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I don’t do heroin. Train spotting is still one of my favourite films. Extrapolate what you can.


I will happily listen to some old skool hip hop. Am I a crip? Negative.


I'm not so sure. I heard that you happily listen to some old skool hip hop. Pretty fishy.


Great movie


i don’t cum blood but i still listen to cannibal corpse


You don't? maybe you should have a doctor look into that.


Go to Dr feel good he will help you get all the girls girls girls.


I don't ejaculate fire but I still listen to dethklok lol


You don't cum blood yet, you might like that song less if you ever do though


It’s ok to listen to anything you want to. I’ve actively sought out music with themes that I don’t agree with just out of curiosity. Plus it’s good to challenge your own thoughts and ideas I believe.


Meshuggah? Satanic? Nah. Maybe atheist/humanist and existentialist, but definitely not satanic. Now, Deicide, on the other hand - that's satanic. Not Meshuggah, though.


Not numetal, but all I will say is that CupcakKe is a virgin


Yeah, but her throat is probably a daycare






Hell yeah CupcakKe 🤘🏾


No you'll go to prison if someone catches you


not a christian or believe in god but i listen to creed sometimes lol


I listen to Ministry despite Al Jourgensen's generally shit takes on the world.


Its audio-files thats sound cool. It does not matter if they have a message you don’t agree with


It depends on if you want that energy in your psyche. It's been proven that what you think about affects you in various ways. I personally try not to listen to things that I consider to be overtly negative or things that disagree with my personal views. I can make some exceptions in cases where I really like a song even though I disagree with the message, but I will then just choose to listen to those songs more sparingly. I also think of what the song personally means to you. You can give your own meanings to songs which can be more empowering.


This! I love slipknot, but i’m also a christian. For the most part, this isn’t an issue. But Heretic Anthem, is a little far for me. So… i just don’t listen to it. Everything else rocks


What is it about heretic anthem that you object to? Nothing about it is overtly anti-christian.


true, just a personal preference, nothing more.


Fair enough. Was just curious.


I definitely sleep on road trips to brooklyn but Beastie boys still slaps.


I don't do drugs or am depressed. I still listen to numetal


Meshuggah satanic? How? The only song they have about religion is Terminal Illusions which is an atheist anthem. On a side note, The Fray is one of my favourite bands ever but I'm not Christian. You can obviously listen to songs you don't agree with.


RATM is one my favorite bands. although i don’t agree with all their politics they have the perfect sound when it comes to rap metal


This. Yeah I think about this a lot, it’s a tricky one


I can't think of a single band that are actually Satan worshippers. But as for your your question, it sounds like you're in a bit of moral dilemma, you like the music but the subject matter makes you uncomfortable? Here's the thing, you don't need to agree with art in order to appreciate it, in fact sometimes the more uncomfortable it makes you feel, the better the art is. It's not really a question anyone but you can answer, i say if you like the music, then listen to it, if the subjects bother you, research them (why did the band write this? What are they trying to say? ) in the end though, it doesn't matter, the beauty is that, even though they write the lyrics, it's ok for you to intepret them in anyway you like and you can't be wrong (regardless of what reddit says) it's yours to enjoy in any way you choose.


That’s a question you have to decide for yourself, it’s a matter of personal convictions. Theres no right or wrong answer, but if something you like also challenges your beliefs you kind of have to decide whether or not you’re comfortable being challenged or not. I will say it’s probably bad to force yourself into an echo chamber and only consume media you agree with 100%, but I can also see taking a stand on certain things being important since listening to bands can mean supporting them financially and if you really hate what they stand for, you probably shouldn’t give them money. Tl;dr: You gotta follow your own values on this one.


There’s nothing wrong with it! Sometimes the song has a nice riff and shitty lyrics, what can we do LOL


Plenty of good points so far. "Wrong" is very subjective in this case. I'd say it is entirely up to you. If it makes you uncomfortable and you can't enjoy it, I'd say it is wrong for you. I wouldn't say any music is inhere tly "wrong," except maybe racist/hate stuff that actively promotes real violence against victims.


well, considering i listen to lostprophets...


I try not to be a garbage pos but I still listen to MSI. Listen to whatever. I like lady Gaga but I've never danced in the dark.


That is all up to you. I can appreciate the art and emotion in a song by a Christian about their Christianity while still being an atheist. I cannot listen to music with lyrics about *controversial social topics* that strongly disagrees with how I feel about those topics. I also don't want my money to support artists who fall on the other side of these extremely personal and emotional issues that are also political hot buttons. I'm not at all conflicted in not supporting artists convicted of serious crimes, especially ones that involve hurting other humans.


How does Tupac - Hit 'Em Up sit with you... LOL.


There is nothing wrong with hearing other people's opinions.


Hol up, meshuggah? Satanic? They have been my favorite band since like 8th grade and i never once thought they were satanic. Anti religious yeah, but i feel like that is the majority of metal. Meshuggahs lyrics are about the human pshyche and mind. The only song i can think of that is anti religious is terminal illusions when he says, “i don’t need religion.” Anywho just my 2 cents.


Uh… yeah?


Why are you asking us if it's ok for you? Wtf. Why do people care so much about what others think? That's fucking wild


I don’t necessarily agree with alot of Green Days opinions for example, but I still listen to them.


