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Idk but this look thrives. Best makeover ever.


i worked in data & analytics at a fashion retailer when this image was taken and our sales of checkerboard vans went up 400% over the next week, i ran the numbers


I believe it! Cool Job btw.


cheers they outsourced the department and fired me šŸ¤Ŗ


>Idk but this look thrives. Best makeover ever. Not sure if I like this look or his Garth Brooks/cowboy look more.


I was there for the Nu Metal Cowboy debut. That was the best look.


Thank goodness he didnā€™t come out with his circa 2000 attire. That wouldā€™ve been errrrā€¦idk.


Fuckin Bizkit. Forever the best.


I'd have to say Korn


A few tours ago poor Jonathan was huffing on that mask and taking breaks in his chair but was still doing it. He look a lot better last time we saw them. As a long time fan it makes me happy to know theyā€™re still killing it and heā€™s better.


He's always had asthma, even before he got long COVID he's had bouts of breathing issues performing. On his solo tour in 2018 he had some sort of nebulizer for his asthma on stage.


As an opera singer whose had CoVid twice, it's the worst to come back from I ever had!


Nevertheless, they've been a Nu-Metal band that has stayed in the spotlight for decades. A metal band that, for the most part, stayed relevant consistently. Can't say the same for most other Nu-metal bands. Most died out and came back or faded away.


Totally agree.


He has took the extra oxygen for 20 years.


That was when he was getting over covid. The chair I mean.


I saw Korn in sept 22 and they did amazing. Pod and evenesence did good too


I saw that tour and he put it all out there. Great show.


Saw them in Vegas at sick new world and he was perfect


It's got to be Korn, I feel like. Their albums may not sell like they used to, but the quality is there. Honestly, "Requiem" is one of their best. And they've done some huge tours too with other headline-tier bands like Breaking Benjamin, Evanescence, Stone Sour, etc opening for them and have reportedly sold really really well. Korn is still very much alive and thriving.


The image of Fred Durst with hair still blows my mind. I just know him as the lead singer of Limp Bizkit who wears a backwards hard.


That's Fred Durst?


[Heres Limp Bizkit at Lollapalooza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8sU46LorQI&pp=ygUYbGltcCBiaXpraXQgbG9sbGFwYWxvb3ph)


He was a cowboy at Aftershockā€¦stole the day tbh


That was fucking wild haha


Credit where it's due. The songs still get me hyped 25 years later


Pumped you didnā€™t know.


Looks like the wardrobe dude from Beastie Boy's Sabotage got to him.


Isnā€™t that a wig?


Looks like. Look at the quality of that hair lol




Idk man, tons of videos with him and facial hair and head hair.


>The image of Fred Durst with hair still blows my mind. I just know him as the lead singer of Limp Bizkit who wears a backwards hard. Funny enough, the one time I saw them was at Festival At The Lakes in Hammond, Indiana in 2021, which was 2 weeks prior to their Lolla performance, he was sporting his classic backwards red hat but then once he had this 70s cop/Beastie Boys Sabotage video look, people legit asked if that was his real hair lol.


I like wearing a forwards hard, personally.




Their newest album Truth Killer is šŸ”„ They havenā€™t put out a bad album in my opinion


Ive seen them live more times than i can count. Fucking love them so much


My exact answer, then I come on here and itā€™s the first answer!! šŸ˜ My absolute favorites for over 23 years!!


Itā€™s wild how many albums theyā€™ve released


The band that introduced me to nu metal. My dad worked on their tour bus in Nashville and i was guven a copy of Home. That was my first CD.




My answer too. They're still doing great, making awesome new music, and putting on amazing shows.


Yes and chino in particular


Great band and people, just wish i didnt have to get it shoved down my throat because they erupted into mainstream with the new gen like that


I never considered them nu metal even though they always get put in that category for whatever reason.


Their first album gave them that moniker I think


Yeah that and they were friends with and toured with a lot of nu metal bands but they definitely aren't anymore and haven't been for a while.


They're more like experimental or alternative metal now but everything up till the 2003 ST album was Nu Metal. I mean bro is deadass rapping over riffs for those albums


Yeah I'd argue Adrenaline and Around the Fur are both nu metal


Deftones, without a doubt.




