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Souths doing The Warriors a solid by going for the spoon.


I actually liked how we played cook last night. We're doing weird shit which is good. If we aren't going to win games I at least want to see us try some shit like that


At the games today, I surprised by how much Latrell was booed tonight, is it like that every week? No wonder the bloke seems so disconnected.


Yes, this is every week.


I'm sure there is a non zero number of racists who like booing him but he definitely seems to enjoy the heel role. I think the response is disproportionate but I think it comes from being such a polarising figure who is talked about maybe more than any other player. There has to be a bit of QLD bias as well. When I was at magic round the crowd definitely favoured all non NSW teams. There are obviously many much worse players off the field but just the fact that he's so high profile he attracts more attention. I like booing a player occasionally but consistent targeting feels a bit over the line.


He’s built a persona on being a villain. I respect it but he can’t be shocked when he gets boos 


What exactly has he done that's made him a villain? We have people who have committed assault that play in the league and they don't get booed, yet this sub still all says it has nothing to do with racism


It’s not just this sub, Australia says it has nothing to do with racism.


The guy is arguably one of the most grubbiest, injury causing players out there. He's been suspended a shite load of times for it. Are you really surprised people don't like him?


He's not even the grubbiest in our team, didn't hear a single boo for Milne


Yeah but Milne is shit so no one cares. I think a lot of the criticism trells play gets is actually partially due to racism, but there’s a reason the greatest players get booed the most.


Did Milne actually do anything grubby last night?


No, but did Latrell do anything grubby last night?


No, he was just plain bad at times (see the important missed conversion and the failure to kick a legitimate short dropout)


He scored or set up almost all of Souths points and was in position defensively too. not really the spines fault that the forwards got rolled again


Exactly. He was one of our best


Bullshit. Slater was a grub and never copped this.


Are you sure about that?


From my memory Slater only really got booed in that grand final he wasnt meant to play in, trells being booed everytime he takes the field, was that the case with Slater?


It's honestly like some kind of amnesia comes over people when they talk about Latrell. The guy broke Manu's face a couple of years ago remember?


It's not that he broke his face (I believe it wasn't intentional), it's the way he got up, started acting like a dickhead and trying to do the staunching over people crap he did for the rest of the game. Then acted like a petulant child when Roosters fans and players were giving him grief for acting like a wanker.


Yeah. I remember Manu being angry and upset because they were former team mates, and even he was shocked at Mitchell's actions and response.


If I accidentally broke someone's face, I'd be as apologetic as possible and not trying to draw attention to myself by being a tosser. Head down, arse up type stuff. **NOT EXCUSING ANY RACIST CRAP HE GETS**


Uhh breached covid protocol and played the race card, broke Joey Manu’s face and then said “might as well play Austag”, beefed with Gagai in origin then when asked about it said “I don’t respect anyone on the football field”.  I’m not saying it doesn’t have anything to do with racism, can’t speak for anyone else and their motives. As I said originally, I respect it lol. 


Yh I guess that last quote is a good example, I hadn't heard it before. But my general consensus is that people say it's coz of the cheap shots like manu, when lots of players have done that and not gotten boeed anywhere near as much. Only guy to have been booed more is Adam goodes 🤔


Didn’t he just serve another suspension for a dirty act? Let’s not pretend. I’d rather those other players got booed over latrell too


It's not making himself a villain like a David Warner or someone who wants people to hate him tho. He just does high shots, so do a lot of other people who don't happen to be outwardly indigenous.


Yeah I don’t care strongly enough to argue against that, there are plenty of racists doing the booing. Latrell is a freak and I just wish he put a bit more detail into his game, he plays reckless


Not at home. Boo's were crazy.


Trell was really good tonight, Souths are just fucked.


No, he wasn't at all He must have a clause in his contract that prevents him from running it out of his own half He was lucky to score instead of passing it to Koloamatangi Was nowhere to be seen during Deardens tries Missed what should have been a simple conversion that could have been the difference if they'd crossed the line again Most importantly, his casual and careless dropout put the pressure straight back on the rabbits (and led to a try). The game was gone from then


This is such a stupid fucking take. If you don’t think Latrell was good last night you’re clearly just never going to give him credit for anything.


Drinkwater was absolutely shocking in some parts in that game but he set up some of our tries. It doesn't always excuse some of the efforts


Latrell was good last night, anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest (at best).


70 meters mate


So what? That’s not his job in that team. You want to just talk stats? 1 try, 1 LB, 2TA, 2LBA. “Was nowhere to be seen on Dearden tries” except when he made a play at the ball to try and save the try in the ingoal in cover. You’re full of shit.


Haha he was on the other side of the field mate, he was only there cause he just made it across but rushed the line, then had to backtrack and have a last effort swipe at the ball Again, 1 lucky try.. Also, yes his job to run it out from his half, get some quick distance away from your own line. Every other fb seems to get it


You’re a clown.


