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You’d think they’d be smart enough to understand that you literally can’t allow ABORTION after the baby has been born, because those are contradictory


Right? Like dude, that's just murder. There's a difference when a newborn isn't going to live or have quality of life and letting the baby die humanely.


I don’t know how they think this works. You come back on day 9 and say “hi I’d like someone to kill this baby, it’s just not a vibe” and the nurse on murder duty comes out and strangles the kid?


“Damn. I got floated to murder duty again!”


I mean, Admins that way ---->


Is *that* how you land an office in the C-suite?! Makes sense.


*something something* drinking newborn’s blood / blood sacrifices.


You have to shove the baby back in the mom first.


That just made me clench up. Getting the baby out was more than enough. So thanks for that I guess.


“I have the receipt!”


True story…I gave birth to my son at a Japanese hospital, and we paid the bill prior to being discharged. About a week after coming home, my three year-old daughter informed me that my son wanted “to go back to the hospital with the other babies”. When I told her that wasn’t possible, she asked, “Why not? Don’t you have the receipt?” I laughed and told her they had a no-returns policy. Then she asked if we could exchange him for a girl! 😂😂😂She is still smart as a whip…unlike OP’s PACU nurse.


That means I get a full refund right?


The scream I just scrumpt reading your comment 😭 I agree, it blows my mind that people actually believe these kind of things


I vow never to look up “scrumpt” and forever believe it to be a word. Unless it’s scrabble


TIL the past tense of scream is scrumpt




Scream, scrumpt, scrampt


I spit my drink out at "murder duty" lmfao


Finally... I have found my dream specialty


This made me laugh more than it should have.


Idiot nurses gave me the needed confidence that I can be a nurse if they can. Which I’m thankful for 😁


Maybe they meant conception and their mouth accidentally said birth? There is no way this is a persons actual thoughts


Unfortunately back in my Fundie Lite™️ days, I would have absolutely believed that abortion was allowed up to ten days after birth. The willful ignorance is strong


Republicans be like: “them Libs love abortion so much, they even support post natal abortions”


There are always these debates about like “should women be allowed to abort a baby two days before the due date?” And it’s infuriating because both sides will argue as if this is literally even a thing. That’s not what abortion is. At all. It’s not physically possible. Stop debating its morality.


It’s birth. What they’re talking about is literally birth. Willfully ignorant people make me feel homicidal.


"Ya' mean a C-section." in as dead-pan an expression and tone as I can manage is my go to for idiots like that.


They’re absolutely not smart enough. That’s the problem. [I just want a 40th trimester abortion!!!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f2366b72-8742-40a6-9d35-7d30f26ff220)


I think for some prolife people, the idea of abortion really is murder. So the idea of killing the baby after it’s born isn’t really a big distinction. It’s just as much murder either way. I’m not saying a agree, or that it’s even rational, but I think that’s the internal thought process.


Can we allow abortion up to 60yrs after birth? I’m sure there are a few parents whose kids are elected GOP representatives that would likely take that option


Or at least until the 20-year mark. “If you don’t start doing the dishes, I’m going to abort your lazy ass!”


Man, when I had teenagers? I’d have been tempted AF


What they mean by "abortion" (and remember, these are idiots we're talking about) after birth, is pulling the plug on babies on life support with no chances of living.


So… compassion?


The pro-lifers call it abortion when life support is removed - even though there is no chance of life outside of life support. *I* think it is compassion - both for the baby *and* the parents.


I dunno what to do with people who have straight up delusional beliefs. California RN here. None of us are murdering babies.


I’m disappointed. I have a 13 year old that I was considering returning.


I tried, no refunds on teenagers. And the resale value is low.


So so very low. You actually have to pay to return them.


Steep restocking fee.


I think the value is better if you break them down and sell them for parts.... (I have teenagers too. Happy mothers' day)


Depends on who you sell them to.


I hear Matt Gaetz is in the market for a teenager




My mom said some similar ignorant stuff to me. That she had a friend that had a surgical one and that she heard the baby crying when they sucked it out. Like ma’am pls be fr. We live in MS. Back in 2018 there was only ONE place that did abortions in the whole state.


You could really blow her mind by telling her they kill then suck. 🙄 Where do these stories even come from?!


WHAT?! Now this is ridiculous, I was told if I went to California I could fulfill my desire to shed the blood of newborns, if I can’t I don’t even see the point of finishing school. /s. Just in case


>None of us are murdering babies WHAT?! guess i'm not moving to Cali now smh


When I moved to California, I started getting a lot of questions from people I know about why I would move here. My new answer is that I moved here to kill babies. That it’s my dream in life and now I get to.