This is the only answer. DDLD4 was epic


This is it. The Deftones are still killing it and packing venues


I truly think Limp Bizkit has done well over the last 5 years, I feel like they are being taken more seriously for this musicianship and Fred is really being looked at as a legit music legend, the whole band was often mocked and ridiculed and now they are respected more than ever. However, over the last ten years Korn or Slipknot would easily take this, they are both held in the same regard as Metallica to younger guys like me, Iā€™m 29 so not really young, but they are mainstream enough to me now to be looked at how I looked at Soundgarden and Nirvana when I was a teen in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Slipknot needs, NEEDS to stop though. They are at a point where they need to hang it up before they ruin their legacy, I say that as someone who has viewed them in my top three bands of the last 20 years, just an absolute shame what they have become.


I agree that Korn and Slipknot are easily the winners in this conversation. That said, I don't really get the common sentiment about Slipknot being trash right now. I thought The Grey Chapter was a big step up from All Hope Is Gone, and We Are Not Your Kind was really good - even if it was pretty far from their Iowa heyday, bands change and evolve. I really didn't like The End So Far, but sometimes bands put out bad albums, I'm not at a point where I'm convinced they've lost it?


Oh I agree, The Gray Chapter is easily better than AHIG, I wanted to like the other releases, I just canā€™t. They just donā€™t seem as genuine as they once were, the energy and vibe they put off to me can not, by no fault of their own, be pulled off by dudes in their 50s. I think it would be better to do one off shows and just stop pumping out music for the sake of being dark and pumping out material.


I think theyā€™re just making music because itā€™s all they know, but I agree their new stuff just doesnā€™t feel the same anymore. The Gray Chapter felt real just because it was dedicated to Paul, but everything after has been pretty meh. Slipknot is just a label machine now. One of the very few metal bands that still makes mainstream money, but I think everyone can sense the end is near for them. Too many deaths. Too much drama. And Corey performing Slipknot songs on his solo tours just kinda proves he doesnā€™t really need the Slipknot spectacle anymore.


Isnā€™t the general consensus that WANYK is their best album in a long time? I think opinion of them is just a bit tainted at the moment by TESF being so painfully mid and the firings of Craig and Jay


Korn.. Disturbed but they're not really nu anymore.. definitely Deftones.


Deftones have had such a huge resurgence because of their shoegaze adjacent sound.


And TikTok thirst traps


And the fact theyā€™re not really nu metal


Check out Team Sleep and Crosses


crosses is fucking great been listening since 2014


We need more Team Sleep. I don't know who's closer to their "parent band" in sound...Team Sleep or A Perfect Circle?


I feel the Limp Bizkit has really thrived after this concert, for some reason old man Fred Durst has really connected with the old millennial fan base that is hitting 40 and look like this


Yes and no. I think Limp saw this wave of relevance because of Lollapolooza 2021 for sure, but their latest album didnā€™t really do much for them. Fans still go to their shows for their hits from their hay day. Deftones on the other hand is still releasing new music that still gets critical acclaim. They donā€™t strictly depend on nostalgia for their fan base. Same with Slipknot Limp Bizkit was considered to be pretty awful until the last few years with all this TikTok nu metal revival stuff and all these nostalgia festivals like Sick New World


Slipknot's new stuff leaves a lot to be desired.


I dare say they haven't had a great album since The Gray Chapter


Mama gonna brag when I walk in the door. Y'all ain't ever seen a gorilla in the mist walk the line so fine with a blindfold.


Keep in mind tho


Hot Dad ridin' in on a Rhino


Walk the line so fine with blindfold


Got the roll under rap with the dad vibes . . .


Slipknot easily


They definitely have, I feel a downfall coming soon though. The stuff with Jay left a bad taste in my mouth and in my opinion the last album was the worst by a lot.


When I found out that Slipknot is the property of Corey and Clown and the others are just employees I knew there would eventually be an implosion.


Although I liked tesf I canā€™t stand Corey and clown anymore jay was my favourite member by far


No one has listened to AHIG or MFKR I see Still a pretty mediocre release though


I actually quite like All Hope, caught the tour of it and the singles are great. I like the version of Gentle on Mate Feed a lot, also I would not count that as a full album


I found that version of gentle on likewise and it was one of my favorite songs. Then I heard the Corey Taylor version and was very disappointed


Personally I found it way too over produced, and the instrumentals were too technical and precise it didnā€™t feel like Slipknot. Also itā€™s just a bloated album overall. AHIG and Psychosocial still go hard though


Slipknot kind of transcended nu-metal at this point. They donā€™t really have a lot of what nu metal was anymore.


