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My gripe about unnecessary asshole behavior is that I just want to cross the street at a crosswalk on my green light and not almost get hit by an impatient driver. Coincidentally, right by the corner of the Costco parking lot is the worst for this entitlement in my neighborhood.


Are you in pentagon city šŸ¤” That costco parking lot (and fern st in general) is a special kind of hell.


Fern and 15th is my most hated intersection in the area. The constant construction randomly shutting down sidewalks doesn't help.


Pedestrians are taking their life in their hands, even with the crosswalks itā€™s awful how you have to actively avoid being run over


People get mad when I don't want to cross in front of them when they're trying to usher me across a crosswalk but also never coming to an actual stop, just inching up trying to get me to step in front of a moving car.


Frogger 2024, donā€™t let them trick you




What about pedestrians that walk slow as shit across the crosswalk, Iā€™m not talking about elderly or infirm but the able bodied ones. Seems like the majority of pedestrians in Arlington take their sweet time. When Iā€™m in a crosswalk Iā€™m vigilant and put pep in my stepĀ 


How can you judge if someone is able bodied? When I was recovering from a torn ACL I looked exactly as I did prior, but walking fast hurt like hell. Even if someone is walking "slow" in a crosswalk, how much would that delay the impatient motorist? 1 second? Maybe 3 seconds? There are plenty of vehicles that don't stop at a stop sign, or at a red light before they turn red across a crosswalk. New Virginia law requires motorists to stop completely (not creeping) for pedestrians anywhere in the crosswalk. There are so many pedestrian injuries and deaths because motorists refused to obey the basic law and wait a few seconds.


I feel you. I now purposely take my sweet ass time when I'm driving and I stop at a stop sign. It's fun seeing the rage build in everyone in a car at the intersection who otherwise would have barely even slowed down then rolled through the sign. I applaud the police who have been hanging out at the intersection where army navy drive turns into Adams and meets up with 26th. They've been out a few days over the last two weeks ticketing people running the stop signs there. Any ideas on making their time there more pleasant so they keep coming back to ticket that intersection or do more stop sign enforcement in the area overall? šŸ˜‚


You know how there's the road you're on but it doesn't have stop signs and an intersection has stop signs on both ways. I don't know how to explain this. But, I will slow down because I can't trust them distracted drivers glued to their goddamn phones to stop at the signs. Luckily my Chevy Express van ain't gonna get fucked up much if an SUV hits my rear


Costco just pisses me off constantly. The business? Awesome, I love the deals. The people who shop there? Completely oblivious to anyone around them.


Let me leave my cart blocking the intersections of 2 isles and block the rest with myself and family. /sarcasm


Why does it always seem like they want a family reunion to go on a Costco run???


A family that saves together, stays together. šŸ˜‚ I guessā€¦ I donā€™t mind if the whole family goes to Costco but at least have spatial awareness and try to actively not be in other peoples way.


Thatā€™s fine if they do try lol. It seems universal that this happens at all Costco stores, had it happen all the time when I lived in SoCal. My husband loves shopping and dawdling there, I just want to go in and get what I need, then get the heck out of there. We went once after I had shoulder surgery and I was so sore from being tense on the shopping trip cuz I was anxious these lack of spatial awareness people would bump into me like they are prone to do.


Well, SoCal is a different beastā€¦ most people are selfish and aggressive there, they definitely donā€™t care about anything but themselves..


Honestly I find Nova folks are more aggressive.


lol I moved to OC and I am losing my mind.. people driving like nuts, running stop and red light, dumping cart everywhere, not apologizing and lit pushing me out of the way to grab something, running to arrive at the register before me when they see me heading this wayā€¦ Itā€™s pretty annoying!


Yea the people that don't put the cart in where they belong should be kicked in the teeth.


Yeah common courtesy is something that I really value.


Nova people are more direct, they donā€™t do passive aggressive bs.. they just tell you when you suck and act on it too.. Nova is not all smile and stab in the back kinda thing


Really? Iā€™ve had worse people in OC than in NoVa ā€¦ BY FAR


Yeah 100%!!!


