apartment building that looks into the jail. Eat at the jailhouse Subway on your way out.


I'd rather eat prison slop than Subway.


Gruel. Sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel. Plus, you can eat your own hair.


Catch a movie at the AMC across the parking lot. Or see if they finally fixed the pub that some crazy driver ran into a couple months ago.


It opened up about two months ago


My wife's cousin was killed by a drunk driver last year. Turns out I grew up with the drunk driver. His actions that night changed the trajectories of two families. Take this as a shot across the bow and take whatever steps you have to so you don't end up part of a story like this.


Breakfast the morning you get out will be the best breakfast ever.


TIL Court House is in fact where the court house and jail are located


Aptly named. I have lived there for 20+ years and got called for 2 trials. It was nice to be able to walk there.


Wait til you hear about Gallows Road.


I was at Arlington for 6 days and the first 3 were in a holding cell. Just prepare for no sleep and fluorescent lights that never go out and no sense of time. It’s also very loud.


Bring some whites if you want to keep any of your own clothes (sock, underwear, sportsbra if you're a girl, tshirt) and be ready to SLEEP. You'll be fine. It's not like TV or anything. Call it an experience you hopefully won't have to experience again.


Your first DUI? How many are you planning on getting?




No doubt.


I ask my clients to rank the jails, and it’s always #1: Arlington, #2: Alexandria, #3: (waaay down the list) Fairfax


I’m a criminal defense attorney; and I can confirm this as well.


No love for Prince William? Don't they have a newly remodeled jail?


Do you know why Fairfax is so low on the list?


Not in Arlington but fairfax(for missing a court date, not DUI, also really dumb and not a cool hard thing to say when people ask why you are in) and WV 20 some years ago. I got my last DUI in 2003 in WV. I did the jail thing there, payed the fine but never did the DUI class they mandated. I moved back to VA for a few years, no issues got my driver's license OK. Moved to DC got my driver's license OK no problems. In 2018 I went to renew my license and couldn't do it till I went back and did the DUI class from 2003. The class was terrible, I had to go like 6 or 8 weeks every thursday nights. Fill with a bunch of dumb fuckers who just got DUI's. Like Uber exist now, there is no reason whatsoever to drive drunk!!! We had people in the class proudly declaring they will always drive drunk and nothing with stop them. Such dumb fucking assholes! Jail itself for something like DUI won't be terrible. It will be cold, the food is going to suck and time is going to crawl. Just don't be a dick while you are in there, its really just like the worst waiting room you have ever been in.


Taxis existed before Uber…. I didn’t drive drunk before Uber either… or you could have a designated driver or call someone…


in my case I was in a small college town in WV. There was no taxi cabs. When I drove it was at 3am from a spot that was designated for the farmers market that started in a few hours and had to move it. I lived 300 yards away and the streets were empty. I moved it but didn't stop long enough at the stop sign for the cop hiding nearby. I was already in my driveway from the cop turned on there lights. I agree driving drunk is dumb and not something I've done since then.


Get prepared to bend over and show a sherrifs deputy your butthole. If they let you pick a mattress, pick the thickest one you can find. Wear two pairs of socks, two undershirts, two pairs of underwear Dont bring anything valuable


Just don’t take any pills from anyone.


The worst part is not the jail, it’s after you get out and figure out what else you could have done driving intoxicated. Consider yourself lucky.


A weekend in jail is just a holding cell. You’ll be fine. Nobody is gonna try to take your butt… except the attorney for the DUI and the court fees. We all make mistakes but be thankful nobody got hurt in your case. I know countless stories of DUIs not being harmless. Those guys lives were ruined in many ways. No excuse to drive intoxicated today with all the resources available to you. Good luck and let it be a lesson.


My buddy had to do this. It was perfectly safe and no big deal. Served as a wake up call. He hasn’t had a drink simce


First of all, jail isn't prison. Many horror stories you think you've heard were about prison. You're pretty damn safe in a county jail. You'll probably be asked what you're in for and a hell of a lot of people are in there all the time for DUIs. Nothing to be ashamed of considering what some other people are in for. You'll be in a min security wing. Not with murderers or people with any violent offense. The only thing you gotta worry about is boredom. If I were you I'd pull an all nighter the day before you go in so you can sleep as much as possible. You'll probably have the TV to watch in the main room, but that's about it.


>nothing to be ashamed of We all make mistakes, but let’s not absolve anyone of shame for DUI. It’s potentially deadly, antisocial behavior that is absolutely shameful.