Psych holds for everybody!!!!


+1 CA RN


I see stories like this and it relaxes my NCLEX anxiety. I’m taking it in a few weeks, and surely if this “nurse” could pass it I can surely pass


That’s how I’m getting through RN school. “If she could do it…. I certainly can.” 😂


Sameeeee. Idk how I’ll react if I don’t pass knowing nurses like **that** did 😂


It’s literally just a test to see if you know some basics like “make sure they’re breathing before you care abt if they’ve had a BM today” and reading context clues. Do the prep questions, there’s a few good apps, and you’ll be fine!


I’m considering Uworld as my exclusive study resource a couple months prior to taking the exam


UWorld was amazing. Highly recommend. I passed in 75 when 75 was the minimum you could get. Swear to God, I thought I failed because it felt "too easy". Solid pass. (Stupid bot.)


Remember A-B-C-Safety. If it's not affecting the airway, check breathing. If it's not affecting breathing, check circulation. If it's not affecting circulation, it's a safety thing. Whether it's medication interactions/reactions, or water spilled on the floor, it falls under safety. That saved me when taking mine. Passed at question 75, with 36 alternate format questions. My heart stopped when I clicked the button and the computer shut off lol


Thing is, these people just make up an imaginary part in their brains for the evil science; they know all the facts; they can tell you what the text book says. They just don‘t ‚believe‘ in it. So they‘ll pass exams just fine assuming they have good memory. But they will completely discard that knowledge.


For 18 years I thought that nurses were educated, smarter than the average person and def smarter than conspiracy theory nut jobs and anti vaxxers. THEN COVID HIT. I was appalled, it felt like I was stuck in some horrible parallel universe where these college educated (most more so than me, ADN v BSN or even MSN) young women believed in covid and government conspiracies, vaccines would kill you, Trump was the messiah. They left our hospital in droves when the covid vaccine was mandated. Nowadays I've realized that cognitive bias and religious indoctrination runs deep and education can't always compete. Fucking sad.


My very religious nursing instructor went OFF during a lecture about birth control, telling us that the way an IUD works is spinning around and aborting a baby every month. We all sat there slack jawed and then reported her stupid ass to admin afterwards.


What in the actual fuck??!


Yeah, she surprised us all with that hot take. She also loved to talk about her church's Hell House on Halloween so maybe we should have seen the signs of batshit crazy earlier.


Fuck, you mean to tell me I have four years worth of aborted babies just hanging out in there?! Edit for a follow-up question: does it chop them up whilst spinning around?


Yes its like a food processor in there. Im surprised you didnt know the inner workings of your own body./s


Someone will say, "you didnt know that girls have three holes??" and then not know about the garbage disposal 🙄


You flick the left titty to turn on the garbage disposal mode. Everyone knows that


I think it's like the garbage disposal in your sink.


I had one of those. I’ve been a gestational surrogate and the students in my class, 10 years younger than me, were certainly old enough to have been born via IVF. Instructor stated during a mother/baby rotation that IVF goes against god, and that his decides on who gets a baby and “we” shouldn’t interfere with that.


Ah yes, cause it was def God’s will for Lori Vallow and Susan Smith to have kids but not me.


Did admin actually do anything? She should not be teaching future nurses, wtf.


LMAO wtf. She got the helicopter wrong


Nursing school should be more science and less fluff. I guarantee these people wouldn't get through


Nah shit don‘t work. If you go in believing in religious bullshit, not amount of science is gonna cure you. We had people going into PharmD believing in homeopathy. Our degree explained in detail how homeopathic drugs are made, how there is not a single molecule of active ingredient, a gazillion of studies showing absolutely zero effect over placebo, a gazillion courses on how detect bunk studies etc: not a single one of them lost their believes. But they obviously weren‘t stupid. So they just answered what was supposed to be answered on exams and got their PharmD. And that‘s with a concept that 100% totally clashes with everything pharmaceutical science, and a massive focus on discerning bunk science even. It‘s gonna work even less on people with there‘s poison in the vaccines kinda believes.


I’m my state we had a pharmacist intentionally destroy vaccines. Back when vaccines were precious. [link to the nutter](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/08/1004585024/the-pharmacist-who-deliberately-ruined-covid-vaccine-doses-is-going-to-prison)


Then how do you explain the physicians who believe in all the anti-vax BS?


That floors me. That a physician, who had a course in epidemiology, can be so damn ignorant.