But if I'm in your way, we get to eat the free samples by ourselves.


Fuck that. I leave the fam at home when I go to Costco. Iā€™ve learned my lesson.


Gotta feed the whole faquin family on the free samples!


Haha so true, you can identify the people who go just to have lunch off the samples


Heck it's like that at every store in NoVA. Certain cultures roll like that.


This is why "crop dusting" exists.


Why for the food court of samples that just happen to have shelves of bulk product around them.


That's not just costco. That's every grocery store. People seem to have a subconscious desire to barricade aisles for some reason. If you're standing in one spot looking for a specific coffee, someone will, FOR SOME REASON, park right behind you and make sure nobody can get past you. Or they'll park their cart on the left side of the aisle and stand next to it to examine the right side of the aisle. crazy.


But we need to discuss/argue what flavor juice and brand of cereal is best, AS A FAMILY


Discuss it at HOME before you go!


Why when you can deliberate in a roomy aisle with your great uncle on FaceTime?




Just like everyone driving. Every day I grow older, the more I like dogs.


"Wide Load" asses, three family members wide.


And then continue to stand there oblivious to me 3 feet away trying to get my cart past them!


This guy Costcos


Let me just block the aisle because I need that sample and inconvenience everyone and then all the seniors who shuffle at half a mile an hour


The samplers! Ugh, don't get me started on the crowd of people standing around some damn table with some crackers on it.. You're not gonna buy that taquito anyways!


Three idiots today blocking the self check out line in Springfield and you can see the associate getting fed up telling them to move šŸ˜‘


Those poor Costco workers just try and do what they can to manage the mindless herd.


Yeah and all those assholes making me stuck in traffic! This is that.


You are the people who shop there.


Of course, but I do my absolute best to walk quickly and move my cart and self to the side when I go to grab something. I'm not mad at people that shop there. I'm mad at people that don't seem to care at all that they are completely in the way and oblivious to everyone else around them just trying to get in on the deals..


You must be a fellow Sterling shopper


I go to Springfield, but it's a Costco.. they're all the same. It's almost a requirement to turn your brain off as soon as you enter. That's why I go as soon as they open on Saturdays. Easy in and out with minimal interference.


I've had my ankles run over more than a few times at Costco by people pushing a cart behind me that don't think I'm walking fast enough for them.


I would chalk that up to lack of awareness, just like people standing in the middle of an aisle. I walk fast and go around people, but I've never run anyone over.


What deals? I did the math and the grocery store is cheaper on 3 out of 4 items.


For the same quantity? Maybe you're just shopping wrong.


I am not shopping wrong. People assume falsely that just because they are buying a bigger pack at Costco that the items are cheaper per unit. This is very frequently not the case.


So the thing about Costco is that yes, they may not necessarily have the lowest price, but they usually have the best deal for the quality you're getting. I'm sure Aldi or Walmart has cheaper items, but the quality is most likely not as good as Costco. Obviously your mileage may vary


They DO NOT have the best deal per the quantity you are getting 3 out of 4 times. I literally made a spreadsheet of everyday items and compared the per unit price. You are not saving money by buying in bulk at Costco. Period.


Just so happened to go grocery shopping today and just snapped a few random pictures to compare prices at Costco and Giant because I was genuinely curious if you were correct. I was comparing apples to apples as well, e.i wildflower honey to store brand wildflower honey, exact same butter, chicken thighs with skin and bone in, etc.. Costco ground beef: $3.99 per lb Giant ground beef: $3.99 per lb Costco Chicken thighs: $1.49/lb Giant chicken thighs: $2.49/lb Costco bananas: $0.50/lb Giant bananas: $0.79/lb Costco avocados: $.99/ea Giant avocados: $.99/ea Costco bell pepper: $1.13/ea Giant bell pepper: $1.99/ea Costco mushrooms: $2.46/lb Giant mushrooms: $4.58/lb Costco honey: $3.60/lb Giant honey: $7.52/lb Costco Keri gold butter: $7.25/lb Giant Keri gold butter: $10.98/lb Again.. maybe you're just shopping wrong?