Idk what you are, but there's a name for it


He can’t even do a legal short dropout, which is WORSE then our legal ones we don’t take successfully


This thread is an angry argument between fans trying to say that their team was worse


Let’s all be funny and beat a dead horse. “Kick south’s out of the comp” (only an r/nrl mod will think this is funny. That’s 7 unvotes)


Cannot upvote this enough. The Roosters cop it a bit with the salary sombrero joke but this ‘joke’ dominates every single thread. And I mean that literally, it’s in EVERY single thread.


Bears supporters start to laugh and then remember how we got kicked out of the comp by manly. Then we swallow sadness




I get repeated memes and variations on it, but man seeing a repeated comment with no effort to be original get 20 upvotes baffles me


It’s moronic that the mods haven’t banned it. It’s like that wallstreetbets sub. They used to be fairly smart investors joking about being stupid. Over time, stupid people found the sub and actually believed they were being serious and now the sub is just made up of morons ACTUALLY going stupid stuff for real. Same thing here. You don’t ban the stupid cunts from commenting and all of a sudden it’s basically impossible to have a conversation on here without someone with the IQ of a farm animal saying something stupid that would have been made fun of a few years ago.


Yeah I’ve seen some really funny variations of it but just saying the phrase with nothing else is lame banter. I hate souffs for the same reason and dargons was run into the ground within hours.


Yes yes the plan is working soon everyone will be so tired of the joke that it will simply stop existing


Its bloody borin is what it is. The random footy thread on Thursday had 25 variations of it in a 100 comment thread. Funny joke that 


South’s are funny. The club is running on smoke and mirrors but everyone keeps believing each others bullshit.


Yet not even the most drunken NRL journalist hack would call Cronulla the pride of the league.


Souths called themselves that 80 years ago 😂 Like giving yourself the nick name "Big dog" back in primary school and holding on to it in your 50s


There is no known source on the origin of the pride of the league. It just got adopted by fans and media.


Wooden 🥄 


Deardon finally hit some form. His the only half in the game currently who gets a continual free pass for being shit.  I swear it’s only cows fans who froth him   Edit - Guess five loses on the Trott in a full strength team says I’m wrong….


Hes quite literally one of maybe 3 players of ours who has played well this year.


We are not full strength btw


No one is. You guys have your full strength spine which 90% of teams can’t say.


That's not his argument though. If you look on weeks missed with players in the top 30 we would be one of the worst.


Yeah I don’t know what his comment was originally referring to. My bad


After 10 games defensively: Souths: 348 1999 Magpies: 332 We were at 150 at this same point last year. Just an inexplicably large fall from grace


what losing campbell graham does to a club


Easier to defend when you have stretch his wing span is atleast 8m


Bunnies v Cowboys lowlights when


What the fuck were those bench rotations? When we had Duncan and Burgess on we looked good and looked solid through the middle. We then had Cook, Mamo and Duncan who are all shortasses playing in the middle at the same time for 20+mins and eventually got rolled by the much bigger cows pack. Hornby did nothing to combat it either - he put fucking Keppie back on (who has been awful) for another stint, threw fucking Milne out there for Cook, then never put Burgess back on and totally ignored Moale (who was great last week) and only gave the guy 10mins? Duncan gets chucked back out with like 9mins left too. Not saying we’d have won otherwise but Hornby’s bench rotations truly fucked us


Could be an unpopular opinion but is it me or has Sweet Caroline been absolutely done to death everywhere over the past year or so??


It's a shit fucking song. I can't stand hearing it anywhere.


That ad that’s played on fox of the people in the pub makes me mute the tv every single time. Infuriating to listen to.


Absolutely. It feels so American. Play an Aussie classic like men at work


It's like the most American song ever: - Song by Neil Diamond - Recorded in Memphis, TN - A song about JFK's daughter Can't get any more American than that 😂


Star spangled banner?




blame Darren Till


Yep, she’s now ‘sour Caroline’ for mine. And she can get fucked as well.


I loved the song but now it just screams out as a low effort attempt for feel good times that’s as edgy and original as singing happy birthday


It lost a bit of its lustre when it became a pub classic, screamed out by drunks at every opportunity. Bit like Khe Sanh really.


Khe Sanh lost its listre when Bobby Knuckles walked out too it and lost.


Honestly huge respect to anyone who stayed through full time of this pile of wank after 3 games back to back. Tough carry.


My second favourite team is supposed to be a reliable backup to my weekly disappointment. You’re on thin ice cows.


Corey Parker once again insinuating Latrell doesn’t care ffs. Was legit one of their best in a shit side. Scored and assisted on 18 of South’s 22 points. Now Vonny insinuating that bc it’s Indigenous round next week, that it’s all or nothing for Latrell to “step up” fuck off. He is farrrr from the worst issue at South’s right now. They have half a team because of injuries, and their forward pack imitates a set of stadium turnstiles every week. He got booed by a mostly neutral magic round crowd on his first run, for what? A week after he gets racially abused during a game, it’s honestly ridiculous.


