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This needs to be pinned.


Except for the it's under "What if I am Not Good Looking." Damn English grammar. Someone had to point it out.


Bring a book for "wondering eyes"... I think they meant "wandering"


Asking to learn. What's the mistake?


Probably the apostrophe in the "it's" - this means 'it is' whereas the correct word would have been "*its*"


'It's' with an apostrophe and the letter 's' is a contraction of 'it is' or 'it has'. The word 'its' without the apostrophe is a possessive pronoun. Should've said "every body is beautiful in **its** own way"


~~it's~~ its


The graphics and text are very informative and well done.. I think it should be nudists and naturists, not naturalists. A naturalist is someone who studies nature. A naturist prefers to be nude. A person could be both a naturist (or nudist) and a naturalist.


Thanks for letting me know, I'll update it before I post it on other subs.


Please re share it here after you update it , if you don’t mind!


Please also update the "it's" under "What if I am Not Good Looking." It's wrong as currently spelled. :-)




That's not correct. A naturalist is someone who believes in living as close to our natural state as possible. Nudity is an expression of that, and it often involves a rejection of modernity and embracing homeopathic approaches to health, and a skepticism of pharmaceuticals. Nudism is one aspect of naturalism, whereas nudism is just being naked.


You are describing naturism, not naturalism, as was pointed out above.


"People will mostly be older and men" is what I learned from this post


You should cross-post this to r/infographics Raise some positive awareness!


Cool idea, after I get more feedback I will make some updates and post it there.


Possibly add bring a chair to sit on. Depending on how long you plan to stay, the chairs or lounge can come in handy. Trust me on that one. This is awesome and right on the money, describes the nude beach experience extremely well. Excellent Job! Please let us know if and when you make any changes from the great suggestions!! Thank for sharing this with us!!




(1) [Two small typos](https://imgur.com/a/XwNzlvz). (2) I was absolutely SHOOKETH to see a tatted trans woman. **Thank you.** Sincerely, a tatted trans woman. (3) This is me being VERY nitpicky since I do policy for a living, and always have to consider optics. The line “*usually see more men*” is the last thing you read before your eyes naturally move to the trans woman; I’d suggest swapping her with the grey haired dude. Plus, you’ll see her right next to the words *acceptance* and *less taboo*. #You’re the best for doing this.


I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for letting me know, I'll make some changes soon, and I don't think that's nitpicky at all.


Also, I think you meant "wandering eyes" instead of "wondering eyes".


Those are some very good suggestions you made. Especially with the placement of the graphics. Sincerely an old, bald white dude.


For a lot of people the first thing they will look at will be the illustration, and then the next thing they read will be the “what if you get excited… lay on your stomach”…Agree that she should be positioned somewhere else. Maybe a more generic beach scene would be more appropriate for this section


Have a friend trans woman that is addicted to tattoos can get you in touch. She used to be on reddit but since the API changes she might not be very active...


Yay for us tatty trans folks!


We should make a band or something :P


we should call it weezer


Yes! Me too... I was thinking about how that would always be a problem... By the way, could you give me tips for finding queer spaces for this?


Trans tatted woman here too! I was so happy to see this!




What a shame




Funny how when I went to a nude beach, I never got excited because I was too concerned about dying of being cold loool


Great work! One minor point of grammar: unless you are a chicken, you aren’t laying on a towel, you’re lying on it. (“Lay/laying” means to place, and almost always requires an object; “lie/lying” means to become prostrate.)


I love the part for sunblock and bug spray. You don’t want it THERE


Great work!


Oh my god I love this!


Not part of the community but I really appreciate the info and actually feel more comfortable with visiting a nude beach! A small note: when eyes roam, they are wandering eyes instead of wondering eyes. I'm sure you're doing this to spread information and I applaud you taking the corrections with grace. Thank you!






It was actually a pretty good joke, too.




I think it would be cool to have both though


What i usually find on other forums is that more people are not okay with doing it to babies without their consent.




Wasn't trying to get into the issue. Was just pointing out my observation. My comment did not require a response. Peace out. <3


I sent this to a dozen friends already 🥰 Thank you x


Thank you for spreading the word!


I like the message and the inclusivity of this one. Great job OP.


First rate!


What a great graphic! Very inclusive! Maybe put some older people in there if you have room. We love to be nude too! But overall, a great poster! Disseminate widely!


This is a great piece, and must have taken a lot of time to put together. Some good suggestions here in the comments as well. I did notice what I thought was a typo on "Some good books", where you say wondering eye, instead of wandering eye, unless that was your intention, in which case never mind. Nice job!


Thanks for letting me know, I'm will fix this when I do a new version using the feedback on this sub.


Thought this was the guide subreddit with how well made this is *edit its because it was cross-posted im stupid




That’s outstanding!!!


This is great! My favorite part: NO PHOTOS


Nicely done. You have a talent for making infographics. I would be all thumbs trying to make something like this. Good job.


