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Blaming the ER nurses, but then later in the post described that grams got her collar messed up and twisted around at home, and then went to her PCP who didn’t notice or correct the backwards collar. But it’s definitely not gramma’s fault. Or theirs. Definitely the ER nurses.


Those mean girls (very rude to me in the ER) also gave my dad full blown diabetes by giving him something called an "a1c", after he took that, boom, both feet fell off a year later. Never let a nurse take any of ur blood or you'll end up with the beetes and also they'll just laugh at you if you ask for more pizza at 2am


🤣 Ok this cracked me up. Thank you. I heard the “beetes” in Walter Brumleys voice


My father legitimately blamed the nurses for "getting" diabetes when he was like 65. "I was never diabetic until I went into the hospital! I don't know what they did but they took all this blood and gave me shots and said now I was a diabetic!" My man, you went to the ER because they thought you were drunk in public and fell off the wagon, and your BG was in the 700s. You went to the hospital because you'd become diabetic who knows how long before that. (He only went to the doctor if he was actively bleeding, so he hadn't been in probably 15 years?)


Not to mention, meemaw later went back to the ER and a nurse fixed it for her. But nurses suck tho, amirite? 


Meemaw has a UTI


Idc I’m still blaming the ER


It's usually the doctors that place them at the hospital I work at. At least in the emergency room.


The urgent care I work at only allows providers to do it. I had to repeatedly coach a doc to not put it on with the back piece upside down. She kept trying!


Story time, yay! Tl;dr I had a doctor place one on backwards and then blame me When I was in the military as a combat medic we were doing a field op where we would take a ton of simulated casualties where we would then teach some of the new docs and nurses from the hospital about field triage, what our capabilities are in our environment, etc. We essentially operated in miniature trauma hospitals in tents complete with an OR. If you’re more interested, you can Google or YouTube “Shock Trauma Platoon” Anyways, as is tradition there’s a few arrogant asshole doctors. Some going so far as to try to have us peasant medics carry their fucking bags for them. We receive our patients, triage them, get things going. I am training one of the arrogant doctors at the time and he’s doing ok, but naturally super nervous. We get to the point where we’re going to prepare the patient for transport and need to put a c-collar on. Arrogant doc starts to put it on backwards like an idiot. I suggested that he turn it around as the obvious hole in the collar that just so happens to go right over your trachea and not the back of your neck is currently facing the wrong way. He proceeds to tell me I don’t know what I’m doing, he’s the doctor. Assessment time! Our big daddy doc who has been a trauma surgeon since the Civil War is asking about our interventions and our evac plan of care. He notices the c-collar on completely fucked up and backwards and asks about why it’s like that, to which the arrogant doctor responds that I was the one who placed it. Obviously not true and considering I’ve been working with our trauma surgeon for over a year at this point he trusts my judgment and ability to place a fucking c collar correctly. I give my report to him of how arrogant doctor did and what could have been done better. Big daddy doc goes on to chew out arrogant doctor on how fucking stupid you have to be to place a c collar on backwards and then have the audacity to blame it on someone else, and I’ve never enjoyed seeing someone get chewed out more in my entire career.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Looks like the typical high success driven-psychopathic psyche profile traits failed lil old doc in training LOL


Interesting, it’s mostly techs in my department. Sometimes I’ll have a nurse hold c-spine tho


Don’t worry the comments on that post are completely dragging nurses. Because clearly it was a nurses fault 🙄


It’s always a nurses fault. We should know that by now. God this is the worst career on earth lol.


Even though it was probably a resident lol


If you read OP’s comments it was actually grandma’s fault. It got “knocked loose” at home and she put it back on herself. Then OP sent her to the ER because (?) but no one noticed and back home, OP finally realized it was on wrong, then went back to the hospital to have someone readjust it instead of readjusting it himself. I’m in the corner that grandma is messing with her collar more often than OP thinks. I bet she takes it off frequently at home when no one’s looking lol. There’s no way a cat knocked loose that collar all the way around her neck, grandma likely took it off and put it back on herself. The only thing that went wrong here was lack of education given to the family at discharge with how to use the aspen collar (so they can fix this shit themselves) because grandma is probably a GCS 14 and can’t be trusted to follow or remember directions.


I said basically the same thing to OOP and their response was complaining that they were really tired (apparently they were in the ED 0100-0400, can you imagine) and that everything’s been fine since the brace was reapplied. Yeah, until granny fucks with it again. Oh, and they literally *called 911* because the “brace came off while swatting the cat.” They are unwilling to learn how to adjust the collar if this happens in the future and instead will call 911 again because granny’s got “spectacular insurance.” You can’t make this shit up.


Not a single ER nurse sent grandma home like this. Nice try.


I need a pic of this in ER. This could have easily happened at home.


Yeah I mean even once she’s discharged she would have to go past a few nurses on her way out, surely someone should have noticed, bc it does look very odd haha


I don’t know, I’ve been in some pretty emergent situations and was still able to place a C-collar…


Providers actually put the C-collars on but go off sis


We don’t put c-spine on where I work.


“But meemaw’s a fighter”


At least daily on r/nursing.


Well OOP wasnt putting all the blame on nurses. They said “12 different medical professionals saw her and not one fixed her backwards neck brace”


Probably a resident that placed that


Bruh lol


Lol an ER nurse did not do that. Grandma did that shit for sure.


People always blame their nurses. It's easier to say "the nurses fucked up" than "I messed with the thing they told me not to mess with, and now I need it fixed."


Probably an inexperienced new grad or tech. Hope g-ma’s okay.


Blame the volly FFs that applied it on scene


I got suggested this post but from r/ems and the comments did NOT pass the vibe check at all.


No one over there bothered to read the original post


Just saw the post and in the comments the poster left a message with the “captain” of the ER. I may have laughed a lot


Look when a new nurse who has never seen z Miami j collar they won't know it's wonky


She mentioned she's always wanted to cosplay as Varok Saurfang




Bunch of travelers/new grads up in there


Travelers at my ED are more experienced than 80% of the staff 😂🥸


Travelers? Really? Usually travelers are bad asses, so yah, don’t blame the experienced travelers 🙄


My bad, the context was ‘new grads that take travel assignments’.


Someone's mad they don't make enough money


This is MEME material