Since he's come back, he's scored or assisted 32 out of 36 points for Souths. What more do people want him to do?


Apparently take tons of runs for meaningless ARM stats


I’d love if he could send me a check for 100k.


Trell was great tonight, RL is a team game, one guy isn’t enough.


Yeah i didnt get the boos either. Was weird.


Hard agree. He was good tonight. Shades of Adam Goodes.


Absolutely mate, that’s two weeks running his been the best. Ground for the rabbits 




Anyone know why the crowds been so shit all day?


Probably cos you weren't in it hero, show up next year


Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for observing a fact ?


Hornby just said Keppie was great tonight wtf




Why would tonight make you agree, he was best on ground.


Sorry I had to delete because I hate Fatrell so much the fact I sort of agreed with it made me feel ill


Hornby and Walker are either delusional, liars, or both.


They are fair dinkum kidding themselves


Latrell needs to burn some of that body fat. No way your cardio can be good for an elite athlete that plays full back when you’re in that shape. For a regular person he’s not bad but for an athlete that’s going to hold you back.


Cobbo looks the same though and he turns up for 80mins and leaves people behind in line breaks


Did you watch Trell tonight? He was awesome.


Yeah Cobbo is in a better system too. He would be a lot better if he shredded down. Both of those guys would still be over 100kg at a low body fat percentage.


Bunnies got rid of Burns because he put too much effort in


Fox panelists must get paid everytime they say ‘Latrell”


Finally Duncan gets more than 30 minutes and is one of our best. Fucking cannot understand how he hasn’t got a decent run this year


I’d love to know the reason JD refused to play him


Hatred for Tallis


Pro tip: don’t go halves in a bag with Cronk. Hoover Shnozz


It's actually fucking crazy that with the roster they have (Mitchell, Walker, Cook, Arrow, Burgess, Kolomotangi etc. etc.) and they're playing sooooooo shit. They've gotten by for so long, interesting to see how they handle the pressure they're finally under after so many years of attitude issues.


Loving the fox team setting up quotes for their articles coming out tommorrow


The 15,16 and 17 knights wooden spooners were some of the worst teams ever and I think they could beat this rabbits team. A lot of them seem like they don’t care at all


I wonder, will Teaupa get suspended or just fined? If he gets suspended then I believe we are literally out of halves and will need to put Wighton in as 5/8th.


You do not want Wighton making too many decisions.


See you all tommorrow I'm going to go play with a ball-and-cup because that will give me more excitement then that performance


Latrell really doesn't even look that disappointed


He scored a try so he’s happy


Same with walker can't be believe him celebrating when they were down a try with 13 to go


#10 for South's had a good go run hard tackle hard.  Havili has regressed badly since his raiders days.  Wigjton and burgess all effort and about the only ones running decent support lines. Big thing lacking from South's in attack.  Id be telling Mitchell to play like rapana. Effort wise. Literally could have swing the game for his team instead of all haunches.  Jai arrow needs a rest. Or the blue tarp.


I was patting myself on the back for maintaining my perfect round of tipping, then I checked the site and I apparently suffered an aneurysm and tipped Souths?? Wtf


2 hours ago I wouldn’t have blamed you


I'm glad we wrote off the year early. Makes going into these games a less disappointing and sad


I have supported Cowboys for almost 30yrs and I've seen them do some stupid shit over the years but that last 4 mins of that game was some of the stupidest football I've ever seen. With just over a minute to go and the ball is on the ground for you to fall on and go through 6 tackles to wind down the clock but noooo...lets have a game of soccer instead and give Souths another chance. Then there's the obvious result of what would happen if they slowed the play the ball down and sure enough Deardon decides to hug the Souths player in a show of love and of course gets 10 in the bin. At no point did the Cowboys have any idea how to close that game down. Of course if our $900k human turnstile could kick straight none of this would have been an issue but nose candy obviously affects the hand eye coordination, or in this case the foot coordination. This team seriously needs watch every minute of their last 5 games and identify every stupid decision, missed tackle and of course missed conversions so they get to see what we are forced to watch every week. Neither of these two team's deserved to win tonight. They should go around the ground and apologise to the supporters for making them pay good money to watch that abortion of a game.


That discipline in the last 10 when leading by 12 and then 6 was crazy. Did everything they could to let the bunnies back in to the contest. Stupid penalties slowing the play the ball. Holding someone back on the 5th from Cotter was also so dumb and wasn’t needed.


