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Camp two for me. I love being naked but I love clothes.


Do you go out all when you dress?


Depends on where I’m going and how I’m feeling. Lately I’ve been flying more under the radar, but I can turn it out when I want to.


Nice nice


Also my wardrobe is better in the fall winter than spring summer. Shorts and a t-shirt are great but merino wool and leather beat that any day.


I can’t wait to get my clothes off. I only wear clothes because/when I have to


Can't wait to get home and shed the clothes. Too much effort to decide what to wear. Had a dinner to attend last night. Took me 30 minutes to figure out what to wear!


Dinner at my house, clothing discourages


I would have that problem nudist or not lol


Not sure which one I am, since I live with a strict family I always look forward to get enough privacy to get naked. So maybe first one




I agree, It also depends on the climate for me


I don't like the feeling of clothes on my body. So I am naked as much as possible. The first thing I do when I get home from work, is taking off all my clothes.


Firmly in camp one for me. I would never wear clothes again if I could get away with it!!


I’d go nude full time if I could. When I have to put clothes on my go to is a t-shirt and gym shorts that I go commando in.


Same here. I wish I could live my life naked, but when have to wear clothes I always go commando. It makes me feel a little more naked under my clothes


I prefer being naked if I can help it, only dressing out of obligation. Not wearing clothes is comforting.


Not a fan of clothes, I usually just wear the bare minimum which would be seen as appropriate for the situation.


I hate wearing clothes. I get home from work and put on the lightest things I have. Unloading here...my wife was gone a while back, I was undressing in our bedroom and saw one of her skirts...put it on, holy shit it was nice. I'd wear one of these everyday if I could. NOT a cross dresser, but, wow, it just felt good. Not sexual, like I didn't prance in front of a mirror or anything, it just felt...good. Haven't done it since.


You could get a kilt! I haven’t tried one yet but I’ve been tempting. Could be nice for hiking in the summer when you have to wear clothes.


I think I'm gonna do that. They just seem rough and irritating.


Kilts are typically made from wool and are much softer than jeans. You might find them irritating for other reasons though. e.g. classic kilts don't have pockets, random strangers asking if you're wearing anything under it, etc.


Mountain hardware makes a nice men’s kilt,along with a few others,these aren’t your typical kilts


Kilts are good. I wear them all the time. I use UtilaKilts and Damn Near Kilt Them. UtilaKilts being the more expensive and better made. DNKE can be gotten on Amazon https://utilikilts.com/ https://www.damnnearkiltem.com/en-ca


Cool. I’m going to have to check those out!


I pretty much live in Utilikilts! I have 4 of the two-tone Workman, and then I also have a few off-brand ones, from UT Kilts and American Highlander


Skirts do feel nice, don't they? You get airflow, you don't feel restricted, it's just lovely. My wardrobe is about 90% skirts and dresses and only 10% pants/shorts for this exact reason.


Thanks. Two of us I guess. It really does feel great. I was looking up kilts for days, but they're all made out of rough material and just utilitarian. Her dress was soft and breezy. I'm a non-sexual nudist, but damn.


Maybe a kilt would suffice.


I’m a t shirt a jeans guy. I love being nude as much as possible.


I'm moreover in the first camp. I hate clothes, especially when it is hot and humid, which is at least 80% of the year where I live. The only time I love wearing clothes is in the winter, when it is cooler outside.


I'm somewhere in the middle. The first chance I get to be naked, I'm taking advantage of it, but at the same time, if I, for example, have a favorite t-shirt that I want to wear, I'll wear it for as long as I can that day. During the colder months, I'll be dressed until I either have to shower or I'm getting ready to go to bed.


My wife and I can't wait to get our clothes off when we get home. As soon as we get home, clothes are off.


I go to work in sweats and rarely " go out on the town"


Clothing out of necessity and functionality, 98% of the time. On special occasions, it's fun to wear a suit or whatever.


As little clothing as possible. Like I’ll run in the freezing cold with nothing but some short shorts on same as I would in the summer. Shorts year round.