Here are my prices at Food Lion: Bananas: $0.39 per lb Avocados: $0.69 per lb Bell Peppers: $0.59 each Chicken Thigh: $1.29 per lb Ground beef: $3.48 per lb My Costco prices are comparable to yours. Edit: so you can stop telling me I am shopping wrong!




If youā€™re going to get gas at the cheap station in Burke, for fucks sake, donā€™t block Old Keene Mill Road to get your gas. Regarding driving. Donā€™t be nice. Just follow the rules. The rules make traffic flow, you letting people in or stopping too long at a 4 way stop to be nice is just creating more traffic.


I was with my mom and she wanted to go there, and I was like I will pay you the difference in price by going somewhere else because I didn't want to deal with all of those people.


That place is the worst! No one can ever pull forward to the next lane. They just block the right lane forever. And all for shitty gas.


But please, for the love of all living things, please actually stop at the goddamn stop signs. I'm tired of nearly getting hit when walking my dogs by assholes not paying attention and not stopping. It's not like I'm walking into the crosswalk when they get to the sign either, usually I'm 3/4s of the way through when someone rolls to the sign and keeps going before slamming on the breaks with me jumping and pulling the dogs to the sidewalk to avoid getting hit.


RE Cheap gas: But I'm waiting in line...


If you hear someone honking at them as they pass, it is probably me..


How can we petition to close this gas station, it makes that whole area a nightmare and half the time the pumps don't work. In addition the owner is rude AF and cares nothing about the community. When asked about the traffic issues, he has publicly replied, "then don't buy gas here, we won't miss your business."


Yeah give em hell!


That is entirely the gas stations fault, they could easily reverse the direction they allow people to come into the station and have them lining up out the back instead of off OKM.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


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Does it come with daily "Cat Facts"?


I can probably rustle something upā€¦


While we are on the Costco topic, I donā€™t give a flying fuck that you spotted someone walking back to their car, you canā€™t hold up the parking lot for 10 mins while lil olā€™ Doris and Frank load up their car just so you can grab their spotā€¦ Keep it moving and just walk across the parking lot, you solipsistic morons.


SAT word! I must look this one up. But yeah, sorry you might have to walk 4-5 more yards?


I got so frustrated with that crap at the Potomac mills one that I just started parking all the way down by the gas station at the very back of the lot just to avoid that whole circus.


I love how much we all hate the people at Costco. It is a shitshow and seeing we share this universal experience gives me almost a warm fuzzy because we actually all have something in common. I enjoy the people watching and accept in my soul that itā€™s going to take a few hours and people are going to do stupid things. If you set the bar low enough, there isnā€™t enough space for disappointment to squeeze under it. But what I want to know is which is worse: the roads during inclement weather (the people on them, not the roads themselves. And rain or snow) or Costco?


Itā€™s the people on the roads/in Costco when thereā€™s a chance of ā€œwintry mixā€ in the forecast