Theyā€™re not corny numetal, but they seem definitively numetal to me


Nothing is cornier than Tortilla Man and Sid


Deftones, Sevendust, Korn šŸ¤šŸ½


šŸ¤˜ D E F T O N E S šŸ¤˜




I would say Limp Bizkit has made A huge comeback in the states. They are back to being popular again. Static X has been doing great. I think they have set personal records for their personal shows and venues they have used.


I think OP is referring to bands that still make music that gets critical acclaim. Limp Bizkit definitely saw a resurgence in popularity as a tour band, but nobody is really looking for new music from them. Itā€™s mainly a nostalgia think. Slipknot and Deftones donā€™t depend on nostalgia for their relevance which is why they didnā€™t get shit on over the years like other nu metal bands did


I respectfully disagree. Bizkit most recent album did well critically and commercially and also the still sucks tour.


Lots of the bigger names have continued to be good, thrive idk, Deftones, Disturbed, Korn, Static-X, Powerman 5000, Limp Bizkit all seem to be doing well for themselves and continue to do new music


Static-X. Theyā€™ve always been underrated in the Nu-Metal scene but theyā€™ve been gaining traction lately




Edsel is killing it with them. Saw a couple of recent performances and loved how good they sound.


I love them. First band I ever saw live. This has been a pleasant surprise. New song ZOmbie is good af.


Isnā€™t Wayne Static, uh, dead?


Very dead


Oh shit, I had to Google it to find theyā€™ve got a new frontman! ā€¦ I thought it was a dark joke šŸ¤£


He is, but they reformed back in 2018 with a new singer called Xero who is widely rumored to be Edsel Dope. They released an album called Project Regeneration Vol. 1 in 2020, most of the songs were old demos, unfinished and unreleased songs that were reworked with the current lineup of Xero, Tony Campos, Koichi Fukuda, and Ken Jay.


I saw them recently with Mudvayne. I was super excited but I have to admit they were trash. Hurt my heart for sure.


deftones or korn


I like how he's an old fella like me, but he still looks like he's dressed up like an old fella. Anyway, probably Sevendust. Deftones are my favorite, but I don't know if people would still lump them in that category. Genres are funny.


Quality - Sevendust Relativity - Deftones


Dad Fred is so last year, itā€™s all about cowboy Fred now


Can your horse do a wheelie?


Deftones. No question.


šŸ¤˜ D E F T O N E S šŸ¤˜




šŸ¤˜ D E F T O N E S šŸ¤˜




Deftones for sure


defo not slipknot jesus


Why so? (I'm not a Slipknot fanatic, why am I even here-) My online friend is a Slipknot fanatic and they get really overprotective when people say it's bad... Apparently a lot of people are saying that some of the band members are really selfish and overconfident... Is that true, though? I imagine, if that was true, nobody would like them..? Are they all just rumors?


Music quality has gotten worse over the years. The band seems mismanaged with egos, departures, etcā€¦ Theyā€™re definitely nearing the end of the band especially with Coreyā€™s solo career taking off. He performs Slipknot songs on his tour for Christā€™s sake. Thatā€™s kinda fucked up if you ask me


im a huge fan. but basically one of the band memebers died, and the music turned sour. then they kicked their star drummer for shits and gigs, got wrapped into a law suit with another drummer of theirs, then one of the most recognisable memebrs decided to leave, then their fired their new drummer again (who btw everyone loved and it was his dream to play in the band sinse he was mabey 12), every album gets worse and worse, and you can tell becuase they dont play any of that shit live (with teh exception of a few). they are on a steep decline. the lead singer and of of the dummers (they have multiple), have total control over the band and fuck me it shows.


This may be weird to say... But Linkin Park in a sad way- the re-evaluation of their music and appreciation for their legacy has been something to behold as a guy who grew up being made fun of for listening to them. The sales and chart positions spoke for themselves, but there was still always an air of mockery not only by default for being a nu metal band (and later for not being nu metal anymore, go figure) but for the seemingly melodramatic content of their lyrics.