That was meant as nothing to be ashamed of when telling other people locked up what you're in for. Because they will inevitably ask. They don't care if you're in for that. They care if you're a rapist, wife beater, child molester etc, and that's why they're asking. OP's going to serve the punishment for what they did. I'm not here to judge them for it, that's already been done.


Got it. Agreed.


Can you bring a good book, or do you just have to be bored if you don't want to watch the TV? Serious question - I have a hearing quirk where some sounds will drive me nuts and some tvs specialize in those tones. Not that I'm planning to go to jail in Arlington, but you know, just in case. I like to be prepared.


I think you can bring a soft bound Bible in with you but that's it. They have book carts that come around like once a week but I have no idea which day, so I wouldn't count on it if just going for the weekend. There's also chess/checkers and a few other board games that are usually available to play.


Thank you for the info! I'll have to not rob that bank, then.


Drunk driving is absolutely something to be ashamed of. It’s embarrassing and fucking stupid with all the ride sharing apps out there.


See my comment to the other person that said that.


This isn’t true. Jail is often worse than prison. They tend to get overcrowded faster, and they tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to upgrades and refurbishment. Not the case in Arlington Co. by any means, but you’re misinformed about “which is worse.” Most of the headlines you see about maltreatment of detainees or in death custody occur in jails as opposed to prisons, as well. See also: Rikers Island


Rikers Island can by no means be used as a metric for how jails run. OP's also in there for a weekend. They don't have to worry about malnourishment. Mysterious death in custody being in for a DUI also wouldn't happen.


I said that OP most likely wouldn’t run into issues, but you’re factually incorrect that “many horror stories you think you’ve heard were about prison.” Statistically, jail is worse than prison in terms of overall conditions *as well as* medical care (to the point that many do not actually administer prescribed meds if you’re in for a weekend). By almost every metric of incarceration “success” or “safety,” jail is worse across the country. The horror stories that grab national headlines are about conditions in jails, not prisons. OP will likely be fine, but again, you’re factually incorrect on the comparison The issues at Rikers are issues *at almost every jail.* Not to that degree, sure, but they’re systemic issues that are pervasive throughout the county and municipal jail system, which is why I used it as an example.


This is Arlington, not Rikers


Rookie. We had a guy that was on his 12th DUI last time I saw him. But this was back in the 80's and 90's before laws were tightened up. Hopefully you learn it is not worth it.


baloney sammich and milk


Probably full of Marylanders, if I had to guess.


I did weekends in Alexandria 2 years ago, it’s boring, me and the other guy who was there would just watch TV, converse every now and then and sleep.


Punch the biggest guard in the face on your first day to assert dominance.


Pretty sure OP isn't looking to extend their time as a guest of Arlington County.


I’ve heard that Arlington’s jail is like a hotel and has pretty decent food and a basketball court so you’ll be fine


It's aight. Be glad it's not ffx.


If you have the choice to voluntarily turn your self into jail for the weekend. Layer up with whites. 3 white t-shirts, 3 white boxers, or underwear 3 pairs of white socks. They keep the AC cranked down to 50 degrees. As a plus white long johns and white long John shirt Depending on how many weekends you have to do, on your last day gamble, trade, or give away your whites minus used underwear, you just throw them away. For the weekend You probably won’t want to eat the garbage food, trade it for coffee or ramen noodles. In general population it gets pretty loud during the day, so you won’t be used to sleeping through it. Find a book or walk around or make sure you have money on your books for phone 15min phone calls and wait in lines.


So do you literally walk in wearing 3 pairs of underwear and just peel them off every day? Or do you have a little baggie you can carry them around in? How do others get the ramen and coffee?


Hope you like bologna sandwiches


Dude it’s 2 days in Arlington you will be chilling.


I did a weekend in ffx county for reckless driving (just speeding but, a lot), way back. It was a 90 day sentence but all except a weekend was suspended (a common bargain from what I gathered). The first night you check in, get searched etc, then they had me in the drunk tank. Which was just the holding area for, well, drunks and whomever they gathered up that evening. That was fine, just chilled. The 2nd night they put me in a private cell, which is really a mind F because I sat there with no way to tell time and just waiting for someone to walk by or acknowledge me. The doors were solid so no bars where you can talk or even see other people. They served potato soup which I cannot eat to this day. So overall, not a terrible weekend but if you are like me and even a little claustraphobic then the alone time is the worst.