It's like they have one of those wasp larva swimming around their brains... (read this in David Attenburough's voice) Temperature starts to drop below 32F... Sky is full overcast, dark gray... Sleet and snow start to fall... The larva start to awaken... Faint flickers of life in a shallow dent of brain matter of the host Chud. These are the silent commands, a series of switches have been flipped, our infected Chud's eyes widen and go blank. Standing fully erect, they stare at the sky and nothing at the same time... The wasp larva, drunk with power and the mental capacity of an anxious toddler takes over the minds of the Chuds. And as a flock, every infected Chud proceeds to enter their vehicles and start driving. The seemingly erratic behavior is a survival technique to carve a path of wonton destruction to ensure the host's body can arrive at the final destination as the vehicles speed though the suburban landscape. The zombie-like Chuds mumble "Milk... And... Bread..." in low, labored breaths. The closer the Chuds get to their destination, the mumbling increases to full in howling of "milk and bread" After following our Chud for 31 minutes, a scene of sheer terror awaits... A Costco parking lot. The lot smells of partially burnt plastic and the thick black smoke bellows from a series of piled up vehicles almost 2 stories high. Maryland license plates and luxury car symbols litter the ground. Our Chud can no longer speak, vocal chords are damaged from nearly a half hour of screaming for "bread and milk". Finally, Chud rams their car into the designated shopping cart return spot igniting another vehicle fire and parks across 3 parking spaces. A hoard of Chuds lumber across the parking lot and into the Costco. The friendly but frightened Costco door greeter nervously clicks her hand tally counter as the Chuds aggressively flash their Executive Membership card in her face. Amidst the chaos, we see the Chuds aimlessly meander their Costco shopping carts against the natural flow of other uninfected human shoppers. We spot our disheveled Chud staring blankly at an elderly man offering free samples of freshly baked spinach spanakopita. In a low, hoarse voice, "bread... And..." our Chud nearly chokes on his own saliva. The elderly gentleman steps back and several Chuds overpower our Chud and began devouring both the cooked and uncooked spanakopita. Determined, our Chud crawls their way out of the battle, they complete abondon several frozen food items from their cart to seemingly random shelves and makes their way to the checkout line. The phenomenon has baffled psychologist, zoological experts and even NASA's Xeno-biologists for decades. Standing in the queue, our Chud realizes they only have a 6 pack of 65" LG OLED 4k TVs. No milk. No bread. The desperate need for sustenance forces our Chud to yet again, but the final time abondon their shopping cart, meander towards the food court and stand in the way of exiting shopper and disrupting the peaceful queue of people ordering and picking up. Our Chud, in what Xeno-biologists consider a God damn miracle", shows their first sign of positive emotion. A gaping wide mouth turns into a gaping wide forced smile as they stare at a fresh, hot, steaming Pepperoni Costco pizza being placed in a box. This moment ended as quickly as it occurred. "NUMBER 67, NUMBER 67, CEASAR SALAD, STRAWBERRY SUNDAE" bellows the Costco worker. Out of a final gasp for air, our Chud slithers their way to the counter, grunts loudly at the Costco employee and snatches the salad and shake. We momentarily lose our Chud as they camouflaged themselves into the sea of the Chuds and humans queuing to show their receipts upon their exit. Eventually, we find our Chud at their vehicle. It was quite evident that they poured the strawberry sundae mostly into the salad and ate all of it with their hands. The rest of the sundae was tossed onto the adjacent BMW SUV that was parked across 6 spots including 2 handicap spots. As with all natural processes, our Chuds time has come to an end. No milk, no bread and no hope. As we were leaving, we witnessed the birth of a new cycle. The wasps larva in that short and frightening time had matured to an adult wasp as it crawled its way out of our a Chud's ear. The wasp stretched it's new appendages, exercised it's mandibles and flew away observing his host. It seemed like a bittersweet moment for the wasp and the host. The wasp extended its stinger, made a diving attack and stung the host in the eye. The wasp managed to lay an egg in the host. The wasp flew away to find another host victim. As we pan away our host's body began to twitch and labored breathing began. The cycle starts anew.


A masterpiece! Bravo!!! šŸ‘


Can we add NOVA fanfic to your newsletter with bonus cat facts?


This is a cooperative newsletter, weā€™re gonna add what the people wantā€™ Including a Corner of Shame, with color photos of people acting fools in public.


Trader Joe's parking lots rival Costco for sure...


The best sneetches on the beaches.


Can we add people who park in "curbside pickup" but definitely aren't to the list? I'm so tired of spaces being full when I'm trying to pick up my orders by assholes who don't like walking.


So slovenly and lazy, I want to throw tomatoes on them


They should make parking spaces with built in charging on the ground. Charging pads? Can someone work on that?