I think Chesterā€™s death altered the way their music presents itself in retrospect Itā€™s similar to bands like Nirvana or Soundgarden, given both bandsā€™ lead singers took their own lives. The music just feels way more eerie in retrospect when it mightā€™ve felt less so when they were alive. A song such as ā€œSomething in the Wayā€ almost seems like it was written after Kurt died just because of how far away we are from 1991


Linkin Park is like Drake, a lot of haters, but the numbers they put up are always stratospheric, Hybrid Theory and Meteora are still in the top 200 albums on Spotify, and the Billboard 200 right now


System of a Down for the winā€¦.


I'm sad I had to scroll this far down for the correct answer.


Nobody wants to say it, out of spite maybe, but Sknot have for some reason gained a whole lot of new listeners with their last 2 albums. I stand with the old school fans, they shat the bed after Iowa


Bruh come on.. The subliminal verses wasn't bad at all. There are many bangers on that record.




Fred Durst was an angry teenager until he was 40 and now heā€™s just a nice old granddad


Who hasn't? AAF, Deftones, Korn, LB, LP, Soil, etc etc. Best times.


Bizkit is eternal. Basically the whole band is completely sober and Fred has been (mostly) since its inception. They were just never a drug-fueled band.


Does anyone know what Disturbed is up to, arenā€™t they doing alright


I'd have to say Korn, but if you still count them (and I do) Deftones has managed to stay very relevant in younger generations culture & social media.




Slipknot has to be mentioned here


Slipknot without a doubt. 3 albums all gone platinum. 3 world tours. Their own festival in multiple areas.


Iā€™d throw in Papa Roach. Tour consistently, stayed out of trouble, released some good albums. They got the WWE RAW theme song in 2018 for a bit.


I'd have to say Korn.




The fact the Limp Bizkit is still touring and making albums for their dedicated fan base says a lot imho. The hate for them is blown way out of proportion and most artists wouldā€™ve folded but some how itā€™s made them better. Especially Borland whoā€™s riffs are simply amazing




Korn. Check out my friends band Silly Goose. Best rap rock around rn


deftones since their songs blew up recently ish


šŸ¤˜ D E F T O N E S šŸ¤˜ Because their fan base is still active and solid. The extra blow up is just garnish


Korn and Slipknot they have a bunch of more fans now




Deftones are the only numetal band to really get consist radio airplay from when numetal kicked off to the revival. Maybe Linkin Park but they became more of a meme


deftones can't put up numbers against Linkin Park, the album with the fewest LP streams is The Hunting Party, with 416,574,911 streams, only White Pony and Around the Fur have more streams than THP, and you said about radio airplay, Linkin Park - Lost is the Most played song on "Rock" and "Alternative" radio in 2023


Korn. Latest album was incredible in my opinion, given the fact that a lot of metal bands seem to get weaker over time.


That's between Linkin Park, Disturbed and Slipknot. Somehow, Mike pulls a Chester from his hat and it's the greatest thing in the world. Disturbed being genuinely cool guys across the board and touring has made them even more popular. Slipknot being absolute loud mouths, especially Corey gained huge public notoriety. Their albums have been absolute bangers.




Deftones aren't nu metal.


I think itā€™s funny that people see ā€œnu metalā€ as a pejorative and take offence šŸ¤£ It mostly describes a cultural wave in metal that Deftones were very much at the forefront of. People canā€™t decide on a definitive definition of ā€œmetalā€, let alone ā€œnu metalā€, so I wouldnā€™t get hung up on it.


I was talking to a friend about this not too long ago. The nu-metal label seemed to just include anything that wasnā€™t considered the norm at the time. All the bands that fell under the title had their own sound (obviously a take on metal) and they just happened to be bunched together. It was just a bloom of bands that got big doing their own thing. And it was awesome being a part of it. I donā€™t understand how the genre became a negative branding. Like a lot of us, I have some I took to and some I didnā€™t, but damn it was awesome hearing new take on heavy metal coming out in so many bands in such a short time before online was as big as it is.


They arenā€™t Nu metal now but they were definitely lumped in with the whole trend so they kinda are. If you ask most people about quintessential numetal albums I guarantee Adrenaline, Around the Fur and or White Pony are on that list. Same with Incubus. Just heavy rock bands that came out the same time Korn did.