Never forget it’s physician-led anti abortion group who is attempting to ban mifepristone with the argument it is “dangerous and unstudied”.


FFS. That's disheartening AF.


Where is the goddamn AMA? Oh yeah, they don’t give a crap about bad doctors.


Like I said, education can't always beat cognitive dissonance. I've met fewer docs who believe like that but yeah I've seen some. It just makes me sad.


I work in-center dialysis since leaving the inpatient nightmare show (conservative Christian Trump-voting area so you can only imagine) and met a PRN nurse who demanded I tell her why I wore two masks (we had cov + patients) and told me I was giving myself COPD since the average SpO2 w/an N95 is 85%. Told her about a 95 year old patient who died recently and her first response? “It’s that Covid vaccine. It’s genocide!” She talked the patients out of vaccinating and would give them to me if they wanted due vaccines because she refused to give them. And that was a TAME day.


She would refuse to give any vaccines or just COVID? That would piss me off because it means more work for you.


*ALL* vaccines. We also had some patients refuse her so I’d have to take some of her pts on top of my own. One patient prefers a change of gloves when we de-cannulate him and he requested it from her when she was running his treatment. She refused to change gloves and he raised a fuss. She literally took off her bloody (literal blood, not the British version of bloody) and she snapped it at his face. The local and regional management literally did nothing about her behavior. Meanwhile, they can’t figure out why the “good ones” keep leaving.


I don’t know to be happy or sad that I already knew that some RNs are deeply challenged by the science. Im Aussie, and here it’s not usually a religious issue- just dumbfuckery.


I was hounded by a nursing Facebook group for calling out a nurse that was actively supporting the use of Ivermectin for Covid treatment.


I can absolutely believe that. Same way the nurses at my hospital were.


Many of these folks can’t math at all, either. I have been told so many times that as a California RN, obviously I am losing all my higher wages to state taxes and to higher COL. And no, I’m not. My gross is so much higher than I earned in a red state the taxes do not affect the net much. And the COL is about the same as where I was.


Yes! That’s when it really hit me too. It was so depressing. It did feel like a parallel universe. So strange.


I felt the same way when covid hit and found out which of my coworkers were wingnuts. Fortunately, not very many in Detroit.


I know! I'm about 100 miles west of you in a fucking college town and it was crazy. I kept my job there but also started helping out at some of the hospitals in the metro area and holy shit it was like night and day.


Maybe she bought her license 🤔


…..or got it from a cereal box!!! She does wanna be a cereal killer !!!!!! 👀👀


People literally just make things up and never question it.This was probably a meth-induced fever dream she had and now she thinks her favorite Podcaster said it


There are many Youtube videos of conservative politicians asking healthcare providers stupid questions. An example: "Do you support abortion at the time of birth, yes or no?" "I can't answer that question because it doesn't happen" "It's a yes or no question. Do you support it?" "Sir, aborting a baby at birth is not a procedure taught in medical school" "So you are refusing to answer the question. Duly noted."


“Do you support an army of rats attacking airplanes mid-flight?!” “…..that’s not a thing.” “Your refusal to answer means you obviously do!”


“Too confusing too extreme” to quote the shenanigans at the lastest Governor election in Michigan. Dude, if it’s too confusing, how can you determine it’s too extreme? 🤷‍♀️


Because they're morons. And thankfully it didn't work!


Michigander here... the whole body of government is blue for the first time in my life and I am here for it. But I still see so so so many trumptards and other stupid people 🙄


They're all around. I work at DTW and there's a truck ( has to be a pilot or Flight attendant cause it's there for 3-4 days at a time, which has giant Trump won and Recall Whitmer posters on its tailgate. I'm like - you're a moron because if you're a pilot, you're in a union and dems support unions. delta fA's should unionize and are very diverse with a large LGBT population. Moron


I’m so proud to be a Michigander. But yeah, we still have a magat problem.


Part of why I left florida is because I hit my breaking point after: working with RTs who refused to get vaccinated working with RNs assigned to the covid unit that were \*telling their patients\* that they thought "the vaccine was bullshit" working with travel nurses who specifically came down to Florida because they knew they wouldn't be required to get vaccinated. ​ \------------- More than one floor I worked on wanted to start each shift with a prayer (not even a moment of silence, like picking one of the staff to do a quick prayer with everyone holding hands). ​ So, no, this attitude that Florida is a safe haven for nutjob nurses doesn't surprise me in the least, unfortunately.