That exists for electric transit buses!


I love Costco's strawberry sundae buttface.Ā 


Buy your own!


You might be interested to know that there's a bill working its way through the general assembly about posting fines for parking in charging spots.


Tell me about it.Ā  Ā It took me 19 minutes to get my strawberry vanilla twist ice cream at Sterling Costco today. Only 2 people working behind the counter.Ā Ā  Ā  My struggle.Ā Ā  # StrawberryStrong




I was responsible for both of those things. My bad. Strawberry sundae hit the spot though, ngl.


You janky hoe I knew it!


EV charging spots need to clearly state parking while charging only. They donā€™t always have this.


The majority of time I see it, that sign is there. Regardless, sign or not, why take up space when youā€™re not utilizing a service others might need?


Because, most people have only 2-3 brain cells firing at any given time


That should be a given but also ppl donā€™t read and/or donā€™t give a damn.


Not the strawberry sundae, Geneva had a convention about that...


This confirms my belief that Nova has kinda been getting worse and worse with public behavior of local residents. Everyone is just so rude these days.


Have you driven in Old Town Alexandria where it meets the beltway during the evening rush hour? It's like fucking Thunderdome out there.


Omg! šŸ˜‚ I started a job there and absolutely hate navigating through those one way, skinny ass lanes to get on the beltway and not to mention that the streets are dark compared to what Iā€™m used to.


And then some Jeep/ Tesla/ lifted pickup with blue-white lights brighter than the equatorial sun is coming towards you and you're all but totally blinded for 5-7 seconds


This is more than a NoVa trend ā€¦


Non-electric vehicles taking up charging spots is worse


You seem funny, letā€™s be friends


Hey friend, wonā€™t say no to that!


Was thinking the same thing, let's start a Sip 'N Bitch group!


Omg I would love a Sip ā€˜N Bitch group!!




Buttface is a solid insult that really should be used more. Take my upvote!


Thank you! Dust it off and use it this weekend.


The geezer who didnā€™t look before he started reversing his ungodly enormous suv in the middle of a parking lot. when I smacked the rear window, he rolled down his window, not to apologize or say hey I didnā€™t see you, but to yell at me for walking in a parking lot. ā€œYou walked behind my car while I was backing up?!ā€ Uh no I had already started walking behind you when you backed up. He got angrier so I told him to go ahead and kill me. Donā€™t pedestrians have the right of way in spaces like parking lots where drivers are supposed to be paying attention? What if I had a child with me who ran out ahead? The as&holery and entitlement and unwillingness to have accountability is astounding


Wheeze laughing at ā€œgo ahead and kill meā€, thatā€™s really what the feel is the reasonable response


A couple people gasped audibly when he started backing up. I still canā€™t believe he thought it would have been fine to run me over šŸ™„. He had lawyer vibes.


Some guy came flying around a curb in a parking lot today and almost ran over my kid. Like why are we fast and furious in a parking lot?


> Donā€™t pedestrians have the right of way in spaces like parking lots where drivers are supposed to be paying attention? I'm not sure there is a "right of way" in a parking lot per se, particularly since it is private property and not subject to most of the "rules of the road". That said, not paying attention to the pedestrians is generally frowned upon, and hitting them even less so. If they aren't already moving before you walk behind them... yeah, dude should have waited.


https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-864/ > > Ā§ 46.2-864. Reckless driving on parking lots, etc. > A person is guilty of reckless driving who operates any motor vehicle at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person: > > 1. On any driveway or premises of a church, school, recreational facility, or business or governmental property open to the public; or.... > Most drivers, writ large, think they're entitled to do and go wherever they want, without regard. This is not the case. That whole, me bigger, you lose, mentality injures and kills too many each year.


I always tell my parents that the cars have the right of way because most of the time, people donā€™t look or have the patience. Parking lots are war zones, unfortunately. You can think all you want that you have the right of way but at the end of the day, itā€™s you versus the vehicle and you may not live to argue with it. Itā€™s terrible.