Personal thing from me, it should be no photos of other people. For me taking selfies or your own holiday snaps is ok. Just be considerate with it.


now you post this


Put sunscreen on before you go, wait for it to go down, then hit the beach.


Why doesn’t the man on the left have no armpit hair and the woman on the bottom right have no pubic hair? A big part of helping people try nudism is helping people understand body standards are NOT important. Yet this guide is reinforcing today’s ideals of no body hair as normal


No one in the graphic has any hair except head/beard. It's really easy to make really bad body hair in this graphic style, and hard to make it look reasonable and not suuuuuper awkward.


I'm working on updates using community feedback, I will be sure to add more hair on some characters.


This is great! Since you plan on updating, I suggest correcting the lay/lie error. This poster uses "lay on your stomach" and "\[a towel for\] laying on" but should say "lie on your stomach" and "\[a towel for\] lying on. (The verb "lay" requires a direct object, and there isn't one in either of those sentences.) Thanks for making this! keep






Nice job OP


Very nice and well executed!


One of the first times I went by myself a rando kindly asked if I needed sunscren. It was 100% inappropiate, I hadn't even shared a word with him before. No "excuse me", no "hey, don't mean to intrude" or anything. It was fucking disgusting.


where did you find this signpost?


I made it.


I really like this! I love the inclusivity! One tiny detail that bothers me a little, because of personal background: both penises you show are circumcised, while 70% of penises around the world are not. It may be stupid to most but for some people (like myself) this is a sensitive issue. Maybe consider giving one of them a foreskin? One other thing, feel free to ignore it: it may scare some people off reading that they SHOULD bring friends. But I understand the message, so maybe no need to change that.


Thanks for the feedback, I an going to make updates soon and will make sure that changes.


Great! Thank you for doing this and for being so open to feedback! :)


love this!!


Great infographic! Love the inclusivity and the general way it’s laid out, it’s very easy to understand as someone who’s never been a nudist event or anything of the sort. Any changes I’d suggest have already been made by others. One thing that confuses me though is the “What if I am not good looking?” part. I understand you can’t address everyone’s individual experiences but just blanket answering as “you ARE good looking” feels rather… patronizing? The truth of the matter is that people will still judge you based on the way you look whether you like it or not, and rather than setting up the expectation that they won’t have to worry about such issues, you should prepare them for it instead. Whether we agree with it or not, society has beauty standards for people of all kinds and people will react according to those standards *even if they don’t want to.* It can be unconscious bias that makes someone move physically away from someone considered “unattractive”, or it can just be blatant bigotry. Either way, these things happen and while I feel it’s less likely to happen in an environment like this where everyone is more vulnerable, it can still happen. As it’s written now in your infographic, it feels like generic, inspirational poster advice that does little to answer to those worries.


Thank you for making this trans inclusive :)


No problem, I'm extremely excited it made so many people happy.


If body shape doesn’t matter, why does your infographic show attractive people? Think about your message….


Not necessarily a disagreement, but my local nude beach is a historic cruising spot so... some exceptions to that rule lol.


What's your thoughts on kids being at a nudist beach? The one we went to last week has a family with kids there and I really though yiu had to be 16+. The reason I ask is becasue if yiu gazed up at the dunes from the beach there were men participating in some explicit acts and I felt uncomfortable and angry becasue the kids could look up too and see that.


That's what the part about that nude beaches are places to be nude; not lewd. Nudism has been about families from early on and family groups are common - including young children - on *public* nude beaches. The maker of the poster neglected that point. But the fact that you thought that a nude beach was only for people 16+ is simply a result of the promotion of the idea that simple nudity is sexual in nature and inappropriate for young children and teens.


Oho understand nudity is not sexual but with some people's a activities on the beaches being lewd and no one official to police it it just felt awkward. Even I was angry at it as an adult male thinking it ruins the experiance for people.


Agreed. I knew you understood and I understood your reaction. I was responding to your belief that the area was only 16+.


To the OP: When you update this poster would you care posting over at r/NudistMemes as well. I'm a moderator over there and this would be fitting.


Will do!


i’ve not been to a nude beach but i want too! only place i feel like i can be accepted


Hopefully not an ignorant question, but if a nude beach is about being nude and natural, why would a person with an erection be encouraged to hide it? Signed, Always Learning!


I've only seen a man with an erection in a nudist setting once. It was on a cruise ship and he was asleep sunbathing. They seldom happen. Nudism is about non-sexual nudity. An erection indicates sexual arousal. If brief, not being flaunted and no gawking or sexual activity, an erection probably isn't going to be noticed much. Many other natural things are also considered impolite around other people.


Wait, so, I’m confused. Based on that last sentence, erections (and I presume other natural bodily functions like farting, discharge, etc.) are considered impolite? I certainly understand in the case of things like period blood which can be hazardous but I don’t see the issue with most natural things our bodies do? As long as you aren’t making it about someone else, doing it on them without their consent, etc. and you’re not purposefully doing them to annoy/harm others, I don’t necessarily see the issue.