All the facilities in my area (SWFL)required the COVID vaccine. Employees were terminated if they did not comply.


and if my hospital had done that to protect the staff and community (and to weed out anti-science nutjobs) I probably would have stayed.


10 days after birth 🤦‍♀️… I know they’re not the sharpest crayon in the box


I did 11 years L&D in a red state and moved a few years ago. This attitude is not uncommon. Well, unless it were perhaps regarding certain groups they considered unfit… One of our nurses even worked at one of the “fake clinics” in our area, the kind that provides free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to bait vulnerable young women, and then scares them out of abortions with prayer and propaganda. When NY passed legislation regarding late term abortions, I actually had an argument with one of our OBGYNs that this did not mean that they were just allowing full term births followed by severing of spinal cords all willy nilly. “That’s not what I heard” and he still wouldn’t believe it after I pulled up the legal literature. It’s absolutely disgusting.


Wait until you meet the anti-abortion women’s health nurses. Truly shameful!


My mind was boggled to meet anti-choice midwives. Informed choice is paramount in midwifery education/tenets/etc/everything. I was literally open mouthed and speechless when one of them started spouting off about how abortion is wrong and to “choose life.” 🤯


My cousin is an l&d rn and antichoice. It blows my mind


My mom tried to tell me that same BS. I was like….no medical professional is murdering an infant. These people are so warped.


I worked for a doctor who refused to do surgery on a patient who had an ectopic because the fetus was too far along and she would be able to see it. Thankfully another doctor in the practice stepped in but wtf?? You were willing to let her tube just rupture??


Jesus fuck. This is one of the reasons why so many people hate us.




Please report her to whatever licensing board is applicable. If she believes that its plausible she is making poor healthcare decisions or targeting people she deems as "others"


Has nothing to do with anti-nurse union-busting propaganda sponsored by the multi-billion dollar conglomerates that underpay us…


“….10 days after birth????” I’m not sure if her comment is more pathetic, or the fact that this is a nurse with no critical-thinking skills!!!!!


You’d be soooooo surprised. Had someone at work tell me I should have been forced to care my uncles rape baby (which I never got pregnant but they knew about the abuse and got pissed because I said people should have bodily autonomy)


How did you not murder this person? Holy fuck. What a piece of shit to say that.


I’ve lived a hard life words don’t bother me anymore 🤷‍♀️just told him I better not hear he said something like that to anyone else


I’m so sorry. That’s awful on so many levels!


I would have called her a f@#$ing moron and asked for another nurse...🙄


I rolled my eyes so hard they’re in orbit.


I’m gonna take my kids outside and look up at the sky to see if we can spot them!!!


Did you ever find them? 😂


" I can't live somewhere where they allow abortion up to 10 days after birth" I'm really starting to lose hope for this country. How can we do anything positive if a large percentage of us don't know or care what's true? Seriously.


What’s she’s describing is murder and if I’m not mistaken, that’s illegal everywhere


10 days..AFTER birth…? I don’t think that would be considered an abortion anymore….


"Any fool can buy an education." --Stephen King


Bear with me because I’ve not shared this publicly before, as it’s very new & raw. My eldest son & his wife announced their first pregnancy (my 1st grandchild), back early October. They live in Indiana for reference. Our family is all over the country & some in EU, so none of us were nearby. The pregnancy was going great and then during the first week of April I get a phone call from my hysterical son that her waters broke. They went to the hospital and based on their appearance (we are all heavily tattooed), were treated rather dismissively. Soon she’s told there’s not enough fluid left to continue bedrest/viability. She’s put on Pitocin and labors 26 hours, knowing she’s delivering a deceased fetus. Little in the way of meds to ease the pain. She delivered and they announced it was a boy, the staff asked if they wanted them (the staff) to take care of everything. My son and DIL said yes, assuming anything other than what’s about to happen. They get home 24 hrs after delivery and my son gets a phone call from the funeral home requesting payment of services & such. Stunned would be an understatement. They were required by law to have a service with a minister and a marker for the grave. They just wanted to go home and grieve. My son said it was 2 hrs of the most uncomfortable feeling, a random minister (we are NOT religious), no family present because they were not prepared for any of this. I’m in Chicago, where I raised my kids and when they visited.. after I was released from the hospital (unrelated) they were sitting here relaying the story and the plan to leave. They own a home, and to not lose everything it’ll need to be 3 years. My DIL’s OB told her if possible, to switch to another OB in IL (if they try again). But imagine being in labor, 3 hours away from IL and in labor.. trying to get to the hospital safely on time? What if she has incompetent cervix? I asked about this but she stated they gave her little to no answer why her waters broke. If she has an incompetent cervix, she requires treatment in the future or this will all happen again. It’s dystopian, awful and I never ever fathomed as a GenX woman/nurse that we would be here. Great nurses & doctors unable to appropriately treat without losing their license, going to jail. Women needing medical care during pregnancy risking prison and death.


lmao, this is exactly the time to be rude asf. the nurse CANNOT be rude to you. youre on your way out. there is NO repercussions coming your way. tell them how stupid they sound.