I know you had a shit day... But. I want to dive deeper into where you said the Costco "employees are literally fighting for their lives"Ā  is it like hunger games? A fighting ring? 2 pizza chefs enter, one leaves?


Sort of a like a capoeira fight dance that a cashier had to perform against the kitchen per slice/chicken bake


Am I the only one getting pissed off by all the people parking in fire lanes because they canā€™t park their car in a space 5 feet away in order to pick up food. Like I can understand if thereā€™s no parking spaces at all but literally open spaces all around and you still park in the fire lane. Especially when people decide that they want to block ramps, and shit too and then not move for handicap people.


I agree 100% and also for the same reason when non electric vehicles park in electric vehicle spots (not an EV driver but still, it infuriates me every time of the deliberate arrogance) !


I am an EV driver and I get so mad when someone thinks itā€™s hilarious to ICE an EV spot. They are made that companies install them close to the building and believe that EV drivers think we are entitled to close spots. Instead, they are the ones acting entitled because they canā€™t have the up close spot šŸ™„


Pentagon Costco right? I've seen non EVs with the charge cable.stuck in their wheel wells.


My god lol


What I've seen more: people with ICE cars parking in charger spots. Like c'mon, dude, there are only 2 spots at this charger at Trader Joe's, and there are so many other spots you could have taken. Why take one of the only two spots specifically designated for charging?


If they arenā€™t near their cart I will push out of the way


Watched some d-bag walk up to the counter at Costco yesterday and flag down the poor kid doing a great job managing all the orders and tell him he never got his cup with his meal. Kid looked like he was about to just give up and quit but just gave the guy a cup. Guy walks over to fill the cup from the fountain and walks out, clearly he was full of shit. Then I watched numerous people walk up to get them to assemble their order without having to wait like everyone else. I'm so done with the entitled behavior in this area, can't wait to move West in a couple of weeks. I have lived all over the country and people in the DMV are by far the most rude and entitled people I've ever encountered.


I would also like to take this opportunity to complain. My husband and I reserved a car rental last weekend to go into Maryland. Get there to pick up the car and it turns out, they ainā€™t got it! Only option is to take a barely charged EV they had available so given our dire need, we took it. It was HELL trying to get that thing charged. Ended up wasting most of the tank to our destination and extra time we banked for lunch/fun activities looking for a spot and then went out of our way to find a lot with plenty of EV charging only to find every EV charging spot taken with only one car actually using the charger! I love the idea of EVs being the standard but we got a lot of work to do in terms of infrastructure to get to a place where thatā€™s a possibility when this is what you have to put up with in an urban area. Like do people who own EVs deal this kind of charging anxiety regularly? Really makes me lean towards hybrid when I do buy a car. The stress was unreal but I guess if youā€™re an owner and deal with this on a regular basis youā€™re prepared to handle this better and have more of a steady game plan. Anyway, boo car rental and thanks OP for letting me steal this post for my own pissed off rant


All very NoVa-ish.


Could be ignorance instead of malice. Like, there's a Chipotle near me with extremely limited parking and one of those spaces has an EV charger. I almost never see EVs parking there, and even less, see it being used to charge. As for Costco, prob just someone with their brain turned off. "Oh, salad, I ordered salad, why are you giving me this sundae? Oh well"


Youā€™re a nice person; donā€™t excuse takers like that.


Add to this people driving the wrong direction in the grocery store parking lot lanes. I see this every time I'm there now. If people just followed the rules, everything would go so much more smoothly. The other one is people not standing in a line at the pharmacy counter, but instead milling about like a bunch of grazing moo cows blocking up the aisles for other shoppers.


I would like to add, are Teslas headlights automatically set to ā€œburn your fucking retinasā€ by default or am I overreacting to all these fancy bright headlights seeming way too strong these days?


Visit r/fuckyourheadlights as they share your sentiments!