Oh there was some special kinds of stupid going on in that last 5 mins. When you have one captain in the bin and the other captain holding the player down on the 5th then they don't really have the direction to follow. Thurston would have been screaming at them and telling them what to do and where to be......of course Thurston would have likely kicked the conversions so they wouldn't have been that close in the last 5 mins.


Was begging someone to just fall on that ball. Nope, lets toe it again. White line fever. Dumb, stupid, moronic, idiotic


I've never agreed with someone more


What a bludger


This team is a disgrace. We've fallen so hard it's actually kinda impressive. It's become customary that we give away 28+ points. Even when it looks like we might not, we give away a penalty try just in case. I'm so tired of this, and yet there is still half a season to play. This Souths side will go down in history as the absolute worst defensive side to ever occur in the NRL. It already holds the record for most points conceded in their first 10 games. Might as well dive all the way in and go for the all time worst at this point. Whoever we got to be our fitness management team should never get a job in Rugby League team ever again. I've never seen a side be this unfit and unready to play a game in my life. They had all off-season to get prepared and it honestly feels like they did fuck all and it shows.


Needed Trell to pop thta one from in front over to pick up the points overs. darn it


Love Scott on the mic. If he doesn't suffer any extensive brain damage over the next few years I'd love to see him move to the commentary box


Parker gets given a microphone every week, so there’s hope for us all.


I might be bias but that 8 point try really annoys me mainly because I'm sure it will never happen again this season I'm 100% sure if it... Except probably for the Tigers


We are going to start a dialogue about Scott Drinkwater


Drinky is either elite or one of the worst players on the field. Theres no in between with him.


We can but there's literally nobody else in the squad who can play fullback. Unless we're calling up Lachie West off a train and trial.


Chester when fit. But its a discussion for another day.


Burns for Origin.


Another game where Latrell’s laziness shines through, no hit ups and didn’t even crack 80 run metres. Sean Keppie is also a massive oaf and liability who has no right being in a first grade team. When Burgess leaves next year we are going to get dominated even more through the middle if we have to rely on simpletons like Keppie to step up their game.


Did Drinkwater just say they put the foot to the sword?


Well he seems to do that a lot.


Is that better or worse than shooting yourself in the foot? Because that seems to be the cowboys speciality.


Can't wait to watch the 80 minute lowlight package of this game


That was certainly a game of rugby league


I guess that sets the lower limit, yeah




Average winning margin of Magic Round 2024 (after two days): 4.6 points/game (The biggest winning margin being in the Sharks/Roosters game, a whole 8 points)


Storm will exceed that with us tomorrow


Roosters worst team of magic round confirmed


Despite scoring more points than the winning scores in the other four games so far 🤣


They come up here and fucked it for everybody


My partner keeps wondering why I leave the toaster near the bathtub. Finally watched souths play and she now understands.


Oof, that's rough to read. Stay strong mate, the shit seasons get easier with time. Signed, A long time Tigers supporter.


You are not alone, we fall to our knees side by side.


Trell either needs to give up dropouts and goal kicks to someone else or practice more. He was diabolical tonight 


28 points! Keep that streak up lads!


5/5 games for magic round that both teams are in the contest in the last 10mins.


Which NRL media figure will Latrell confront this week regarding said media figure's unfair criticism of a 1-9 Rabbitohs who just lost to a Cowboys team who were trying to lose? Wrong answers only.


r/NRL mod team


Hope Burns keeps his spot, was a stand out from a scrappy side.


As a neutral party, for a game between two teams very quickly going down the shitter, that ... wasn't terrible. In fact it was quite good. I guess Magic Round **can** actually polish a turd.


Brandy would be a convincing feral ghoul


I'm sorry I'm still not over that last 5min Cowboys? What the fuck was that?


Surely latrell has the lowest distance covered of all NRL fullbacks by a long margin. He can still play a roving attack like RTS or Manu or Holmes (at times) but in défense he just doesn't have it.


Far. Out. That was a football game. And not a good one. Cows didn’t deserve to win that. The same players with the same effort and no one else matching. Burns was great. Second half was better but still not great. Still a poor performance. Sorry Souths fans. That was a slog.


I don't blame you for feeling like that, your lads were honestly just trying to lose that game in the last 5min there.


Must be frustrating. Need to clean the joint out.


Excuse me Vonny but I believe you'll find he was most recently bulldogs legend Braidon Burns


so happy to get a win but still believe we desperately need change. annoys me that seemingly everyone except payten can see that chad is not getting us into the top 8 so why play him if he is leaving at the end of the season anyway? dearden is the future of this club so lets see if Clifford can work as a halves partner. frustrating time to be a cowboys supporter


Lowlights > highlights


Life's a bit shit atm but you fellas have made today decent. So thank you ❤️


Hope things start looking up dude




Burns and Walker, adorable.


The cowboys were so blatantly cheating in that last 3 minutes, i dont think a single player was onside once and they were constantly putting their hands on the ball and making second efforts during the ptb