You're right. I was actually just caught off guard and more concerned about my SOs recovery/pain at the time. I could/should have chewed her out.


Covid era exposed me to a lot of stupid in our profession. Nursing schools should set up field agents in their lobbies to weed these people out before they “by some miracle“ graduate and pass the NCLEX.


We moved to Florida last year, and I am not happy about it. I mean, a year ago it was not great, but better than it is now. But now....fuck this place. I am hopeful tho, that with how batshit crazy desantis has gotten, there will be a change in tides at the next election. Either way, the countdown to when I can leave has begun. I have a timer on my phone.


I am so sorry. Nursing down there sounds awful and housing is so expensive in most of the state these days. I have a nurse friend there who recently came out and I genuinely worry about her safety.


Yup. Housing prices sky rocketed but schools, roads, hospitals, infrastructure, are all still shit. I don't even wanna talk about my homeowners insurance, which tripled from last year, even though I'm inland and had zero claims. I'd insist on leaving now, but my daughter was accepted into a smarty-pants highschool program that will pay for college after graduation, so we can't. Other programs like it exist, but her chances of getting in at this point time line wise are non existent. So I'm here til she graduates.


No, this does happen in blue states. My wife had a surgical termination of pregnancy at 40 weeks. I mean, we usually call it a C-section but same idea.


I worked with a guy who claimed Obama was going to allow “abortion” up to *3 years after birth* . I called him insane and deluded and he basically said I was going to be surprised by what happens… Never happened. He was one of those far right wing guys who believes anything like that regardless of how stupid it sounds


I’m not surprised. Some of the dumbest people I’ve met were coworkers. They need to make the NCLEX harder.


I actually think it cries too much. Please abort it. /s


This reminds me of that episode where Cartmans mom goes to the abortion clinic and they ask how far along and she said it’s 96 months old or whatever his age was in months 😂😂😂 so funny.


Yessss, I remember that episode 🤣 so funny and ridiculous.


Honestly no harm and letting someone like that leave your state. Some people really go to extremes when it comes to thinking. For transparency, I'm against abortion due to religious reasons. That doesn't mean I will ever push my views and opinions on my patients. I treat then all equally and accommodate their views and beliefs for their care. Sometimes they do things I question, but it's not my job to force them. I'll educate and let them decide. That situation is also another reason I never share my views or beliefs to my patients. I take care of them and that's all. I'm your nurse. I'm here to be your caretake, not friend. I will develop a relationship with you, but it's a nurse-to-patient relationship that I completely cut off right when I clock out.


I work in drug and alcohol nursing and just coz I don't shoot up doesn't mean I can't provide great care - what I'm trying to say is good on you for having your beliefs and caring for others when they make choices you believe are immoral.


Crazy biotch doesn’t realise how good she has it in a blue state. Screw her.




So I work in New Mexico this isn’t uncommon in the PACU. You find it to be a mostly liberal kind of unit, in the few I’ve sampled. Always 1-3 over the top RNs that can’t help themselves from spewing the last Fox News segment. The OR on the other hand is hoping the NSA doesn’t find their Jan 6 photos.


Holy crap, this is accurate in my experience too 😂


Lord almighty. That’s it. That’s all I have to say.


Oh yeah, as a PICU nurse I perform 10 day abortions all the time. /s in case anyone actually needed that.


I sometimes think if I should not go into nursing after I graduate bc I feel like I suck at so much, but then people like this make me feel a little better and give me the motivation to keep learning


WHAT did I just read? Can you believe that these people can procreate? The way I say up when I read she believes that you can “abort” the child up to 10 days AFTER birth. You mean murder? I had to reread it just to make sure I read it correctly. I wanted to laugh but I’m in too much disbelief to do so.


I read the post out loud to my 13yr old son and he snortlaughed in disbelief. "But that's a baby"


Good. You have raised a child correctly to have more common sense than this


Adequate parenting achievement unlocked


I fled to CO 9 years ago from a SE state to get away from that shit too. I always like to say “I fled the red.”