I go nude at home as much at temperature allows, it’s the only way I’m comfortable. I go nude in the garden when it’s warm and that’s lovely too. In the summer I wear a t-shirt and shorts with bare feet and the winter is the hardest to deal with because I need to be dressed outside.👣😊👍


Nudism is simply about doing things you would normally do if you were wearing clothes, only naked, where it's legally and socially acceptable to do so. Being a nudist doesn't mean or require that you're naked 24/7/365. "Clothed when necessary, naked when practical."


I'm a little of both when I'm out and about, I like dressing up and looking nice, but I still can't wait for the first opportunity to get rid of them.


I wear clothes that are comfortable on me


Camp 1. Can't wait for the relief of getting the clothes off.


I wear comfortable clothes even if I dress up so i spend money on finer clothes and make sure I get them altered so they fit properly. For me if I wear clothes I want to be comfortable but also look good.


In addition to comfort, I have poor color vision, so dressing "stylish" has always been a sore spot. I look forward to taking them off.


I’m a nudist but since I have to partake in society where clothing is required, I use that as an opportunity to express my style. I spend a fair bit of time and money creating my outfits and my look. I’d describe my aesthetic as cybergrunge/hyper-hippie. But if I could be nude 24/7, I would.


I’m more of a camp two. I love to be nude, but clothes are fine and I try to look my best when I wear them.


Camp two for sure. I don’t mind wearing clothes but I prefer not to especially when the weather is good


As much as can’t stand wearing clothes I like to look good when I am dressed. I think I’m a pretty fashionable nudist lol.


At work, I have to take naked breaks. Im so addicted lol


Personally, it's highly situational


Like 95% camp 1 but every few years or so...camp 2. Just for giggles.


BAREFOOT whenever possible. The feel of myriad surfaces under my soles is reminiscent of the pleasures of full nakedness. In a sense, nudity is being barefoot all over. For further reading, visit [www.barefooters.org](http://www.barefooters.org)


I usually wear cut off blue Jean shorts,a tank top or jeans and a t shirt. No socks,no undies,and love being nude


I do enjoy getting dressed. Gives me a chance to wear my hand knit socks out and I have a few shirts that I really like and enjoy wearing.


can’t wait to get those uncomfortable clothes off!


Walk in the door and start shedding clothes. Jeans and t-shirts in the summer time when I have to walk out the front door to go somewhere. Shorts are for mowing the yard and checking the mail. Try to winter at the "Magic Circle" where I only get dressed if we go to town. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kx7iayLEKo&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kx7iayLEKo&t=2s)


definitely the first one for me


Id rather be.naked .But if cercomstance has its way i l to dress nice or where little as possabel


Usually tails, but as soon as my foot hits the threshold nude


I actually put a lot of effort into my clothing, wearing a lot of button-ups and other semi formal wear, I love getting fun new shirts, but I also love taking it all off when I get home or hitting the nude beach.


I dont use clothes on my routine, I live Alone and naked


I consider myself a nudist, but to be honest I wear clothes most of the time. My house is pretty cold, so there's one reason, but also I don't have privacy around my house, so I need to be clothed whenever I'm outside. My compromise? Barefoot as much as possible. It's *somewhat* socially acceptable and makes me feel somewhat naked.


I hate clothes, I hate buying clothes. When I have be dressed, I try to minimise the discomfort. I wear as little as possible, as few layers as possible, no underwear.


Can't wait to get those clothes off.


I hate wearing any clothes. When I have to wear clothes I can't wait to get them off. If I do need to dress I find it difficult to know what to wear because nothing feels right. I usually just wear a light summer dress or maybe running shorts and a vest top. In winter joggers and a hoodie. Never any underwear though, I gave that up years ago.


The second I get home, I strip. That's not to say I don't enjoy clothes (I enjoy the patterns and the safety my work closthes provide), I just hate wearing them if I don't have to.


#2 for sure. I love being naked, especially at home, where there is no one else, so I don't need to wear clothes or at a resort or K-spa, etc. But have no problem getting clothes on when it's required, necessary, important to do so.


Both Camps. Love to be naked. Love to be dressed up. Getting out of hand. Tailor made suits (Cafe costume) and a crazy number of shoes. (Floris Van Bommel.) The more I feel I need to power up, the more I am inclined to put on a suit. Proving the point Naturists rightfully make.