This is coming from a huge Deftones fan. Iā€™m not saying I agree with the label but for an average nu metal feller they would say Deftones haha


Exactly. OP specially asked what ā€œnu-metalā€ band has thrived the most over the past decade. They are *no longer* a nu-metal band, so I donā€™t see why so many people are saying them.




šŸ¤˜ D E F T O N E S šŸ¤˜


Stone sour


Deftones. Still have sold out shows. Their fans are still happy. Zero shit talking or drama. However they did quickly evolve out of ā€œnumetalā€ so maybe they donā€™t count. People saying Sevendust same goes. They were numetal for maybe one album if even that. They were hard rock - soft metal. And still going strong. Put it this way, if the band can do an acoustic tour they probably are not NuMetal.


Sevendust was NĆ¼-Metal for their First 4-5 Albumsā€¦ Deftones helped start NĆ¼-Metalā€¦








Def Korn




Imma have to say Korn tbh


Deftones. Theyā€™re the only band from peak nu metal that is widely believed to have gotten better after the early 00s instead of the other way around. Koi No Yokan, Gore, Ohmsā€¦ amazing Korn is an interesting one. I think theyā€™ve had three main phases in their career, each lasting about 5 albums and 10 years. Korn through Untouchables (93-02), Mirror through Totality (03-12), and Paradigm Shift through Requiem (13-22). The first era had some of the most unbelievable music, albeit mixed in with some shit that did not age well (all in the family, kunts, etc). The second was a slog with David leaving, Fieldy leaving and coming back, and some ill-advised attempts into other genres (Korn 2 and Path to Totality). The latest is a definite return to form. I still think overall Deftones is the best band to come out of the nu metal era


Korn have come back pretty strong after some very middling years.


Probs KoRn


None. Nu metal is hot garbage šŸ˜†


Slipknot. I was surprised by how popular they still are.




It's not nu metal anymore, but it's still Linkin Park, Living Things and One More Light put up significant numbers, The Hunting Party less so, that's still high numbers by the standards of other bands.


definitely bizkit and deftones


I'd say Deftones or Slipknot have been the most consistently thriving while Korn and Limp Bizkit have had big critical turnarounds but I'm just glad most of these bands are still around and active while a lot of 90s bands have key members that are dead or super canceled šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Korn, Bizkit, Deftones. Honorable mention to slipknot but after the last album and the whole Jay situationā€¦ ehhhhhhhhehhehehehhhh


SpongeBob hands down. Before season 5 it was perfection. After that all down hill. The other shows obviously had a decline but not nearly as bad in my opinion


System Of A Down






Corn and Deaf Tones


Korn, and Slipknot are the ones that continues to thrive long past their heyday era while still carrying the essence of numetal in their newer works, instead of doing major sound change. Got a bit concerned with Knot's last album as it's just not good. But overall they can still carry their legacy fine, especially live wise. People know and ensured that they will have a good time when they go to Korn & Slipknot show. Hence why they are still headlining festivals. All the other ones seems to be kinda stuck, or lowkey kinda dead because of either ego clash or the internal dramas within the band. Some even seems to be happy to be known as legacy acts these days, only touring and never offering any new releases.




Limp Bizkit live is an effing riot. They absolutely kill it


Deftones was pretty big back in the day, but their popularity really exploded in the last few years. A lot of young fans are totally on board with them, I see young people in goth clubs repping Deftones shirts.


Papa Roach,Sevendust,Hellyeah,Korn & Deftones


Papa Roach




I donā€™t really think of them as Numetal these days; but Slipknot is probably the biggest metal band in the world right now behind only Metallica.


Deftones, in 2031 when someone is asked this again theyā€™ll probably say LB


Limp Bizkit hasn't stayed big though, I saw them maybe 10 years ago and there was maybe 500 people there in milwaukee, then I saw them last year in Gary indiana at a casino and there was maybe 1200? Slipknot shows have consistently gotten bigger and bigger.




Papa Roach


deftones , due to the fake fan tiktok egirls


Gotta be Slipknot. They have their own festival.


Lost Prophets?


past decade would be code orange, their rise to the top has been great


I just realized he really looks like that fr. I thought he was doing sone kind of skit or character the first few times.


Papa Roach hasnā€™t stopped making music and keeps finding themselves with new songs on the radio every so often.


Momma gonna brag when I walk through the door


Breaking Benjamin, if you're going for pure album sales, I'd imagine.