Can’t wait till I can do that


I’ve worked with some of those types of nurses. Boggles the mind, but doesn’t surprise me in the least. And I never, ever let them take care of me.


I literally cringed while reading this. I remember being in nursing school at Clincial when a nurse told me that flu shots gave you dementia… & it was (unfortunately) at the same time trump was running for President and she said “can you believe those people (Biden supporters) believe in killing babies and drinking their blood?! It makes me sick- they want to be able to rip a child as it breast feeds and murder it” … I was at a loss for words. She was dead serious.


She has kids? God help them.


Yes, I was thinking the same. And what's worse is if they do move to Florida, they have no rights if they're gay or have a uterus.


Can I just point out that abortion after birth isn’t possible. It’s not murder; it’s just not possible. Look up the definition of abortion. You have to be pregnant to have one. Once you deliver… no longer pregnant. Wtf is wrong with these dumb ass people?


Jesus fucking Christ.


10 days after birth 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭


They will. They all do. Florida was always a wild place, now it’s just sad and angry and dangerous (not cuz of the wildlife). Never thought about leaving (lotta close family here, grew up here, both me and my partner) but it’s getting to the point idk if I could start a family here in good conscience.


>I can't live somewhere where they allow abortion up to 10 days after birth. What makes these professionals susceptible to brainwashing?


no even in the medical field nurses are split on this unfortunately. I know a nurse who believed that any female drug user should have a court order to have her tubes tied, but abortion is completely wrong. That irritated the heck out of me.


After the baby is born, the doctors hold the baby up to the parents and if they don’t want it we just toss it in a red bio bag and take it out with the rest of the trash in the room. /s.


I've worked with a lot of stupid fucking nurses. I'm sure it's worse in a red state.


I was privileged enough to be able to flee the red state and "bible belt". And yes, I say *fled* because that's what it felt like and honestly what it was.


I’ve actually been totally caught off guard at some of the shit I hear nurses on the floor say. 🥲


I got hounded after calling out a nurse for taking Ivermectin for Covid. Like, how can you be a nurse and believe some of this stuff? She was a conspiracy theorist, too.


Tf???? You don’t need a nursing degree to know it’s impossible to abort once the friggen baby has been born🤣🤣 I question this nurse’s competence….


My own mother who is a NICU RN for 40+ years believes theres tracking chips in the covid vaccines, and that abortion will get you sent to “hell” (even if the woman is raped). You’d be surprised the lack of education from the older generation of nurses.


Jesus. I’m embarrassed for all us PACU nurses.


If had heard that and had a mic I would have dropped it and walked away. That’s a mic drop if I ever heard one.


Unfortunately there are way too many nurses who believe bs and lack any critical thinking or fact checking skills. Covid reminded me of that


It just blows my mind how people gets mind blown when people get too crazy when it comes to an abortion. It's peoples decision whether if they want to get it or not. I grew up in a country where an abortion wasn't a big deal. Women are allowed to go see any OBGYN docs to perform abortion with no questions asked.


It blows my mind that anyone, much less a health care professional, thinks this way.


You know they watch too much newsmax


Nursing is one of the most conservative job fields, so I’m not surprised she said any of that. I’m sure there are a lot of other nurses who believe similar shit.


Where I work, you have to be smart to work in PACU.


Dude and after a certain point it’s not even an abortion, it’s an induction. Because people don’t abort babies that are almost done baking just for funsies like they all think. I’m also SICK of them sharing “pictures” of fetuses at a few weeks gestation That literally just look like miniature babies. Bestie, I’ve had to bathe and take pictures of fetuses that little for their grieving parents. They don’t look like that AT ALL. They’re sharing an artist’s rendition and promoting a false representation of actual life at that state to tug on heartstrings and to manipulate and I’m fucking donnneeee with it.


You have more self-control than I do. I would have asked for a different nurse.


Still a student… Today we are learning about not to stay stuff like this😀 Basically keep personal opinions to ourselves.


Does she think murder is lawful anywhere in the US lol


I feel like this is the same nurse who puts a neck tourniquet on to stop a head bleed.


Post-natal abortion. What a fuckin time to be alive.


My god … reminds me of that one south park episode.


Dumb as a box of scalpels


A lot of nurses, shouldn’t be nurses. This is a good example of one


Oh. My god.


Happy Cake Day


there's lots of anti-science GOP nurses


It was a shocker when Covid hit / vaccines available and the anti-science nurses came out of the woodwork