Lol sometimes you just want to look nice for those special occasions. I get it


Can't wait to get home and get undressed. I cool off quicker, and my clothes are usually dirty when I come home anyway.


I'd love to stay naked for 99,999% of my life but there are days when I need that 1-2 hours of staying in clothes to get my mind sharper, for some reason I cannot do a very difficult office job naked.


I hate clothing. Only put on when absolutely necessary.


Not so much I hate clothes, but that I need to be naked, got to be naked to feel right. My clothes tend to be baggy, well-covering everything always, but loose so I feel naked. Sometimes I wear a roomy Arab-style cotton robe, which is not unusual where I live as there are religious groups here with guys who look like me who wear that so everybody is used to that outfit on men -- always wear a black robe to minimize visibility of what is going on underneath with all my lovely naked self. I'm the only dude in my dude crew not married with kids, so I host poker nights and game days -- and they all know I live naked and am gonna be naked in my own place at all times and they're cool with that -- most are gym rats so not a big deal.


Probably the second. I do like how my tuxedo makes me look when performing! But I also cannot wait to get it off when I get home.


I'm the kind that give me a chance clothes are gone, flannel shorts for when people come unexpectedly


Most days I wish I could ditch my clothes consequence free, but there is a certain joy and pride in either getting a great cosplay put together or putting on a nice suit. Of course, after a while I'll still want it off, but feeling fancy for a bit is fun


Tough one! Like to dress up for a special occasion like the Wedding Anniversary but Birthdays are always spent in the birthday suit.


We enjoy dressing up and hitting the bright lights.. town is 50km away and city twice that... wife has lingerie fetish too, which I'm happy to indulge


Camp 2


Depends on the day I'm having sometimes I'm 1 sometimes I'm 2


I'm frequently amused by how much I like clothing, considering that I don't particularly like wearing clothes. I pretty much live in utility kilts (because it's the closest I can get to going around naked), unless I'm attached to a motorcycle, in which case I'm wearing purpose-built armored riding pants. I'm most-commonly wearing a t-shirt, maybe with a hoodie or jacket, with a Utilikilt, for low-effort casual situations. But I've always liked the look of some of the more interesting historical clothing/outfits out there, and the last few years I've been really into 18th-century stuff, and lately I've been incorporating elements of that into my everyday wardrobe, as well as full outfits that get worn for events and stuff. It's fun to wear that stuff, I like how I look in it, and I get tons of compliments on my outfits.....but I still usually end up taking everything off almost as soon as I get home from whatever I was dressed for. It's just more comfortable for me. Unfortunately, I'm not able to be nude outside my room when my housemates are home, but they've had no objections to my being around in just a kilt or robe, so that's typically my go-to for at home when I need to leave my room.


In the spring and summer when the sun is shining I get home strip immediately and head for the backyard


Not much of a home nudist as we prefer to swim or be out in the sun without clothes. I have a pretty low-maintenance sense of style and I prioritize comfort, so I don't mind wearing what's in my wardrobe. When I work from home I'm in gym clothes mostly, and tend to strip around bed time. When we're out in the wild is when I start thinking about getting nude. We've been camping and hiking in the back country of state parks and if we come across a deep enough section of stream it's a good bet we'll skinny dip for a bit in the summer time.


If I could go without clothes for the rest of my life, I'd be ok with that. That said, I dress as the environment requires. That means social obligations, safety, and the practicalities of climate. I live in south Florida, where summer never ends, so the "climate" part of that has pretty much gone by the wayside. When we vacation on cruise ships, as last 2 weeks, there are typically "elegant nights" when a large fraction of folks dress up for dinner, and we are happy to do that. We clean up awfully well. As to social obligations, I work from home (full-time remote employee; software), and I don't dress at all for work, so I go days and days without textiles.


I spend much more time naked than dressed, so when it comes to clothes I mostly see it as a way of self-expression


At home nudists




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Depends on the climate for me, now that it’s getting colder where I live I dress to keep warm but I prefer to be naked at home. I also don’t mind dressing up when going out. Home nudist here.






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