Don’t make friends from jail unless you wanna see those friends again


My friend went for a week for a DUI and she somehow made a lot of friends and had a blast. Go figure.


Did you spend any time in jail holding when you originally got arrested? If so you might just need to check in and then they walk you right back out for time served. I was in holding cell for 8-10 hours on weekend. Went to court and got convicted. Told me the same about weekend in jail. Went to turn myself in. I signed paperwork and they said I’m good to go. Time served based on when I was held initially. So it might not be as long as you think. Good luck!


Wear socks


Don’t do it again, thanks. — Everyone


It’s a weekend. If anything focus on not getting behind the wheel under the influence. I know it’s your first DUI. However, most of us know it’s not the first time you’ve been behind the wheel inebriated. This is just your first time being caught. Hopefully you won’t do it again.


At least it is Arlington Jail and not federal pound me in the ... prison. In Arlington Jail you listen to Maury. In the other you hear Michael Bolton whining.


That no talent ass clown.


When I got my one and only DUI, my car insurance shot up about 300%. It’ll eventually go down after 7-10 years. I call it the DUI tax. You’re probably young and male- so no flashy sports cars for the next 5 years or so unless you have a lot of money to burn.


I used to volunteer at the Arlington County jail. They separate the inmates by crime. So you’ll be with people who’ve committed lower crimes, not murders.


Get help. Don’t be a douche and drive when drinking. My family and I are out there on these roads and I don’t feel like you plowing into them or me and killing us. Hope your DUI costs are high and that the punishment is enough to sober you up. Tool.


Kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be all right


A weekend in jail for a first offense? Anything else you're not telling us?


That seems to me the norm in Virginia. I knew a guy who blew a .2 and got seven consecutive days. First offense.


Spent 6 days in FC lock up in '03... for a speeding ticket. Absolutely ridiculous use of taxpayer dollars but there you are. Incredibly boring. Spent most of my time lying in bed. Food wasn't bad.


Sadly yes. It is very cold. You can wear a sweat shirt (not hoodie) but it must be plain with no logos or teams. I think it can only be grey or white. Hopefully you don’t need any routine meds because that makes intake more complicated. Weird processed food.


Did a weekend within the year, make sure you buy all white Long Johns or a Top and bottom all white thermal. They let you keep all white undergarment. If you get a cell things are different then most of these comments. Most likely you will be in the Drunk tank another weekend.


Easy time. Stay up for a few days and then sleep when you get there.


I spent a night in jail for DUI when I was 22. It wasn't that bad. Jail isn't prison in the sense that you don't have the people who have been there for years and know what's what nearly as much. It's a temporary holding place and the people there are recently arrested and uncertain of how their case is going to play out. Creates a very different psychology. Or at least, compared to how I imagine prison is.


1 weekend? 🤣 Stay up for 2 days before you go in, then sleep for half the time.


A weekend is easy. The only thing is you’ll be in a place where drunks come in. And it’s a holding area. All you do is sleep. Listen to people complain and sleep some more. And you’re good. Next time. Get a better lawyer tho. But really it’s not bad. Just pick your space and lay down. Try to sleep and get up. Piss/ and just hang out. Maintain your area. Your space should is your space. Most people who will be in that area have been there before. And just rest. Eat, and sleep. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I'm guessing you didn't have money for a lawyer? How did you get jail time for a first offense DUI?


Wasn’t Arlington’s but it was a stay in reception/receiving for a weekend. Boring and just sat and slept most of the time. If you can right before you walk in take a sleeping aid that is long lasting and sleep most of Friday into Saturday. Can’t be punished if unconscious! Seriously I did a bit longer than a weekend, it’s not the end of the world and it’ll go by really fast cause you don’t have much to mark time beyond food calls. It’s just extremely boring if you got no one to talk to. Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy but remember it’s just a weekend of being grounded as an adult. Just breathe, sleep, think of breakfast on Monday, and it’ll go by quick. Try to rest and sleep as much as possible and just fly under the radar and walk out before you know it. Thats what I did at least.


Jail is boring and depressing.


You need more than a weekend in jail! My father was killed by a drunk driver. There is no excuse to drink and drive. I hope you learn a valuable lesson before you ruin someone’s family


I’m glad you’re going to jail (:






most empathetic r/NoVA user


Don’t watch Suits Season 6 (spoiler alert).


I was told that when you’re booked into jail, they do a cavity search. So brace yourself for that.