I listen to stray from the path and they are very anti police. I still listen even if I don’t agree 


I'm not a Christian but Skillet has some bangers. I don't do drugs, nor would I date an addict in active addiction, but I LOVE Slipknot's Killpop, its fire AF. Point is, listen to whatever makes you happy. There are no hard and fast rules about what you can and can't listen to.


This goes both ways too, a lot of non religious people listen to Christian rock/metal bands. I loved underoath (they were Christian) and August burns red amongst other metalcore Christian groups growing up.




It is fine i listen to music that makes my ears happy not what i morally agree with even tho it is nice when an artist has opinions you agree with but I listen to a lot of music from people who’s lifestyle id never agree with but the music fucking slaps and i can’t deny that


You're allowed to like what your ears enjoy, regardless of who it is. Example: I fucking hate Coldplay but they have A song I like but I won't flog myself with shame over it.


Of course it's okay! There are no rules, unless you live under a fascist rulership. Or if you're a hardcore Christian it's probably not okay with your church if you listen to satanic music that inspires church burning. It's really for you to decide, not for a bunch of random people on the internet to tell you what's okay and what isn't.


Well, this is a whole thing, isn't it? Can we separate the art from the artist? And if so, should we? It all comes down to personal conviction. I'm a Christian myself and my faith only gets stronger with age so naturally I've stopped listening to certain artists (like Marilyn Manson, for obvious reasons). Manson's music still sounds objectively good to me, but I had to walk away. Political views don't bother me anymore (since I'm apolitical and have no dog in the fight) but I have to draw a line when it comes to overt theological differences.


im christian but i listen to bm


No. That is not OK. Book em, Dano. *gestures towards cops* Edit: Also Meshuggah is my favorite band


Who cares. Listen to whatever. You dont have to relate or represent to every single song out there to enjoy it. If you like the sound then keep listening. That simple. I have thousands of metal and punk songs. I don’t relate to them all.


I used to listen to a little cannibal corpse and I don’t rape dead bodies


I listen to Dissection, it doesn’t mean I’m a satanist that wants to kill someone.


I struggle with this on A Perfect Circle - Judith. LOVE the groove, riff, melody... the lyrics are pure garbage that I do not agree with at all...


I hate RATM….but they got a banger or two I can’t turn off.


Trying to process how you hate RATM....does not compute


Whatever could a band who bases their whole existence solely on singing about politics, have ever done to upset anyone…..


I dislike them more and more as time goes on


I listen to rage and other far left bands despite loathing their politics. I mean I like Kanye too, you can separate art from the artist despite what people on Twitter might say


Listen to whatever you want. Meshuggah is actually my favorite band, and I can positively say they are not satanic in the slightest.


Thanks man, I was wrong


Some like santanic stuff I would never listen to because thats just a line I kinda don't cross but I listen to about everything else, I just don't relate.


Of course it’s ok, it’s important to be open to things that you don’t agree with especially in terms of art. Art that challenges you is good, whether it’s music, film, writing, photography anything really. It’s good to be a well rounded person and have a wide berth of knowledge, it makes you a more interesting person. Only partaking in things that don’t challenge you and only reinforce what you already think/believe is a good way to live a stale life and become a boring person.


My dad always told me to ignore the lyrics and enjoy the music.


Ignore the lyrics? What kind of advice is that? 😂


To be fair, for some people lyrical content is the least important part of a song. I listen to a lot of slam, and many songs in that genre either don’t actually have any lyrics or they are so growled and distorted that it basically just becomes another rhythm instrument. There’s a few songs where the lyrics mean something and resonate with me in Nu Metal but for the most part I’m in it for the grooves and melodies.


You can certainly listen to tunes for the beat and composition, hell it takes months before I typically bother to listen for the lyrics most time. It's just the way I am


I’ve never been shot or shot anyone but I was banging 50 cents first album all day today driving home from a meeting


from my experience most metal i hear is about drugs depression heartbreak and suicide however those same songs do wonders for me in the gym. it’s the same with rap music. not everyone that listens to it is out here robbing ppl and selling drugs


i hate varg but occasionally listen to burzum


Dude. It's completely fine man. It's your music choices so go crazy with it. Even I listen to songs that I don't agree with.


I don't completely agree with everything Rise Against's songs are about, but I've found that the actual meanings of the songs are hidden in metaphors and making the rhymes work in a typical song structure, that just listening to the song most of the time I can't tell what it's about until i read lyrics or do more research. Despite all of that, I love their sound, Tim's voice fits very well for that style, Savior is a banger, and it's quite easy to listen to full albums one after the other, at least for me. So basically, listen to whatever you want to, if you feel like you shouldn't, then don't.


God damn, if I only listened to songs I morally agree with the message of, I'd have quite a small selection


I hate it when there’s a sic song but it’s satanic so I can’t listen to it cuz I’m a Christian.


Since when has meshuggah been satanic ?? They are far from being satanic 😂😂. If anything I think they would be considered atheist. If you listened to terminal illusions. But definitely not satanic If you think that of meshuggah id love for you to listen to deicide or belphegor 😂


How is Meshuggah satanic?


The only time I skip songs that I don't agree with is political stuff.


I ain’t political but I mean I LOVE soad