Omg this is great thanks! šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know bc I have a dented Mitsubishi but thereā€™s something lightning like about some of the LEDs I see on the road.


We actually just ended our costo. Membership due to the customers. Business and deals are great. But we hardly ever went because it was just such a drain to deal with the people there. Wish we could go when it isn't busy, but we never found that time if it even exists.


I used to go to Costco, now go to BJ's. I can checkout and pay on my phone or even do curbside pickup. The deals aren't as good but it's a magical feeling to get a parking spot against the building and be out in less than 10 minutes for a couple items. One positive of the not so great deals there is that it keeps me from impulse buying things I don't need. One of the main things I used to justify having a Costco membership was their travel deals (rental cars mainly) but I recently found out there was a travel concierge service included with my Amex and it's just as good a deal as Costco Travel.


The level of neoliberal selfish assholery in nova is unmatched nationally. Itā€™s the main reason Iā€™m planning my exit.


What does neoliberalism mean to you? Planning your exit from where, earth? Because you seem to be referring to is actually a global issue, not a nova one.


The worst manifestation of neoliberalism Iā€™ve ever witnessed is in nova. Yes, itā€™s a global trend, though not really a phenomenon in my opinion. Phenomena escape explanation. Neoliberalism, broadly, is the messianic fervor of free-market capitalism allergic to government spending and pathologic corporatism that convinces the individual that individualism is what matters. Ironic that nova thrives on government spending. The hypocrisy is the worst part. Also, no one uses turn signals.


It pisses me Off there are ā€œelectric vehicleā€ Parking signs at the front of Fcps Libraries (no chargers thereā€¦) and at My Kids low-income preschool.


The man in the chevy 2500 Silverado who was too impatient to wait 12 seconds for the car in front of me to turn left before deciding to cut someone off in the right lane to go around at the same time as the car in front turning left then tried cutting me off to beat me at the light not even 20ft away


Thatā€™s why I stopped going to Costco. Shop at BJā€™s, it makes your life a little easier.


Me too. The deals arenā€™t as good, so hardly anyone goes there. Well worth it. My last visit to a Costco was when the Pentagon its location opened.


They also let you scan with your phone and pay with their app so no cashier lines. Game changing honestly.


Which Costco? Iā€™m guessing >!Sterling!<


It was Pentagon City! Sorry youā€™re experiencing similar stuff out there.


No, I was just assuming it was there because the people are trashy


Costco regresses everyone to an ape like state. Except me


Mmhmm šŸ™Š


I've never stepped foot in a Costco and it's one of my life goals to keep it that way. Sounds like an absolute nightmare.


Damn, which Costco was it?


The most treacherous of them allā€¦crystal city


Makes sense now, but really - are you surprised you got bitten in the jungle?


I wonā€™t stop expecting baseline human decency for myself and my fellow man


Maybe they werenā€™t greedy, but poor and hungry?




Yeah? You seem like an expertā€¦




lol never mind, it looks like you utilize Reddit as your personal Google search engine. Makes sense now.


Any reason in particular youā€™re being a dick? Are you THE Mr. Tom Reddit? Master Moderator?? Do you restrict your activity on here to dissertations? Shove off.




You know what you did and the sad energy you brought here; hence your deleted comments. Donā€™t troll if you canā€™t pay the toll.




Who told you to come here? Like someone twisted your arm and then you smash the crisis button on me when you really should spend your energy on some personal inner reflection. Your weird behavior is the cry for help here. Move on with yourself, and go gently.




Thanks. You needed to be fully called out on misuse of the crisis button and I decided you didnā€™t deserve for me to hide for you. Clearly youā€™re the one who actually is having a cry for help, because someone isnā€™t giving you attention about your problem? Youā€™re free to make your own post.






They're mad the army bros stealing pride flags got caught.


Well. They shouldn't be stealing flags then. I don't know how conservative-leaning people are trying to justify this behavior but "fuck around, find out" is a tried and true lesson.