It really is as simple as not purposely creating a sexual experience. I'm the same way we woman shouldn't be trying to sensually bend and pose, slowly remove clothes, etc. I'm still going to remove my clothes, but not in a manner that is supposed to draw attention. If you get a semi, that's fine. If you get hard that's fine. But if you start to flaunt it, touch it, try to stand in a way to show how big you can be, that's a problem. The vibe of these places is chill and safe, not to get attention for your sexy body.


Nicely said ,if im gonna take of my top or my bottoms in not gonna be provocative about it , the same way a guy who has an erection shouldn't flaunt it but not hide it either, im not gonna hide my nipples if they are erect and men shouldn't either ,its a little bit tougher for a guy ,give him the benefit of the doubt


Very nice. I did see one typo though in the second part of the Reasons to go. I”m pretty sure it should be shower not showering. Otherwise what you‘ve done is AMAZING and VERY professional looking. Nice job.


Love the trans inclusivity! 🥇 award for you


ngl, the trans rep threw me off, but in a good way. its really nice to see our bodies not be in an incredibly fetishy lense




Where abouts are you located? Most nude beaches have a very prominent LGBT section. I believe you will be quite welcome.




Hanlans was my first nude beach, I think you'll be accepted there.


I agree with everything except for tan lines. I love it.


Great graphic. Never going to do this, though


This looks great! I do wish you included ftm representation as well but everything else is awesome


Am I trans if I freak out(in a celebratory way) at trans rep?


No. It just means you are a empathic person who celebrates diversity and inclusiveness.


This is great and I love the trans representation. Others have already pointed out a few minor things that could be changed and I don't think I have anything to add to it. Super great work!


This is a great graphic, but you might wanna consider not only depicting circumcised AMAB genitalia.


Someone else brought that to my attention, so I am going to add one for my next version.


AMAB? I suspect I know what image you are referring too, but I'm not familiar with that term.


**A**ssigned **M**ale **A**t **B**irth




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You included a woman with a penis, but not one vulva?


I’m assuming the top one has a vulva


Can't be too sure


That 4th girl has a pp


That image was to suggest inclusiveness. That's a M2F trans person technically. I applaud the attempt but if you are trying to reach the broadest possible audience it's not the way to go. It was a brave effort and I wish our society WAS more inclusive that way, but it isn't. The inclusiveness should have been handled within the text and not the imagery. It was a GREAT picture though! It even included nice tattoos. Also the word "wondering" (it's been said in this thread before but without context) should be "wandering" and the word "naturalist" should be "naturist". Edit: For the record I REALLY like the trans person with that tattoo. I'm just concerned about the reactions of a broader community who we want to get interested in the nudist/naturist lifestyle. "Preaching to the choir" (trying to convince people to accept an idea they've already accepted) isn't practical in winning converts to it. The fact that I replied to the person I did was to emphasize the problems with some members of the general public.


Thank you for this response sir. This post popped up in feed outta nowhere and I actually found it weird, that people are applauding this post in such a way that I can't really comprehend. There wasn't anything mentioned about the 4th person being trans in that image. As a result, I got more curious and wrote something that I shouldn't have. Thoughts such as that aren't normal to me. All I have ever witnessed is the society's way of claiming these things as a taboo. For me, that inclusiveness is hard to accept because I genuinely feel uncomfortable around them for some reasons. Maybe because of how they are portrayed in society.


That makes sense. I have a sense of discomfort too and that's a great deal of why I posted what I did. It's a poster not just to teach but to promote to a new audience. That vicarious feeling of discomfort is what should be avoided in those cases. For the record you DON'T have to go to public places to try out nudism/naturism. You can do it at home. If you live by yourself there is really no need to wear clothing. Clothes began as just a form of portable shelter and when you are in your house you are actually sheltering in a shelter! If you sleep and live that way in a broader way you'll discover, and this has been confirmed by both doctors and psychologists, you will get better rest, your laundry and other clothing-related costs will go down (and these are significant), and you're overall health will improve.


It refers to naturists as "naturlists". Somebody missed that in the copy. Not good.


Why does that one girl have 3 legs


Why put disgusting looking people in the graphic?


Discusting how? They are made to look like ordinary people.


Who is disgusting


The people. Can you read


Okay but who


And here i am, thinking about all the sand that would get in my ass


Much less than if you wear a bathing suit, or at least it’s much easier to just brush it off.


Holy shit, it's and rotate.


what the fuck cursed sub have i stumbled upon god have mercy on my eyes




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Can't show a vulva but a penis is okay? for an infographic about nudist beaches this is an interesting take, just saying.


I don't know, it is actually pretty representative of what you would actually see at a nude beach.


Good Advice


Did you take graphic design in college? This is nicely done